Which of these four foreign policies is best, and why is it isolationism?
Which of these four foreign policies is best, and why is it isolationism?
Anyone who doesn't choose Iron Fist is implicitly asking for a black man to fuck their wife
Isolationist if we're being realistic, but in my dreams it's the Iron Fist and we permanently wipe Islam from the face of the earth (Jews too).
Implying the best view isn't the one where we elect a secret globalist who makes weapons deals with both Qatar and Saudi Arabia
go further interventionist and genocide them all and colonize their land
Isolationist is the only way. Getting involved means refugees of one kind or another.
NatSoc!! Send all minorities to their homelands and create the 4th Reich!!
>throwing away american lives to further the kike agenda is a good thing
Very good goy.
Anyone who doesn't choose isolationist is part of the problem.
Isolationism only works for a resource rich nation like the United States which is exactly why i support it. Sucks to be a Yuropoor or chink that depends on foreign nations for food and fuel.
For clarification, the isolationism in this post means military isolationism, not economic isolationism, which is what you are talking about.
Isolationalist is the only way but "no immigrants" instead of "limit immigration".
>being a good goy for Israel
Gas yourself.
Except the USA literally depends on multiple middle eastern countries to get their oil.
No, oil companies depend on that oil to make money. We don't need oil.
Because Obama is a faggot and insisted we buy oil and not dig our own
Oh look, a retarded commie, how surprising. Less than 15% of American oil comes from the Gulf countries. Most is domestically produced, then the largest supplies are from Canada and Mexico
Intervention on the scale necessary to accomplish that would be massively costly and to wipe Islam you'd have to probably invade countries all over the world. Not even mentioning the Jew since he's everywhere. Just build a big wall with guard towers to shoot vermin, and let them kill each other.
That's why it's only my dream, not a position I tell people I hold in real life.
Oil companies run your fucking country, man.
Well, Trump is following his footsteps then.
Iron Fist. Reinstate the Kingdom Of Jerusalem and Constantinople
>leting crazy regimes that want you dead building massive destruction weapons
Post your country flag or GTFO.
This is a side note but Europe, especially Western, needs a war to reinforce importance of the nation and get rid of current decadence.
Excellent way to prove you have 0 real or valid arguments.
kys leaf
What are you so afraid for?
Also, you got wrong the internationalist
>Have an organization of allies that help each other to keep a strong and free world
>Have open borders that help to grow the economy by hiring the most qualified people around the world
>ISIS is capable of anything remotely dangerous to the US
>Kirkuk reactor fully operational since 1981 because airstrikes aren't possible and local powers don't give a shit about what their enemies are doing
>countries in the ME would still hate us if we didn't stage interventions every ten years
Isolationist. I'm not a baby sitter for the world but I will bury your dick in the dirt if I have to.
To me a balancing act between Isolationism and Iron Fist seems best.
Isolationism unless it looks like a better idea self interest wise to affect events.
>drain the third world of their intellectual population
>perpetuate the problems that create the need for immigration
>destroy the free world
How upset are you about Trump's deals with Saudi Arabia and Qatar?
1. this is my argument
2. If you're going to criticize someones country, you damn well better be prepared to post your own
3. kys you fucking leaf
Containment is the best strategy. Going after moral victory needs to be abandoned. There is none to be had in shittle east.
Upset about making money? No. Quatar? Obama. Digits? Nice.
>drain the third world of their intellectual population
There is a reason why they move from their countires. Most of these people doesn't have the resources or the support to develop their true potential. Leaving there is a waste of potential.>perpetuate the problems that create the need
for immigration
Actually, leaving the rest of the world rotten without any help is the best way to create more mass immigration
>drain the world of their intellectual base
>leave the world rotten with no help
Pick one and only one.
isloationism is best
we can all coexist if we stay in our own lands and don't fuck with each other all the time
anyone who says iron fist is a larper
5. The Conqueror - Go annex all shitskin land and turn muds into farm equipment.
I would legit hug a snek, no homo.
You are either active military, or a fucking faggot.