Are you ready to fight and die for your country?


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Depends on the war

Right now no beacuse it's under EU and I'm not fighting for those assholes

Also the plan is to actually rise the numbers of national socialist not let the die for (((them)))

>fat, loudmouth, stupid and obnoxious """""people"""""
>Jewish control
>stupid brainwashed retards everywhere that do what their told and are just a bunch of pathetic slaves
>niggers spics and non whites everywhere and nobody cares
>get cut at birth
>get shot
>live in a culture less shithole
>so degenerate and sick that it makes Sweden look like a god fearing country
>have one of the most embarrassing worst stereotypes ever
>no sense of racial pride and identity
>all forms of nationalism and patriotism are civic or rooting for Jewish wars
>embarsement of countryman that are arrogant and retarded and say shit that the Jews taught them
>easily butt hurt countrymen that can't take a joke about their country or handle bants
>be hated and universally despised around the world
>israels bitch
>retarded religious zealots and christians everywhere
>shit education system
>get into debt for college
>everyone hates us
>laughing stock of the world
>elected bush twice
>elected a nigger twice
>helped destroy Germany twice
>killed millions of innocent people after WWII
>destroyed Sadams Iraq for Jewish overlords
>bought sold and paid for politicians and government
>water is poisoned with flouride
>quality is non existent, just quantity
>consumerist zombies everywhere
>everyone believes this shithole is the best country in the world
>shitty infrastructure
>3rd world tier rail service
>shitty expensive healthcare

Fuck no

>American flag in the background

My (((country)))? No.
My race? Without hesitation, yes.

I wish I met people like you IRL



Only in a defensive war.

Who and what is that?

Looks awesome.

lol no

So I could actually talk about this shit instead of writing about it here kek

Not even once.

If my country is invaded yes, otherwise no I will not attack the homes of other people


Yes I am. Voor 't Vaderland!

sure, why not? i dont really have much better to do

I don't even need to bother fighting for my "country".

I haven't enjoyed life enough yet

Yes. When can we destroy sweden?

Yup, in an instant. God Bless America.

If I fight for Britain, I'm fighting for
>A police state
>money and materialism
>Self serving politicians
>western media
>nothing to defend yourself
>muslim apologists
>short fat woman
>state education

Why would I fight for any on this, I'd fight for England and non urbanite English people, never for our state that hates the people and country

You're out of your mind if you think Imma lift a finger to save a bunch of libtards and these fucking roasties.

No. I will not be fighting for internationalism and refugees.

but if you fight off your enemy they win


Ahh, I interpreted what you said as some sort of "I will kick your ass for hating this 56% country" threat, thus I asked why. Same my man, same.

I like you.

At this point Canada needs to die and get rebooted,

you would fight and die so democratically elected Trudeau can stay in power?

Post with one of these please, reeee

>water poisoned with flouride
You ruined your post with this shit. I know most Americans don't give a shit about their teeth b/c anglo heritage but I'd prefer not having cavities.

Can love bloom on the battlefield?

not for argentina, but id be willing to die for italy or spain

Country died first


>Dying for Israel

No thanks.

the time will come soon brother and although i won't know who you are i hope i fight by your side.


>ITT: excuses

Yes, I will fight and die for MY COUNTRY.

Does that mean he isnt gay but always identified as gay?

toothless irishman. There's flouride in toothpaste. Or do you not brush?


The islamic state?
>t.Ahmed bin sven al Stockholmabad

Do you eat toothpaste?

I'm literally worthless subhuman scum in the eyes f the govt
but probably due to social interactions.
decent enough genetics though.
just clone me as drones senpai

Depends on whether "for my country" actually means "for my country" or not

For Israel? No. For America? Absolutely.

Uneducated burger Hexafluorosilicic acid used in water fluoridation is not the same as the fluoride in toothpaste. Besides you dont ingest toothpaste you mong. Neck yourself shill

eng and french too
must be a joint exercise

WW2 rememberance. We sent them a shit load of weapons and Spam.

it's about wwi dumbass

Russian puppet!
Obstruction of Justice!
This is proofs!

Pretty much this.
Sweden, no
White people, yes

I see an American flag. BURN IT WITH FIRE. We dont want americans. You americans are the cancer of this world please die off soon.

Fuck yeah I would. Anyone who wouldn't is a pussy.

Imagine the draft scenario, government officials come to your door asking you to join the war effort, your country needs you, and in front of your children and wife you said "No i dont wanna bc the jews :((((("

But of course half the people on here will never breed or know anything about honor. Just scurry off and hide somewhere, go pick berries with the women talking about jews and Israel. While the real men do the hunting and the killing.


Czech this shit out white boy:

says the kid willing to die for israel


Fuck my third world regressive country, I'll only fight for National Socialists and white ethnocentrists


The frankish dogs have become weak, our coming will save them. We will break the weak with violence and allow the strong to arise


For my country yes
For the government no

country? nah.

State? Sure. I could die for a state, or a hometown really.

This goyim is on so many layers of redpill someone stop him

a simple 'no' would suffice :^)


>I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country.
- General Patton

Too vague.

I like the defense and non-aggression concept.

The US is a dumpster fire so no.

nope, sorry, I don't fight for big city bourgeoise and the critical Left

I'm sure Pootin will give you a high five when you meet each other in Heaven

>Are you ready to fight and die for the merchant?

>go outside in the streets of NY
>illegal beaners, sandniggers, chinks, chimps everywhere
>the few whites are all in interracial relationships unless they're euro migrants
>young chubby white girls dating older nasty shitskins
>depressed looking single mothers everywhere
>see some inbred kike family happily strolling along

I'm ready to fight and kill this nation.

No I shall not use another gun or blade on my own species


Blind loyalty to a state is shit tier ideology

Reminder that being a traitor is merely a matter of perspective and only losers are ever traitors.

I would never die for a country that discourages social darwinism based on technological achievement and is ran by (((them)))

For my government? No. For my country? Allow me to ponder it.

a shame that the whites lost.

I'll fight but I won't die, I'll be killing the fuckers for their country.


I'm not going back to the sandbox to fuck with Hajis anymore, unless we're there to do some cleansing with the UN off our ass

lol here's your (you), you evil lying piece of garbage, you


In a civil war yes