Trump NO!

Trump CANCELS Obama's policy to let millions of illegals stay because their children are U.S. citizens

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Imma fap to this


oh hell yeah

illegals can't stay
dreamers can stay

So... the kids can stay but the parents have to go back?

Fucking why.

Depends on level of priority. Most of the none criminal ones will still slowly work towards obtaining citizenship and then be free of it.

Makes sense. The kids had it happen to them without being able to decide, in a way the kids are a victim of circumstances. The parents are the ones that chose to break the law.

well, trump is an asshole



Fuck drumpf. He's amnesty don remember? Based Assad should be US president with /ourguy/ vp Spencer.

Stop it dammit.

>torch it all donny

tfw those so called legal citizens aren't really legal.

anchor babies are not legal citizens


Fuck no,

This is the first big step. Next end anchor babies. Liberals lose 2-3 million votes, never win another election.

round em up. ship em out

Don't forget, Trump is also allowing Dreamers to stay. Or are we only looking at the news that's positive for Trump?

Don't do it. Their home countries don't have the capacity to receive them.

DAPA was already blocked by the courts you imbeciles

It's called turning the tide.

>hurr durr I believe the NYT
fuck off retard

how does that make any sense? the kids are just going to be a drain on society if they're all in adoption centers

the kids go back with the parents :^)

Republicans will lose house and Senate in one year. Election after that.
Clocks ticking.

Please provide evidence that the NYT is incorrect. Thanks, in advance!

Aaaaand of course the MSM didn't make a peep about this. If they did, then it would hurt their 'TRUMP GOING BACK ON HIS PROMISES' narrative to disillusion his voter base for 2020.


it would make more sense if they did....

When will we Trump follow through with his campaign promise to end Dreaming though?

>please provide evidence that NYT is incorrect
you literally just did by mentioning them.
NYT is fake news, newfag.

well they are automatically citizens of whatever shithole they came from, so there's no reason they can't go back.

>how does that make any sense?
There is no law against the parents taking them with them.
By Mexico's law they are full citizens of Mexico.
I encourage these illegals to not break up their families.

The house is a very slim possibility, though unlikely. The Senate is an impossibility. Not even leftists believe they will take the senate, because there aren't enough republican seats up for grabs in dangerous areas. It's objectively more likely Republicans GAIN senate seats, than lose, something even Slate and Rahm Emmanuel understand.

Also, I don't actually see the GOP losing the house, it's still an 80% chance they hold it.

but it's only the parents that are leaving...

It's ok to admit you can't provide any evidence refuting it! Don't feel bad!

and you assume the parents won't take their underaged banned with them?

>but it's only the parents that are leaving...
Only the parents are FORCED to leave.
The children are welcome to go with them.

>He actually believes the NYT
man you shills get more obvious by the day

DACA expires in a couple years anyways retard

Keep deflecting! Be honest with yourself! Ask why your man isn't ending the Dream Act now??

Trump admin isn't renewing DACA anyway, meanwhile we have a nice list of a few hundred thousand illegals to deport

The mexican are base lasten GAYS MEXICANS ARE BASED

>calling the NYT fake news is deflecting

Dreamfags BTFO