Spaniards conquered the world before than any Anglo put a foot outside the island...

Spaniards conquered the world before than any Anglo put a foot outside the island. Anglo Saxon propaganda completely destroyed their legacy and heritage by the 1800s, what was once the mightiest multi continental empire has been forgotten and the glory taken by the British. their generals and elite soldiers are unknown to most people and their achievements are buried in history books people dont read. history is written by the victors, and the English won in world domination in the end.
but that doesn't mean that the Spaniards did not accomplish equal or even better achievements, they spread Christianity through the world and maintained hegemony on Europe for the entire renaissance, they forged the first empire that the sun never set.

the Spaniards conquered america first, and we should show them the respect they deserve, because God was Spaniard.

Other urls found in this thread:,_1400–1600,_1400–1600,_1400–1600

t. Beaner

Spaniard countries are all dirty shitholes filled with niggers

And they are all papists

And the Mexicans and US drove them out.

It's easy to expand when you use women as baby factories. Doesn't mean you're a good father.


You made me cry

they had to fuck all the natives and create a race of falmer goblins, fucking retards just threw it away

U wish u had his hair LOL

Canadian piece of shit u will never be European no matter how many proxies u use !

most people who know anything of history, know who cortez and ponce de leon are

>before than any Anglo put a foot outside the island
You had a head start and you still lost.

america is filled with niggers too, and most Spanish colonies are shitoles because their problems, they declared independence mostly from napoleon.
Argentina for example could have erectly being a world poor by now if they themselves dint fuck themselves over after WWW, they were one of the richest countries in the world after it.
anyways their successors are of little relevance, we are talking about Spanish achievements in the time period.

The Spaniard, ever aware of the physical threat to Christendom, found it prudent to spread the Church to the far corners of the world. There they would breed with qt natives and erect big ass divine monuments. The Spaniard was one of cultural conquest.

In the end, they spent all their Injun gold on boss Jesus statues. Plus the political battles over the papal throne and constant rebellions and infighting between petty kingdoms kept them busy.
Spain was pretty much exactly like play Medieval Total War.


>I wish his hair

No, me in pic. Not a single drop.


The more u do this the harder u will cry tonight when u look in the mirror u bald lazy eyed Canadian manlet

british did the same thing in their plantation colonies.

rape and pillage proto-pedros

yeah but northern natives are tall john redcorns and not squat falmer from the depths of hell

So you finally did it.

You finally left america and moved to Iberia?

if the Spanish were so fucking great, why did they contribute literally zero great scientists as a global hegemon. It's literally the only hegemon to make zero contributions to science or even art

LOL. Keep dreaming Baldilocks. Ur not going anywhere but Canadian jail for being a racist stalker

and what about all the negroes they shipped in? You ever been to atlanta? Makes mexico look like switzerland.

what the fuck are you even taking about, there is an uncountable amount of Spanish art you idiot.
about the science, not as much as Anglo Saxon countries but they have contributed a shit ton too, especially int he renaissance you moron.
you are an example of Anglo Saxon victor propaganda,

The cuban is still with you
>no contributions to art
>Cervantes, Goya, Picasso...


lol you don't know shit about art if you cant name a spanish artist.

also here you go

You do learn about Spanish colonization of the new world in primary school. If you go to college you learn even more about it.

Why do you have a chip on your shoulder pedro?

LOL u should have just said "but my flag is Spanish!" u fucking loser. Ur never gonna be a webdesigner or programmer who lives on a beach in Spain because ur too stupid and old

Why are former Spanish colonies so shit compared to English ones?

I read that Spanish economists in the 1500s pre-dated John Stuart Mill and the other great famous Anglos who wrote about economic principles

Also it was German scientists who created calculus (not Newton) and the first recorded ideas of Natural Selection (not Darwin) but the English are like the Thomas Edisons of the past 250 years, plagiarizing and acting like they invented everything.

Not a hater, facts are facts

Who cares,we are not white,sandniggers moors maybe?

literally the art in the pic is Spaniard, you moron

Industrial revolution brought all the stone age indians out of the jungle and into the cities.

As Anglo countries will be a century from now

is for people like you that made your country and empire fall.

Leibniz and Newton discovered it independently.

Do u talk to urself IRL like this ? Of course u do. Friendless loser with an IQ of 80 and the provincial Canadian accent to match

>Spanish colonies so shit
Argentina, Chile
>British colonies so nice
India, Pakistan, africanshitholes

Fuck Spain!

>they spread Christianity through the world

Sorry user, but that was the Anglos

Hope we all get exterminated and your race get a better life with blonde hair and blue eyes children

>American education

>american education


Spain created a continent of mongrels and squandered all the wealth they gained from the new world. What more is there to discuss?

why? may i ask why does Chile hate their former motherland?

stop, i can only get so erect.

At Least they weren't dumb enough to destroy their own empire for the jews. top kek

Not even fucking close and we only lost the British empire less than 100 years ago


wow a bunch of empty land in canada and australia that no one stepped foot on.

a bunch of nigger tribes put such hard resistance to 1800s military technology

Doesn't matter, we have been the closest to world domination out of everyone

Because anglos are superior. Instead of forming own colonies with strong political systems, killing spree of natives and work ethic, Spainards just took away every resource from latin america to Spain and left us with a shitty half-baked political system, corruption, coup d'état and "mestizo families" so proud with daddy issues that even to this day we can't took them off from power.

>Hey Pedro... watcha doin'?!
Compare white countries with white countries.

>We wuz emperor and shiet.

We lost our 18 years ago, and we did a better job giving civilization to África until Kennedy and his cuck euro friends allied with the commies to help the niggers.

spanish empire actually had more people.

columbus was a jew.

Spaniards fucked up not bringing their women with them and race mixing with indios. Anglos didn't make this mistake.

>rape a new race of subhuman beanlets into existence
wow what a legacy

that art is FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, does anyone have more?

>Spaniards conquered the world before than any Anglo put a foot outside the island.

Did you mean, the portuguese did it FIRST....

Viva España! The true heirs to the Roman Empire!

well I'll attribute all the damned mustard weed and wild pigs you let lose on this continent to you. but fuck man you people are retarded and couldn't even map while you went along. you really niggered up exploration I'll give you that.

British accomplishment
>colony became the greatest country on the planet
>every single one of their colonies became a 3rd world shit hole

They should have just did what the Brits did, and eradicate the native populous, maybe they'd been a better empire.

It doesn't matter it still stands we had the most land and that means we were the closest to world domination by a mile

True! The Spanish built missions up the California coast + a road to unite them. Each mission was accompanied by the building of a presidio to house the soldiers to protect the missions.

you write like a nigger

>A bunch of nobodies, drunks and faggots trying to take their piece of land from latinamerica because of their lack of nobility bloodline, while reproducing their faulty genes
Literally scum rejected from Spain, You can't call that an Empire

Or like someone who has brain damage.

who the fuck is this guy and why do i see his pic being posted 24/7 lol

Couldn't care less, British Empire was nothing to be proud of. It led to the death of millions in Wars for Kikes, 1 in 3 lived in poverty in the homelands at the height of our Empire and there was rampant class division that still exists today.

empty land means nothing. You are just using the measurement most convenient for you.

This. We even had a spot in Canadá to fish for cod before they arrived to Cuba.

what the fuck is portugal?

school of Salamanca

Incest causes genetic problems desu, you only have 22 pairs.

>Conquer South America
>breed with the natives
>create a permanent shitskin continent all because you wanted cheap labor and ot get your dick wet


money wasn't spent in the new world
money was spent fighting the Reform in Europe
futile, and costly

>import 200 tons of gold from the Americas
>impoverished less than 300 years later

Really speaks to their abilities

You are the retard that doesn't know history. The spanish cities were 90% iberians.

But there was the fucking impenetrable jungle full of natives. Not one had any reason to go in there and look for a bunch of stone age villagers with nothing of value just to kill them.

Industrial revolution happened and those villagers flooded the cities.

És muy pobre señor, necessitamos de muchos muchos pesos por favor.

but that's bullshit,_1400–1600,_1400–1600,_1400–1600

"maybe" the port cities were majority Iberian but everything else was a hacienda/fazenda system where a small number of Spaniards/Portuguese ruled over huge plantations with hundreds of illiterate mestizo peasants working the fields.

The only country to try and fix that was Argentina in the late 1800s, but then after European immigrated there Argentina was flooded with even more Mestizos from the other countries around them trying to live around whites. What a fucking mess.

Good news,we are the 4th european country with less fertility rate,soon there will be no more moors

> Spaniards/Portuguese ruled over huge plantations with hundreds of illiterate mestizo peasants working the fields.

Yeah in the country side. Iberia did not have enough people in thier country to farm all that land.

The british did the same thing, except they imported negros and indians(from india) who are worse then natives.

>jesus mode

>Slave trade
>Need to deal with niggers because muh white shame

Gee talk about being short sighted

The indians we had in Moçambique were ok, mostly shop owners, but even in that time we had the same sistem with a handfull of citites to administrate the colonies.

The funnest part about Spain was the General de Cordoba and the Tercio. Imagine being in the Spanish army when they had the technology and tactics to be literally invincible in battle against everyone on the planet. Imagine standing side by side holding pikes and guns as you fucking obliterate army after army of Muslims, Italians, French, and heathen American Natives. Holy fuck.



Spain's population in 1500: 7-11 million
British Isles population in 1600: 4-6 million

You literally have no excuse besides "lol race mixing is so cool XD"

Yeah I know

Lincoln wanted to send them back to Africa, but the South chimped out.

Remove Fascism from your flag. You're not worthy enough to talk to, let alone represent us considering that you're not even capable of forming an argument.

Did the spaniards have a equal to the Bandeirantes?

Reminder that Iceland was colonizing the New World and growing rich with trade while Spaniards were still getting raped by Moors

Man I honestly feel so bad for you, I've never seen someone project so blatantly hard and obvious.

>doritos with weird ass pink juice and white cheeseballs? poured over them

Napoleon's fault

forgot sauce

tacitus (dot) nu/historical-atlas/population/westeurope (dot) htm

And that's Iberia's population not Spain's

Iberians could have easily put the Indios on reservations and ignored them like the English did.