Indian meme thread, post your best poo in loo memes

Indian meme thread, post your best poo in loo memes.

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thats the worst "meme" i saw this month.

butthurt Pajeet spotted.

Noice, Pajeet defending Mohammad.

Oh yes, this sign is everywhere in Victoria

The Fascist flag is not for you to hide under, Pajeet.

wanna get BTFO'D hard by my country flag? fucking (((melting pot))) newfeg babies.


not being funny anymore
india is world super power
has best art, culture, food, space program, doctors, engineers
microsoft ceo indian, good ceo indian, pepsi ceo indian, mastercard ceo indian
they have best army world power, have most doctors they are world leader in technology

Don't get butthurt, boi, and this thread is for Indian memes.


There is literally nothing wrong with Indians. They are hardworking and contribute a lot to modern society where it comes to the specialized computer fields.

Reveal your flag boi, unless you're a shirt skin.

wtf is with all these Indian shills.

fucking bitch mother fuck india is world power you fucking bitch mother

google ceo indian get off google retard if you dont like pig skin idiot

tall dark and hansome
sometimes stereotype is good

indian use karma sutra on western pig skin whores

Good luck drawing out the Indians. Not going to happen. How can they have a productive conversation when all you guys talk about is poo?

Poo in loo confirmed.

You deserve your white genocide and Islamofacsits. Even though I hate Islamofacsits, I will actively work to bring more refugees to the US.
I gave you guys the last chance and voted for Trump in 2016. But from now on, not more. I am going to vote democrat and make sure that everyone I know votes democrat also.
Enjoy what is coming to you after Trump is impeached. He can't win in 2020 anyway.

pig skin racist idiot

Stop larping and giving indians a bad name. Most of the ones here speak proper English and don't just rattle off profanity without making a point.


Please click the following to push this meme, which has NO PLACE in Sup Forums:

Looks like I already triggered you curry fucks.

pig skin retard

Pajeets are subhuman. Look at all the curryniggers and curryniggers with proxies flock to this thread to defend their streetshitting country.

Having lived with monkeys and curry cucks, I do get your point.

>Flushing razors down the toilet
>Flushing banana skins down the toilet
>Shitting in the showers
>Shitting with the door/stall door wide open

This would be a decent Sup Forums discussion.

>Poo in the loo meme is, nonetheless, Sup Forums tier shit.

It's time for pig skin genocide. Fuck their whore women and make them minorities in their own land.

>You deserve your white genocide and Islamofacsits. Even though I hate Islamofacsits, I will actively work to bring more refugees to the US.
>I gave you guys the last chance and voted for Trump in 2016. But from now on, not more. I am going to vote democrat and make sure that everyone I know votes democrat also.

fucking lel. why are Pajeets so easy to trigger?

>tiny penis
>black as nigs
>inferiority complex
Why do you even have to ask?

lol meanwhile in reality


Now you guys have to kiss


He is Muslim


Poo memes are fucking old and boring now. The fad is dying. the new rage is chink memes.

Sage btw


t. another assblasted curry nigger

That's the BEST meme I've seen this month.

It's not a fad, curry fucks are still here fucking up the place.

or better yet

Now they hide under custom flags, Indians need to be exterminated.

>am I doing this right?

HP Lovecraft on the poos.

or you can do pic related

I don't have those thoughts, though, user.

how about now

A dark brown man covered in body hair. The first thing you notice is his smell. Curry and poo. He has a skinny frame, oily skin and hair. Slimy. Oozing curry and poo from his pours. A thin pathetic moustache. Pitiful.

He pulls down his pants to reveal a small penis surrounded by a mane of smelly greasy pubic hair. He turns around and I see his buttocks smiling at me. His butt is covered in more coarse hair, black. Small cheeks. He bends over and parts his cheeks. A waft of pure poo fills the air. The black hair is thickest here, with a brown hue. Dangle berries can be found. Yesterday's shit clinging on to life. The poo is a light brown, like pumpkin soup. He uses his hands to part the mattered poo hair to reveal a little brown butthole. Caked in poo. Disgusting. The epicentre of filth. An ugly crater. A dirty yet prolific anus.

Sorry, still don't.


well not being a poo might be the reason

I'm really lost at this point

because you are a nufag, who still needs to lurk



fake quote. post the whole thing.

There is no way Djibouti is correct on there. Every time I drove down the road there I saw someone taking a shit in a ditch.

Tell us about Djibouti user, I know you're dying to.


master race


lel, Pajeets wish they looked remotely like that.


>pej vehdat
That is not a indian name
He is iranian