Comment your number
How annoying are you to talk to?
>being a centrist is bad
When will this meme die?
I'm already annoyed at you
You're proving it right.
Nothing personnel kiddos
3 apparently
it's a meme because it shows either complete political ignorance or a blatant inability to stand for anything.
6 1/2
3 lol
When the Captcha threatens to give you a helicopter ride
My last two numbers... obvs.
according to the test I am a Leftist but I am still a market libertarian, I'm just not cucked by conservatism
Good I'm in the low's 1-2 makes sense I don't say much in IRL
6 if I remember correctly.
self-righteous know-it-all assholes are annoying
2? There's no way this is correct. I'm at least a 5.
My memory serves me right.
this explains why no discussion takes place on Sup Forums
Did I do good?
1-2 depending on my mood
Tfw when you never talk politics but you're a 1.
Tbh purple should be higher because "muh free economy will fix it!"
Apparently I'm a limp-wristed 4.
Most anti-Centrists are hypocrites who arn't the most extreme version of their chosen ideology.
About an 8, apparently. Authoritarian slightly-right of centre.
2.5 ish.
>tfw based centrist
>Unironically thinks libertarians are less annoying to talk to than authoritarians
subtle propaganda designed to guide the eye toward weak libertarian-right. better than this Russian shit anyway.
No more than 3, sometimes 11
>Privatize the seas!
3.5? I'm still an ancap though
Fuck, meant 6
9, but I object! Centrists are the absolute fucking worst.
1, wow not bad
>heh... I'm a centrist bucko. I stand on the sidelines and critique everyone else on how wrong they are. What? Run for office? Heh I'm not really into politics... I'm better than them but it's only because I don't have a viable political platform
*Quietly goes to the gulag last*
First time doing this. Surprised by the results actually. Never considered myself left wing about any of the major issues. Must be a lot of little things that I never take into account when voting.
Also, from the way the far left acts about people with my values, I thought I would end up being Hitler tier fringe instead of nearly centrist.
When it stops being true.
There's no such thing as a Left Libertarian, the chart simply lies. You're actually center-right.
If I remember correctly, the test was made by english labourites and made the test somewhat biased to the green. A lot of the questions don't demonstrate much of an understanding of the right wing position.
OP is clearly a right leaning libertarian.
I'm a 6.
3 unironically, 10 ironically.
Comrade, once we discuss how arguing with the regime will lead to your 20 years in the gulag I will become a 1 to talk to.
and every corner is definitely a 10
Makes sense. There were several questions where I felt it wasn't a matter of agree or disagree and had trouble deciding how to answer.
libertarians are without fail the worst people in these threads though.
6, maybe 7
8 or 9
9 tippidy top right
>authoritarian right more annoying than ANY left
Hahahahahaha you fucking wish
it says 2, but i try to annoy on at least a 5 level
Why do authoritarians hate each other so much? Can't communists and fascists make nice, they have a whole hemisphere in common.
Take the vagabond pill.
>standing for anything
found your problem
idk senpai
This map accurately described my experiences
wow I sure am a cool guy
It means your beliefs aren't logically consistent, making you an idiot.
Getting a bit to authoritarian my dude, try to cool it with the boot licking.
Superior test
I'm not going to retake this thing for the zillionth time in the last 1 years since I always get the same score. I always end up one answer away from the absolute most liberal. Like, -9.9, -9.5 or whatever. I think that I don't get a perfect score because I think that astrology is dumb.
So yeah, I'm ridiculously liberal. I'm also glad to answer any questions y'all have., if you do.
Yeah, would you like a helicopter ride on the house (read:state)?
I found a screenshot of an old one for proof of my message above. Here you go. I beat Ghandi.
Argentina is lame.
and here's the aforementioned fucking screenshot
Why are you even here?
I can't even imagine what kind of insane combination of mental illnesses it takes to end up there.
I've been using Sup Forums since like 06ish or so regrettably, and I'm not willing to cede the territory because stinky neighbors moved in. Plus, it's good to keep up with the ostensible enemy.
At least your not a statist cuck
Depression only, but I use that as a driving force to prompt me to work on improving things around me, since it is primarily situational.
god i wish
1. I do find that the guy who made this is slightly overrating the blue square though. The sixes is basically screaming "God dad who cares that I want to start a legal weed store?"
god i feel bad for you putting up with that shit for 11 years
seems like the revolution is coming soon tho lol
>seems like the revolution is coming soon tho lol
not a chance lol
Lot of lolbertarian bias here
The chart should be titled "How annoying are you (for me, a classical liberal) to talk to."
To an extent. While I would prefer a more absolute sense of freedom, I would rather have my views implemented through fascism then someone else's through democracy. But then, when it comes down to it, wouldn't we all?
The test is honestly somewhat skewed. It relies on gut level answers to push people towards the center. If you take into account what arguments can be extended by the answer that you give and respond accordingly, you end up pushed to one of the extremes. It also ignores entirely pragmatic compromises and the extent to which someone is willing to make them.
Though, I really am hella liberal, but there are people who's point of compromise is more extreme than mine and that isn't reflected.
Center left lib