Laying down the next conspiracy they use after their current narative crumbles on itself
Like we're going to let them give up. :^)
Russia, taxes, sanity.
Russia, taxes, sanity.
Russia, taxes, sanity.
i can picture these leftists faggots reading this title and saying to themselves "that's LITERALLY true"
>they can't prove he's guilty of anything so their last resort is HE'S CRAZY WE'RE NORMAL
This is great. All Trump has to do now if he ever slips up is plead insanity. That's liberals for the back door.
>he's crazy
>not fit for office
They've permanently lost the trust and resect of a large part of the population tho, no recovering from that.
And then the left impales itself on "Ableism". I look forward to their new narrative. It'll turn the left against itself.
>mfw remember this same sort of cycle when Obama first got elected
I remember there were people with tables outside the mall with pictures of Obama with a Hitler 'stache and saying he wasn't mentally fit to serve like in '09. The left is gonna get over it eventually when they realize that Trump is going to serve out his term and there's nothing they can do about it
>I remember there were people with tables outside the mall with pictures of Obama with a Hitler 'stache and saying he wasn't mentally fit to serve like in '09.
Yea dude, but the thing is, these people were not legitimized by the media. I sort of feel like the situation is a bit different this time, with the media trying to make it seem like Trump is the "hitler with a s'tache". But I could be wrong and it's just my bias that don't let me see the other side.
>these people were not legitimized by the media.
It effectively translates into we dont have anything but my fees fees are still hurt and thats a reason
>glenn beck
Not even conservatives like him anymore.
dunno dude, apart from fox news I dont see anyone else running with these movements. In my mind they always tried to deligitimize this sort of movement.
have they considered that he is innocent and has nothing to hide?
>man is pissed that hugely partisan federal agencies are trying to kick up smoke where there is no fire still after proving many times through their own investigations that there is no fire
>he must be crazy
>watched two seconds
>corny ass piper and that cringy march/walk
god i'd feel stupid to be a part of that. even if I agreed with some of these folks, this would make me hide my face from camera
He was the biggest thing on fox news at the time. The Right Wing Media was just as harsh on Obama as CNN,MSNBC etc are with Trump.
The Left can try, try again. Don't give up Left:(
It's absolutely true that Fox News was extremely harsh and critical of Obama. But at least they actually criticized real things. The worst the right got was with Birtherism, but that doesn't remotely compare to the Russian conspiracy crap.
We're the superior ones! Our unbiased superior media confirm it for us every day!
Taked to a lefy a week ago and they said something about how shitty the next EIGHT years are going to be. didn't call them on it. but this was a person who claimed trump wouldn't make 100 days.
[Mental Health] will be the next narrative.
>one news org and a bunch of little independent AM radio people like glenn beck are exactly the same as dozens of huge media groups
Not even close. Although I am not sure that trump had it worse that George W. Bush.
this is straight up screeching reeeeeeee
why western media journalist always publish their OWN opinion on every article
its like journalistic is their blog with highschool grade essay tier
You can do it Left. Don't get discouraged. :(
But if Russia is made up, why did President Drump verify that he's under investigation?
The Amazon Post is a mess
Don't get me started on the incorrect overuse of the word "literally"
Where have I seen a name like that before??
At least they admit Trump gets the whole eight years.
Which is obviously expected, because the DNC aren't going to get their shit together and elect a candidate people would actually vote for - it'll be another corporate crook full of baggage and Goldman Sachs donations.
No one is giving up, you dolt.
Left are not quitters, they just hit a rut.
Are you 18 years old?
it's not even close.
>have they considered that he is innocent and has nothing to hide?
I imagine there's a small fragment of their minds telling them this, but they're doing everything to block it out
it's over the new obstruction thing, he wasn't under investigation until then
birtherism was fucking disinfo, obamas mother was a communist whore who had an affair with an indonesian muslim third worldist and obama isn't actually black
he was born in America, the real secret is his history and ideology, the dude is marxist open borders shill for the house of saud
You can do it Left.
This. Either Trump or Sup Forums will spin them back up
The media pushed the birther stuff pretty hard. I was young at the time and not paying much attention to politics but I remember my impression of the media at the time was that they didn't like Obama and wanted him out of office.
Correct. It wouldn't make any sense for them to actually run someone who wasn't born in America. That would be silly. Obama was born here, but he was raised outside of the country and hates what America stands for.
Well, when you write in your book that you were born in Kenya, and you post a forged birth cert as your proof, there are going to be questions.
>Trump is an evil Russian agent, our number 1 priority is to get him impeached for being a top secret Russian spy who pisses on hookers!
No evidence whatsoever
>Yeah okay but he's still a stupid poopoohead and racist you Drumpftard XDDD
Its all part of the goy
Yes mueller just told trump he was investigating him instead of trump just looking at WaPo and responding
You niggers are actually retard
How is that "giving up"? This is a response to some delusional trumptard in denial about the corruption Trump's actions point to.
They're communicatin doubt in their own narratives
>how is clear backtracking, backtracking?
You've got a poor recollection of that then. The media called birthers racists and still do.
Funny how they wrapped all his criticisms into a neat little box they call "birtherism."
if he was born in America (he probably was; father was most like Frank Marshall Davis III), then he broke numerous laws by claiming to be a foreign student. If he wasn't born in America he broke numerous laws pretending to be born here. Either way we never got a single legitimate investigation, they just sealed the records for all time and that was that. No one thought that was strange apparently.
and that's how you know our government and the media are colluding together for their jew masters.
I think this whole evil russian spy angle exists because the truth is harder to accept - that the president is simply a mad man saying and doing random things.
you'd be surprised how much the european (((news))) networks march on with the russiagate thingy
Theres no fucking way that anyone would keep reading/watching leftist news media after the Russia narrative falls apart, theyd have to get collectively memory holed or some shit. No one would forget so easily.
No shit, they went with a scorched earth policy to combat Trump and it has eroded faith in ICs, the press and the government at large
They should be asking if the damage is truly worth the payoff, but they've become so singleminded that it's impossible for them to consider any alternative
Christ, you're retarded
He is under investigation for "Trumped up" obstruction charges
There is little chance he's getting convicted on obstruction, given he was never the target of a federal investigation
Hence the witch hunt, an inquisition against Trump in a poorly orchestrated coup attempt
I'm in several Facebook groups with local DNC committee members and I keep posting Russian videos like the interview of Putin talking about the deep state controlling every POTUS. I don't even care about Putin but it drives them fucking crazy and they genuinely believe the muh Russia conspiracy. I get them going damn near berserk
Thats good work user.
we the left gave up a long time ago thinking you spoke for the people, you globelast
Trump doesn't have the temperament to accept the apology of the media who falsely accused him of obstructing a Russian investigation that resulted in no evidence anyways. Understand now, Drumpfkins?
he has 130 million debt at deutsche bank
Dedpite the witch hunt, Trump has:
Pulled out of subversivr fake trade deal TPP
Pulled out of climate scam deal
500k+ jobs pledged by CEOs
Got rid of H1B loopholes
Actually enforcing immigration laws
Fighting for legal and necessary travel ban
Launched investigation into vaccine crimes
Launched investigation into human trafficking
Launched investigation into voter/election fraud
Launched investigation into Obama era leaks and surveillance
Speaks out against corrupt MSM
Has to deal with internal bureaucracy working to subvert him at every turn
Working hard on tax reform, Obamacare repeal, wall, and much more
Is renegotiating all scam trade deals
Didn't invade Syria after false flag chemical attack trap
Continues to help put to rest MSM by bypassing with Twitter
Stopped illegal Obama-era looting of Fanny/Freddie
Stock market and consumer sentiment up massively
Reduced funding of US government climate scam projects
Reduced funding of UN
Reduced foreign aid
Cut regulations and requires lawmakers to remove a regulation for every new one added
Implemented anti revolving door lobbying rules (5 year ban after being in government)
Maximum liberal/shill tears and butthurt is icing on the cake
Sure, there's still many problems with Trump, but he's light years better than what Hillary or a cucked Republican would have brought.
>accepting that he is truly our madman
What publication was this?