Canadian FAG...I mean Fiddle Music

Fuck I hate this shit.
Hey fuckwits, the 1800s where 200 years ago. Why the fuck do you assholes still love this fucking fiddle music garbage??
Fuck I hate fiddle music.
>We're celebrating our Irish and Scottish Heritage eh??
Fucking losers. Get with the times. I doubt people in Ireland and Scotland listen to that fucking trash.
You retards put fucking bag pipes, in bars, on stage, on a sound system.
What kind of trash fucking instrument is the god damned "bag pipes"
Poor as fuck Scotsfaggot took some fucking animal intestine, started blowing into it, cause he's retarded, and it made some shitty sound and they decided it was an "instrument" and "music"
Most annoying fucking shit in the world.


Fuck your Irish Pubes and faggy as fuck live Irish/Scottish/Maritimes Fiddle/Bag Pipe bands


>Live Tonight! McLouughin Scrimshaw Revenge Trio

I haven't gone into the bar, but I can only imagine what the dumb fucks cheering look like.
Probably fat with beards if male
Fat with "rockabilly" tattoos and glasses if female

What dumb fuck goes to a bar to hear bag pipe music??
Just what in the fuck..........

I hate you people so much.



Fucking rubes.

>Here's an old Irish/Scottish diddy my grandppapy made up. There's a 5 minute fiddle solo and 10 minute bag pipe solo
*crowd of drunk, ugly,fat Canadians lose their shit*

Feels like fucking "Gangs of New York" or some shit around here.
There people are trapped in the 1800s even if they have fancy new American things.
80 year old Canadians literally lived like pioneers.
Just talk to some.
Canadians love their "rich history" except none exists. Like things you can hold and touch.
Like old appliances, old advertising, old machinery, old factories.
Literally none of it exists.
My granddad talks like he grew up in the depression despite being born after it.
I guess Canada was always in one or something.

Holy fuck, feels like I'm in Assassins Creed Black Flag, except not in the Caribbean or a privateer, or in the 1800s.

Hey fuck heads, why are you land locked assholes singing sea shanties from 200 years ago??

I don't get this fucking place.................
The rest of the world has real history. Like actual OLD STUFF.
Canadians are literally stuck in the 1800s.

My MOM was the FIRST family on her road to have a home phone.
She's only fucking 60.
Home phones have been a thing in USA since like the late 1800s.
I honestly thought movies like "The Sting" set in the 1930s was making stuff up, when they had phones in the bookie.

Just what the fuck

>LAND HO LADS!! YEEE HAAAA!!! WE made it!! Let's sing more shanties

My mom use to take me and my cousins to a pioneer village with my cousins in the summer. See how granddad use to live.
Beside that old village, there's like nothing from the 1920s,1930s in Canada. Or earlier.

Granddad in USA had a car at 16, went to sock hop with sally, got a malt at the sodee shoppeee like Archie and all that shit.

My granfdad never saw a car till her was 20 or something I bet.
He grew up like a fucking pioneer. I'm only 40 mins from the USA border like 80% of Canadians.
Why did my granddad live like a pioneer??

lol mate i play the pipes

Wait, my granddad told me he use to work the door at the barn dances.
Where the one girl in the village would be.
Fiddle music bag pipe ho down barn dance like it was 1817.
All the lads use to wanna "wrassle" him cause he was "big guy"

He for real says "wrassle"

KYS please.

Also, why? Are you trying to be annoying as possible??

What kind of car is this??
You don't know, neither does your granddad. It didn't exist in Canada.

What about this one??
Again, your granddad didn't own one, cause he couldn't/ It didn't exist here.
Where's the old car dealerships?? You can find them in America.

This here is "Art Deco" popular in Europe and America in the 1930s
Doesn't exist in Canada.

The 1920s where "The Roaring 20s" cause everyone was loaded. They had fancy as fuck shit.
Didn't happen in Canada

Forgot pic

Flapper Girl from the 1920s
Something that didn't exist in Canada.
Same with car and big house

Cars and Fashion that didn't exist in Canada
Circa 1920s

What the fuck is wrong with you? Most of the thread is you just rambling. You don't like traditional instruments carried over from the parent nations, like some kind of cosmopolitan scumbag? Even if it's not your jug of syrup, at least be happy that there is some kind of traditional folksiness alive in our entertainment, you goddamn cuck.

Telephone operator, circa 1920s

Why the fuck was my moms family the first on her road to have a home phone??
>Had to get on the "party line" eh?


>What the fuck is wrong with you
My brain works and I live in Canada.
Fuck your folky bullshit trash fucking music
It's fake.
It's just a mash up of stolen stereotypical music.
Oh ya, it's 2017, not 1817
Go sail a tall ship into your asshole matey.

>It's fake.
>It's just a mash up of stolen stereotypical music.
What the fuck are you on?

1920s GM assembly line in Chicago.

Where's the 1920s GM assembly plants in Canada??
Oh ya, there wasn't any. Cause Canada is fucking whack

Packard Assembly Plant. Detriot , circa 1920

Ask granddad if he had a Packard, or even knows what that is.
He probably won't cause they didn't exist in Canada.

Where's the Packard Plant in Canada??

All and All, Canada is meme country that started over night in the 1950s and the original inhabitants where given money and cushy jobs to pretend it was a real country when it was really a prison colony for dirty Irish and Scottish people who lived like pioneer retards until the 1950s

Go blow into a bag and make some dying cat sound ya faggot.