Will I be permitted to defend myself?

Nigger here with an honest question. (Fwiw, I voted for Trump, since his position is to bring law and order and help to stabilize the black community by improving the economy.)

Any 1L year law student can tell you that one of the main philosophical tenets of the justice system is that the system must act in a way that engenders faith in the system. Violation of this tenet is breeds mistrust in the law and foments vigilante justice.

With that said,


Honest question, if a cop pulls me over, shouldn't I shoot him in self-defense? If you say no, I would ask you how you can guarantee me he won't mistake me for some random criminal and blow me away just to be safe, knowing it can't blow back on him?

Other urls found in this thread:


Let's archive it

Farm equipment doesn't have any rights.

cops only shoot if they feel threatened. don't reach for anything until he comes to the window then tell him your stuff is in the glove box

then it's no problem if the farm equipment mows its operator down?

>"my stuff is in the glove box"
>reach for the glove box
>get shot

The only time it is okay is if he refuses to carry out your request of fucking your wife's tight dark pussy. If he complies and fucks her hard with his Big Pale Cock then don't shoot him.

Yes, shoot the cop. Raise tensions even more. Leave it to a fucking nigger to vote for law and order and start shooting cops. Fuck you. Sage in all fields.

Answer the question then.
>If you say no, I would ask you how you can guarantee me he won't mistake me for some random criminal and blow me away just to be safe, knowing it can't blow back on him?

>Saging sage just because the thread wasn't PC enough for you
This is fucking Sup Forums. How about you just head back to plebbit you fucking newfaggot? Oh, and kill yourself on the way there if you don't mind.

Always be respectful on a stop, keep your hands on the wheel or visible at all times, no sudden movements, and place your wallet and insurance on the dash when pulled over so you won't have to reach for your wallet or in the glove box.

That's always worked for me. They seem to appreciate having an easy time of it.

You have to suck him off and call him Massah in order to show him that you are no threat. If you have a wife or virgin daughter then offer them to him for good vibes.

> If you say no, I would ask you how you can guarantee me he won't mistake me for some random criminal and blow me away just to be safe, knowing it can't blow back on him?

Use your gun to kill all the criminal negroes(basicly mass kill all of your "homies" and family) to lower the chances of people confusing you with something else.

>implying that cops shooting law abiding citizens doesn't raise tensions
Neck yourself, Cletus.

>admitting you're black on Sup Forums then getting mad at racist shitposting

come on dude. anyway, the answer to your question is simple. if the cop violates the NAP, shoot him. if he doesn't violate the NAP, don't.

>Having the same ID as me
Imagine that

>if a cop pulls me over, shouldn't I shoot him in self-defense?
Hahahaha, really? So you are saying black people should be allowed to shoot any police officers that pull them over? Gee, that should make black/police relations better.

>Hahahaha, really? So you are saying black people should be allowed to shoot any police officers that pull them over? Gee, that should make black/police relations better.
Well, the jury ruled that the police should be allowed to shoot any black person they pull over, so how good was that for race relations?

>nigger here...I voted for Trump


Really? Seems I'm supposed to just pray to God that I don't get shot in return, in the name of "relations".

The nigger in pic related was a Trump fan too, and he got shanked by an alt-right autist.

>stabilize the black community
It's Donald Trump, not Donald Copperfield.

>if a cop pulls me over, shouldn't I shoot him in self-defense?

they'll only shoot if you shoot first or intend to shoot

>how you can guarantee me he won't mistake me for some random criminal and blow me away just to be safe

Be polite.
that's it.

No they didn't, that is a vast understatement made for purely inflammatory reasons and you know it. You may not agree with the outcome, but that is simply not what happened today. Go ahead and shoot cops, see how well your histrionics work.

Waaaaah I have to follow.the law but I dun wanah. Fuck off back to Somalia you fucking ape

pretty good. a job well done.

>No they didn't, that is a vast understatement made for purely inflammatory reasons and you know it.
>Waaaaah I have to follow.the law but I dun wanah. Fuck off back to Somalia you fucking ape
He confused Castile, a law-abiding citizen, for a criminal, then shot him for no reason. This is a simple fact.

>that is simply not what happened today
Then what happened? In what way was Castile not abiding by the law when he was shot like a dog over and over?

>Go ahead and shoot cops
I won't, but don't be surprised when exactly that happens now that niggers realized it's open season on them.

>Be polite
You mean like Castile was?

If you think that's a good plan, you won't last too long. To be honest, you're a victim of the media. A harvard study was recently conducted (by a black professor) which concluded that blacks were no more likely than whites to be killed by police.

But the Jew media scours the land for stories of black people getting shot, and throws out all the rest. And they run the same shit over and over and over to deceptively shape opinion. And here you are.

I'm Hispanic, and I've always been law abiding, and I have gotten pulled over for being profiled several times, but I also don't get angry at the cops because I recognize that this happens because many people who look like me cannot control themselves and behave.

Now that said, I have considered your question many times in my life, and my conclusion is as follows:

There is no justice in this world, there is only might, and right now the government, including the local government with its police force, is the bearer of might - and YOU are not. So what you do is live your life in such a way to avoid situations that can cause you to wind up in these situations like Castile, and IF it happens anyways, then you FORGET ABOUT ALL THAT "I HAVE RIGHTS" BULLSHIT and recognize that you are in a survival situation with another HUMAN BEING POINTING A GUN AT YOU. Most humans are motivated by their emotions, INCLUDING MOST POLICE OFFICERS, so if you abide by and APPEASE HIS EMOTIONS/EGO, you should be able to survive the situation.

Also, if you are a nigger who is unable to just FUCKING CONTROL YOURSELF AND SUBMIT AND RELAX, then your destiny is probably to just wind up another dead nigger. So control yourself.

>Should I commit a crime so I don't get mistaken as someone who commited a crime?
No, if you get shot and killed because of something stupid like that then the cop that shot you is either getting fired, going to jail or has to live with the fact that he unjustly murdered somebody. Unlike Tyrone and Jamal from "da hood" Michael and John feel guilt in association with their bad actions

This. It's common fucking sense. Too bad niggers seem to lack that quality.


>if a cop pulls me over, shouldn't I shoot him in self-defense?
If the answer is yes, then any cop who pulls you over will have as much expectation of being shot as you do and as much justification to shoot first, and should shoot you as soon as he can.
So the answer you want is probably no.

> Pro tip : don't act or dress like a black person predisposed to committing crime.

The chances are slim he's going to think you're someone else and straight shoot you, the worst is they'll take you in and then find out. If you keep calm, relaxed and the chip off your shoulder like you have something to prove, don't fall in the stereotype be the grey man unreadable and in their minds might have a lawsuit on their hands.

>larping nigger faggot doesnt realize cops shoot more unarmed innocent white people than black
>hurr durr should I shoot first to protect myself?

This is why you niggers get shot, because you are stupid

I was okay with the Castile protests, I think the NRA should've had his back and the cop should've been charged/convicted. So yeah, in Minnesota you'd have no other option. Most cops aren't like that and in a liberal state I'd say you're a fuckin idiot if you pull a gun on those nigger-friendly cops. Minorities in far left states overexaggerate how bad cops treat them because they want an excuse to be as ignorant as they can be without repercussions. That's why cali is becoming a minority shithole.

You're a victim of the media.


This chimp says "I voted for Trump" as if that makes him equal to us in some way. What a piece of shit you are.

I don't think I like your policemen they sound like faggots.

this is a bit like advocating that i just shoot every black man i see because there is a higher probability of their being violent criminals.

your predicament is understandable but the only result would be you going to prison for murdering the cop when your other options were to be let go and live or become a martyr to the cause. weigh your options.

This might come as a surprise to someone as deeply racist as yourself, but black people have emotions as well. Whit's people are no better than their fellow citizens, as your dismissal of all blacks as animals reveals.

You can't honestly take the moral high ground when you dehumanize and demean another human being to this degree.


are you a bot?

I bet your not even from the US you larping fag. Nigger skin or gtfo

In that case, we destroy the farm equipment and all farm equipment from the same manufacturer.

>how to make any encounter with being pulled over by a cop easy and get yourself out of tickets with ease

1. Always leave your hands on the steering wheel after the cop exits his vehicle.

2. Put your registration and license on the dash after pulling over.

3. If its dark turn on your internal light.

You will get out of a speeding ticket easily doing these and you arent some asshole that breaks the law all the time

That is legitimately fucked up. Shooting cops in pre-emptive self defense won't make them less jumpy around black people though. I've been pulled over with a legally possessed firearm before, tell them where your gun is and don't make any sudden movements. I'd make a point of keeping it away from any papers you may need to grab just to eliminate confusion.

If b8 7/8

I'm actually much smarter than you, and I'm asking a hypothetical question as a test

Guess what?

You failed.
Kill yourself faggot

>being this naive

There are whites without empathy as well, but I've seen it firsthand in higher rates among Hispanics and there is definitely a lot of evidence daily showing how high it is among Blacks.

Race is not just "skin deep".

OP. Don't be a nigger. Be a human being. That is the first thing people will try to determine about you.

>I'm actually much smarter than you

With the sole difference being that if a nigger kills you and he gets caught, he gets life in prison
But the white nigger that killed the law-abiding citizen Philado Castile gets a pat on the back.

And it leaves blacks wondering if they just have to defend themselves, because the law won't.

Put yourself in their shoes for 2 seconds. Surely you're intelligent enough to see the problem.

>calling yourself a nigger to fit in

No, because then all of law enforcement will come and rape you and possibly even your family and friends if they try to get in the way.
You're weak and don't have the same kind of authority and access to resources that they have.
You should also remember that niggers are only 15% of the population and are in no position to try to do anything militant.
Give up your delusions. White people can threaten war and we actually have the numbers and resources to back it up. It's not the same for you. I'm not even talking about a race war but a war against law enforcement.

>But the white nigger that killed the law-abiding citizen Philado Castile gets a pat on the back.
Larping faggots like you need to be banned

Making flags a choice was always a mistake

>black people aren't human because they lack empathy
>lol so naive these human beings aren't human beings because I said so

I know you're stupid, but even you should see the irony in this

Haha what a fucking larper

They'll just start shooting niggers on sight OP.
They're job is based on probability. Go ahead though. More dead niggers is no problem.


>having to do all this to not die
>this is a reasonable procedure in a first world country

If you're a black male age 15-30, it's more likely that you're a criminal than not.

Humans have at least 100 IQ on average.

Why don't you visit one of my people with that same smug condescension you just showed there. I guarantee you'll stir up enough anger over that to make them want to behead you.

I know because it's already pissing even me off.

ill answer your question just answer this one first

Honest question, if i see a black man, shouldn't I shoot him in self-defense? If you say no, I would ask you how you can guarantee me he won't decide to kill me, knowing he can rely on swarms of sjws to defend him?

Shut up, chimp. Maybe you should reflect on the actions of your own "people" before preaching your vapid BLM shit on this website. Go die in a gang shootout or some shit you dumb monkey.

Tax payers should be able to shoot tax leeches when they see fit.

This was told to me, a white kid, by my white parents. You are closer to death while near a cop, then at any other time in your life. Treat them with respect, don't lie to them, and follow all of their instructions. If they do something you disagree with, the time and place to deal with it is later in court. Not while you are being confronted by them, or else you put yourself in danger.

Now that said, recognizing that some groups of people have different temperaments isn't dehumanizing, it's just being a realist.

In fact, you're the dehumanizing one, because while I know niggers have different traits I can still see they are humans, but people like you can't fathom such a being as different from you and yet still human.

This is why you libtards always blame mental illness for the mass shootings and crap.

It's the height of arrogance.

the world mourns the death of 32 year old cafeteria worker Philando Castile. His life mattered. How will we ever move on?

morally it is indeed a problem and the discrepancy in punishment for a civilian vs. a cop is considerable. but reality is not on your side. if you try to blow away a cop to avoid being killed by the cop *you* will be the nigger who goes to jail. violent revolution against the police force only works if you have a coup or enormous numbers on your side. self-defense against a cop has never much worked for anybody, sadly.

i'm white and spent my youth in psychiatric care where i was seen as a danger for just existing and could be thrown to the ground by cops the hospital kept around just for looking at them wrong (i had no history of crime or violence). any american who wants to try to physically challenge a cop is in the position of an asylum inmate and can't win. them's the breaks.


I used to think this way but now recently as a matter of fact towards the end of my tenancy period my current letting agency suddenly let in AirBnB customers to one room. 2 black guys from New York.

I asked them that how many people are living in that room (kindly and said 'hello' etc first) - they both started to yell at me and shout "ARE YOU THE OWNER OF THE HOUSE? WE *PAID* FOR THIS! WE PAID FOR THIS!" etc. I said I think you understood because I wasn't critizing you, I only asked to confirm how many people are living there for which period.

Now after this other one of the black guys has been trying to stare me down and the other doesn't say anything.

I'm not intimidated at all. It appears as these people cannot behave like adults. I wouldn't ever in my life start to yell in other people's home where I'd stay a week or two.

Next time this happens I am calling police.

But thing is - is it just African Americans who are behaving like this? I don't have any issues to see why people complain about this kind of people so often.

And finally, no hard feelings, my fellow user. Just speaking it as I see it. Peace man.

Judging by your flag this is a shitpost, but I'll respond anyway. All you have to do in any interaction with the police is not turn into a feral ape and you'll be fine. Damn near every one of BLMs fallen angels got shot because they chimped out the the cop had no choice

>Trayvorn martin
no police involvement, but typically brought up. Trayvorn was sitting on the guy's chest bouncing his head off the concrete when he got his gun out and shot Trayvorn. All the evidence backs up this story.

>Micheal Brown
Attacked the cop and tried to steal his gun

>That recent one where the cop got off
Kind of tragic this one. Guy announced he had a firearm in the traffic stop, which was the right thing to do. But then he fucked it up by trying to draw the gun, likely to show the officer and the guy was jumpy and shot him.

If i told you to reflect on the actions of your slave-driving "people" you'd be offended, and rightfully so

Yet you now tell me to reflect on the actions of other niggers, and to get shot in their name.

Take off that nazi flag faggot, you don't espouse their values. Kill yourself .

You know that they shoot white people too right? What you are proposing is not self defense. It is infact premeditated murder. Black people are far more likely to assault, murder and, Rob me. By the logic in your scenario I should be able to preemptively shoot every black person who approaches me on the street. Would that be right by your standards? I suspect not. Why is your community so concerned about a much smaller percentage of the violence against It's own by police than is committed internally? I suspect this is shitty bait so this post will be saged. Incase you really are this stupid there is my counter argument.

im 32 years old and have only been pulled over once. when i was 17 going 74mph in a 40 zone. even then he gave me a warning because i was nice

>Honest question, if a cop pulls me over, shouldn't I shoot him in self-defense?
Yes, nigger, please pull a gun on an officer. That would be a really good idea.

And what a surprise the guy was another guilty as fuck dindu who deserved everything he got.


Where do I find the police dash cam video?

>get pulled over, cop has no idea whether I'm a danger to him or not
>chimp out
>insult and berate officer
>make sudden movements
>thrash arms around
>reach hands into places the officer can't see
>get shot
>fukkin 1st world
really makes you think

Rednecks/white trash/southern whites (aka Irish descendants) act like this too.

>If i told you to reflect on the actions of your slave-driving "people" you'd be offended, and rightfully so
How presumptuous of you. Typical chimp. Why would I be offended by the actions of my people? Name some. Come on, you dumb ape. Back up the shit you're throwing onto this board.

You just wont give up your bullshit narrative, or subject it to any critical analysis. Why is that? You just called the officer who shot Castile a "white nigger." Pic related is the "white nigger." But don't let facts hinder your pity party, and rationalizations.

And then... the idea that blacks are disproportionately killed by police is also. Not true. I've linked the info for you twice. And you've ignored it both times. Here it is again (form one of the most liberal papers in the country).


So the question is... why do you refuse to think critically about this issue. Why do you drag around this nigger-tier BLM narrative like a child's blankie? I could suggest some reasons. But why don't you do a little thinking for a change.



>Honest question, if a cop pulls me over, shouldn't I shoot him in self-defense?

Honest answer. You already tried that and now you are getting blown away for mundane offenses.

>But why don't you do a little thinking for a change.

If it doesn't come naturally (that is, genetically) it won't come at all when it matters.

Nah! Just stay the fuck out of the US, stay in your shithole country and you don't even need to ask this stupid question, see how things in life are so simple you stupid mandingo.

You don't belong here and there's nothing we can do to make you fit. If you like we can go around in pseudo-logical circles with this illiterate argument that US Code actually requires you to murder police officers but will not let you keep a pigeon as a pet because they are a form of legal tender. Why not go to Africa, where the police will murder you instead?

Yeah I can see - it is some kind of weird territorial control. Sort of overcompensating for something. But it's not civilized at all when they are not even real tenants but just merely having a short term let etc.

If I were them I would go to a real hotel if it's so hard to behave normally. Being overly aggressive is not really good thing to do. If they had been in real hotel they would have probably been thrown out already. Now that I think about it I should have reported it to police before anything else happens.

Maybe if Public Education taught critical thinking for a few years, but making the public thinkers isn't what the Education system is for.

>He confused Castile, a law-abiding citizen, for a criminal, then shot him for no reason. This is a simple fact.
Dumb ass, I didn't say he didn't shoot the guy. He did, I don't know whether I think it was justified or not. I was responding to the post you wrote: The jury did NOT say it was legal to for police to "shoot any black person they pull over" as you claim happened. Also, he didn't shoot the guy today, this happened quite a while ago. You didn't know about it until today, huh?

Because silly nog, that's just not how civilization works. Blacks get shot by cops because you guys have been on a 60 year crime spree. Don't blame the system. Play the game or you lose.

I hear you man, it is indeed ridiculous.

>to not die
I believe he said to do all that to avoid getting charged and fined for committing a crime. Sounds reasonable when you stop lying desu

Reformation is always possible. Better descriptions on the actual cases will actually perpetuate an idea where people will actually understand the situation rather than be swade by others.

Body cams was the start. Now new legislation must come, maybe on a state by state level, to regulate the police force with new ideas of interacting with people.

If people are to trust a reformation in the force then they must trust the system they reinforce. Therefore you must understand why they have quotas. Why they are trained to be vicious. Or even able to kill on sight.

It would give us an excuse to shoot you from helicopters.

criminally underrated.

I mean he's a nigger, he didn't know today was today until today.

>morally it is indeed a problem and the discrepancy in punishment for a civilian vs. a cop is considerable. but reality is not on your side. if you try to blow away a cop to avoid being killed by the cop *you* will be the nigger who goes to jail. violent revolution against the police force only works if you have a coup or enormous numbers on your side. self-defense against a cop has never much worked for anybody, sadly.
Yes, of course, and I understand it

Just wanted to point out to Sup Forums that the message being sent by the US court system is presently "kill or be killed"

Of course they're all brainlets so their response is "JUST TRY IT NIGGER WE'LL KILL U ALL!!!!11"

That's bullshit and you know it. Even the sorriest red neck (not specific to any US geographic location because they're in every state) is better than any nigger.

Blacks see it as some misguided point of pride that they are too "alpha" to be disrespected- their term- by an authority figure. Their answer is to mindlessly rail with violence and or profanity- the end result being their death or incarceration.
As others have pointed out to you, it is a no win situation at that time and place to react in such a way. You can "win" if you will simply do what most blacks have a very difficult time with: delay gratification.
Is it justice what is occurring? No. Is the world predicated on this outdated concept in anything but theory? No. Don't conflate reality with idealism my Nubian friend and you'll be fine.

No, it's not bullshit. There are some shitty whites. user hit the nail on the head saying they have some silly territorial paranoia, and it isn't present in other whites.

They are descendants of the Irish slaves, and from what I understand even the Irish are looked down on in Europe.

That said, I do agree living around even these people is easier to relax in than blacks.