CNN now talking about Mueller possibly having to recuse lol

Mueller was appointed by Rosestein, but if Mueller pursues obstruction, Rosenstein becomes a witness in the case (because he wrote the memo about Comey being so shit). Because the witness appointed Mueller, Mueller has to step down lol Then Rosenstein would also have to resign from dept AG (Racheal Brand would take over).

And this is before you even consider the conflict of interest relating to the friendship between Mueller and Comey.

What a fucking shitshow.

Other urls found in this thread:


+ Doesn't Mueller have some dealings with Russia?

Mueller has a hairline of the Gods.

Anybody actually read the fucking memo Rosenstein wrote?

He didn't just call Comey shit. He called out Comey for being corrupt in Clinton Email case and also named LYNCH.



Lol. Mueller's a joke.

It's been pretty well established how fucked Mueller is in regards to his connections and needing to recuse.

He won't finish this investigation. I think what Rosenstein needs to do is find a replacement not joined to Comeys hip and stacking his team full of Clinton lawyers. This shit is beyond bananas, one of the lawyers was the one from the Clinton Foundation.

How in the fuck do you expect that person to be impartial when one of the people potentially being looked at will be her former client?

Rosenstein will recuse (or possibly resign) soon, then Racheal Bland is next in line. She is a legit republican who was an associate professor at Antonin Scalia Law School.

She will hopefully find a replacement for Mueller before firing him for conflicts of interest.

Maybe. The fact of the matter was the whole recusal of Sessions set this shit up. If Comey had of released public info saying there was no Russian collusion investigation on Trump himself he may have still been director, but it seems like Rosenstein and Sessions wanted him gone before they even got in.

Even if your on the left, how can you NOT see how much of a shit show this is?

Kek. Quality bait.

Yes, Trump is right to be mad at Sessions. The only thing Sessions did wrong was say that he never met a Russian official during the election, even though no one asked him if he did. He could have just said, "Yeah, I met the guy, we talked about vodka and burgers the whole time". Instead he looks guilty as hell, and passes off the investigation to that kike

Mueller has to go as well

Fucking this

Hopefully she wants revenge for the deep state killing Nino?



5D chess

But I thought cnn was fake news? That must mean Mueller definitely isn't recusing himself, right?

Mueller has the jowls of a dog.

Was Mueller interviewed yet?

Poor poor Baldilocks LOL if only u "had of" been born with better genes

Sessions recusal set a high-standard for recusals. It's bullshit that Trump was mad about this - that's just crap they fed the media. It's part of the plan. Just like getting the special prosecutor - they went for it because they got their guy. Trump team set him up for recusal - once it's accepted that a prosecutor happens, he now can slide in a less-corrupt person as the replacement. These guys have had a lot of time to plot their deep-state takedown, and they know what kind of snakes they're dealing with.

Sauce on the memo. It's pretty juicy

Sessions recused himself because it was ostensibly an investigation into the Trump campaign - WHICH HE WAS FUCKING PART OF FROM THE START. It's a lie that this was someone bad and angered Trump (their lie, by my estimation). What it really did was establish a precedent for recusals due to basic conflict of interest. The Dems/deepstate are incapable of putting in someone they aren't conflicted with because that's the only people they trust, their gang members. So he will be pushed to recuse himself, and now that Trump admin is in control and eyes are on conflicts a genuinely un-connected person will get in. Once that is done, this shit is over, because only a blind retard can't see the case against Hilary and Obama etc. They're keeping a lid on the evidence and full picture until they have their guy in place - the best way to cover up is to shut things down before they get too far. Sessions is a fucking professional, remember, and Trump's team is full of incredibly experienced and competents. Trump himself has been playing hardball with skeezy motherfuckers for decades. They know who they're dealing with and how to fight them.

thx user

haven't been following this (((shitshow))) for a while because I was fighting my case against false rape allegation, can someone tl;dr me please?

Comey wanted Mueller for a reason, so the investigation did not do what any sensible legitimate investigation would do in this case and that is look at every candidates relationship with russia. Mueller has not been looking into Hillarys camp regardless of our wishful thinking. hes there to make damn sure no one does. When hes gone the legitimate investigation begins.


See why nobody else has ever started at the TOP.

TRUMP has this but it's a shit show nonetheless. Fun. And way more entertaining than anyone would have ever expected. Can you imagine how boring a Clinton presidency would have been. This is what we wanted. Enjoy.

I tend to agree with that more and more. It's actually sad.

He was given the job to investigate the Russia shit, not any of this obstruction shit. If he doesn't want to do the Russia shit, then he doesn't need to have the job.

fingers fucking crossed on that

>Mueller has to go as well

I think Rosenstein will step out before the end of the month and Brand steps in as next in line. She will then fire Mueller without even needing a push from Trump. She seems pretty based.

I need to get more popcorn. This is the greatest shitstory ever told.

what dimensional in-vacum basket go is this?

Honestly, if they say Russia interfered in an election shouldnt they check out every name on the ballot to see who might have been involved with Russia? Why would they check just one candidate when the other has documented financial gains from dealing with Russia? It doesnt make sense to not investigate every candidate. I dont think we need to keep our fingers crossed. Just keep the ammo dry. this is just a common sense thing to me.

He does now

Hillary: known profits from Russia.
Stein: running mate had strong ties to Moscow.
Lets investigate Trump instead. Makes no sense.

I do believe you have it surrounded user.
>the avalanche has started and it's too late for the pebbles to vote

I'm pretty sure most of Trump's actions are calculated multi dimensional stern halma moves

remember a few days ago when Trump wasn't even under investigation?
Things are going South fast for Donny

>You forgot
>John Podesta being in a board with two Russian Banks, getting a payout in 2014 that he didn't disclose before joining Obama staff
>Podesta Brother who lobbied on behalf of the banks in Russia to lift sanctions
>Bill speaking fees at Russia events

Comey is aassive giant

Brumbrampf i-i-is done

Minimize our blazing fervor for freedom at your peril
Pic relative, when WE were ALL " Nig***s"

This is all a ploy by Trump. He knows he's done nothing wrong and the investigation is under way too much scrutiny for evidence against him to be fabricated. He knows what the outcome of the investigation will be and he's setting up the Left and their media for more embarrassment. Trump knows the appearance of disapproval with Mueller will cause hysteria in the media and the MSM will begin to defend the credibility of Mueller. Record anything you can of a Lefty praising Mueller now because in a few months the Left is not going to like the outcome of the investigation.

Fuck Mueller.

Name that flag

So who realistically ends up being the guy/woman who replaces mueller? Who would they be able to put in that has an honest neutral position with no conflicts of interest?

Sessions went by the book. He did the right thing. In fact he set the standard and democrats are going to have to play by the rules now too. They never win when they have to play by the rules.

You won't do Jack shit you larping fat ass

This post
It got me diamond hard.

>So who realistically ends up being the guy/woman who replaces mueller? Who would they be able to put in that has an honest neutral position with no conflicts of interest?

What if Brand comes in and disagrees with Rosenstein's decision to even hire a special council?? She could potentially just close it..

The special council works under whoever is acting AG.


Only CNN peeps

Mueller really needs to go.

Likely the case. I think they can even make a case to say this is literally causing chaos. It's not helpful and it needs to fucking stop. We can't keep doing this forever and sure as shit I don't want taxes to go towards this goat rodeo

top kek

I love me some 84's

I wonder how the media will spin this one to cover that up

What a beautiful mess.

>can't keep doing this forever and sure as shit I don't want taxes to go towards this goat rodeo

I don't understand why the conservatives aren't pushing the issue on twitter, instead of leaving everything up to Trump

Enough with Mueller.

Why are they wasting so much time with nothingburger investigations? Drumpf literally did nothing wrong, the russia narrative was proven false after all this time spent shilling for it by MSM.

Where were the media new cycles and investigations for Benghazi and shit that actually happened instead of investigations for a made up democrat smear campaign being taken way to seriously for way too long?

I find it interesting that after the Shareholder Call chimpout with CNN, they've started easing up. Essentially they got their ass chewed for being complicit in Trump destruction.

Mueller Fail

>Shareholder Call chimpout with CNN

what happened??

Please go to the bathroom in the proper bathroom facilities.

My thought is that almost everybody on either side would get caught up in a 'true' investigation. No one wants this to be a real investigation, because they can't unring that bell.

>being so shit
>Mueller has to step down lol

You talk like a fucking retard.


Why would Mueller have to recuse himself? Rosenstein I can see, but is there some rule against having your boss testify?

Read it

why link a picture and not the text?

whats the url for that

I can't find a source on that picture though googling the relevant legal coda led me to some good stuff.

Fuck both you idiots

i think you mislinked, neither of those have the right side of the image

The objective isn't actually to impeach or imprison Trump, it's to make it look like the mere presence of him causes discord in the government and thus makes our country weak. The presence of turncoat Republicans alongside the usual Democrats means that John Q. Public can't blame a single party; the only constant appears to be Donald Trump.

Trump alone is responsible for Trump's destruction.

>it's the dumbass tweets, stoopid.

He never ventures into suggesting anything criminal in Comey's actions . He talks about "practices" and "traditions" that Comey violated, not laws.