The news says thousands kill themselves with opiates every year, I thought it was the best country on earth bud.
Why do so many Canadians Commit suicide?
Because they are Canadians.
i'm not your bud, guy
I am your bud friend guy, don't do it life is too precious.
>I thought it was the best country on earth bud.
no lol
dumb metropolitian city niggers cant handle the bleak city life
rural niggers fall in with the opiate/fent chugs beacuse no work
truly a marvelous system. at this point i carry a naxalone kit on me just in case
I dunno. Why do so many Americans commit suicide?
is it legal yet dudes?
>finally get great job that everyone says I should be happy about
>spend the time to look into how much of my income goes to taxes
>literally end up making like $12 an hour if you include obscure things like petrol and cig taxes
>decide to exchange that rate in burger bucks
>make like 8 dollars an hour
>tfw that doesn't include all the little things my bank charges me, the coffee I end up drinking due to shift work, or all the other bullshit fees
$30 an hour disappears pretty quick when half of it goes toward feeding single mothers and housing refugees... Know I understand why everyone just abuses the pogey here. It's the only way to get your money back.
>i carry a naxalone kit
Because this country is a fucking shithole and it's getting worse every year. No culture, ugly women, shit economy, rampant SJW-ism, most major cities are muzzie, chink and poo colonies. I could go on and on. Canada is literally a nothing country. It's only relevance is it's geographical proximity to the US. Otherwise, nobody would care about this cultural wasteland. My parents came here in the 90's from Eastern Europe, because they fell for the "West is best" meme. Now I honestly can't wait to leave and move to the US. Canada is done for.
the heroin market is flooded with government poisoned heroin. the cia admitted to leeting cocain and other shit into america and that it had sold the stuff to higher level dealers in america
but here is the thing it was also found out that the american government and the canadian government cut the drugs with some shit thats toxic.
with heroin it basically kills the person because your getting 100% of it instead of just some that you snort that makes it into your blood stream
We have a thing around here called yo-yoing where you basically OD on purpose and have your buddies give you the shot and bring you back
only canadians tell this to themselves to make them feel better. its like a fairy tale story in some sense...
not as many as belize
>live in canada 4ev3r
>die in opiate bliss
tough choice when you think about it.
wtf are you going on about? We have federal tax rates on par or lower than the US. At 30 bucks an hour you should be at like 20% tax.
This. Cucknada is basically hell on earth in reality. There are, however, known paid government shills operating on Sup Forums.
Facts are fake news
I have been to canada it is a rip-off. it's like everything is movie theatre prices.
regardless of them being degenrate faggots im not going to walk by some kid literally dying. homless junkies not included though
>There are, however, known paid government shills operating on Sup Forums.
this crazy russian guy posted a bunch of their doxx a few months ago. fatchicks working in ontario are paid to shill for canada here according to the leak. 'perception management' or something it is called
20% income tax, 15% sales tax, petrol tax around 35% of its cost, cig tax doubles its cost. Add to this the fact that companies pass the cost of their tax onto the consumer, and the fact that the gubmint hides taxes on other items (not just cigs and gas), and you'll understand why you ain't getting paid shit all.
its a higher cost of living yes, but not a higher tax rate like the previous poster would make it seem.
We don't have an NHS with ridiculous wait times and doctors trained in India to kill off all of our sick people; we expect them to take care of that themselves.
Self determination and all that.
it's a shithole. it's paying extra to live in a shithole surrounded by a sea of brown. every time i go there it gets browner. get it together
>I thought it was the best country on earth bud.
If you are your own enemy, then you win when you kill yourself.
That exactly what they want you to think, brah. It's why they split the tax into income and sales tax. So idiots like you would think they had it good when in reality you're getting shafted.
20% income tax is pretty low in the western world. Remember that sweden pays like 60% personal income tax on average. Canada is not the socialist hellhole that you think it is.
15% sales tax, where the fuck do you live? Move to Alberta or something were the sales tax is like 5%.
If you smoke cigarettes you are human garbage and should ironically kill yourself.
Canada is not a sea of brown. Its whiter than the USA. Try visiting somewhere other than Toronto.
your goods are overpriced because they can charge you whatever and you have no alternative.
your have a carbon tax, 'hydro' costs you four time market rate ona a good day. you're getting anal fucked without lube bud
wtf is going on in hungary ?
Sales tax is not a convention unique to Canada. Also there are some provinces that have a pretty low sales tax.
The federal rate is 5%. Alberta has no PST so the sales tax is only 5%. Sask is 5% PST so 10% total. Those are the only two I know off the top of my head.
>Try visiting somewhere other than Toronto.
muh 'not real canada' argument.
Only rural and suburban right wing retards kill themselves. High IQ city people live happy and prosperous lives.
>not living in a socialist hellhole
>literally living in a town about to start trial runs of universal income
If it isn't one then its going to be very soon... And they'll be coming for your wallet when it gets here.
you are focusing solely on Ontario when you are making these figures up. Yes, Ontario is fucked I will give you that. They made their own beds and they now lie in it. The rest of the country isn't nearly as bad as Ontario.
>real canada is a place you can never go
>real canada is just out of reach
>real canada is out there somewhere next to the goalposts
>15% sales tax, where the fuck do you live?
Nova Scotia
it's been 15% since the introduction of the HST, except for one year where it was 13% and then the provincial government decided that budgets were for fags and raised it again
Vitamin D deficiency makes you emo. Canada is less sunny than even Bongistan.
Fixating on a single city is not an accurate representation of an entire country. You can just as easily do the same with the USA.
are you high?
not even sure if you consider those facts or if youre just baiting for you's
are you from a rural area ? cuz it sounds like it
It's a trial run to see if it should be implemented elsewhere... Trial run, yeah? Yes, I do live in one of the worst towns in this country, but it is what the rest of us are headed towards.
>are you from a rural area ? cuz it sounds like it
I wouldn't be caught dead in a rural area.
>real canada is only in the greater Toronto area, everything else doesn't exist
oh its you. of course its you
why dont you go to school and learn about correlation and causation. or maybe just read the whole title of your stupid article, rural retard
i never said toronto you hallucinating mong.
No we are not. Cuckdeau and the libs are going to lose the next federal election and the country is going to go back to being governed conservative.
disappointed it isn't more
>Otherwise, nobody would care about this cultural wasteland.
Leave the handful of toxic cities, stop watching the toxic Canadian media and realise that there is a difference between the foreign aliens living here and real Canadians. Then you will see that there is no cultural wasteland. The cultural wasteland is a lie constructed by the government, academia and the media. It's a lie called multiculturalism, and it's not fully realised yet.
Have you seen who we have running the country?
man i hear ads on the radio telling people to carry them in BC
>If you just poke out your eyes and shove sticks in your ears it's not so bad
>muh 'not real canada' argument.
Toronto isn't the real Canada. It's supposed to be, but it factually isn't, due the fact that it is full of foreign alien people. There are barely any Canadians in Toronto, so it really isn't Canadian at all. Neither is Brampton or Mississauga.
Canada is a place with authentic Canadians.
>Only rural and suburban right wing retards kill themselves. High IQ city people live happy and prosperous lives.
City people vote for policies that strip jobs from rural places. City people are backstabbing rats.
no location was given you delusional triggerred bitch
This, Toronto is a shithole, full of 3rd world immigrants, and Libfuck SJW's.
You know it's bad when you go to the chinese section and street signs are printed in english and chinese.
>>real canada is a place you can never go
>>real canada is just out of reach
>>real canada is out there somewhere next to the goalposts
Fuck, just go to pretty much any smll town outside of the GTA or Vancouver to see authentic Canada.
>tfw you realize it's not a leaf but blood splatter
>muh real canada argument
Far from equator and low sunlight.
>>If you just poke out your eyes and shove sticks in your ears it's not so bad
I'm not saying it isn't bad. The government, media and academics have permenantly perverted the character of the largest cities in the country. It is a travesty. But the character and cultural wastelands of those cities are toxic Potemkin villages build by the government. They don't represent Canada character at all because there is nothing Canadian about them in the first place. They Fake-nadian.
>no location was given you delusional triggerred bitch
Toronto and Vancouver are areas in Canadian territory without Canadian people. Nothing delusional about that. Only foreign, alien people with Canadian citizenship and neo-marxist, backstabbing, traitorous ethno-masochists with white guilt complexes.
Yeah, everyone knows based French Canada is the only Canada.
Canadians killing themselves is a great thing. Why question the first logical decision to come out of that shithole.
I only wish they'd escalate the Great Canadian Purge faster. Could use the land.
Everyone is so hungry
The Homeless get hooked on drugs, which the Chinese supply and lace with fentanyl and W-18
>Far from equator and low sunlight.
Fortunately, this is worse for the darker skinned .
>>muh real canada argument
Yeah, Toronto is not a Canadian city. It would have to be populated by Canadians. Not foreign alien peoples that the government wants to pretend are Canadian. Neo-marxist postmodernist fucks like you are trying to erase the idea of the Canadian peoples because you hate White people and Western Civilisation. I'm not going to let you do it.
There is a number of authentic Canadian nations. Upper Canada Anglos, Québecois, Maritimers, etc. They are uniquely Canadian and built the country. They are White. They are the Canadian peoples. Bring in chinks and poos and then trying to change the definition of Canadian is cultural genocide. Fuck you.
what's really bothering you though?
is it that you cannot afford a house in Toronto or Vancouver?
well why not? it does not matter when or how you die the result will be the same.
id kms if i was in canada desu
I used to work downtown Vancouver, where I was a security guard at the largest mall in the city. On my very first day everyone rushed outside for a medical emergency, where some drug addict had overdosed and was dying on the sidewalk.
After we saved his life by resuscitating him he got up and asked what was going on. We told him he overdosed and nearly died, and then an ambulance was on the way to take a look at him. He said "OK" and walked away
our country is 150 years old, and most of that time was spent being a remnant british colony. we don't have an identity you asshole, it's only what we create for ourselves now.
Pic related was from today.
Truly 1984.
I remember that thread. OP was yelling at me to make an argument, without presenting anything to argue about
That thread is a slide thread, a German thread was made with the exactly same thing
>what's really bothering you though?
I've worked there for years. It is disgusting to see what the government, academics and media is doing. They are all traitors to their people. Canada was a better country because of the British institutions and values that the country was founded on. It was built by Whites. Every foreign alien that comes here brings their inferior culture with them and makes Canada more like their shitty old country. I don't want to live in India. I want to live in a nice Canadian country with Canadian people, my people. Not foreign aliens.
>is it that you cannot afford a house in Toronto or Vancouver?
You couldn't pay me to live there.
In France they call the countryside "La France profonde", deep or real France, and Canada has the same thing. I used to live in the GTA, left decades ago and now reside in a part of Canada most Torontonians absolutely despise (NS) -- and I couldn't be happier.
>our country is 150 years old, and most of that time was spent being a remnant british colony. we don't have an identity you asshole, it's only what we create for ourselves now.
Everyone had an identity.
It's only now that there is no identity because everyone has drunk the post-modern kool-aid about Canada not having an identity. The effect is that White Canadians are told that what they are, Canadian, doesn't exist and then foreign aliens still have their alien identities.
Multiculturalism is just about stripping Canadians of their identity.
Because they live alone in a freezing wasteland.
Mostly Natives and rural trash, no one of value is an opiate addict
How is hungary so high?
So instead of building something worthwhile, you're going to import third world cultures?
How to succeed in Canada.
1. Don't be white.
2. Don't be male.
3. Don't be heterosexual.
4. Don't be Christian.
Inshallah we will be rid of these types, and soon.
Eat fish, carry some body fat, and get your sun in the summer. Also, be white. Gotta be careful, though. Leslie Neilson had rickets while growing up in the NWT.