>hurrrr durrrr muh guns
>hurrrr durrrr the left are afraid of guns
Um no sweetie, we're arming ourselves and have formed ourselves into cohesive units to train to fight fascists. We're training squad and fire team maneuvers, gorilla and urban warfare, and how to overwhelm a larger force using mechanical ambushes and concentration of force. I already have an AR-15 and SAR-1, but recently bought pic related for $449 and have been hitting silhouettes at 600m with irons. Hope you "fashy goys" are ready to party like its 1945.
Civil war 2
Instead of worrying about stalinist subversion, this time some niggress will call you a white supremacist, and you'll squander every opportunity fighting each other.
k keep me posted
This is now a post of peace.
you paid $449 for a old ass mosin? you are hitting anything but dirt at 600m with a blown out mosin?
is this fucking bait? its bait isnt it? im in a bait thread.
Good luck without any organized armies, fags.
I forgot this as well.
>gorilla warfare
>$450 for a mosin
>even the most trained of commies had difficulty hitting past 300m with one
>not just buying a Remington 700
Besides what has already been posted in this thread about op I'll point this out that apparently a well organized militia only applies when it fits their narrative.
Lol do something besides shitpost then you whiny faggot
>insert webm of girl that is going to collect 100 nazi scalps getting punched in the forehead
Quick how do you perform a hooking ambush?
>gorilla warfare
are you for real or is this a reference to the internet tough guy copypasta?
>didn't enlist
i wonder which of us doesn't have any contacts~
as a leftist, i want no part of your war
leave me alone pls
realtalk, you can always tell the political leaning of a mass killer by how effective they are. liberals can never get more than a few kills. even muslims are at least capable of pointing and squeezing.
Leftist Networks plan on attacking both R's & D's to cause enough Chaos that Trump would have to declare Martial Law and/or lethally crack down on them.
This would trigger a "US Spring" into Coup/Civil War.
That is the plan that is being executed right now.(Don't say I didn't warn you all ahead of time)
>Moist Nugget
I am really hoping you are this retarded.
stfu you larping faggot
LOL, i thought you left wing idiots wanted guns banned! you are a joke.remember that only men really count in civil wars, keep in mind that a vast majority of men in the US are white, then look at this pic, then KYS before we do, you worthless piece of CRAP.....youre also a girl, btw, so you probably cannot even shoot the guns you bought. i hope you live on the west or northeast coast
You can always tell trained vs untrained. Righties have at least been out to the field to shoot cans with their dad and got the 4 rules and whatnot. Lefties typically don't have dads and never see a gun till they wanna bash fash or some bullshit. It's super funny to watch.
Faggy larpers
Not OP but how? Asking for a friend
>leftists Sanders supporter shoots 50 rounds into a crowd
>kills no one
>"um no sweeties, we're larping as you guys so be afraid"
I call bullshit to your claims OP crossing 500 yards is a big leap of skill and equient. A mosin is not up to that task unless you are an amazing hand loader and have a fluke of a rifle.
Unless your "steel" is is a 40' conex box
Hey big bro, what are the four rules? Given my country's cucked gun laws, I never learned how to properly handle firearms. Pls halp
when girls start using that language, they have already lost. I find that girls who throw around that type of talk have lost the logical argument and go to emotion.
We just had a lovely demonstration of leftist marksmanship. A hundred or more rounds at 90 feet and no fatalities.
I really don't think anyone is worried.
You must have bought that in NYC, because you aren't paying more than $350 for a Mosin in most states, and even in MD I've never seen one over $300.
Why involve gorillas?
700s are shit now well since about 2000 unless you want to put $500+ to make it work and not counting optics.... the Savage Axis or Ruger RPR are the good ones now
>gorilla warfare
Fuck off nigger.
Oh fuck off you commie scum! Trying to start another civil war and realizing that your side is the Confederates
>$449 for a mosin
Always point the gun at people and small animals
Never assume it's loaded until you've pulled the trigger at least 4 times.
Never take your finger off the trigger, you're not a fag
Your bullets will always stop in soft targets. Everyone behind your target is safe.
Replied to the wrong post newfriendo. See, when you click the user ID, it highlights their posts. Go ahead and try again, it's a free website.
Best antifa gun fagging I have seen lately was a group photo and one was carrying a K98k Mauser and I laughed out loud at the irony
stop, you're making it too easy.
>Confederates were the bad guys
So cute & cuddly with their tantrums
Military & hunters are mostly Men
>not leftys
lol, dude, that bitch has no clue what you mean; she doesn't know the mosin is a comm-block pos, she doesn't know what hand loading is, she doesn't know that if she owned that rifle she would probably be blowing rounds of surplus ammo, she doesn't know that men (specifically white men) would annihilate her useless worn out ass in a civil war, the bitch doesn't know jack shit. also, with mosins as pricey as they are, just get a mauser or some cheap 30-30 or .308
>always stop
that's a lie but not wrong technically
expect fragments from an overpen (which is typical on most unarmored human targets) to continue moving but they are not lethal in most situations with anything below an intermediate cartridge. Comes down to caliber for this, mostly.
Keep putting down lead to be safe tho.
It's important that our society has peaceful transfers of power after elections. The violence by the left against conservatives and president Trump must stop immediately.
It's good you've armed yourself. Our second ammendment allows for that and in doing so also funds our robust arms industry. Thank you for your contributions to this growing industry
>"Um no sweetie"
>AnCom flag
>obvious bait
reported, hidden, saged, phoned anticom
$449 for a $39 dollar rifle?
It's gonna be fucking hilarious how far behind the times you guys are when things actually kick off
Silly leftist, I'll
Be pinning your ass down with 20 rounds of .308 while you manually work the bolt for your 5 rounds. And also, Mosins have a pencil barrel, good luck keeping a group after multiple quick shots. Your first 5-10 rounds will be decent, but after that, your accuracy goes to shit. Plus, I have plenty of western (and com bloc) weapons to hand out to our side. Good luck faggot
Is this bait cuz nigga flaunting a mosin like its intimidating.
>recently bought pic related for $449
Fuck off troll.
In all seriousness what it comes down to is you guys are low test and don't like hard work. You horrors of war are unimaginable to you, and when you actually face them you'll fuck right off all this violence rhetoric and go back to being peace advocating pussies.
At this point I want a civil war to happen, I'm foaming at the mouth to kill communists. Let's end the red menace once and for all.
>Weaponized assault drones
Yeah .223 is real intimidating...
I meant to erase it but didn't. That way I can reply without scrolling.
Been on 4chin since 2008
I had a feeling it would be something like this. Excellent rules and advice, thanks friendo
Come on, leaf, really?
Hahahaha so true. The guy didn't even sight in his SKS. 50-100 rounds and only 4 hits (not even center mass) Typical leftist, doesn't know how to shoot a rifle
Exactly. These flyover state idiots don't understand what our coastal intellect can accomplish.
>trained to fight fascists
We will starve you of soy milk and tofu until you scrawny faggots capitulate.
>7 year old girl: "Feels pretty good"
>New York journalist: "shooting this was scary and gave me ptsd"
I know...I always thought I wanted peace, but know I know EXACTLY WHAT I WANT
Actually, I'll use my com bloc weapons so you can see Lenin and Marx in hell
> $450
You overpaid.
If it isn't you're retarded
.22 is not scary from a lethality perspective assuming you don't get dropped by a major organ getting fucked
.223, .308, x39, any of that shit is scary.
shes gonna kill so many niggers in the race war
Kek. Good bait.
>but recently bought pic related for $449
Ouch. You got ripped off. Holy shit. lol
really what m8
No shit, they are $250 for refurbs locally
>gorilla and urban warfare
your white. you should know better
I can't wait to face your group in the streets, in hand to hand combat.
I will kill as many of you faggot loving communists as I possibly can.
I'm more than ready to party like 1945, and I will enjoy burying a bayonet in the top of your head.
Oooo I'm so afraid, you're too distracted and triggered to write a coherent non-shitpost, you're weak, your knees are weak, your dick is smaller than your asshole faggot, you've never killed anything mammal-wise in your entire pathetic life, you couldn't spill blood if you wanted to, you're an autistically inept retard, and you're reported for being a faggot.
lol who's gonna give the orders and make sure you operate as a team faggot?
Nice faggot gun btw. You overpaid. See you on the field.
Suuuure you do.
back in the mid '80s, you could buy these by the barrel in department stores in the southeast for 39 bucks a piece.
Was a bitch getting all the cosmoline off, tho.
>No shit, they are $250 for refurbs locally
You'll pay $225 in Canada.
Sweet rifle OP, FYI you can use it as a boat oar or tent pole and if out of ammo a pike, if you like, you kike.
definitely not going to lose sleep over this thread. sage
It'll fucking kill you and the AR platform is dependable and effective. Mossin is fun and all, but in a firefight against an AR or really any other semi automatic rifle you're fucked.
This is one of the best pastas I have seen in a while.
> 1 post by this ID
Picture them next to something... for scale ;)
Beside lefties crunble under pressure, no safe spaces in da' woods
OP is retarded.
Do you expect any better? Like really?
Confirmed, AR user will murder you 30 times over while you fuck around with that musket. Source: I own both guns.
Does this look like airsoft snookums?
Hey OP responded with a non-shit rifle that he probably overpaid on ammo for
what grain m8
like, really? for real? really?
> cohesive units
you won't get past of deciding which pronouns to use
non-/k/ here:
why does the extra 0.003 make that much of a difference?
Cabelas in GA HAS them for $260 ea or &1000 for a case of six never issued and no cosmoline.
>gun violence all the time
You Americans live in a third world country