Germancucks (and cryptoGermancucks hiding behind flag) will defend this
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"I wanna be rich, white, and surrounded by pussy!"
>2 out of 3
Why is the fact that he is Muslim important you Nazi fuck?
I got to agree, laws apply to everybody or nobody.
His lifestyle may seem unusual and alien to us westerners, but his children will be integrated and be raised with western values.
They will find a job and have 1-2 children like the German population. We have seen this with the Turks already.
Stop making a drama out of this. Its just lawful.
population replacement thats why. Germans are raising his family and being replaced at the same time. It's not really that he's muslim, it's that he's not German.
Regardless of his religion and race, no fucker deserves that much money in gibs.
Why would I ever defend this shit?
working/paying taxes and thus enabling third world subhumans can replace you is treason to your kind and country.
he never said, the problem is people earning 390,00 for doing fuck all mate.
So can any ol bloke got marry 4 women & father 20+ children to receive that kinda money or is it for refugees/browns only??
>Regardless of his religion and race...
Found the kike.