Shooter had hit list! Shooting not random act but premeditated political assasination.
Shooter had hit list!
FBI said he had a hit list. Yet James talked to one of the people on the hit list in the parking lot.
You have the list?
From what I'm gathering the people on his list were from the freedom caucus. =Maybe they weren't his target.
Regardless the man is a hardcore killer and a lefty.
Remember to archive
>premeditated political assasination.
no shit
Looks like a cross between John Goodman and Robert De Niro
the fact he had to ask before opening fire who were Republicans and who were democrats makes it seem highly unlikely it was premeditated by him.
if he had a hit list, he would surely know who he was looking for.
Or he didn't recognize them. Duh.
Why do psychos always wear aviator glasses?
Wonder which CIA shell company he really worked for.
Didn't he move to Virginia just a few months before?
why would you keep a list really...
because you goes on a killing spree and can't remember name ?
that list sound like the passport what a joke
did he read on his list before asking where his target was ?
He also had two foster daughters who died
One of suicide and and one of overdose
he had a list? lol what a fucking LARPer i bet he had a natural selection shirt too
living in his van
>down by the river
Jason approves, it's Capitalism's fault
Most likely he wanted to make sure it wasn't mixed since he was going to start firing indiscriminately.
Or he was just trying to make small talk in case someone asked why he was there. Even if it was a perfectly normal public place, he'd feel out of place and need to justify himself.
The list also includes the guy in the parking lot. Which is important. Because otherwise that guy would seem like Don Altobello sneaking out just before the helicopter attack. But now we know for sure he wasn't in on it.
Because there's a list. And he's on the list. He totally almost died too.
with security I bet a normal person wouldn't even be allowed to get that close to politician baseball practice.
those capital police they keep talking up as huge heroes are suspicious. I bet they knew James Hodgkinson was coming.
>had a list
was he holding it in his other hand and checking it every shot?
lel he had a list? Is that it? what a pleb.
What I don't get is why all these guys are so bad at this.
Walk up and ask the question shake his hand and be friendly then come back 10 minutes later and throw a molotov in the dugout.
you should ask yourself if the politicians recounting their experience are even telling the truth. My screenshot has 3 different versions of the same encounter.
Wonder if it's in his handwriting
It's all A/B testing
Kathy Griffin pushed the envelope with assassination porn directly targeted at Trump. Hodkinson was a pawn testing the water with an actual targeted political assassination attempt.
It's all a test how the public will react.
You need to show that he didn't work on his own or was recruited. I'm open to the idea, but provide some evidence.
Nothing about this on DailyKos or Buzzfeed. Right-wing conspiracy theory probably straight form infowars or fox news.
Doesn't matter the left got away with it and now there are media personalities and dem operatives calling for the killing of more republicans.
For now
Nigga post links.
Go fuck yourself faggot
I just want people to calm the fuck down on both sides before we see this shit start happening.