So do you guys really think you're in the right about what you believe about nonwhite people when you dehumanize them and compare them to animals constantly?
Seriously, how can you guys think in such a way yet believe you're in the right and the people your shitting on are in the wrong? How does that work?
Why don't you ask the same question to the jews, before we answer that.
>Flag. Oh right, I see. (((You))) already know the answer.
Dominic Ortiz
Why should I care, my race is going to be dead in a hundred years and america will be a black nation for shitskins at least let me mock them while I still can.
Fuck niggers.
Daniel Brooks
Tribalism. It's either gonna be the white mans world, or a Jew controlled Mongrolized world. White people are better than Jews in regards to morals.
James Green
Just trust us OP. We don't have any facts, data, evidence, realistic thoughts, etc. on why we believe the way we do. And all replies here wont give you an actual answer,but we will throw in some clever banter. But just trust us, whites are inherently superior.
Matthew Sullivan
whoaaa the guy is become a barcode that's edgy
Camden Nelson
Brandon Allen
>p-pls we don't want to take in any more migrants, we're 20% of the earths population >p-pls no more welfare for migrants we are making even fewer children and not even enough to replace ourselves and paying welfare is making it harder = YOU HATE ALL RACES YOU ARE HITLER WHAT IS WRONG WITH U