We know Trump is getting pissed

Trump has to be getting more angry by the day at this Russia bullshit. How long will it be until he goes full scorched Earth mode?

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Not long mate


President Trump is an intelligent and upstanding man, he won't go full scorched earth. He will just continue to shit on Obama's legacy for the next 8 years.

That's what they want him to do. Become the monster they've been calling him this entire time.

my daddy can fire you

He won't because he is controlled by the Neo-cons. We lost.

>hurr....obammys legacy

Bin Laden's still dead.

Bin Laden was pretty much dead before 9/11, if not already dead.

and you are controlled by the Jews. Fuck off faggot, you know nothing.

Pics of the body plz

But he has a short fuse, remember that useless Syrian runway bombing?

That will be his Achilles heel & America's Doom....

His sons have this high school bully attitude. Are you sure these people are OK?

>trumptards become alex jones when you mention bin laden
>calls shill on russian piss tape stories about daddy cheeto

get fucked cheesedicks

This man is not intelligent enough to make the important world-leading decisions. He is not JFK tier, he is just above GWB tier & follows the same ((agenda))... USA is fucked

Underestimating Trump is foolish at this point.

That attack was pre planned. Putin and Assad knew it was going to happend. That attacked served a purpose, in multiple ways. I'm tired of people talking about "b-but muh Syria" - it is over and done with.

If he's dead there should be at least one picture of his body. He was America's enemy number 1 and they killed him but can't really prove it?

Please bro.

Whatever you chose to believe. Russia begs to differ, and I trust their news a lot more than yours

If you do not support Trump, do not call yourself an American as you are no better than the screaming college liberals, and the wild packs of niggers in Chicago.

>President Trump is an intelligent and upstanding man


Holy shit my sides!


American News is just a mirror of it's degeneracy at this point, nothing but a big fat lie. ISIS is USA/Israel, so fuck your presidents. You're too dumb and stubborn to survive anyway

He is, what president has been more successful than Trump prior to entering the white house? None. Trump is divine pretty much.

Even ardent Marxists have got to be getting sick of the endless bogus controversies.

If you support Trump, you're an ignorant snake-oil customer who has been conned by one of America's famous con-men.

Ask anybody form NY or NJ who have known this clown for decades. He's famous for cheating on his wife and being the kind of bankruptcy. Other than that he's known as a failure who hides it through his arrogance.

You fuckface narcissists just projected your own fuckery on him and bought in, because the biggest flaw of narcissism is that it can't recognize its own.

Now suffer faggots.

The Trump brothers always look like they have to fake smiling, like it's something they learned in a class and never did on their own.

Cool story bro.

Sounds like typical liberal whining with no point. Sure am glad you guys lost.

I'm sorry, but anybody who believes that doesn't know ANYTHING about Donald Trump. He's many things, but "intelligent" and "upstanding" are two words anybody who knows him or his history would never use.

He's famous for being a buffoon and a liar. Holy shit you faggots. Your lives are gonna be so hard.


I'm thinking soon. He didn't go into this an ideologue..

Real clever.
Nationalism will never get anywhere if you just shout "Jew!" at anyone who is trying to give constructive criticism.

Best timeline


they've been baiting him since the second he won the election

i'm not sure they want him to fail either. Bush and Obama both increased the surveillance state so much it's almost like they're daring the next guy to go and do it already


That didn't have anything to do with Obummer lol. He just happened to be in power when they found him. That shit was set in motion by W.

jews control russia and america.

I'm sorry you are jealous a successful white man is in a position of power and that upsets your fragile liberal ego. It must be hard to wake up every day and know a strong, outspoken white man is the most powerful man in America.

You need to get over it though my multi gendered friend.

You still seem upset Hilldawg lost.

Don't samefag and refer to your previous post without acknowledging it pls.

Nah, it's actually you and being a Republican dumb fuck Trump Cuck.

There is NO reality where Trump is respected by ANYBODY. He's a fucking punchline and always has been. Jesus Christ what fantasy world do you guys live in?

Do you really not know any of his history? He was famous for cheating on his wife in public and was all over tabloids. He doesn't even mind being called a liar anymore because he knows it's what he does.

I get it for people who want to watch the world burn to vote for this ridiculous cartoon, but those of you who believed him and LEGIT support him are really bottom-of-the-barrel fucking victims.

Haven't checked out the recent appearances, but I want him to yell like he did at his RNC speech.

Angry and on point Trump is best Trump.

>he goes full scorched Earth mode
He ran on that policy
>I'm gonna be dead so fuck what/whoever is left
People just don't care

Blah blah blah

I'm not going to read all that dribble. We already won, there is nothing left for you to say. 2 terms brother.

What? I'm whiter than you, you fucking half-wit hillbilly.

I wake up every day and laugh at the news Trump has tweeted himself closer to impeachment.

Trump's not crazy, he's just weak-willed, ignorant and easily manipulable. During the election people who knew him described him as the sort of person who just reflexively agrees with what the last person in the room says, and based on his time in office so far that seems like an accurate description. Since he filled his cabinet and surrounded himself with establishment neocons and warmongers, he's being fed the usual neocon narrative and neocon strategies. It's just that he's too dumb and insecure to know when he's being manipulated and how.

The ultimate problem here is that so much of this country can't tell the difference between actual conviction and blustery grandstanding. What seemed obvious to some as signs of insecurity and weakness, his supporters saw as strength of will. This makes sense considering his biggest fans; teenagers and racists and rednecks and the alt-right are so mired in their own ignorance and insecurity that they can't recognize it in others, and saw in him validation of their own weaknesses. In his tendency to let his insecurities and prejudices allow to him to fall for increasingly ridiculous ideas and obvious scams, they saw themselves. And since they reject the idea that they could be manipulated into acting against their own interests, they refused to consider how easily he could be tricked. Narcissism has a hard time recognizing narcissism. His flaw is the same flaw that led so many people to vote for him in the first place.

Trump's failure so far should be a wake-up call to those who supported him, to examine the flaws that he exposes in themselves. They won't, for precisely the same reasons that he appealed to them in the first place. Ignorance and insecurity resist self-reflexion at the same time that they invite manipulation.

So kys.

Trump's only victory of his entire Presidency was his election win. He's been a complete failure since then, lucky for the country and the world.

He won't lose it till he knows he can do it and get away with it in madman fashion. Just like always. Chosen for a reason.

Who's suffering?

Lmao you idiots he's pulling the strings on this entire Russia story. It's all one gigantic trap.

When will you low iq brainlets learn, he really is playing 5d space chess that you can't comprehend because he has an iq of over 156


>support trump

nigga you stupid

>kike weapons salesman
>indebted to the kochs
>indebted to Deutcsh Bank
>indebted to russian mob
>can't get laid in a whorehouse

fuck that beta

Trump can't read good

Mentally ill liberal rant, typical. You need help buddy. I'm not your father so you have no need to lash out at me. I'm concerned for you bro.

Trump is doing well considering how deep the swamp is, and how insane its proponents are.

>Be Trump
>Be told you aren't under investigation
>Subordinates subordinate refuses to tell the public even when told to for a flimsy reason
>Goes instead to show boat
>Ask Subordinate for a recommendation
>Get recommendation to fire which I planned to
>Fire subordinates subordinate
>Subordinate is now investigating me for firing Subordinates subordinate
>Subordinate will not correct the record

I am half expecting Trump to just shut down the AG office and send it out for a public contract

Trump has done nothing but win. You won't give him credit because he's white and you're racist. It's 2017 ffs.

Dont try to take the high ground, fatty.

The ladder wont hold you.


Is that how you speak in real life? Kek

No serious person ever claimed he was personally under investigation, only his associates, and no one claimed even they were guilty, besides maybe Flynn.

Trump dug his own grave by trying to obstruct an investigation that likely would have found nothing.

I'm curious on what you think is a weapon. Even the Paris accords he has to wait 2 years to even begin the proceedings to leave it, and then another year for full approval, he'll be out of office by then. Wall isn't built, travel bans are blocked, the stock market is doing well cause regulation is going down, which by the way negatively affects you.
His friends are winning but this country is losing

Honestly I've never been more sure of him than I am now. He looks like he has the situation under control by clearly showing how the (((deep state))) cuckservatives and democucks are still together against him. His poll number went up to 50%, he always does better when he's in the defensive. It brings out the best of him. Look how he got rid of DAPA and Cuba deal in less then 4 hours. Whenever the globalist faggots hit him, he hits back harder, but brainless normies in Sup Forums have teh attention span of a retarded fish to notice these changes over time. If he keeps this up for 4 more years he's easily going to win.

>you're not an American if you don't suck off trump
>this coming from the board that wishes America was conquered in WWII

auto correct
curious what you think is winning*

More like old politicians and old establishment members are trying to keep their jobs by obstructing the role of government with these wild accusations.

I'm glad Trump is firing them one by one... fuck them.



My dad used to own that same exact fiddle but he pawned it.

I always thought that color was atrocious.

I assume you mean win and not weapons. 2 years kek, Europe has no way to enforce that treaty even if you sign it. We can symbolically stay in for 2 years if it makes you feel better but we won't be paying money or shutting down factories. Even if we signed it wasn't mandatory, Europe can't force anyone to do anything. You should do some research. God bless Trump.

I can feel you seething. Just admit you've been conned, and you're susceptible to being conned. Being Conservative in its nature keeps one from learning and progress, it's why it always loses unless it comes down to extemes like in Ultra-Conservative places like Saudi Arabia, under the Taliban etc.

Enjoy poverty.

I just want you to know that someone on this full on sycophant of a board completely agrees with you.

If you go through his pre-presidential twitter posts he sounds like a mix between a teenager girl and a used car salesman. He just says what certain people like to hear, but he himself holds no convictions, no morals. An incredibly useful tool for some people.

And of course, cognitive dissonance and hugboxing doesn't allow most member of this board (and their twin brother, The_Don) to really think critically about things he says or does. If it's even slightly negative it's fake news. And if it's real, it's out of context or doesn't matter. Trump was right when he said " 'I could shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters", because his supporters don't particularly care to think very long and hard about what he says, what he does, what he has does in the past. You are seeing a true cult of personality.

>2 years
Are you retarded? See if Trump sends anyone a check. Fuck off.

>and you're racist. It's 2017 ffs.

You're a dumb motherfucker, confirmed.

What am I seething about? President Trump? Vice president Mike pence? Speaker of the house Paul Ryan? AG sessions?

I'm just tired of winning bro

My favorite proverb is that the sign of a good country is one where the old plant trees whom shade they know they will never know. It saddens me to see our country so eager to throw away the future of their fellow citizens and their own children for some small percieved morale victory; despite being fully aware of the consequences.
Maybe when you grow up and have children of your own you'll learn that there is more to politics than having your team temporarily be on top, we do all of this for a greater reason.

>reddit fag
you do not even attempt to hide it.

Not an argument. Keep calm and maga

But Reddit is like this. Seems more where you would fit in.

How do you feel about dijon mustard on hot dogs, by the way?


>long ass post
>passive aggressive insult
>pure unfiltered crying


>unarchived clickbaiters archive.is/0XHVP

They are Trump's customers and they don't even know it. As I said anybody familiar with Trump through the years knows what he's about, he's not a complex person by any stretch.

The most interesting, and hilarious, is how so many people who forever have talked down to "East Coast Liberal elite Yankees" suddenly were ready to vote for one as POTUS and suck his cock and they can't explain why, not even to themselves.

doesn't matter since everyone here has adblock anyway

>Translation: boo hoo they wont do what I want!

You need a diaper change gay boy?

The country is run completely by Republicans, is more dysfunctional as ever, and has passed NO major legislation.

It's a bigger clown car than it's ever been. It shows that Republicans get elected preaching the Government is a failure, get elected and prove it.

If this is winning....wew lad. I hope this "winning" continues to the mid-terms.

they're obviously baiting him hoping for serious missteps

You're working hard. Did you get your Trump Steak coupons deposited to your account? Use them quick, they expire.

>Neil Gorsuch
>Immigration ban from terror countries
>Illegal immigration down 71%
>pulled out of TPP
>pro-law enforcement instead of pro-nigger
>eradicating ISIS

Trump promised and delivered all of that. KYS liberal.

jesus you reddit fags are out in full force tonight. the dam must be about to break open. so tell me, what are you preparing for by your shilling?

Imagine if Trump just decides to say fuck it, and declassifies all information regarding:

Sandy Hook
The Pedo Rings
The Moon Landing
Hitler's real death
Human Trafficking
JFK's assassination
Reagan's attempted assassination

That would be awesome sauce

ublock is much better, blocks everything and doesnt slow your browser down...

He's playing it by ear.

Eventually he'll make some bold moves no one ever thought he'd make. Look at the Comey firing. Who saw that one coming?

Pulled out of the Paris Wealth Redistribution scheme
Got 2 scoops

Don't hold your breath. His economy is smoking.

And it's been working.

Neil Gorsuch is the only real thing on that list.

Much of that happened under Obama, and none of it is "major legislation" but I bet you don't even know what that is.

LOL it's literally the same economy Obama had only now he's saying the numbers aren't fake.

Why is your only contribution being a whiny butt-hurt fuckface? Get a job.