If we can reduce the costs associated with the trial, we can reduce the money required for prison or even deportation and it would be a huge deterrence for anyone wanting to enter illegally. We could send a mass message to the American people that anyone here illegally has one month to leave and anybody found after then who is proven to not be an American citizen (within reason) is executed.
Should We Just Execute Illegal Immigrants?
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It's never going to happen. The wall will have to do.
so edgy
>Being this new
It's literally not edge. I'm questioning whether this is a viable option, even if it cannot be practically implemented.
What if the wall administered lethal injections to people trying to climb it?
I may be racist. But executing them is over the line.
>How to commit political suicide 101
idk man, killing people is pretty expensive. it takes alot of time and energy and money to dispose of one body. you're talking about a few million. while I am certainly in favor of killing them all as it would lead to a mass self-deportation craze, i think just provoking them and scaring them like ICE is doing now is a good way to make being illegal unbearable.
removing illegals really isn't going to solve the rapid ethnic decline in America either, we need to end all non-european immigration and try to bring us back to 90% European like how it was before 1965. its too bad that will take balls not even Trump has. maybe if he can get under this investigation crap and be totally exonerated he may get enough capital to do somethign like that, i doubt he would though.
Why? We tell them beforehand so they can get out before that happens.
At this point, restricting it to Europe is letting in the muzzies, which is worse than the illegal Mexicans. I can deal with Pedro as long as Mohoomade isn't around to blow us both up.
No. Just have an expedite process for kicking them out after taking everything they have.
Violence should only be authorized when trying to stop them crossing the border, just deputize the militia fags and let them loose.
We are white. This will never happen
Do you think our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would approve of this?
Here's the deal, if you're here illegal, then there's now a toll.
The toll is a kidney, a liver, whatever. We've got this damned socialised medicine we can't fucking get rid of so we need the parts, faggots.
Don't like it? Fine, here's your next choice: The fucking army. You're going to be sent to a war zone, so sack the fuck up.
Don't like that one? Well damn. You have to go back.
So, brother Brazil, have you already figured out a way to use your Shemale Supremacy to achieve World Domination?
I am sure about one thing: Brazilian shemales are the mightiest weapon in the world. Now you just have to use them to become number one in the world!
Good question. The Bible allows for execution, and as long as we make the law clear, I'm not sure what the problem would be.
Yes, absolutely.
Because it just breeds resentment. Every time it's been tried in history. You really think you're the first to try to ethnic cleanse a people? Do you know how many hundreds of times it's played out in history?
So they serve in the military, then what? You're basically an edgy civic nationalist.
Which verses specifically?
It's not even ethnic cleansing—I honestly couldn't really care all that much less. I think all illegals should go.
there's a pretty great way to execute people they came up with that just floods the room with nitrogen and people suffocate to brain death in 30 minutes without knowing they're dying, they go out laughing due to lack of oxygen.
Genesis 9:5–6, for one.
Islam should be absolutely banned; I am for freedom of religion, islam is not a religion. and even if you could argue it is "just a religion" its still entirely incompatible with Western values and should have never been allowed to fester as long as it has.
I don't think our founders really thought about the jews being able to convince the world to erode their own national sovereignty. But just look at Europe, look at Britain, they clamor in the streets to be controlled by unelected bureaucrats, they demand to be controlled and dominated by outside forces.
>Not saving hundreds of taxpayer money by using bullets instead
Good point, we crucify them!
AHAHAAHAH trump won't even deport dreamers, and you post this shit.
Interesting verses, it sounds like 5 God is just making sure we all have good accountants, but 6 I can definitely see how we can use it in our arguments here
It is illegal. You need to change laws first. Food luck with that.
Pedo's would be a better group of people to get rid of.
if a country is worth sneaking into then the illegals will never stop. the only answer is deadly force authorized on the border itself, they'll stop eventually.
>ow the edge
well its true,
is that a real photo of an execution?
But wait I think you hit on something here...what if we just made our country not worth sneaking in to? Like what if we just made it worse than it is now?
like Jeff Goldbloom suggested in Independence Day? by god youre a genius user!
The only way to ***LEGALLY*** execute illegal immigrants is to:
1) Declare a state of national-emergency and/or State of War, and close all means of ingress into the nation.
2) See #1
Other than that.... not happening. But if you declare #1 you can gun down anyone trying to cross your borders without any issues no matter what they look like. Either show your papers and go through the proper channels or you are a likely threat and thereby OK to neutralize.
>7:20 horas
Would be nice also choice euthanasia
mexico looks comfy as, US looks like a 1984 shit city
Yes. We should.
Their bodies can be incinerated and dumped in the ocean.
No you idiot.
Leftists claim we need illegal to do jobs cheap (Democrats always did like their slavery), so the compromise is that an illegal caught should be imprisoned and sentenced to 5 years hard labor, before being deported. Breaking rocks, digging ditches, etc.
no steppy pls
It would be better to harvest the organs for healthcare system. Hearts, kidneys and livers don't grow in trees you know.
Who would want a filthy spic organ?
Not saying you should use the ones that have HIV and whatnot.
And even if you don't want it, maybe the guy next in line won't mind, he gets it, and the ones who are more picky are bit more closer to getting a pure organ.
Though if you willing to croak and leave the fight unfinished just because your afraid to get dirty, you don't deserve to live in the first place.
i do agree with this idea
although at the very least maybe a two strike rule
1 free deportation then one free bullet
obvious gang members or ones with criminal history should be executed on site, however
heh heh nothin personnel kid!
Bullets are pretty cheap arnt they?