Get ready to get redpilled like you never have before.

This thread is a dump for the best redpills I (and you) have on:
>social order

Please only post JQ-related images if they are actual information-rich screenshots related to the big picture. No memes, redpills only. Let's keep it high quality. I'll set the standard.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/




Rare infinitychan pills are in high demand these days. provide if you can.

















Keep up the good work. These are great.






Be wary of homosexuals. They have fucked up hobbies.






He's right about the fucked up behavior of sexual behavior. But, his belief that the Christian idea of marriage is unhealthy or wrong because you won't be "familiar" with each other sexually is misplaced.

I think his theory is merely the result of disillusion with general kikery and bullshit of the univerisities. But he's putting out a theory and treating Wilhelm Reich as a god.

I'll use myself as an anecdotal example. My wife and I didn't have sex before marriage, and now we've been married a long time and sex is amazing. Because sex is an expression of love and emotion as he pointed out, and is something to be cherished.

I can't help but suspect that his willingness to disregard the Christian values of marriage are based on his own neo-pagan beliefs, and not on science, since he has been unable to do any actual studies on them.


Dude you got my attention in the last thread with gamergate. I never researched the subject for stupid reasons. I thought it was solely about gamers. It's a huge red pill in line with all theothers i learned in the last thirteen years.

Follow the first 7 or so (disregarding the OP) and you will begin to get a general idea. Then the shit you read on porn or whatever will fit in nicely in your newly built macro framework.

It's sad that this will go largely ignored. This is the biggest red pilling i've seen in my life on this forum.

I stopped typing during pizzagate because I had to buy two pcs and I don't have the time or drive to remain anonymous.

I spend my time outside of work perfecting my craft rather than learning how to remain truly anonymous on the interwebs while redpilling the sheeple.


You are doing god's work OP. This was incredibly eye-opening.

Some examples of media social engineering.

Sorry I don't have anything quite as substantial as your posts,OP.

But here is another bump.

KB threads(Even the OP's alone have important information): bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

If these threads "weren't important", then they wouldn't be shilled so hard.