I stopped believing in god yesterday, now what?

I stopped believing in god yesterday, now what?

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You die and go to hell?

Believe in yourself.

now you bend over for sheklestien and do everything he tells you

Clean your room!

Watch this video series.
Know Your Enemy (Part 1 - Introduction)

Now the Jews can control you.

You live in sin and go to hell.

You kill yourself, end up in hell and we over here have a laugh.

Well now you are a grown I guess you should move out of your mum's basement and get a job kid.

Now study the REAL, Native Gods of your ancestors. They will speak to you 1000x more than Yahweh

Take the step forward to believing in God once you've gotten rid of these foolish pre conceived notions of what a God should and shouldn't be and realizing what is. There's a God and things are the way they are because he lets it so, things aren't the way they are because your idea of God wouldn't let them be there for meaning he doesn't exist.

Don't believe in god, believe in the god that believes in you!

Successful reproduce and then ride off into the sunset.

eternal damnation or nothing at all.



I know what you mean, that Berserk anime was terrible.

You switch your registration to the Democratic Party, obviously.

Return to the Lord Jesus Christ, ask Him truthfully to help you and He will

You'll grow out of it

what do you believe in now?


try reading the bibles narrative from left-to-right instead of right-to-left
start with "amen" in revelations and read to "In" in genesis

Start believing in Reptilians.

Descend into a pit of nihilism and cynicism and do nothing until you are so lost in the pit of Despair you decide to off yourself.

>I capitalize Him and He because The Bible does.
Please fucking stop this and type like you're a real person.

You're mind is now vulnerable for the Devil's influence which eventually would leave you into a dark path of no return.

>now what?
put on your manssiere
pull up your big boy pants
and be a all you can be

Now start going through puberty

To be more clear,

"There is no God because there is evil and suffering" is wrong

The correct way of thinking is "There is evil and suffering because God lets it be"

"There is no God because my prayers go unanswered" this is wrong.

The correct way of thinking is "There is a God and he does not answer my prayers for a reason; that reason not being that he doesn't exist, but that my prayers aren't answered because God has a reason for not answering them"

Make peace with God and yourself, and you will find peace.

does the Light of G-d burn your wicked heart, user? do the demons infesting you writhe in agony when they see the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ?

unzip fedora and pull out katana etc.


What is this psychobabble lmao

It's natural to change your views on things user.

define the God you stopped believing in? Don't throw the baby out with the bath water

Not your personal blog

I did that for 26 years
I read the whole Bible
Got baptized when I was 21
Never felt his presence
Life didn't get better
No prayers were answered, no miracles, everything could be counted as a coincidence or something that would have happened anyway

I believed in God, despite Dad always working and only seeing him on Friday nights and Saturdays, Mom was a depressed, angry, fat slob, Sister was doormat and a slut
Believed and prayed to God and Jesus despite being bullied from 1st grade to college. Prayed for it to stop, it didn't.
Believed in God even when it took 5 years to get an associates degree because I couldn't afford to go full time to college.
Believed in God even though for the last 4 years have had either shitty jobs or unemployed.
Believed in God despite 3 years of praying for a simple desk job thats only 8-5, M-F, 40 hours and enough to live on my own.
2 months ago I learned my nephews are now being bullied. 3 year old nephew got a bloody lip from niggers at his day care.
7 year old is being bullied for the clothes he wears, the toys he doesn't have and his name, just like I was.
For the last 13 years prayed every night for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to keep me and my family, safe and happy and healthy and alive and together and to bless my family and my country.
Gave God, Jesus, Heaven, anyone 2 months to let me see a miracle, a truly fulfilled prayer, hear their voice, something.
Deadline was June 15th at midnight.
Not a single thing.
I was a good boy and dindu nuffin in my childhood and adolescence, no prayers answered.
Became worse in my adult who, but still prayed, got baptized and read the bible.

There is no god.

And before you go, muh suffering and people have it so much worse than you, misery is not a competition.

Even Job was prospering before God let the devil test him.

Learn why religion isn't a necessity for every individual but is a necessity for the mass populace. Also recognize that christianity was the backbone of the west and helped shaped our morals and work ethic.

Read this,

> accordingtothescriptures.org/prophecy/353prophecies

Come back, and tell us if you're still skeptical.

Give it a watch, it explains whats happening in the world. You might learn something new.


I am sure God understands and will welcome you with open arms when the time comes.

We may not know why God does what he does, but we do exist, which means there is a creator.

I don't suddenly believe in the big bang or evolution or multiple universes
I think homosexuality is wrong, I'm still against abortion, I don't care about global warming, I only believe in 2 genders which are determined by X and Y chromosomes, and I still hate liberals.

Read the book "The Gods of Eden" and take the black pill that the world governments and religions are run by aliens and Earth is literally a prison planet.

>he thinks he understands the Bible but doesn't know why God isn't answering his prayers

You're greedy, selfish, arrogant, and a fool

Yeah, that'll show me
Ask and it shall be given

If god can dick around with Gideon doing multiple tests, why can he show one sign to me or anyone?

>religion is for gibsmedats
Only modern fucking society
Ever wonder if overcoming your struggles might be the meaning of life?

John 16 33 KJV
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Did leaving God make you happy? Did it make your life less miserable?

I mean you can blame God all you want, but the deal isn't that you have to "pray x number of times and you get what you want". That's not how faith works. It's not a business contract.

You pray today HOPING for a better tomorrow. It does you no good to try fixing that by simply abandoning hope altogether.

This picture. Why the birds? What the fuck are those birds? Why those type of bird. Plz do tell user. Plz

No, its not. Thats fucking stupid.
I wasn't asking for JUST gibs, I was asking for some god damn proof.
I put up with the misery and all I was asking for was some proof to hold onto so I knew to hold on.

Then you have denied Christ's truth, seek his light once again in repentence.

That's not how it works. You don't pray/believe and then God magically makes your family awesome, your job awesome, your degree easy, and yourself super rich without any work. I don't blame you though, I blame the trend of pastors fooling people into thinking that if they only pray then nothing but good things happen to them. Try really reading the bible - life for w Christian wasn't necessarily a cakewalk and believing didn't just make for a magic awesome button where nobody had to work or clothe themselves or plant their fields ever again. You can't just believe in God and then expect him to make your life super easy and perfect and you'll never have a bad situation to work through. That's like the Christian equivalent of the nice guy who thinks if he's just nice (while not bathing, or dressing in clean clothes, or dealing with rejection and working to improve himself emotionally and physically) that chicks will just give him endless poon.

being an atheist will bring you nothing but misery. be open minded on things you are not 100% sure. even science is misused to favor kike agendas. don't be snarky to religious people. don't act like you are above all just because you came to that conclusion. we are all retarded on a cosmic scale.

>"my life is shit"
>"therefore there is no god"

Nothing. Because you're an idiot, and don't know what you believe.

Believe again

Thanks for taking me back to my childhood when I knew people who actually believed this crazy shit.

Its only been one day and I see no difference.
I wasn't happier or better off with him, and I'm no sadder without him or worse off.

Sounds edgy, and maybe a phase.

Go take a vacation to somewhere without civilization. See some cool shit then come back. World's beaut.

Existential crisis for a few months until you naturally grow new faith in something greater and more personal that mostly only aplies to you.

That's what happened to me anyway

literally cuck logic.

christcucks lmao

>"my life is shit, despite me being a good person in times of misery and keeping the faith"
>"therefore there is no god"

Pascal's wager is fucking retarded. An all knowing God would see right through that bullshit

>times of misery
What exactly have you gone through?

because youll find out that someboday's god is trying to uncreate the world every 7 days for infinity.

holy shit, what the fuck does global warming have to do with believing in god. are you actually this retarded?

I was going to tell you that just because the bible isn't literally true doesn't mean there isn't a god, but now I think you should probably just drink some bleach

>the bible proves its own validity!
christfags are the fucking worst

you can't just ask for something from god and get it, even if you are a good person.

you are not gideon
you are user
that is all you are

you are arrogant to think you are important enough


Lucky for you-God still believe in you. Love and light.

Like I said, I didn't suddenly become Bill Nye.
I don't believe in the big bang, evolution, or multiverse.
I don't know where we came from and I don't care.
I still believe in the nuclear family
I'm still against homosexuality, muslims, faggots, and abortion.

I have no problem with Christians.
I still trust christians over atheists any day.
I still hate most atheists.

Took you long enough but at least you stopped believing in that bullshit, good for you. Don't listen to the fags in this thread btw let them live a cucked life and regret it when they're old


you can read the whole bible and go to church ur whole life and still be not saved unbeliever

you have to actually believe its not something youre born into and raised into

ur basically just still an atheist nothing really changed

you dont believe since you think theres no evidence

for me i had to discover gods existence then finally ask him to save me

Reminder that Jesus Christ himself fashioned a whip and threw out the (((moneychangers))) from his Father's house.

>I stopped believing in god yesterday, now what?
Kill yourself.

I wasn't asking for awesome, fame, riches or the like.
I just wanted a basic platform to start on and build.

which God has already provided us the capability to provide for ourselves

arrogant fool

Seems like God went real quiet ever since we invented cameras

/r/ pic of OP's guy face swap with gut

in return,

ive never seen the unedited version of this image

youtube "lights in the sky"

plenty of angels misidentified as ufos

so you are all set then. also try not to be a dick.
and never tell girls you are dating anything about your atheism. and if you want to, try to believe again, you have no obligation to be 100% rational. being a little irrational makes you a happier person, so in a way it is irrational to try to be all rational, you know? i used to be an insufferable preaching atheist and it was the worse. i lost my dad a couple of years ago and now i kinda want to imagine god as him, so i guide my life trying to make him proud.

Literally first result in reverse search bruh

seems like God went real quiet ever since he gave us free will after his only begotten son died for our sins

So now that you've seen the struggle of life and impending threat of death; appreciate the beauty of life and love and realize one cannot appreciate the good without experiencing this misery.

I believe because I see so much beauty. Life- which only comes from life and brings order in a world of entropy.

>You believed God would help you?
>arrogant fool

>You think God just helps good people?
>arrogant fool

>You think God would help an awful greedy arrogant fool?
>arrogant fool

thanks for being my indentured servant

this is SpecialMoons btw

Funny how God made real obvious apperances back in the day, talking to people, burning cities down and whatnot. Virgin Mary walking arround here and there from time to time as well.

But now its shitty far away lights in the sky that could be anything and no one can really see

If you actually read the Bible you would come across Revelations.

There was no free will before Jesus died? Alexander the great, the Romans, Moses and etc had no free will?

As a man who himself has lost faith, your reasons are retarded and you should consider offing yourself

I've been waiting for the good times to compare it to

LISTEN TO THIS: youtube.com/watch?v=IUhOXsaunbw

What is your argument here?

its true, you are an arrogant fool you does not understand God's gift of free will

which is holding its ground in modern times