Give me the rundown on (((TRS))), Sup Forums

What is the deal on TRS?

I know that the main guy behind TRS, Mike Enoch (Mike Peinovich) has a kike wife and has admitted in passing about his being a kike (but has also denied it multiple times).

I recently read that Ghoul was a tranny loving faggot.

On a somewhat related note, I also heard that Greg Johnson is a faggot.

Is there anything else I should know about TRS?
I actually enjoy listening to their podcasts, but want to know exactly what their background is.

Is Weev a jew?

It's a forum of racemixers, kikes and sodomites all pretending like they're saving the white race when all they're really do is enriching Kike Enoch's wallet,

But don't you think the ((())) meme and stuff like Merchant minute are red-pilling lots of people using humor?


If TRS and Andrew Anglin are plants then there is literally no hope for the white race and you might as well slit your own throat now.

I think they're legitimate. Their ideas definitely are.

Sure. And Anglin doesn't seem to have any Jewish ancestry.

This is my view.

Why do you think it's the case that Sup Forums keeps bantzing all the prominent personalities, such as Spencer, Mike Peinovich, Anglin, et al then?

It is likely just tall poppy syndrome rather than an organised campaign. There are a lot of bitter people on here upset at their own impotence and failure in life.

Explain to me why it's wrong for a white nationalist to have a (ashkenazi) kike wife, again? Most white presenting kikes surely can trace their European roots back as far as this guy.

I don't think there's anything wrong with having a kike wife, but it does seem a bit funny for himself to be a Jew (if the allegations and slip-ups are true)

I hope Mike is Jewish, just for teh lulz, Hitler was a quarter Jewish so we're cool

>Explain to me why it's wrong for a white nationalist to have a (ashkenazi) kike wife, again?
It's a contradiction. If you're jewish, or allied to a jew, or married to a jew, you can't be a white nationalist. Jews are the enemy of white people.

"White sharia" is legitimate. kek

White sharia came from the War Room, not the daily shoah

Anglin is a proponent of white sharia. Shut up now.

What's wrong with white sharia?

The worst part about TRS is that just isn't funny. Nietzche said that the worst thing you could do for a movement is represent it poorly.

Humor is subjective and many people seem to find it funny (but it used to be funnier, when all of this was new to me).

Suggest a more funny antisemitic podcast.

It resembles neither European history nor Muslim history. It is the worst of all possible alternatives to the third-world horde and Marxist-hegemony.

That's because you're autistic and don't understand what it's getting at.
White sharia is a funny meme which proposes returning women back to their correct place, before the sexual revolution, which happens to resemble Islamic societies more than current European societies.

I think you're just an angry roastie.

Purity spiraling is for faggots (e.g. Greg Johnson)

Sharia is the product of a tribal honour culture based society. It doesn't resemble anything European at all. Past or present.

Today Auzzies came to my cafeteria (They were a team playing)

Are you all such trash nosily bad mannered niggers ? It must be your abbo blood . So loud and obnoxious. You women are whores too btw. It's unbelievable. I prefer Asians over Auzzies now so I can't call myself a White Nationalist.

You're an African culture tbqh. I don;t think you can assimulate into European society like Canada

I like how immediately you go to the sexual, which is clearly what white sharia is about. I just have one question for you degenerate freaks: do you think you can build a cohesive and effective political ideology off a weird affinity for BDSM?

Yes, that's true.
That's why it's called white sharia, which is just a meme, not a serious proposal to implement Sharia.



white sharia is good rhetorically against shitlibs, if they're against it they're against muslims, but if they're for it they're for white people

Daily Stormer is a fucking embarrassment for the white nationalist cause. Jared Taylor and his friends are about 1000 times better.

Jared Taylor is great, but he won't discuss JQ.

Because he's not functionally retarded and is working towards a white ethnostate, not a resurrection of Nazi Germany.



Hurr durr
Jews are huwhyte.

Do you know where the fuck you are? This isn't reddit.

Not an argument. Try again, brainlet.

they are plants to keep whites contained. jews are scared of waking up with a pitckork in their neck.

Tell me about niggers.

Please, it's not fucking "rhetorical." See mopey little faggot's comment in pic related.

you sound upset that people are figuring out having kikes run wn sites is a failure.


Post your chad picture, faggot.

What about them? My time is precious so I'll just post an infographic for the normie lurkers.

it's also for (((trs))), (((ds))), and all the (((alt kike))). gee, i wonder why jews would be so obsessed with purity spiraling? it's so we run in place like hamsters. noobs.

Good. I guess you're not a cuckservative.

Now tell me about Jews.

>post your face on Sup Forums dude
I want reddit to leave. gb2 /r/theredpill plox

i want to legalize prostitution and end misandrist family court laws, not put women in burkhas

Proggy jews are certainly the enemy of white people who are explicitly self interested, but they're the enemy of white nationalists in the same way that other progressive white presenting people are like leftists, protestants etc. Doesn't mean they aren't white or capable of producing white offspring. Case in point Stefan Molyneux, who once proclaimed to have a mother of jewish descent.

Make no mistake: most jews are antagonistic to white nationalists, probably biologically predetermined to act in subversive ways and need to go but I don't see why a white man couldn't knock up a jewish woman and produce a proud white-identifying child so long as it's raised with the proper cues and instruction. It's a tough pill to swallow, but at present moment the biggest problem for whites is members of their own tribe; the elected officials and their electorate, who deliberately debase european culture with degeneracy and foreign occupancy. Jews are a significant force in this, but ultimately a piece of the puzzle.

Feminism is the only answer to save the white race

Mike is a kike and has been scamming stormfags for a while. He is controlled opposition

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha no friend, Mike is scamming the useful stormfags.

They cooked up cultural marxism to subvert Western Civilization and some of them are tirelessly working towards a global state where they rule as the elite? Am I close?

We loved the "Trash 80", because it was what our University used. The green burn-in - ha! Dot Matrix printers and Tractor-feed paper.

It's a joke you autist. They say this all the time. On today's Shoah, they did about half an hour on how people tend to take these things too far. Like the 'traps aren't gay' meme.

I want kikechan to leave

Then go around calling yourself a libertarian MRA or something, my man. White sharia's for perverted 20-somethings with porn addictions who can't get it up without seeing chicks get choked and facefucked.



trs created the (((echo))) meme

>just now realizing greg is gay
He literally wrote a book homonationalism.

no thx, i support gibs for white people


of course they are. the shills and the plants are in this very thread, not on the dailystormer

everything about it is wrong, it appeals to nobody except the most violent and unlikeable retards in our already violent and unlikeable movement. Instead of doubling down on retardation (for example, support kekistan faggots), we should move beyond obvious controlled opposition.

What are you gonna do about pre existing legal brown citizens?

I would imagine in practice Taylor would carve out parts of North America for a white homeland through negotiations with other races like the blacks. Non-white natives in said areas would be monetarily incentivized to leave. Point is the current US would cease existing, a new or modified Constitution would be needed.

Sounds good to me. Sounds peaceful moral and pragmatic.