There was a knife attack earlier today that took the life of an Israeli police officer. Three attackers were shot and killed.
ISIS takes responsibility for ATTACK in Jerusalem
There was a knife attack earlier today that took the life of an Israeli police officer. Three attackers were shot and killed.
ISIS takes responsibility for ATTACK in Jerusalem
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based ISIS
>all those wasted blowjobs and ass fuckings
How sad
Don't you kikes always accuse the muds of hiding behind their women? Why are yours on the front lines? Shameful.
Islam is based. Assad and Iran are proof of that.
It's Israel and their kike puppets that are the problem.
WTF I love ISIS now
>WTF I love ISIS now
Why don't you invite them over for dinner? I'm sure they would love the sewer you call home.
She's a well trained, well armed, capable soldier you shill. Rags put unarmed women and children in the firing line. You can't be that stupid.
>You can't be that stupid.
>Yes he can.
/sarc off
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend.
>shes a well trained, well lubed, capable whore
fixed that for you
Fyi her mandatory service ended 15 months ago. She chose to reenlist. In Israel women get to choose their career paths, unlike in Dark Ages countries where they don't get to choose anything.
JIDF pls go
That's Shia muslims, i think they're less than 20 percent of the world muslim population. Sunni are subhuman vermin.
Well israel been in bed with ISIS for a while. Thus it killed one of their woman.
Instead of a hot Israeli girl, we get more of pic related
she's worth more than them all... combined... sad day.
Fuck off sectarian nigger. Sunnis fight for Assad as well and Iran supports Sunni groups like Hamas. Sunnis and Shia are brothers. Jews and Saudis push sectarian shit like this. So which one are you?
so 3 attackers killed 1 woman, but also got themself killed.
ISIS is just embarrasing themself at this point. Last attack in London only 6/7 deaths with 3 attackers and now 1? Wouldn't even claim this to be honest.
fuck ISIS sure, but fucking lol
Shut the fuck up Abdul. No ones buying it. Your shitty desert religion will come to a grinding halt within the next 50-70 years when all that oil dries up and nobody gives a shit what happens to you insignificant cunts once again.
dang she Is cute
my heart goes out to her, even if she kinda is a kike ISIS has finally started attacking Israel.
> now watch how fast they react to this...
>so 3 attackers killed 1 woman, but also got themself killed.
Attackers BTFO by these guys.
Its too bad your are holding all of them in an occupied territory. Almost a camp where they only get the food you allow them so they cannot build an economy. Where no one is allowed to live.
Really makes you think.
Israel keeping attacking everyone fighting ISIS in Syria. Ironic isnt it?
Fuck Islam AND Jews.
>1 dead kike
Acceptable losses for Israel to make it look like they're attacked by ISIS. These HAMAS-style stabbing attacks are a fucking joke. There will be no attack that kills more than 1 or 2 Israeli soldiers, mark my fucking words.
Reminder that pisslam is the enemy of human life.
Oy vey the goyim have noticed ISIS never attacks us! Lets throw them one photogenic body and call it 6 million
Or more likely
>random Palestinian knife attack happens
>Israel phones their ISIS proxies up and tells them to take credit
>ISIS takes credit for the attack
>Being this delusional.
>Being this Jewish
it's just a jewish shill. anti jew rethoric is created by jews for victim card.
yeah ..... delusional
wtf I love ISIS now
50 years of occupation...
Its Israeli so we celebrate. One less shareholder of Rothschild.
ISIS finally bites the hand that feeds? Good golly this world if falling apart. And, women in the police? Fucking Christ.
it wasnt isis
jews just using a pally attack to shill for more syria bombing
>Retards still falling for this shit
This is the most obvious "we need to get more involved in Syria bombings" I've ever seen. The kikes are hoping for another slice of Syria, Golan Heights style. They also get to show normies a cute girl dying by the ebil mudslims, namely ISIS, which even the normies are starting to question why they never attack the Jews. The kikes aren't Murica, their puppets never dance off tune.
Where is the source JIDF?
There's a stabbing everyother day in Jerusalem.
If they ended the occupation of Westbank then the stabbing would slow down
Fuck Israel, this is a good thing.
You get what you pay for.
For Gaza will be abandoned. … Woe to the inhabitants of the seacoast, the nation of the Cherethites! The word of the LORD is against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines; and I will destroy you so that there will be no inhabitant. So the seacoast will be pastures, with caves for shepherds and folds for flocks. And the coast will be for the remnant of the house of Judah, they will pasture on it. In the houses of Ashkelon they will lie down at evening; For the LORD their God will care for them and restore their fortune. – Zephaniah 2:4-7
According to this prophecy, the future Palestinian state will be destroyed and abandoned for the Jewish people to inhabit.
Bullshit, the stabbing would speed up if arab movement were unregulated
The stabbings happen because Palis are put under the boot and genuinely oppressed
If you give them a reason to live they will stop stabbings
>If you give them a reason to live they will stop stabbings
They want Israel out period. If they wanted peace they would be content with what they have. Jews and Arabs have hated each other for 5,000 years. Nothing will ever change that.
>kikes AND muds dead
What a good day.
ISIS would take responsibility for the wind knocking my bins over. It would be straight out of Rita Katz' twitter.
Why can't you anti semites just fuck off already?
i think you came to the wrong place.
Most of them just want the occupation of Westbank to end and for the settlements to stop growing.
Turn off the flag, leaf.
>Most of them
Know a lot of Palestinians do you?
>took the life of an Israeli
I'm fine with this.
>semites killing each other in the Desert
Good for them.
ISIS has finally started attacking Israel.
> now watch how fast they make the USA react to this...
Fixed realize...pol is home and friend of ISIS? We. Are. Islam.
Pol... Is Islam.
>near damascus
Mmm serves those kikes rite for stealing syria land
Is ISIS /our guy/?
>expecting consistency from a kike.
you must be new here
>sunni and shia are brothers
You really don't know shit about the middle east, do you
more like some schizo jew raped and killed another jew and then killed 3 kids and planted knives on their corpses as cover
>50 years of occupation and land theft and genocide
leads to
>Random knife attack
ISIS will claim anything. That means nothing. so stop shilling jew. It's a perfectly sane reaction from Palestinians when you did those terrible things to them
EVERYONE You'll have to go with Palestine
It was there before the fake kykes
And izrayle's first PM, Ben Gurion, openly admitted that 'the Palestinians are the true descendants of the region's original jews'
In fact, the original zyonysts back in 1948 said equally openly that they were 'disgusted' by the European jews' behavior and actions when they landed in Palestine
Ben Gurion wrote in his memoirs how kyke soldiers killed a bunch of people but took a young girl, very young, back to their cave where they ate and drank as they decided what to do with the girl. Obviously they knew damn well what they were going to do to the poor little kids whose family had just been butchered
Anyway, those noble kykes decided they'd rape the girl. Well we saw that coming didn't we.
As Ben Gurion wrote, they first forced the kid to bathe, because you know, rapists like their victims clean. Then they raped her. Then when they'd had their fill, they killed her. Then they dumped her body out in the desert
Those were the grandfathers of the supposed 'isralis' of today. Same izraylies stole Palestinian organge and olive groves. They stole Palestinians bank accounts. Cleaned up big time
They'd already stolen Palestinian houses, Pals pots and pans and even Pals' matresses
Can you believe it. Those kykes were happy to sleep on other people's mattresses
And there are photos online of scabby looking kyke women dragging those mattresses back to the Palestinian homes they'd already stolen in town
Lovely bunch eh?
So OP, go with the Palestinians
You'd want someone to go to bat for you under the same circumstances
and no matter how repulsive you think you find the Palestinians
the alternative gang is way beyond repulsive, and might even be described as satanic
>50 years of occupation
>jews getting killed
Made my week
Israel holds the area with the right of the conquerer.
Those people are only trying to free their country.
You really don't know shit about Islam, do you
Looks like all my siphoned tax money sent off to Israhell just wasn't enough to save her from getting buttered like a roll by those slime knives.
palestine is a bunch of homeless fucks messing up the local park.
It is about time for Israel to wipe its own ass and clean house
you're the lords rejects. His unwanted bastards. Don't forget that the real Israel is Christianity
raghead kills jew, nothing of value was lost
>crying about dead kikes
stop stealing their clay then you kike.
They have the draft in israel that is fucked
You guys are very dumb trolls but ur also sarcastic
Sup Forums BTFO
Death to Isr*el
>Random Pali knife attack
pick one retard
>Unsourced claim by (((OP)))
>ISIS takes responsibility for ATTACK in Jerusalem
more like Israel tells ISIS to take reponsibility for the attack.
Honestly I dont give a good goddamn about jews or mudslimes. Let the fuckin faggots kill each other.
a marxist group already claimed responsibility
>only dark age countries don't worship women and let them do whatever they want including jobs they clearly aren't capable of
kys faggot white knight cuck
Shame he didn't rape her before hand, hack her tits off, cut her cunt up, then give the pig her final merciful throat slicing.
pick one
OP is a good goy :)
>took the life of an Israeli police officer