Asian Women: 1
White Roasties: 0
Asian Women: 1
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>desire for yellow fever intensifies
This is terrible news.
>58% A-cup in 1980
>4% A-cup in 2016
Most of those A-cup girls from 1980 would still be alive. So why aren't they still buying bras?
Considering the rate of change, this can only be the result of widespread plastic surgery, or small-breasted women just not wearing bras anymore.
I wonder why...
Explain pls
Or a change in traditional Japanese diet, adding in a more western one. Namely, Milk and Beer.
>Ai Shinozaki intensifies
white race doomed. im too weak, im sorry
> asians
> not subhuman cockroaches
GTFO ricebacks
Japs are the Aryans of asia
What is there to explain? It's well known that endocrine disruptors are altering our composition.
Most girls I know with A/Small B's usually don't wear a bra unless needed
No I didn't know what a xenoestrogen is
You didn't post a jap
> defending this hard
They're all the same
Not really.
South East Asians are elves
Black Africans are orcs
European Whites are humans
What else?
>all asians are the same
Might as well say that there's no difference between Scandinavians and Iberians or Anglos and Slavs
sigh.. r/asianmasculinity is back..
slavs are dwarves
Latins are Halflings, Europeans are Dwarves, since we're inventive and have to deal with everyone else's shite.
Nothing gook magic can't fix. She's not even that bad of a case. She'll turn out hot even.
They are evolving for the white man this is extremely kawaii
No, I'm a Japanese wrestling fan.
>the tall blonde race was a metaphor for small eyed dark-haired midget race all along
>widespread plastic surgery
tfw country is being flooded with asian girls with huge tits
Obesity is rising due to amerifat culture.
That's a Korean
Exactly this. The influence of Western fast food and dairy products are leading to heavy Eastern Asians.
>Triumph’s combined D, E, and F cup sales in 2016 accounted for 51.3 percent of its sales total in 2016, making it the first time ever that demand for its larger bras surpassed that for more petite sizes.
But whites are human
Tons of japs, travel exclusively to korea to get the surgeries.
What's the obesity rate in Japan? You're talking shit, bong
>if I close my eyes and pretend really hard, gooks will visually turn into Scandinavians in my mind's eye
so this is the power of yellow fever
Im noticing more attractive korean women than japanese. There seems to be an endless amount of hot korean women.
but aren't white girls' tits also growing?
since when is china flooded with japs? as far as im aware, you guys are inundated with dog-eaters
big breasts are disgusting and monkey like
But elves are a different race, if white europeans represent humans, a different race must represent elves
probably. water and whatnot. mexican tits are just sagging now
I'd race mix with a nice conservative asian waifu
Yes because food is easier than ever to access cheap and quickly. Fast food, microwavable dinners, etc.
Monkeys dont have very big breasts. Big breasts in some way are more human
>t. Jamal Devon Smith
Doesn't matter, they all look the same
>let's make the tall blonde race into dark midgets
>close enough
The Elvish language was literally taking from Swedish and Finnish you sad yellow freak
Look at that crosseyed gook holding the tits!
so it doesn't factor in weight gain? if simply eating more food made them grow every woman would have Z cups at age 40
Who keeps making these threads?
based nips
Fair enough. Who are asians?
Shills. Sliding the FOIA release of pedo gate documents
Alright Sup Forums, I'm getting sick of the newfags and lolbertarians shilling for asians on this board, so let me set something straight on why you should oppose them living in the US, if you're white:
First off, asians were first allowed to immigrate en masse after the immigration act of 1965. Before this, our only asian communities were small amounts of Chinese, Japanese, and Filipinos. They were not allowed to be over 2% of the population.
This changed in 1965 though, and the people who pushed this immigration act lied to us, saying that our ethnic mix would not be disturbed and that the thought of whites becoming a minority was just a conspiracy theory.
Secondly, asians are not part of the American identity. The United States was founded to be a Western country, with European roots. That's why our immigration policy was ALWAYS based around Europe.
Asian Americans have no identity. They don't feel American, they don't feel part of the "greater society" and have no feelings to improve it.
If a German and Chinese immigrant came over to the United States at the same time and were raised around a similar community, the children of both would be radically different. The child of the German would be naturally conservative and wanting to preserve society, the child of the Chinaman would want to destroy it (pic related).
Identity is very important for the stability of the country. All they offer to the United States is money. If the US is to degenerate into a shallow materialistic shell of a society, then asians are the perfect poison for it.
If you have any more questions I'll answer them, but remember white man: just because Asians happen to be slightly more intelligent and rich than Mestizos and Africans does not mean they're good people or good for the United States.
They are not and will never be American.
is that hitomi?
sweaty aryan.tiff
>no cute japs with big breasts where I live
Maybe they are still using their old ones its not like they will have been under much strain
its anri
hitomi has literal ayylmao face
that's racist
If it were only a question of whites and asians in the world I might agree with you, but holy fuck, compared to niggers and muslims, asians are honourary Aryans. Pick your battles m8.
Its not anri. Anri has cheeky succubus face
> t. asian nu-male
stop fetishizing asian women
It's Papaya juice + milk.
It makes girls tits grow. Japs are doing it.
I made my gf start drinking a cup every day of papaya milkshake.
She went from A cup to a large C in the space of 6 months. It's legit.
I can always tell when they've had plastic surgery, the eyes give it away.
ok but you keep posting pictures of koreans, where is the japanese?
>being attracted to beautiful women is a "fetish"
Fuck off SJW
i will move on then
It's all that Tonkatsu chicken!
its not anri, those tits are much bigger
>ruining your gf with sagging gorilla knuckles
Jews are dwarves.
Asians are hobbits.
Elves are uncucked Scandinavian.
must.. obey... 14 words!
Jihyo from twice is gorgeous.
Here's Mina more twice fandom.
They get surgery on the eyes because big eyes look cute. If you're going to go under the knife, might as well get the whole package.
thank you, sweet jesus.
How would she make her breasts larger? They still look natural and floppy.
Robot women: 6,000,000
Human women: 0
You're so fucking triggered lmao
She has macromastia.
Get your faps in now because she will definitely need a reduction in the future.
Over my dead body I will.
Unless all her porn will magically disappear from the internet. I'm pretty sure I can fap long after she's out of the industry.
Cup? A tall glass or literally just a regular cup? Ratio of papaya to milk?
Only Whites and high caste Poos and Iranians can process milk. chinks can't
Willing to do anything for citizenship ;)
Go on lad. Have fun.
I can't bring myself to race mix since I'm a minority within a minority here.
Asian women look so fucking ugly without make-up. All you yellow fever fags need to hang.
Damn, yellow fever cured.
Most women look ugly with no make up