Liberal """""Art"""""


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Pleasantly surprised.
At first I thought it was going to be pubic hair glued to a canvas.

But user, the canvas IS the pubic hair

Does she... not know what "research" means? I'm assuming she because only chicks think this is valuable "work", it'll be even funnier if I'm wrong.

extremely simple abstract art. It's art it just isn't fine art. Nothing worth noting.
It isn't anti-art or bullshit passed off as art either.
4/10 the description makes it too pretencious but you could do a LOT worse

If you cut out the cross and Trump correlation it's not bad.

Now that pic is art I can get behind.

try this one

ahh, another (((educated))) young woman, fantastic - I can't wait until college is free :^)

They accept drawings for Poli Sci capstone projects now?

This almost makes me want to kill myself over having a degree in Poli Sci.

I see the abstract value and can respect the brushwork.

But artists with a 'message' are fucking hacks.

I fucking love these. What an incredible skill.

Yeah modern art like this is fine cuz I can enjoy it even if its pushing a pretentious message or whatever. This is real artwork, and obviously well done.

That's trumps face in there...right?

it's just a loose collection of organic lines with a vague composition, it's alright but it's no fine art. I make the distinction because fine art is the remarkable stuff. I draw and what I make is technically art but that doesn't make it remarkable. At least it's not anti-art though.


If this was the first sign your degree is trash, you didn't pay attention in college

Reminder that modern art started in the 1860s and ended in the 1970s so don't misuse the word you big brutes.

press F to pay respects
its only a matter of time before these are ruins

Where the fuck is this? If I had handed this in for my poli sci courses I would have git a bug fat 0.

>Oo fun!

there's plenty of people that still recognize the value of this kind of art. the historic museums that house them have literal lines in front of them of people who want to see them in person.


are they housed in europe?
Is europe in the midst of being taken over demographically and culturally?
does this new demographic have a positive record in terms of historic relic or art appreciation?

Devil horns on Trump's.

If art has a message it's propaganda. Art isn't a means of the artist making you think something, it's a means of the artist expressing something he's not sure the meaning of yet.

>poli sci seminar final
>a bunch of ducking trump scribbles

>poli sci major myself
>I've written more 40-50 page policy recommendation papers than I can count for finals

What the fuck happened?

Looks like wet leg hair

that differs per piece, for example is in the USA. generally these museums are very very popular and no sane person would want to close them down or god forbid do something to the art pieces. Even soulless chinese tourists tend to respect them deeply. No matter how deep the anti-art propaganda digs its roots, it cant make people ignore beauty and masteries when they see them.

it can be both. Art is subjective and can have meaning to you even if the artist didnt intend for it. Sometimes its just pretty.

I thought the same. And if it was, I wouldn't have been shocked.




It's spelled "Galleria Bolognese" you sperg.


No one else sees the happy merchant?

Are you completely ignorant of the islamic desecration of any historic relic or art piece due to "idolatry"? Considering you're posting with a EU flag, I fear you may have more empathy than rationality

holy shit these niggers need to stop smoking weed so they can make some decent art ffs

I never thought it was the most rigorous and it was easier than my other bachelors in econ, but I never considered it on this meme tier.

I don't know, I guess they had to make it easy enough for the dindus to pass.

a hairy wetback ass

this is pretentious and not well made, but at least it's something. Better than just throwing paint on a canvass

Indeed it is, so incredible in fact that there's nobody alive today who could recreate it.

what have I become

Today i was asked to draw "knowledge". This is what I drew.

fucking mindblowing

>I see Trump as a kite, the roaring wind is liberals

blame the site I picked it from, I didnt name the file.

I know what you mean, its the major cities where there's major issues with immigrants and the rest of the country which would still make up 90>% of the population would stand for it. If you're afraid of attacks like on that church a while back though... well, I donno be afraid?
I agree though, they're a legit threat to this kind of beauty.


are you in 4th grade?


I see a waste of $60,000.

I reverse search this stuff, it gives me retardedness. What could I google specifically to find these images and other like them?

I see a woman(or a long haired man) leaving Christianity behind, and then entangling herself in chaos. Liberalism in a nutshell.

I see a waste of about 60k in tuition.

I do think its a matter of time before most if not all of these are destroyed. Maybe not in our lifetimes, but the picture painted by demographics all over the west coupled with the immigration crises... humanity is going to lose a lot of history and knowledge

wew next few centuries will be shit for the masses

To be honest his statue looks pretty shitty as well and he couldn't even finish it on time. He deserves to be next to Le Suck.

Nope, but i had literally 5 minutes to draw this if that's what you mean. (The shittiness)


This is very impressive. I took a marble/slate carving class in Vermont last summer, and it gave me a whole new appreciation of the art of stone carving. It's tedious, demanding work (especially using only a hammer and chisel), & if you make a single mistake your piece is pretty much fucked

Reminder fellow Amerifats, if it weren't for Trump your tax dollars would still be going for grants to "artists" like this.

and fuck these liberal cunts abusing this shitty art to "SEE" some REVELATION about how "love" is being "taken over by wealth and power" fucking cunts this shitty degenerate art is a medium for people to see whatever they fuck they want, or affirm whatever they already believe in.

I could look at this and say Trump is BRINGING THE CROSS back to the USA, which makes more sense than atheist/satanic faggot democrats actually seeing the cross as something good. These godless kids will distort any religion for the state.

WHAT DO YOU SEE? art is meant to be therapeutic, not a serious work

Have a (You) !!

Nice art!

Greek Statues/Greek Sculptures

What do you call a female artist?

a photographer

I dont know the name of the first one but the others are
The Rape of Proserpina
Undine Rising from the Water

Surely this is still classed as modern art because it was made with conservatives and American politics in mind, and the artist has a specific vision for what the image represents, rather than contemporary art, where the piece is created without a specific told purpose with the ideal of being pure form and aestheticism up to total interpretation by the viewer.

milenials were a mistake

Thanks anons, the stuff you and other fags are posting is amazing.

Well, we've already heard reports of fugees in Spain, France, and Germany destroying statues in churches so... I'm guessing the outlook for art in Europe doesn't look so good.

i meant both the shittiness and the fact that this seemed to have been a mandatory task in your life

millenials didn't start dada, brutalism or post-modernism

boy she thicc

Liberal Arts have drastically lowered their standards after Hitler failed to get in, twice.

>oh geez I think I look kinda cute in this photo
>but if I just post it I'll look like an attention whore
>what should I do?

But the girl in your picture is right. It's a perfect medicine for tons of diseases. Our anchestors all profited from this plant. Even Samurai were famous for taking cannabis for relaxation.

I'm a big Beksinski fan and he's modern, but I'm pretty singular when it comes to what art(ist) I like -- and I do like that none of his works have meaning or titles.

That being said, I dislike modernist "political" art that is merely mashing images together and THEN adding meaning. I generally dislike the politicization of artistic mediums because they tend to be up their own ass.

I didn't know that Joe Rogan was touring through Germany

Architecture isn't a liberal art

a face outline with scribbles and a crucifix how fascinating fuck you fraud this is not art and this is not a 'project'

it is a lazy way of getting out of an assignment

Tbh the guy deserves it for wasting time on art in the 21st century. It's nothing more than a hobby at this point, nothing you create will be remembered by anyone in the future because nobody cares about good art anymore and they certainly won't in the future. Sad but true

You were at your psychiatrist, were you?

Her faux-firebrand diatribe has nothing to do with a pic of her in her underwear. She wanted to show off her body like the attention seeker she is but didn't want it to be that obvious, so typed that irrelevant drivel out as a disguise

>old masters spend months even years on a single painting
>modern artists finish their school projects in one sitting

Learning to draw is the most difficult thing I've ever attempted. It is no wonder millennial just don't want to put the effort in. They prefer to become living works of art rather than working hard to produce anything of value.

this is actual art but i dont know how it relates to political """"""""science""""""""""

This one is Bernini

you cant blame them when colleges actively try to destroy traditional disciplines

she could have done that at home... why go to college? Boy, women are stupid.


haha i learned MAYA during the same time but we had decent silicon graphics workstations, i still have my ripped version of that software

How to fuck were you supposed to see that. (And it's not even good looking)

i was in a cooking class and we had to do a computer project where we made a menu for our hypothetical project. it was some basic computer program that was simple as fuck and boring so i did my menu about bugs as if thats what i served. The computer teacher thoguht it was great but my cooking instructer was upset i wasnt taking it seriously he wasnt the one grading me on it though so whatever. it was a shit cooking course anyways i ended up dropping out and doing/finishing electrical instead.

Is that supposed to be Putin?

That does not explain the crayon.

>Misshapen Olmec face
>Huge angular dong only focused part of lower half of picture
>No jewing going on here!
How's it feel to be the equivalent of 15-year-olds who think 90's music is the epitome of art?

Those don't look nearly as good

Art is a combination of symbolic or literal representation of concepts, ideas, or figures and taking an artistic medium and pushing its physical ability of expressing or displaying those representations to its most possible limits.

Don't get me wrong, that stuff is beautiful as well, but he clearly took his inspiration from the pieces posted here, and they are better.

So, to say he could "recreate" them...


But he sculpts addicts and other types of victims. Not like those old world posers sculpting gods and queens and other privileged types!