Who enforces the NAP?
AnCap society
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You, the market, and the people around you. If you're a dick, nobody will want to do business with you and eventually you'll get killed.
enforcing the NAP is a violation of the NAP
NatSoc m8, unless you want everything to die you will embrace nationalism
b-b-but where's big daddy to enforce da rurus!?
You have to be 18 or older to post on here.
Protection rackets. Pay up and the goons will make sure the NAP is enforced for you. And if your neighbour doesn't pay up, you can launch tomahawk missiles to your heart's content
You, everybody else who agrees to it. The whole point of having the NAP is that you don't "need" an enforcer. Such an enforcer would exist above and outside the NAP by nature and thus wouldn't fit in with such a society.
That sounds like a threat.
You know what that means.
But how would you remove the people who don't agree to it without violating it?
no, I mean everything will literally die, as in ancap soon turns into unstoppable and uncontrollable corporate machine with zero fucks to give about you, anyone else, or the environment, it will turn into an entity whose sole purpose is to drive profits, its unsustainable and will dispose of you as it does everyone else that goes into the machine
its literally death
also, fascists were the ones removing commies, so get your shit straight before you give me threats made for commies
If someone breaks the NAP what are the consequences? Who will enforce these consequences?
So AnCap is mob rule, and, instead of being a slave to the state, now you're a slave to the sentiments of the masses.
Peaceful option: exclusion. If you violate the NAP nobody will do business with you. This might not sound bad in current society, but in a society governed entirely by voluntary exchange this is basically the same as being banished from civilization even if you're not physically forced to leave. Nobody will sell you so much as a glass of water to drink.
For people who are violently attacking others self defense is permissable to remove the threat to your life and property.
You naively assume the assailants will just be 1 person that can be handled by a small group. What if the people you decide to "exclude" number in the thousands and they all band together?
Correcting violations of the NAP fall well within the NAP.
Fascists were not the ones removing commies lol. American globalists and kikes got rid of the commies. Fascists got fucking curbstomped by the allied powers you dumbass.
Furthermore, who doesn't want more money, more everything. Once our growth is unshackled, we can colonize space, and when we inevitably destroy earth, we'll learn our lesson about being too destructive in the pursuit of profit.
Have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.
Except the sentiment of the masses is DON'T STEP ON SNEK. If not being able to step on snek makes you a slave, you've got bigger problems than "muh mob".
Depends on your community. generally, there will be permissiveness to harsh treatment of known NAP violators, but some more warm communities might make certain treatments taboo and ostracize you for going too far.
>Correcting violations of the NAP fall well within the NAP.
And what if the violators number in the thousands? You're telling me the people will organize because that all intuitively "understand' that preserving the NAP is in the collective's interests? That's utterly naive. Organization will always trounce lack of organization.
>Except the sentiment of the masses is DON'T STEP ON SNEK. If not being able to step on snek makes you a slave, you've got bigger problems than "muh mob".
You honestly believe that's the sentiments of the current masses?
im starting to sense that your a dumb kike shill.
first off the "physical removal" meme came from Pinochet throwing faggots out of helicopters, NOT from globalists and kikes, in fact the kikes were the ones who created communism in the first place.
not to mention that Pinochet was fascist
second, you don't get more "money" no one does, you will literally be a slave to the machine, they will give you some tendies and pocket pussy to keep you under control, but aside from that, big man keeps all the profits, your nothing more than a mere puppet
Same as in every society to ever exist: the court of public opinion
Only people who violate the NAP are excluded, people are individuals in an AnCap society and can make their own choices and decisions. If a group is excluded due to its official policies violating the NAP then individuals are free to leave that group and rejoin society after agreeing to follow the NAP.
But if there's still a large group of excluded people who decide to militarize, then AnCap society will just defend itself. Acts of aggression are not allowed by the NAP, but self defense is. For that reason, security companies would take the place of police, but would not have any independent authority because they too would be under the NAP.
Basically, while they're in somebody's employ they are authorized to defend the NAP on the behalf of their employer. Next you'll probably ask "well why don't the security companies just take over?" and the answer is because there are many competing companies. Unlike in our society where the State has a monopoly on violence, there is no such monopoly in ancap land. If a security company goes rogue then we're back to them being excluded from the NAP and people hiring security companies to defend themselves from their predations.
>AnCap society will just defend itself.
With what military? With what organization? This is the sticking point at which you are deluded.
Try reading the rest of the post.
Oh, and I'm referring to foreign military threats, btw. You think the competing security companies will band together? What's in it for them? And even if they did, what's stopping the newly united security company from taking over? Since, by your own words, the only thing that was stopping them before is now gone since they united (competition).
>Who enforces the NAP?
anyone who can enforce it
don't come at me anything less than a battalion
My favorite thing abou AnCap fags is that they all assume they'd be the warlord and not the sex slave child soldier.
>You think the competing security companies will band together?
Did you read nothing I said? They don't have any independent authority or agency. Security companies are entities hired by society, they don't just act on the behalf of society like police do.
And hell yes AnCapLand would band together to resist an aggressive, invasive foreign entity that doesn't respect the NAP. They would probably form a National Security Committee that hires every security force in the nation (and maybe some foreign ones) and then find somebody with the necessary experience and hire/appoint him as Commander in Chief. He'd be in charge of conducting military affairs would be answerable to the Committee (which would probably include every single person with enough money to contribute to the defense of the nation, but they'd settle on representatives probably).
I mean, it's not really any different than how armies have historically functioned. You need to organize the funding to pay for all the fighters then find somebody to be in charge of the whole deal. Only similar to how the US does it, the commander in chief is answerable to the body politic and if they don't like how he does things they will remove him from his position and find somebody else. Or maybe just go with a war council instead of just having one guy at the top, who knows.
None of those things would exist in an AnCap society because every one of those things violates the NAP. A society not governed by the NAP is not AnCap.
The people of course your supposed to live a good society with good people
you're going to be enslaved first chink
If you spank your kids, is it violating the NAP?
Ancap presumes the masses aren't retarded, which they are.
t. statist
The NAP is literally just asking for one guy to realize "If I raised a giant army, I could be king"
you ancap fags are no better than commies who assume humans are good at heart
The NAP would be violated by an ambitious motherfucker and there wouldn't be a god damn thing you could do about it.
>We would exclude him from trade
He would kill you, and replace you with someone who WOULD trade with him. What's stopping him? The NAP? He just broke the living shit out of that.
You act as if the NAP is an actual law, when really it's a principle that the public has to agree on. An ancap/libertarian society requires an intelligent, moral population.
> You have to be 18 or older to post on here.
What if the child consents tho?
>Everybody wants police
>Everybody wants police that treat everyone have a verifiably provable record of treating individuals fairly regardless of their cashflow with the company
do you REALLY think the free market couldn't provide that?
You keep thinking in terms of current society and not a society governed by voluntary exchange. How exactly is he going to raise an army from a population of free individuals used to voluntary exchange as a basis for business?
>sure bro I'll let you rule over me with the power of life and death for your entire life in exchange for keeping the pittance of goods you allow me to have
Ain't nobody going to agree to that. If he tries to force people to obey him then he's violated the NAP and gets excluded and has security shoved up his ass if he keeps being violent.
The Force...
You can't just....BE An-cap
You have to FEEL the an-cap...
Feel the surge of impossibilities becoming realities and all that other magic B.S
>Current society
ALL societies have ambitious people. There is no such thing as an "ideal society".
This ancap bullshit is just a pipe dream from idealistic college faggots.
>How is he going to raise an army
"Hi person from another area, I'll pay you money if you'll fight for me" x 150000.
>Ain't nobody going to agree to that
Literally millions have agreed to that throughout history. There's an entire era called the Feudal Era where almost every government was just that.
>Has security shoved up his ass
He. Has. An. Army. He'll just obliterate the security, and march on the now defenseless society.
I'm not even bringing up that the only way Ancap would ever, even MAYBE work is if the entire world were Ancap. A country under ancap is a ridiculously weak target.
But the the corporation launches a fucking tomahawk missile or missiles at them, the corporations are our last hope of defeating your dumb situation
so mob rule.
how dare that corporation break the NAP can't wait to see them get excluded!
>So AnCap is mob rule
No, not at all, AnCap is individual rule.
judge dredd or some cunt who gives 0 fucks about NAP
How is it violating the nap if that army is slaughtering and killing people which is violating the nap already, the corporations would save our lives and make it stop
Enforce your own NAP faggot
By attacking people, of course.
And besides, since the person in question has an army, a few tomahawk missles aren't going to stop him.
Just face it, Ancap would quickly turn into a Totalitarian dictatorship run by the person who amassed the largest army.
And besides - where is all of this shit coming from? Who's working the fields? I thought we were all super kewl bizness owners and made our money through trade?
The market determines moral and the market enforces these morals.
The market is God.
All hail the market.
A leaderless society is laughable. Humans throughout their entire evolutionary history have had leaders because that's how we work most efficiently. On a macro scale, we have dominant hands and different sections in our brains because it makes sense to put all specialized work into one area. You can't just crowdsource an opinion. That type of shit leads to lunch mobs.
The very same people indoctrinated by (((outside influence))).
tribalism > snek-cucks
believe it or not, I used to be an ancap, I used to think like that scum eating shitbag
but now seeing it from this perspective..
"BuT WhuT Ef MuH ToMaHOWk MIssEW"
like shut up faggot, where the fuck are you even gonna get a grenade.
ancap used to be appealing, until I realized how utterly unattainable it is
"TheY WoNt TradE IF tHueY DNut Like U"
so fucking what, that's what people do regardless. People don't like you? guess what, they wont associate with you
it all boils down to tribalism and NatSoc, its the only way any of the ancap wetdreams are even inherently possible, but of course, the same can be said of any national government
The government
I could go for a lunch mob right now.
>because that's how we work most efficiently
Are you sure it's not because a percentage of people are born power hungry psychopaths who care about acquiring power and wealth?
The corporation of course, the corporation sells us things we need in our daily lives, nice nig speak aswell
Lol you know nothing of Germany and its history leading up to Nazis.
Maybe people are born leaders or born followers because that is how we work most efficiently and evolution is beautiful.
>If you violate the NAP nobody will do business with you.
Who enforces that? If I know someone who violated the NAP, and he is being shunned, and not able to purchase goods and services, guess who I am going to be giving my goods and services to? For a higher price of course.
what corporation do you know of that will sell you a tomahawk missile with everything needed to fire it?
not to mention you would need vast sums of money to even be considered as a business partner, and don't forget collateral damage even if you do attain one, what then?
you just violated the NAP 10 fold
accidently send shrapnel into the violators neighbors house? take a guess where the next tomahawk will be sent
>The corporation
You speak of the corporation as if it is a non-human entity.
Who's working for the corporation?
Where is the corporation getting the goods?
Surely the owner of this corporation would have every chance to assume dominance over everyone else, in fact it probably would.
And even if for some reason you mean "Corporations" in the pluralized sense, my question remains. In fact, you havent answered a single one of my questions. You're just leaning on this almighty "corporation" like its your God, but this God isn't going to help you.
You remind me of a college Communist I spoke of when I was attending school in the US - I asked him questions, and he just replied with different variations of "we will own the means of production" but didn't actually know what it meant - he was just regurgitating what he had read and seen from others.
At least An-Caps are honest about their feelings...
not to mention that the "corporation" will likely be an unstoppable entity which will rationalize steam rolling his ass to increase profits
Everyone that is serious about AnCap, and not just being a shitposting memelord, and unironically believes that corporations wouldn't take over the first chance they get, are dumb as fuck. The corporations would have the money to do all these things you think you will be able to do. They will have private security on their property, and if they don'ti like you, you will get shot. And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, because they have more money and guns than you. Fuck, has NO ONE ever played Shadowrun?
feelings mean nothing in the world of brute force
you may not like it as I don't at times, but in the aspect of world power, might quite literally makes right.
emotions are secondary
>Video Games are real life
Burgers everyone.
Your flag is not even symmetrical!
You're right. Corporations are your friend. They have your best interest at heart. They will never give you up, let you down, run around, or desert you.
If going with fiction then I'm pretty sure Mirror's Edge is set in an AnCap dystopia, considering the bad guys are the security company.
>An ancap/libertarian society requires an intelligent, moral population.
So it's just as utopian and impossible as the leftist's centralized control fantasy?
The government...wait!
Your describing the ancient world... So slave economies built around gift economies
The ones who don't believe in not stepping on snek (statists) will be given free helicopter rides, so the only ones left will be the masses who don't step on snek.
>the nazis removed communists!
>communists remove nazis
>America, Israel's lap dog, starts cold war against communists
Good one m8.
Also, the physical removal meme isn't proof of getting rid of specifically communists, but of any statists. Also physical removal came from Hoppe, not Pinochet. Pinochet is the source of "Free helicopter rides" you uninformed stooge.
>second, you don't get more "money" no one does
Oh yeah, I forgot how the government gives me money and the free market steals it. What was I thinking it was the other way around?
Also lol
So corporations would kill their customer base? Seems like a terrible way to make money...
>If you're a big enough dick, everybody will be forced to do business with you
>sentiments of the masses don't step on snek
Man I wish I was this stupid and the world was this simple to me.
>If you're a dick, nobody will want to do business with you
Wrong. If you're a dick, you will be charged more. And that's it. People will ALWAYS want to make money.
only one problem with your "physical removal" meme, friendo
Yeah but if you're a dick and the NAP says it's fair game to kill you and take your stuff, what's more profitable, selling you a tv, or killing you and taking your shit and selling the tv to someone who's not a dick?
And what happens when the statists own the helicopters, because a helicopter manufacturing plant is run by a statist ?
Silly example but face it retard, nothing is stopping a corporation from going fascist and taking over the whole fucking land, in fact, should another business start posing a possible threat to them and they have enough power to do so, they're going to fucking go statist right there on the spot, just to stop from being overthrown.
Or, a lifetime of selling ALL goods and services to that dick at higher cost? Sorry leaf, but they wouldn't just off a guy and do a one-time sale.
Mr. Smith and Dr. Wesson
Why do that? If everyone's doing it then you're just sharing his money, and he's never gonna cut profit that way so he won't live long anyways.
>free money available
>lets all share it
>ancaps. Sharing.
There is 0 reason whatsoever not to just kill him and take his shit before someone else does.
>There are clearly some matters with respect to which effective proportional representation is impossible. I cannot get the amount of national defense I want and you, a different amount. With respect to such indivisible matters we can discuss, and argue, and vote. But having decided, we must conform. It is precisely the existence of such indivisible matters - protection of the individual and the nation from coercion are clearly the most basic - that prevents exclusive reliance on individual action through the market. If we are to use some of our resources for such indivisible items, we must employ political channels to reconcile differences.
No thanks to the rest of the world btw, also don't forget the Leninists that were removed in the beginning. And what about google? They practically control everything already. In the end already major companies monopolize, the people continue to get subverted, and then they give up their rights.
I guarantee half of all citizens in ancap society will be fat faggots with M16s and itchy trigger fingers waiting for someone to violate their NAP so they can show off how big their cock is
Just another reason for another large sum of people to want to put a government in place to regulate these people, as well.
Either that or income inequality encourages the weak to hand together because people don't ally along shared interests, they ally along shared grievances, and they will start a conflict for whatever injustice they feel.
Yes ancap is retarded, it is nothing but a literal political battlefield to see who is lucky enough or smart enough to organize first and dominate. Their only solution to any of these billions of human nature circumstances is helicopters cause they're retards. The communists of the economic right, just kill everyone who doesn't fit in, never realizing they're just gonna have to kill everyone, or change their ideology, like every other communist revolution has done
>fat faggots with M16s and itchy trigger fingers
who have shit marksmanship, and will miss, violate the NAP, and be shot.
Exactly why an ethnostate with controlled capitalism is necessary. What is good for the beehive is good for the bee.
Too bad ancaps don't understand a vast majority of these roles have already been filled. They act as if corporations haven't already replaced countries.
^ watch this fucking video ^
First argument actually presented (took long enough) is that fighting is expensive. However, firms, knowing this, instead of doing wahtever this video says they'll do, they'll just completely take over the competing "security agencies" to wipe out all competition, which is by far the most profitable option.
Daily reminder
NAP means you can't initiate violence. Self defense is allowed. That's also the answer to OPs question. People enforce the NAP when they defend themselves against violators.