guys.....I'm a normal, stable guy....I love my family, I love my country and I don't mind going to work....but the communists, they hate me just for who I am, I one day realized that I hate those faggots too, and I found Sup Forums....But now Its different...I Legitimately want to hurt these people. I won't say how (hi NSA) but really, if they want to take away our guns, our nation, our religion, our race and our women, why not have a civil war and settle this in blood? ancap/libertarian, natsoc/fash, christian,conservative; I don't even care anymore, I'll stand with anyone to end the left. I don't mean "physically remove", I mean end....forever. am I the only one?
Feelings on the CIVIL WAR (feels eminent, man)
Say that one more time, exactly the way you just said it :)
I'm with you brother. I will volunteer to destroy to left if it goes down.
ughh.....its one of THEM......
There will never be a second civil war because everyone is still asleep.
And they will remain that way.
Fuck off pussy we will end you just like Franco did.
glad to hear it, bro.
A sarcastic attitude won't save you in a battle.
I am not sure the mass rapes that go on in europe would be tolerated here.....I hope not
Don't start anything till I'm done basic at least
Maybe delay a bit longer for me to finish my ideal term
I want to prevent the commies from gaining power. Can't do that if i have other loyalties first.
lol gotcha
There's not enough of us to fight a civil war.
This raises an excellent point. Part of the reason Soros is panicking is because all the popular activity and enthusiasm is with Trump. Soros astroturf workers are actually paid employees and not spontaneous-yet-organized real people.
Ive been thinking about that; remember that women can't really fight worth a shit, then look at this map of the election if only men voted
Stick your civil war up your arse, you idiot. None of the "developed" countries will have a single civil war in the future. They are controlled.
I think we're on the verge of the next civil war. I also think that the left is desperately trying to coax their adherents into starting it. I genuinely believe that they committed a huge number of very serious crimes, and didn't believe Trump could win, so they figured it'd never get uncovered.
When a bird of a different feather wound up in office, they freaked and started pushing the leftist rabble toward all-out violent rebellion. They feared he would expose them and follow through with his campaign boasts to 'drain the swamp'. In an effort to delay/avert this, they invented the Russia story. However the Russia story is based off of actual eavesdropped interactions, but they can't tell anyone how they got them. Because of that, they're desperately flailing around trying to fluff up a story without any corroborating evidence. They thought they could do a form of "parallel construction" to get the Russian connection out into the light, but it's not working. They even falsified evidence in the form of a 'secret russian email server' story.
None of it is working, so they're continuing to drum up as much hatred as possible to keep Trump on his heels at all times. If they let up the pressure, he may unleash the legal system on them. So long as they can pretend he's "under investigation", any legal moves against them will look like a misuse of the justice system by a "totalitarian maniac".
Their hope is to delay their own comeuppance until they can kick off enough shootings/scuffles between commoners. Then they plan to escape through the back door while nobody's looking.
Leftist Networks plan on attacking both R's & D's to cause enough Chaos that Trump would have to declare Martial Law and/or lethally crack down on them.
This would trigger a "US Spring" into Coup/Civil War.
That is the plan that is being executed right now. Don't say I didn't warn you all.
lol, um, no.......the whole "we are too socially evolved to do that again" shit never passes the smell test. also, if anyone needs salvation it's Europe, so get busy hans!
Yeah, but it's not like all of those white men are about to join the cause.
How would a war like that even work? It's 2017; we can't just march across the Mason-Dixon line and expect to win.
Sinestra delenda est.
>tfw the night after I saw this movie I dreamed of Anakin having sex with Mace Windu
What did it mean lads?
I don't feel like it's about north vs south. this election made it pretty clear that the only whites dumb enough to vote democrat are the new yorkers, lafags and chicongoins
I hope Trump does Order 66 and transforms America into the American Empire
It means you need our lord Jesus
Who is the enemy? What does victory look like?
Actual leftists have no horse in this race.
Don't be baited by the pedophiles in the cia to chimpout. Focus your anger on the banks. Kill the bankers, kill the BIS, the federal reserve, the IMF.
The deep state wants the people to vent their frustration at their evil on teach other. Don't take the stupid bait.
Also, no OP, you are not the only one. When things get hair enough, I'm going to be on the RWDS with you. We can only hope there are enough of us to overpower the normie brigade.
You'd think that many of them would join us, but to be honest the decades of propaganda, academic brainwashing, and narrative shaping will put quite a few of them on the opposing side. And this time we won't have the luxury of distinct territories where the various sides are kept separate.
This shit is probably going to happen. And it's going to start off as skirmishes between small groups like Antifa and Identity Europa, or the Black Bloc and Traditionalist Workers Party. But one side is going to overstep the law by a lot, and draw the normies into the opposing camp. Our best bet is to hope it's Antifa/Anarchists/SJWs who do it. And by the look of it, they will. This baseball practice shooting was only the first of many leftist nutjobs.
We've already had 'battles' in Seattle, Berkeley, Chicago. Multiple people shot. Many battered and beaten. All it will take is another BLM-type riot, but in an area where white men are armed and willing to push back. It's going to happen. Soon.
2) A nation that has secured its existence, safeguarded from degeneracy and debt and political suicide
Total Victory
join us, save your nation
Socialism could save the USA. But USA doesn't deserve to be saved.
Wait until the next large antifa protest, or any SJW/leftist protest, they usually bring out large sticks and attack people who disagree with them, go to one of their protest and they will attack you so then it will be self defense when you smash their head in, you're welcome.
National... socialism?
BUT IT IS YOUR HOMELAND!!!! that's like rooting for the plane you are on to crash cause you hate the pilot (and rest assured, there are no parachutes)
thanks, man
Doesn't work faggot
Everything in the media has been about dividing Americans. As long as we're fine amongst ourselves, these entities continue to operate unopposed.
I also want to emphasize WE NEED a UNITED RIGHT. only through helping each other can we crush the left, we can argue economic theories or abstract morality later
This. A united Right-Wing would accomplish feats we could only dream of at times.
He's right. If socialism wasn't actually total fucking ass, then the present socialist countries wouldn't be in the same boats as we are.
Socialism is just an appeasement. It doesn't do shit. And it's economically autistic
Just like the first civil war, it will be between two factions of capitalists. The manual labour faction in the South, and the investor faction in the North. From the very start, this country was started by a war by a bunch of wealthy colonial elite that wanted to protect their investment in Ohio county. A bunch unapologetic plutocrats that thought only land-owners were fit to rule. Liberalism and the idea of power from wealth right in its inception. USA was a mistake.
what faction of capitalism am I fighting for when I fight for my nation? what is the alternative?!?!? (no offense) you commies always try to put yourselves above every conflict and disagreement by saying it's just capitalism, a tradition started by marx. but really, there are civilization struggles that transcend money, the means of production and class conflict, like this one.
>USA was a mistake
Riiight, and communism can save the world. Look, MEN founded this nation to live free, away from tyranny of a monarchy. The people rule this land, and should it ever change, we will revolt. We have the right to arms, the right to defend, because our founders knew that a day might come where our freedom maybe challenged. And whoever dares to attempt, will feel the power of a unified nation.
They all been bitten by the snake.(capitalism) you slowly dying from sleepy pain.
I hope so.....but it seems like half the people are rooting for their own enslavement
Not insinuating that you're conspiring to engage in political violence might save you a visit from the party van though you fucking idiot
Nope sorry bud, the USA is the greatest country in the world, and only fascism can arguably be better from a purely objective point of view, but when you bring in the people's natural sentiment for freedom, the USA wins.
I'm sorry you're too retarded to recognize that.
WTF does that have to do with shit? how has capitalism caused Muslims to place a near subhuman value on women and rape them?
>what faction of capitalism am I fighting for when I fight for my nation?
You'll see very quickly, when your leaders will be the current or former CEO's of Walmart, Exxon, Goldman Sachs or funded by them.
after that stunt your boy pulled at the field you leftists have DICK to say about violence SMDH
Really, we don't need to fight a civil war. All that is necessary to save the West is for millions and millions of men to march on the government and demand the revocation of female suffrage and of those who claim more from the state than they pay in. If you take away the woman and welfare vote, socialism and mass immigration go away.
>There will never be a second civil war because everyone is still asleep.
I'm feeling very sleepy now. Arent you guys?
Come on, turn Sup Forums off and hop into cozy bed and get some well earned rest.
Dont worry, we will all stand united when it comes.
Everyone will realize that for however much difference there is between the ancap and fascist, or christian and pagan, we are on the same side in the end. And we will win.
As for despair or small numbers, look at this speech by Oswald Mosley. Anyways fanaticism and steadfast loyalty to duty will compensate for numbers.
if fighting for a nation causes profit for someone, doesn't fighting AGAINST a nation cause profit for someone?!? so basically any human action is good or bad for i guess I should stop breathing, because anything I do benefits the capitalist system
It will take one event. A shooting, a protest, SOMETIING will happen and citizens will band together in hopes of resisting a greater threat to democracy.
Start doing push ups. Go to a surplus store and get yourself a ranger's handbook. Keep a pack filled with a week's stock of essentials.
Good luck.
that was the point, I DON'T WANT THIS, but it seems like it's going down, the leftists just won't let us live our lives.
They can't profit from you if either of you is dead. Who said it had to be you?
End the left! I won't break the law but if civil war happens I will fight for the government and destroy these traitors and bring order to America.
God commies are so fucking retarded. I swear you guys don't even understand half the shit you say.
>implying you dont have it worse with nogs and beans.
I would take moslems anyday than town full of rabid negroids.
really, watch this speech excerpt
already prepped, but I do need to work out more DESU
I hope it doesn't come to it. I'm also a pussy who would never in a million years do anything. However nothing would make me happier than for the streets to be filled with dead commies. Especially those within pop culture, media, academia, and government
Capital need reserved army(underpaid subhuman) to continue is push foward no more limit to the market..we are just sheeps control by most infected sheeps for unknow sheepards(the ideas are brain virus).
Dude legit 50% of Americans voted Trump,
It's totally in the green for a civil war to occur most likely.
lololololol HELL NO
nogs and beans crry out random violence, ISLAM represents an ideological threat in a way a couple beaners never could (and really, when blacks start blowing themselves up we can talk about "worse")
>why not have a civil war and settle this in blood?
because they are pussies and will never come at you. Sleep well. Antifa pussies will never take one step towards war.
What are women going to do if men forcibly remove their votes? They would silently have to put up with it, and a war would be averted. The welfare classes might be volatile for a time, but they would be forced to put up with it eventually. They are the most indolent class in society, and would definitively lose any conflict against real working men.
I'm telling you man, it's just verbal diarrhea the second they hit a moderately challenging question.
They will consistently miss the point of what you're saying, and propose non solutions, all at the same time.
tell that to the bernie bro who triet to kill congressmen
k what about leftists and muslims?
there;'s always gonna be jackasses that do shit like that on both sides. I'm talking an organized force ready to fight. Not gonnna happen IMO.
1) Democrat Resistance attempts to assassinate President Trump; accidentally kills one of his kids. The President grabs a Secret Service agent's gun and, unbeknownst to him, kills the handcuffed lead assassin on live TV.
2) Democrat Resistance and other seditious groups watch their assassins killed and the leadership survive. Fearing reprisals, they uproot to congregate in leftist strongholds: New York, Vermont, and California. California declares Calexit. Anyone not of their side is driven out at gunpoint. Governor's take possession of National Guard armories, but majority of trained troops defect.
3) The socialist states experience an economic collapse within 1 month. They demand freebies during negotiations with the Department of the Interior - they get nothing.
4) Californian militia's under leftist leadership invade Las Vegas, Reno, and smaller towns near the California border; Nevada surrenders; towns looted, citizens killed or taken for slaves.
5) President Trump orders US National Guard and special forces to amass around borders of seditious states. UN attempts to mediate a peaceful resolution and sends aid to California. Congress votes to withhold funds and comfort from the UN for 2 years.
6) US National Guard invade California. habeas corpus, right to bear arms, and other rights suspended for the rebel states. Several small battles; US wins every one as leftist's untrained and cannot operate their National Guard tanks or helicopters properly. California surrenders within two weeks. New York and Vermont surrender days after. All capitals occupied by US military.
7) President Trump and Congress approve the Mormon Church and State of Utah to spearhead governance and humanitarian aid. By Act of Congress, and majority vote in the state's, Utah, Nevada, and California are merged into the State of Deseret.
Most Americans know this stuff is bullshit. If they try to impeach trump for bs claims of obstruction of justice because their Russia witch hunt didn't pan out people will revolt. Especially since Clinton did MUCH worse with obstructing justice.
Their claims are so weak that anyone actually thinking critically will see a witch hunt. At that point it's clear we don't have a government of the people for the people so it's time to revolt
Women and welfare claimants make up the majority of voters for left-wing policies. The die-hard leftists would be a puny minority with no power, and troublesome immigrants would shortly be expatriated to their native countries by the kind of truly right-wing political governments that you would see voted into power by a male, property-owning, tax-paying electorate. (See: Europe before the 20th century.)
Get a rucksack, or fill a backpack with some decent weight and walk 5 miles or more if you're not a total fatass. Every other day is fine, or three on one off works as well.
Shuffle a shitload of push ups in there and you'll be surprised how quickly you get into shape.
Sprints can help your fast twitch muscle development if you want to be ready to sprint but if you have good aim just ruck march for cardio.
I know exactly what our talking about. ANY discussion that a communist encounters that seems unfavorable will scare them shitless. It takes one good point and they're spewing anything they can to degrade you, whether it's "racist, bigot" or anything like those special snowflakes.
I know most of us are armed, but we need to get ORGANIZED. the whole "every man for himself" thing just doesn't work in the long run
You WILL attone OP
I'M gonna do it.....for merica......
Goddamn mang
Those feels
Probably some police action will incite a riot, the riot will result in police casualties, and the ensuing escalation of force will rise until a city gets placed under martial law. After this happens the media will portray it as an American Fallujah, and shit will really catch fire.
If you stand against the left you stand with Russia therefore not America.
Do you really think you hold any sort of power?
We have everything that runs this nation on our side.
Goodluck. We will be waiting for your move. Your actions. Your war. Your fail.
That's some frog talking about eco does this relate to Antifa in the US. I am not a smart man.
Not about to share anything with a non-white USA.
really, a democrat? come on dude, through on the hammer and sickle, your anonymous
Stupid liberal. You faggots cry and poop your pants all day everyday.
STFU.....a democrat, really?? come on bro, just put on the hammer and sickle, your anonymous
did i break your little ai program