Why do you guys deny Climate Change evidence?
Why do you guys deny Climate Change evidence?
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Because we never learned how to critically think or come up with answers that aren't already decided for us by our political party :(
Fight back against Drumpf
That graph is incorrect.
Because your political party said so?
I've never voted and am not registered.
It's time to claim land in Antarctica. Let Africa, India and Australia burn.
Also, the US will just take over leaf land and give back the southern desert to Mexico.
Don't deny
Choose to help climate change (push it further)
dont post nasa propaganda fag
>I don't want to accept uncomfortable truths
This looks much more correct. I will look at those sources.
I don't necessarily, I take issue with the solutions part of the problem. If it is truly as dire a situation as you lot make it sound you should be all for using every solution to fix the problem. Nope. Just wind and solar all the way.
>The US will become a desert by that time
The US isn't much bette rof than Australia is at the moment
>arbitrary cut off at 650k y.b.p.
gave that data a good massage
>First graph was in thousands
>This was in millions
You do realize that a VERY tiny space in the climate is habitable by humans?
The only "Man Made Climate Change" is Geo-Engineering/Warfare.
>They are both correct
Who denied climate change? It's been happening for thousands of years #Pangaea. But to think donating millions in hopes of decreasing the temperature by 1/15th of a degree by year 2030 is ridiculous. Remember in the 70s global cooling?
>Sup Forums
>Reliable source
Are you retarded?
Look at this chart of Earths oxygen levels. Things change over time, sometimes rapidly.
Because the evidence is fixed. Because the projected temperatures don't happen. Because the temperature record keeps getting changed.
>I am currently getting a degree in Environmental Science
Who are you quoting?
yeah the point is co2 got nothing to do with temperature
You understand how tiny the range of habitable climate is, right?
What about Venus. Its hot because lf its CO2 atmosphere
>Because nations are working against climate change
We'd be dead if we had been 100% ignoring it up til now
In the next 100 years were gonna lace our DNA with water bears and then theres no big deal
>Post reliable sources
Learn to read
>Most humans won't get the DNA change
>Including yourself
It's hot because it's closer to the sun.
What evidence?
Even if atmospheric carbon levels are as high as they're claimed: the method for measuring it before the technology was developed was by glacial ice core analysis. To compare data collected by core analysis vs atmospheric sensors so far, has shown wildly varying discrepancies.
However, we still have warm and cold periods recorded in human history that contradict a comparative level of CO2 i.e. the medieval warm and the little ice age. If carbon in the atmosphere was responsible for temperature levels than the industrialized little ice age should have been warmer than the agrarian medieval warm period.
97% a bit different to 3%, also close as to the sun. Our main heater/coolers are clouds, h2o, more intense greenhouse gas than co2.
Climate cucks have been gaslit by Jews into feeling morally righteous about their ever decreasing standard of living.
Suitable for an illiterate like you
Yeah we have, but humans are accelerating the change like crazy. The Climate has changed faster in the last 20 years than it has from 1500-1800
>Can't find a flaw with his points
>Call him a cuck
Nobody, I am currently working for a degree in environmental science
Uh huh...
>For 650,000 years CO2 hasn't been above this level.
And yet temperature has been higher than its current level, repeatedly.
Weird huh?
>We'd be dead if we had been 100% ignoring it up til now
In the last 20 years 25% of all the CO2 emitted by humans was emitted.
And the plants say thank you.
I'll do one better and call you a racist while we're at it. Since the white race is the only race demonstrably capable of environmental stewardship, the logical conclusion of environmentalism is the elimination of non-whites.
the earth is flat and global warming is caused by a second son underneath us that china is harvesting solar power from while keeping us in the dark with western hollywood propaganda
It's hot because it has an atmosphere that's 96 times as massive and is 1/3 closer to the Sun.
I just graduated from Highschool, currently 18
I'll be attending the University of California, Berkeley
Look... I know
because climate is supposed to vary otherwise youre just complaining about the temperature quit being a niggorfaggot
>implying increase in [CO2] is bad for the planet
Fuck off shill.
CO2 concentration is correlated with plant matter.
>Yeah we have, but humans are accelerating the change like crazy. The Climate has changed faster in the last 20 years than it has from 1500-1800
Define change and define how you accounted rate of change.
I looked up the sources cited. They don't exist
That number would have been higher had we been 100% ignoring it
>You do realize that a VERY tiny space in the climate is habitable by humans?
We have clothing and build our own shelters. We can occupy any climate on the planet from equatorial deserts to arctic tundra. We are literally the most climate adaptable species in the history of the planet.
CO2 is making Earth greener—for now
I am white myself.
Why would I feel ashamed about the melanin amounts in my skin?
>I'll be attending the University of California, Berkeley
Well you already know what they're going to teach, why even go? Just save your money and call yourself a climatologist on CNN interviews towing the 'party line'.
This thread has really made me a lot more confident there is no man made global warming and it is all a scam. Thanks OP
NO, glues high frequency data onto the end of data which have very wide temporal uncerainty; about 500 years. So of course it creates a. hockey stick. Put that uptick through a 500 years smoother and you're comparing apples to apples. And it disappears.
>Climate Change
I think now one denies global freezing :^)
I would wager stupidity.
>I looked up the sources cited. They don't exist
Then you didn't try very hard, this took me ten seconds in Google.
Temp. increase leads atmospheric C02 increases
CRU email scandal proved that scientists use shit data and pass it into shit algorithms
Global warming would be a net benefit to humans
Increased atmospheric CO2 levels would be a benefit to plant life
Winters and summers are both getting hotter, storms are getting worse, species are dying, and ocean levels are rising
I'm currently working for a degree in environmental science
The earth is getting greener you idiot.
The idea that global warming is bad for earth is a hoax, Ben if you accept humans are causing global warming.
If you think plant matter makes it good for the environment, you need to read a book
>More CO2 parts, which brings higher temperature with time
>plants are now bad for the environment
Whew. We have a genius here.
All of your oxygen comes from plants.
Food too.
>species are dying
Species are literally always dying, that's how evolution works.
>The Climate has changed faster in the last 20 years than it has from 1500-1800
>Not actually a fact
Unless you mean CO2 levels which, like I posted, are not being compared by the same technique.
>Your food is grown outside
>Hotter temperatures will make it impossible to grow
CO2 doesn't have an unlimited ability to absorb energy. Once the wavelengths it absorb on are saturated adding more CO2 doesn't raise the ability to cause warming.
We hit that mark about 20 years ago, which is why temperatures have been static over the last 20 years.
>They're literally the best university in the state
Already know I'm gonna hate the people there
>>Hotter temperatures will make it impossible to grow where it currently grows
Corrected for you.
>Comparing satellite data with a time resolution on the scale of a day to approximation methods with time resolutions on the scale of centuries
i dont. ii just dont care. its going to fuck up 3rd world cunts and niggers.
i try and emit as much c02 as i can. all day. every day.
who cares about them.
Buddy, you are aware that graph consists of most of the habitable climate range for humans?
Plants love CO2. I grow plants for a living. This is good news anons. This is good news.
>muh climate change meme
Because the climate is always changing and throwing money at developing countries and being a tree is not going to stop it.
1 degree won't do shit to plant growth, but increase in CO2 will increase yields of food,
>We are literally the most climate adaptable species in the history of the planet.
Tardigrades may still have us beat.
climate change is a trick for more taxes..thats my experience from greece, when they talk about it it means more taxes
>Study was made in 1985
i'll take burning everyday over the nigger problem you have
>No reliable sources
Get out
not an argument
I don't deny that the climate changes over time, I deny the histrionic and unproven model that Leftists use to justify paying for Al Gore's next five mansions.
It's a scam. You got scammed and now you refuse to accept it because it would mean that your precious leaders lied to you. Ignore the fact that they lied to you about literally everything else, THIS TIME they're being honest, and the media they own and the celebrities who own stock in their carbon credit trading unions are being honest, just like they were when they told you about the Gulf of Tonken attack or that 9/11 was done by Osama bin Ladin and not the Saudis or that time they told you about WMDs in Iraq or that time they told you about babies in incubators.
I don't care how much you want me to believe in your stupid religion, I'm not going to.
Also nice chart there, how interesting that we've seen skyrocketing CO2 emissions but no noticeable difference in aggregate temperature.
California is already too dry to support it's current farming operations a 1 degree centigrade change is enough to exacerbate it's continuing multi-year drought severly.
Might be best just to an hero and avoid the melting ice caps and sky falling. I'm very much concerned about the carbon thing and the panic about the lack of panic about the thing that Al guy was panicking about during the earlier panic.
Actually, I think burning cash produces anti matter co2 which negates normal carbon-oxide-gen, with the help of magnets then it should work.
Fucking magnets, how do they work!? I wanted to ask a scientist, but they're all lying and it's getting me pissed. how can we go fund me a new carbon clock?
>Excess amount of CO2 trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere
Post the balloon measurements.
Plants are good by themselves
Plants in the atmosphere are bad
Look, if you truly are what you say you are.
Try to think of it this way, pinning local climate variabilites on a single minor variable like Co2 is nonsense. Local climates are dominated by local variables, think of the Dust bowl for example.
Today large areas are experiencing desertification, but it has nothing to do with Co2, it has to do with human land use. Co2 actually reverses desertification both because it fertilizes plants and makes them more resistant to drought.
The goal of environmental protection should be on terraforming local climates, again like the response to the dust bowl. We could transform the Sahara desert into a vast farmland if we applied the proper techniques. Co2 would actually make such a project easier. It is such local land use and engineering projects that make more sense than trying to shut down industries for putting out one of the most harmless chemicals they can.
It would be better to focus on the mercury being dumped into the ocean, for example, or the countless other real toxins. Co2 is just meant to distract you from the very real dangers that you can change.
Also I just want to point out that if the green house effect is 100% accurate the most cost effective solution is just to build a massive white object to reflect more sunlight into space before it can become heat in the ground.
it's not that. it's that it's a natural cycle and you can't stop it