Any thoughts on that Sup Forums ? We ourselves are getting overwhelmed by the liberal tide
Germany opens its first 'liberal' mosques
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That's not a mosque.
Are the bookies taking bets on when it will be bombed?
And not a single muslim went
wonder how long it'll take until real muslims bomb it
That's a space station
This is how you cause schisms. It's a good thing they don't turn into century-long blood feuds. A great example of kraut engineering.
who funded this mosque? serious question.
I would say something like "this will be a perfect demonstration of the incompatibility between Islam and degenerate leftist western 'values'", but I've stopped believing that the lefties can learn their lesson so it doesn't matter...
I give it a year before it closes or before it turns into ISIS headquarters in Europe.
How long until the rest of the Muslims burn it to the ground and behead everyone?
Probably some generous (((benefactor)))
No seriously, it's really small so I don't think anyone but themselves funded it
shit wrong post
anyone who works in or around this must get hazard pay 24/7
20 years or whenever they hit 35% or majority or they decide that those 'musselmen' can be saved
>Moslems are safe from degeneracy they said
I guess the eternal kraut strikes again.
so from what i gather it was some feminist muslim who begged the german government to do this, seems like this place will be closed in a few months...
Why not just ditch the Islam and worship the Poz?
This is a serious attempt to promote Chrislam
Anyone remember this mosqie/synagogue/church combo the house of one in Berlin
This. I think it is actually a good idea, if success, there could be no complains from muslims.
If the idea fail and no muslim visit that mosche then it will redpill a lot of people. "Why the religion of peace don't visit a temple of peace and tolerance?"
this is straight insult to the real islam
Inb4 snackbar
Are you a member of the ISIS or just otherwise salafist/wahhabite? Of course this is a good thing.
Liberal plan:
Step one: everyone prays together, no one needs a burka.
Step two: Men pray in the back, need to wear burkas to protect women from their evil gaze.
Yup probably, even if there are a few people willing to go there, they have too much to fear from the radical muslims.
And I guess there will be a lot of pressure from the normal muslims to shut it down
lol no, nothing will happen because everything about islam is already exposed to the normies, they dont care.
I Agree the key is create a Schism, building some kind of Western Branch of Islam.
"Liberal Mosque Ibn Rushd-Goethe which is housed inside a Protestent church in Berlin is the first of it's kind..."
Wonder who's funding such a progressive & tolerant project, perhaps (((Mr. Shlomo))) had somthing to do with this. Thankfully this abomination will blow up in (((their))) hooked nose faces.
I blame white men. Hopefully Merkel will arrest those involved with this kind of Islamophobic culture. We have to accept their culture and attempting to inject our values into their sacred sites is bigotry
There is already a culture like that in sand people land. The men have to wear a burka and so on
There is no such thing as moderate islam
>Father Boulad said that “Islam is an open-ended declaration of war against non-Muslims” and those who carry out violent jihad are true Muslims who are applying exactly what their creed demands.
>"A systematically conciliatory attitude is interpreted by the majority of Muslims as a sign of fear and weakness,”
these "mosques" are just gonna get bombed/shot a/charlie hebdoed/anthraxed by "not real" muslims because thats what muslims do
I am just a normal non-degenerate muslim. I like the idea of uniting Sunnis and Shias, but to openly accept faggots and trans people and invite them to pray in a mosque is inacceptable for me.
I don't know why the progressive libtard always has to be scandinavian
This will last all of 30 days. Maybe longer because most "muslims" that attend are paid actors
Sounds like a publicity stunt.
fuck off with your cucked alt-right website
+ that's out of point
Cucks will get triggered because the mosques existence insinuates mudslimes arent already liberal and have it shut down
This, implying that something is wrong with Islam less than subtly.
The Islam that's already here in Europe is here to stay.
If they're assimilating to Western values then this is categorically a good thing. The problems are the religious ones.
You're the cuck, enjoy your """""moderate""""' islam there is no such thing. You are either athiest and P/T larping as a muslim or you are a real muslim and murdering kuffar
nice metal arms glitch in the system reference
>she's euphoric
gotdang errtiem
I am neither of those, but you are the retarded alt-rightist who only knows Islam through infowars and breitbart
+ it's very smart to try to discuss islam by posting an article from a website that serves no real purpose but please ignorants like you, featuring another ignorant egyptian priest
Fucking kek. Yeah this won't end in disaster at all.
normally I wouldn't do this but, I feel like we should help them stay open.
turnabout is most definitely fair play.
cultural marxism is on your side Sup Forums, embrace it
>The Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque, which is housed inside a Protestant church in Berlin, is the first of its kind in Germany
Liberalism is a cult. Notice its the same thing in every liberal place of worship.
Bombing in 3, 2....
Leftists are going to Convert or be killed by Islam.
Muslims believe they will eventually win. So what Muslim in their right mind would go to an infidel mosque like this? It's treason, and muslims execute traitors, and will punish the family members too, perhaps enslave them, and allah tortures hypocrites in hell forever.
Muslim imams that say the wrong thing are routinely murdered in the muslim world. Muslims run a tight ship.
So it's a place for liberals to larp as muslims? Kind of like nondenominational mega churches for christians.
"nondenomentaional" usually means Pentecostal. Those churches are fucking aids
it gets burned by muslims in less than a week
some would say that this is islam coming in as a wolf in sheep's clothing, but actually is just more proof that modernity devours everything
Bless you.
The Devil's Master Plan for the End Times
The Synagogue of Satan will unite all the religions of the world against Jesus Christ.
I can't wait till it gets bombed desu. Not that I'm hoping fuckers die, but I want to see the backlash so I can jack off to it.