What the FUCK!!!!!!!!!! AMERICANS actually ALLOW this in their society!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the FUCK!!!!!!!!!! AMERICANS actually ALLOW this in their society!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you know 10 dollars an hour was a fuck ton back then and living quarters were cheap because of quality

But now it's not and thats why the miniumum wage should atleast be $15 if not 20-30

She must live in an expensive area and her kids must all have meme degrees

Better import more shitskins to lower the wages for the job creators.

Most gas stations start you at $10 an hour now unless its really rural. What kind of shit degree do her kids have?

Don't tell me, communism is the answer to this?

You can still make the modern day equivalent, just got to land a factory job and work for it. The average UAW line worker makes about $60k-$70k after benefits. You are all just lazy niggers and neets.

Yeah, we do. What's your point? Nobody's obligated to give you money.

Because no one ever wants to talk about the root cause of all economic problems; Monetary Policy.

The only thing people talk about is fiscal policy.

OP is an idiot. Minimum wage hasn't changed too much of the years... it isn't lower today than in 1983 (in normalized dollars).

OP's children are idiots. Don't spend a ton of money on a non-marketable degree. My kids made a damned fortune when graduating with STEM degrees.

Fuck it, why not make it 40-50? Why stop there?

>Don't tell me, communism is the answer to this?
Monetary policy reform.

>$25 an hour without so much as a GED
Uh huh.

Probably the kind that make you more useless than an HS grad.

I'd take an 18 year old HS grad as an employee over a 22 year old with a marxist degree, a ton of debt, and a chip on their shoulder.

I started at $30/hr right out of university with my eng degree.

Since 1983, 4 out of 6 U.S. presidents have been Republicans. Coincidence that things have become so shitty since then? I think not.

Back then you could graduate with anything and be good, shit you just barely had to graduate high school.

>voted to let all the illegals in and lower wages
>voted for all kinds of feel-good shit that females vote for
>allowed her kids to pick some dumb bullshit like gender studies or sociology

These dumbasses are always looking for someone to blame when they chose this.

>people shouldn't be obligated to make civilization function
Even the commies would be better than you.

Oy vey
Watch the words you say there goy

That's the problem, people expect college to be a payout.

It isn't anymore, because degrees are no longer a separating factor, and the "education" has been watered down to the point that you would learn more on Sup Forums in 4 years than you would in nearly any university.

Not even being hyperbolic.

third worlders and automation

Democrat or republican
They all served the same (((master)))

I completely agree with your hiring policy

I rememeber a buddy learning that overqualified isnt a meme. not going to hire some kid that just finished college when the high schooler will be pleased as punch making minimum wage pumping gas and stocking shelves.

Wow, her kids must've gotten some shit degrees and zero marketable talents. People don't deserve more money because "muh degree" but if they actually deserve it.

This is the problem with the leaf mentality. Sit on your throne and shit on America while we make $50 an hour as a college graduate. Why don't you SJW about your white genocide.

My dad made 40k a year at age 25 with a ged. Just saying. He's 56 now, making 67k. It's hilarious to me that Sup Forums knows or at least claims to know how the Jews are ripping them off and making them into cattle, yet defends their system lmao. Good goys. At least we can all be slaves until extinction together, am I right?

>My kids have college degrees and are making $10 dollars an hour
Your kids have shit degrees.

everything i learned i learned from Sup Forums.

Shit degrees and inflation. Fix the money and you fix the problem.

unfortunately true.

society shifted from manufacturing to trades to service based economy in 1 generation, it fucked everyone.

>no one in family every went to college
>try manufacturing sector
>ha ha.jpg
>try trades sector
>unions have fallen apart, private sector doesn't want apprentices, no way to get my foot in the door.
>also, no habla espaniol
>fuck it I'll go to college
>but what should I major in, so many options
>I'll ask the counselors, surely they won't steer me in the wrong direction
>"lol it doesn't matter major in anything and you will get a good job with your degree pick what you love!!!!!!!
>get meme degree
>sink 4 years and 50k debt into it
>graduate and no jobs
>eventually start lying on my job applications and saying I never went to college
>get McDonalds job at 29

I guess this is the new American dream.

I agree. We should get rid of these worthless degrees like gender studies.

Yes rent us 1k a month but I don't have a degree and make 35hr. Why would u take this poster seriously

>My dad made 40k a year at age 25 with a ged.
And this person is claiming $12k more without a GED, try again you illiterate fucktard.

>my kids have college degrees and are making barely more than minimum wage

the problem is not the minimum wage, but that your kids are fucking stupid

whatever you do, don't talk about janet yellen. it's not an inside job.
>runs away from assassins

I cant stand liberal kikes who try to turn this on capitalism or whatever. Its their own fault. Boomers are the reason we are in this shit and have the audacity to blame it on anything but themselves. Kill them all.

Libtards allowed the kikes to fuck this country over, flood it with subhumans, and now they complain that there aren't any high-paying jobs.

This is what you wanted, you pedophiles. Enjoy flipping burgers. Conservatives are smart and get real degrees instead of liberal arts faggotry. I'm not the one who will be starving to death because Pedro from Honduras was hired to meet a diversity quota.

seriously fuck boomers

It's twice as bad in your country leaf. Why did YOU allow it?

> $1000 for a flat
Stop trying to live in the democrat infested cities, retard. Move to a rural (or smaller city) that's most likely republican. Rents cheap.

Dont blame the kids blame the system, councillors and teachers. Im 2 years out of high school and the go to university unless you want to be a fuckup also take whatever you love propaganda is real.

Fucking boomers.

>doesn't believe making money without pedigree is possible
Are you a cop?

If you were doing so well in 1983 and still living in a 1 br apartment today there's a pretty good chance you're just retarded

Thanks globalism, now we have to compete with the whole world.

Do you think every building that is currently available for rent was built anew since 1983?

Make it a billion an hour. That way everyone can be a billionaire and not just the old rich white men.

I make 29/hr and my rent is 1800


>Put me in the screen cap

socialism inflation as money dumped down lawyer n burocrat drain

what you expect

go back to 1800s 1% gdp is total goernment spending

ended slavery
made usa no1

I smell a highschool student. Dont you understand that the doller will inflate more if you increase minimum wage?

Where does it imply they pay $1000 per month?

>living quarters were cheap because of quality
Houses in the 80s were built much better than those built today though famalam.

>1k rent for 1 bedroom
Christ, where do you live and why do you continue to live there?

No it wasn't you shill fuck.

My dad graduated college in engineering in late 80s and he was making 45k a year.

Wages are the same today.

The woman in OP's photo is right whether you faggots want to admit or not, you can continue to play the contrarian to your own detriment because "muh liberals lol", but it's true.

No they weren't, it's essentially the same process.

t. contractor

Tfw $60 an hour and $250 rent per week.

>t. contractor
Are you me?

No it didn't - there is still a healthy trade economy, but the catch is it no longer exists in first world countries, outside Japan.

burgers were bought and sold circa late 70's

what's left today are just the just the fizzling detritus of their imperial embers that were left behind


1K is cheap. In DC it's more like 2K - you can only get a shitty studio for 1K. That's why you have people in their 20s living with roommates.

Consider suicide you leaf faggot

Liar. You have no kids nor are you old enough to have kids who graduated.

truth is some people get even less. My cousin in Mississippi works for 7.50 an hour as a fucking manager of Citgo.



Good luck explaining that to a normie, they just blue screen, if you really make them see the reality of the situation - they just do a system restore and go back to thinking if they vote for party A next time instead of party B then it'll all be ok soon.

This is the direct result of a failing monetary system. Monetize the debt, lie about the inflation numbers and the middle class gets wiped out. ((The Central Banks)) are the enemy, don't ever forget it.

This is correct. I'll add that minimum nominal wages ultimately reduce minimum REAL wages. Combined with intentional inflation, and you've got an economy that's actually reducing the spending power of you hour's wage, something which is almost impossible in a truly free market.

Thanks central banks.

>it isn't lower today than in 1983 (in normalized dollars).

Let's make it 1 million dollars an hour so we can all be rich.
Rich guys BTFO!

Min wage and such are almost irrelevant issues that politicians use to pretend they are trying to solve the problem and cause partisan fighting.
The broken monetary system and the extreme debt growth is a much more important issue but everyone ignores it.

Or maybe next time we vote for a non establishment, self made dark horse candidate. Someone like Donald Trump would be perfect

OC coming through

>What the FUCK!!!!!!!!!! AMERICANS actually ALLOW this in their society!!!!!!!!!!!!
Explain how is it any different here in leafland? I live in rural Ontario, make 65k/yr. Between the skyrocketing price of gas, natural gas, and electricity I'm fed up. I live 20 km from the nearest municipality but somehow I have to pay their jewish property tax rate, even though no sewer or water service and I plow my own road. I built a heated 3 car garage last year and had to have 6 different inspectors monitor every step I made for ridiculous permit fees and delays. Also the county appropriated a parcel of my land to build a new electrical substation and gave me jack shit for compensation. The icing on the cake is some faggot from the county noticed I have 5 dogs (3 hunting hounds and 2 comfy dogs) and ratted me out, now I have to pay 350 bucks + 20$/per dog to have them. This is the tip of the ice(((berg))) of the nickel&dimming the fucking government is doing these days, I probably could go on for 10 pages of shit.


Hell yeah, I remember some kids I went to school with on the day of our HS graduation. They were normal, happy kids. Now they're bitter hipster faggots who whine and complain about everything. You want oppression? Enjoy your factory job.

So, that's a yes

Fuck off commie! Here's your welfare (you) and a sage.



Holy shit you are so wrong. Building quality has gone up a shit ton. Very very few unmodified houses built in the early 80's stand up to modern building standards.



So basically head cashier, congratz on your ged

People aren't obligated to do anything.
If you choose not do do what someone will pay you for then you will starve

>understanding monetary policy
He keeps changing his opinion and won't address real issues
>muh rates

Trade school is for stupid faggots too dumb for college or the military!

>family income
Household size has gone down considerably over the last few decades. This graph is meaningless until they account for that fact.

>rich people own business
>business pay a salary to people
>tax the rich
>rich has to lower salaries or stop employing new people

>Dont you understand that the doller will inflate more if you increase minimum wage?
You shouldn't be completely afraid of inflation. If the goal is to decrease unemployment, temporary inflation is fine. Of course, doing this means taxes will go up, consumer spending goes down, and aggregate demand goes down, fixing that inflationary gap.

Because big corporations who like low wages, because immigration increases unemployment and increases the competitiveness for jobs lowering wages, because HR departments these days aren't qualified in the fields they're hiring for and thus hire based on image than merit, because Marxists are actually luddites and all those quotas in STEM is literally about lowering standards for people who want cushy tech jobs but aren't willing to study hard for it, because women earn more and have preferential treatment for jobs doubling the competitiveness lowering wages more and making these women unhappy because they're earning more than all the men their own age and refuse to date anyone earning less because feminism told them they're worth it.

Look, it's Marxism.

It's just Marxism. Marxism doesn't like progression unless it's higher lower class earnings and higher rich people taxes. If you play democracy 3 and implement the tech schools thing, you'll notice socialists hate it. Socialists are actually Keynesian, to them technology means fewer workers are needed and the few left are intellectual elite. They'd rather excavate with teaspoons than machinery. Everything about this makes socialists on edge, they'd prefer we stuck to early industrial technology which is just horrible enough for them to provoke some real negative feelings to prey on. The only people they're really reaching in our society are people who think computers are too hard and chose soft science instead.

Marxists basically see advancement of Marxism as more important than the goals of Marxism itself, improvement of the conditions of the impoverished which is much easier with high technology, even if this same high technology makes equality of outcome impossible.

And why? Because socialism is a pretty name that appeals to people who accept emotional arguments rather than rational ones. These are the people that our society needs to be designed to breed out, collectivism is cancer.

wow holy shit guys its almost like a certain group of people (that shall not be named) have oversatured the uneducated job markets, and liberals still dont realize a community college degree in sociology wont actually get them a cushy 100k job

whatever, it wouldn't be much different. if you want to prove it just go to fred.stlouisfed.org/ and graph it yourself.

taxes are wage cuts, yep. you don't need taxes in the keynesian model but they're used to only encourage and discourage certain behaviors deemed good or bad by the policy makers. aka kikes taxing the shit out of whites.

>Rent goes up
>Rent goes up again
>Rent goes up again

$10/hr is pretty much starting pay anywhere you go. I'm making $15/hr (roughly, it's actually salaried) with no degree, less than five years work history and only a year of experience related to my current job.

>my kids have college degrees and are making only $10 an hour
What are their degrees in?
What jobs do they have?


Absolutely. The minimum wage was origionaly a union tactic to keep young guys out of the workforce. It does nothing other then make the first step on the ladder harder to reach. You have to either produce more then the min wage for an employer, work for free or be unemployed