Dreamers can Stay

Trump says Dreamers can STAY. His heart reaches out to them. DACA is here to stay.

At least for now.

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>Americans don't have dreams

can't make this shit up

I don't get what's wrong with letting dreamers stay. As long as they're paying their student debts themselves, and paying their fair share of taxes, who cares? There are TENS OF THOUSANDS of immigrants who are felons, who are leaching off the system, and are off records. let's get them out

This, its just pure hate

Illegal Immigration is an act of love

Just proves Trump has a heart. Look at him dancing. He's dancing for the Dream Team.

>DACA here going to answer questions

I found out about my status when my high school transcripts weren't going through, which prompted my parents to tell me the real situation.

I came legally through a visa when I was 3, I'm 24.

I don't care about my "homecountry", I've never been there and don't want to live there.

I enjoy firearms and live in a state that values and appreciates self defense. So I've always leaned slightly right despite of my status. If i ever get fixed Im going to enjoy that right.

I'm not going to be at the mercy of some random prick and lose everything I've worked for.

My family has never received any form of welfare and my father pays both a personal income tax and a corporate income tax for the company he started when he arrived.( you can obtain a ITIN number to file taxes)

I managed to get into a really good state school by busting my ass harder than other people who many times take their citizenship and benefits for granted.

I am paying everything through a private bank loan but I am in a good career field that will allow me to pay everything if I play my cards right.

Don't get me wrong the immigration system is a shit show for some countries.

We've been to multiple attorneys and they've all told us we are a low priority for deportation so to just sit and wait. Even if ICE detains my parents the likelihood of them being deported is extremely low.
I'm not some beaner or spic. I don't identify with la raza. Nobody from my family sends money "back home". I just want to live in peace.

Until then I'm playing my cards right.

You mean literal law breakers?
Tough luck, if your parents didn't get you in legally, you broke laws. And you are going back.

But will he renew it?

Why not just go back home?