Early 2000s kids of Sup Forums: what do you miss from the early 2000s?
Early 2000s kids of Sup Forums: what do you miss from the early 2000s?
Being a goth. It was fun, and we weren't whiny pussies demanding everyone accepted us, then you run out of things to be angsty about. Also the original Tony Hawk games, they were fucking awesome. Born '84 by the way.
Wtf is this shit
less faggy people
good rock songs. Rock is really gay now.
Watching kids on the bus entertain themselves by playing Super Mario 64 DS Multiplayer Mode instead of staring mindlessly at their fucking iphones
I remember the kid who got the GBA (when they were new) and man was he the hot shit.
Its not the same with the Iphone because everyone and their cat has one.
1999 here. Neighbors use to have block parties and socialize. Now everyone keeps to themselves. I liked it when my school had white kids and not dindus that were shipped from the ghetto to our schools. I miss how we don't go to church anymore.
>what do you miss from the early 2000s?
Hope for a peaceful Earth and a future in Space. Now we're just going to be drowned in Niggers migrating out of Africa forever.
>what do you miss from the early 2000s?
nothing, when i was a kid i often begged for that decade to be over
>if only i knew how bad things would get
The lack of responsibility and not being blackpilled
I miss vidya being good. I also miss yugioh as I played that like a motherfucker and went to tournaments.
the promise of the american dream, living a higher level of standards than my parents enjoyed. prospects of owning a home someday. Loving my government thinking it wasn't completely subverted and generally speaking looked out for the population it was suppose to represent.
That might just be 80's/90's thinking though...pretty sure after 9/11 things started the deep downward spiral.
i miss kazaa
>early 2000s
the fuck nigger
I miss seeing 9/11 happen HAHAHAHAHA fuck america
The millennial generation broken down by childhood I guess.
flip phones
not bad but napster was better
Good metalcore and deathcore
was before the time i got into computers
for fucks sake man
Listening to disturbed korn etc with my mates, playing runescape when it was good. Bunch of old games no one plays anymore
Things being way less PC and censored
that feel when you're not on the list...
I miss being in grade 2 and being obsessed about DBZ with friends and playing DBZ on the ZNES with them, also discovering Napster, Kazaa, and making trash in Fruity Loops.
I also miss pic related.
G4 TV For Gamers. Judgement Day, Pulse, Sweat, Portal, Filter, etc. It was so bad but I was too young to realize it, which is why it was so good.
The World Trade Center
hybrid here
I miss the absence of internet among normies and kids of my age in general and little to no degeneracy in general.
Use your real flags with some sense of dignity you fucking cowards. Only kikes need to hide their nationality.
I had a wonderful childhood, I think. I grew up in a working class town. Though we didn't have a lot money, and though my parents' relationship wasn't too good, I enjoy a lot, especially my friends.
In the early 2000s, I was running around with my friends, causing trouble around the neighborhood. We were destructive little bastards.
Moreover, everything was new. The magical part about early teenage/teenage years is that everything is fresh. You explore the unknown, and you're not quite sure what to expect. Your first girlfriend. Your first time "messing around." Sneaking alcohol into your friend's basement. I've always been into the computer. I was always on AIM. I remember the moving little icons you could place on your message box, and your profile information. I remember playing Mario Sunshine one New Year's Eve in my room with the computer on. So, technology wasn't absent, but its presence back then cannot compare in anyway to technology's presence today. Let's see. I was a terrible middle school/high school student. MySpace was just getting started, and I was a skinny jean-wearing, Silverstein/Atrayu/Senses Fail listening, pierced up queer (I recently had my ears sewn up).
My experience, I think, during childhood was full. It was meaningful. It shaped me.
>American dick waving
this is too accurate
When I was a majority in my City and was able to go to the playground and play football outside with friends without fear of getting robbed or beaten up by Chavs or Immigrants. When I wasn't looked down upon for having blonde hair and blue eyes and was mocked because of it.
Fuckin KEK
I'm more curious about mid-late 2000s kids and what they'll be politically speaking...
>Early 2000 kids.
You must be 18 or older to post here faggot
I miss stuff where the token black guy was just that and was just a character
Half the news today is about how some people got upset at something on twitter
I miss the notion that sex change surgeries were for serious wierdos
I miss being able to call someone a faggot without getting tons of dirty looks
unrestricted access to the internet
You're only pretending, right?
People weren't in such a rush to go nowhere.
Read the chart i posted dipshit
Being an early 2000s kid doesn't mean you were born in the early 2000s. It means you spend at least part of your core childhood(6-10) in the years 2000-2003.
You're a mid-late 2000s kid, not early 2000s.
I miss the colour.
The world just seems a little more grey these days.
Yeah. A little more brown, too.
Being able to fuck angsty emo teen girls legally
Early 2000s internet was GOAT imo. It was fast enough not to be annoyingly slow and was still pretty much for "hobbyists" and a place to discuss niche interests. Then Jews destroyed it to make more shekels like they do with anything that's remotely enjoyable.
Starfox 64
Donkey Kong 64
Super Mario 64
Paper Mario
I still have my first and only Nintendo 64. Still works. Good times.
>What do I miss most
Playing Catch with my dad
Being on my bike from dawn to dusk, hoola hoops, being forced to actually be outside until I got my gamecube (and then spending hours playing it with my neighbor and school friends), and most of all not being a fat depressed fuck with the weight of the world on my shoulders. Also no SJW shit.
I'm trying to get my Gamecube to work, I have very fond memories of playing SA2B and Animal Crossing on it. ;_;
I miss totse.
&t forevar
(Born 2001) I'm conservative in a very liberal part of the US. But there are my kind even here.
>admitting you're underage
I miss my Gameboy and life being Simpler
(Still got the PS2 my dad bought when they first came out and it works perfectly)
who /mid-late 2000s kid/ here?
>tfw people born in 1999 are allowed to post here now
early 2000's internet and the innocence of childhood i guess.
Why are you here youngin'?
>tfw i was posting on fyad the year you were born
>tfw i was in college
Hi admins
OG Kush
Born in 1998. I enjoyed being able to play with toys and that being the norm. I enjoyed playing catch with my dad and helping him build and fix stuff on Sunday afternoons. I remember old YouTube, back when I didn't subscribe to anybody because I thought it meant I was paying for something. To be honest, I really miss my dad. He was a cop. We used to play Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm every weekend. It would be 10am and my dad would say "we'll play until lunchtime, okay buddy?" We'd still be playing at 10pm. I just miss my childhood.
idk Sup Forums is a nice place where I can truly say what I want without it being linked back to me. And I'm tired of the fags on reddit and cucks irl.
'95 and i miss how video games use to be, also miss the general feeling of feeling safe, lol.
My parents
What the fuck you don't even remember 9/11 do you... (1988 here)
I know it's one year off but i'd say you're more of a mid-late 2000s kid, than an early mid 2000s kid
6-10 are usually considered the "core" of one's childhood, and your childhood really began in 2004, which was the vanguard of the mid 2000s.
sorry for your loss man, if you don't mind me asking, how?
I miss having rock on the radio. Back in the 2000's you had The Killers, Fall Out Boy, 30 Seconds to Mars, 3 Doors Down, Paramore, The White Stripes, Green Day, The All-American Rejects, Creed, The Darkness, Linkin Park, etc.
Yeah I could understand why some may not like these bands, but at least rock was in the mainstream.
I have very vague memories of my dad leaving work and coming to pick me and my older sister up from daycare. I know now more than I did. My uncle has lived in DC for 20 years and he was on his way to the Pentagon and he saw the plane hit. He left my dad a voicemail crying.
I remember the 1970s godammit :(
I'm an elderly fag. Was in college in 2000. Used to come back from class, smoke weed, and watch Pokemon. The animated chick from Team Rocket gave me wood. My core childhood was in the mid to late 80s.
>People are only children from ages 6-10
The fuck kind of arbitrary age range is that? I say it starts when you start having coherent memories from one day to the next, so probably around 4. I am an early-mid 2000's hybrid with that definition, which I believe is more accurate.
Experimenting with my best friend in his treehouse. Feeling his foreskin slide back in my mouth. I'm a guy by the way. Straight.
i was 11 when 9/11 happened. i miss not knowing about muslims and all of this. this shit is so fucking deep guys. ive spent a lot of time here, talking to different people. this shit is insane. all of it. the fact we're living in this paradox is unbelievable. everything revolves around money. the whole system is greed. more. thats what i miss. not worrying about that too. that was amazing. 0 worry. no care about economy. up. down. it didn't matter. no bank accounts. nothing. just being home.
Caring about politics.
Not worrying about stress.
Not the constant reminder I am a failure as not only a man, but also a son.
Just the little things, like being tucked in bed and getting a kiss on the forehead. Someone being home to run up to and tell how your day went. Someone who cares. Having fun and making friends.
90s kid reporting in.
Here to answer any questions
We're all in this together. It'll get better soon
Being in highschool not giving a shit about anything other than beer
I took a plane once as a kid in '99
it was so comfy
It's interesting how the developers chose to conclude the first game's story in 2006, as though they JUST KNEW 2007 was when everything went to shit
Obama started up his campaign
Democrats took control of Congress
Mainstream social media
The big bang theory
9/11, should happen more times
Questipn for early 2000s kids: Which Sabrina was cuter and more crushable?
Me too.
Fapping to these bangers on Saturday morning music shows.
Are Hybrids white?
i miss the internet being fun
>Tfw I still have a scooter board in my garage but never take it out
Time used to move far slower. Everyone was white and kind. The future was bright and full of dreams.
Talk about remembering 9/11... shit I still remember when the USS Cole was attacked and knew things were going downhill then.
Youtube was new and had interesting content
Scene Girls
Future genuinely looked bright
I could go on man but being a freshman in 2007 was amazing
The feeling I had when playing Pokemon.
I was born in 1992, so that was the ideal age.