What can we do about "kekistan" retards?
What can we do about "kekistan" retards?
They've already won.
Keep encouraging them, they are a good example of the average Trump supporter
It shouldn't have been more than a silly Sup Forums meme during the election.
Make it stop.
Turn them into expendable cannon fodder for the upcoming civil war.
This guy's gonna feel really silly very soon.
Damn i miss the era of Ron Paul memes
cuckistan=Sup Forums
The only issue I have with them is that they might be weak enough to fall for jewish tricks.
Improve yourself so no one can compare you to them.
Better yet, they'll see you and realize how bad off they are with their current lifestyle.
For those interested in such framework, here is a discord link for Sup Forums's self-improvement general:
>Book of the week:
48 Laws of power, Laws 1 though 24, discussion on Sunday
>Film of the week
Parts 3 and 4 of The Century of the Self, discussion on Saturday
Read #rules to get started
Do our utmost to associate Kek with Nazism, and popularize videos showing Kekistan fags getting BTFO like in that Oathkeeper video.
skin them to check if they're really like that underneath
this site is literally dominated by children. actual 12-17 year olds who discuss memes at their school lunchtable
Fuck off redditor
Enjoy your ban then Timmy.
I second this
It's beautiful watching Sup Forums try to extricate themselves from these retards. And the alt-right. And r/t_d.
Push them to right win forums till they wind up in here.
It takes a week of consistent lurking to get redpilled.
we are undefeatable
How do we solve the numale beta problem?
at least we know that if burgerland goes to civil war the kek side is full of manchilds
EZ win for antifa
>Non white
>Dirty as fuck
>With a Mike Tyson sticker on it
>From the looks of his surroundings, chairs, table, possibly 5'2
Yup checks out.
Kekistan is the logical end point of identity politics and so should be encouraged.
why are you so mad at kekistanis? they're on our side.
Can we come up with something like A FUCKING LEAF for Kekistan faggots?
Well... She needs some good dick.
I volunteer
We need to launch a coordinated effort to spam/tweet out the CORRECTED flag.
>pic related
Lefty media is thirsty for ebil white supremacy, and they end up running with it both of the potential outcomes are good:
>Thought "Kekistan" was innocent trolling? Think again - Buzzfeed/Vox/every other fake news site
1) Kekistanis get called out by the media/Left IRL
for being actual KKK-Nazis, they capitulate
>they are publicly revealed to be pathetic cucks who don't actually stand for "free speech" and shamed into stopping this.
2) Kekistanis get called out by the media/Left IRL
for being actual KKK-Nazis, they hold their ground
>masses of normies IRL defending the use of the swastika, actually manage to shift the Overton window
In either situation:
-ANTIFAs will get arrested/beat down
-Kekistanis will be forced to show their true colors
-""Based Black"" kekistanis will chimp out and redpil the whites that are still falling for the meme
We literally cannot lose.
A fucking kek!
Ignore them, /leftypol/.
Or get a waifu
I can't help it but remember the word "brony" created by Sup Forumstards, to later be hated by the rest of every Sup Forums poster who followed the kids show.
History does repeat itself, doesn't it?
The push to end identity politics is a Jewish trick. Every race plays it except whites and its about time we wake the fuck up about it. It's what everyone did for thousands of years and is the normal thing to do.
>Getting meme tattoos.
Gay and dumb as shit. Then again, I have a Berserk tattoo so I don't know if I have a sturdy leg to stand on.
fuck off youuss fuckigng normies !!!!!!11111!1!!11!1
No, you need to kill yourself. ASAP.
That's our version of useful idiots.
Why would you do that? Where are these people coming from?
Improve yourself so no one can compare you to them.
Better yet, they'll see you and realize how bad off they are with their current lifestyle.
For those interested in such framework, here is a discord link for Sup Forums's self-improvement general:
>Book of the week:
48 Laws of power, Laws 1 though 24, discussion on Sunday
>Film of the week
Parts 3 and 4 of The Century of the Self, discussion on Saturday
Read #rules to get started
Pic related is literally current Sup Forums explained
What's there to be done? Those useful idiots are literally doing our work for us.
They literally fly a nazi base flag for fucksake
Reinstitute bullying.
This level of faggotry would not exist is they were bullied young and often.
Bullying result: men would man up, faggots would kill themselves.
The sad reality is, this shit here is here to say and it will only intensify (ie increase in levels of retardation) as time goes on.
Unless something is done about it, we are in a world of shit.
>average Sup Forums poster in a nutshell
>Unless something is done about it, we are in a world of shit.
You gotta be shitting me...
You remember that kid in grade/middle school that would take a joke and "kill" it? Then the joke became how he took the joke, murdered it, dug it back up and killed it again. That's what Kekistanis remind me of, people who don't know when to stop.
Gather them all on a tiny island they can call their own.
A fucking frog keep triggering you?
Descartes was a hack and people who use quips or quotes as an argument are retarded - user
Let them keep identifying themselves so I can know to avoid them better.
is shaliday a normie song now?
It's more like the joke became a sick reality that mocked the joke. Sup Forums is on high damage control having their memes coopted. You wield meme magic and then are surprised and disgusted when Kek delivers? Sad.
What Sup Forums should really be doing is planning the next psyop! KEEP PUSHING THE OVERTON WINDOW, DON'T PUNCH RIGHT, NEVER PUNCH RIGHT. Seriously, fuck off with this divide and conquer shit, you fucking jew.
Literal underageb& here, and not even by anything like a year, I hate these faggots as much as the rest of you
They destroy actual discussion (which is already rare), call everyone else shills, spread misinformation, make us look bad (especially when we already have a bad reputation), and break rules 1&2 so much that Sup Forums is a household name now
The best way into Sup Forums is lurking/posting (learning goes faster when you lurk but also have people to call you a faggot when you get something wrong) on boards like Sup Forums and gradually moving in to other boards
These Kekistan faggots are so terrible it hurts to look at their posts, and that's coming from a fucking kid who hasn't finished puberty
At least I have enough brains to tell a shitpost from the shills that make up less of this board than girls
We need to false flag "shills" taking over the board and everyone migrating to some other site that will keep ledditors away or something, they're a problem
Maybe we should ignore them, by which I mean not even acknowledging their existence
Filter Kekistan, Kekistani, shills/shill, ShariaBlue, and all that shit they always talk about, not to mention the Kekistan flag
so fucking gay why do they do this and how the fuck are there this many of them??
I think it's trying to communicate?
You can suck their kek filled dicks and worship them as your superiors...
Stop posting.
Meme magic is real. Let the normies fight the battle for us while we enjoy the chicken tendies.
>not speaking autism
the whole thing is set up just like antifa. antifa needs people to attack so they made up this bullshit.
Have you not noticed all the news stories that straight up mention Sup Forums, kek, pepe, etc.?
>needing to make up people to attack
If you're to the right of fucking Stalin you're a fascist to those nutjobs.
your standards are lower than low
This guy is 500,000 times cooler than you bro, just deal with it, your memes caught on and now normies are using them. Make some new memes if you want to stay hipster and let it go.
ther was an attempt
I hope this is bait. Otherwise get off this board. It's past your bed time
Zozzle's time to shine
this unfortunately
>falling for bait this hard
Libertarians raided the meme and brought it down to their cancer level. Back in my Kikebook days, many "Kekistanis" turned out to be blue pilled on things like the jew menace, and many only supported it because "muh freedom of speech." Most are just retarded libertarians or cuckservatives.
Associate it with nazism, and it will die among the cancerous hoards.
Eh, let them have their fun. They get normies giggling and thinking. Let the brainworm spread.
Nice try.
nice b8 faggot
Kekistan is legitimately more embarrassing and unfunny than Project Chanology and Anonymous of the late 00's. I didn't think that would be possible.
two options
we wait for the movement to fall apart, which it will.
Radicalise kekistan into natsoc
kekistan=Sup Forums
Is this Loss?
Loss of what you idiot?
damn. This is actually worse than a swastika. well done?
jesus fucking christ
i know you're here somewhere OP pic related
show yourself
>Associate it with nazism, and it will die among the cancerous hoards.
The Kekistani flag is already a Nazi base flag. Just face it your memes have been coopted. Quite frankly, I don't see why you wouldn't see your memes being mainstreamed as a fucking win. Unless you're a nihilistic shitposter who only cares about being a contrarian hipster and having your sekret klub.
Gas yourself, the overton window is being shifted and that's a good thing you fuck.
Sup Forums was the progenitor of this cringey bullshit and now you're trying to backpeddle. You deserve all they memey-spounting T_D retards who come here.
We can use their motivation and dedication to put them on the front lines of the inevitable ideological war. Retarded cannon fodder is the best cannon fodder.
So, why don't we worship Kek anymore? Is it because he failed to deliver a Le Pen victory, or is it just a cringe factor because of these faggy Kekistan redditors.
Shill your stupid comick elsewhere
you do worship kek.
Stop pretending that you aren't kekistanis
these events coincide
Memes evolve and live and die at the speed of light senpai
It's over
Trump won