I fucking love and hate this place. I feel like my whole world is being flipped upside down. While I love learning new things and understanding truth, I cannot help but realize that my feelings on feminism would absolutely destroy any relationship before it could form. I feel like I am about to go crazy.
What. The. Fuck. Do. I. Do. Now?
Pic related, this began my descent into educated madness.
P.S. I am not at race realism levels, but my God, I probably will be soon.
God Dammit. You win
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine just how fucked up this world is if seeing reason is defined as being crazy. Welcome home, you're stuck here forever.
As far as Race Realism goes, study up on Jared Taylor. Don't listen to Spencer or other faggots like him.
Lol, one minute in and my conditioning is trying to keep me from listening, but offers no reason why this guy is wrong.
This should be good, thanks for the links!
Congratz. You're opening your eyes.
The decisions you make and the actions that follow are a reflection of who you are.
If you live among the niggers you will see what this entails. If you look at the patience and the unique altruism of whites you'll understand why some would become so unrelentingly bitter.
Don't be fooled by arguments of social conditioning being their problem. They've always been this way. It's just the way they've evolved.
Even if we removed the 19th amendment and had fathers stick around?
Literally my only issue with this stuff so far.
Awwww sweetie,
Also, you're here forever.
How are you not at race realism? It's like way easier to understand than feminism
For Islam, study Robert Spencer
He hasn't got the right material considered this board is basically alphabet soup and a machine of propaganda constantly fighting against itself. The shilling is unreal on here.
Look up how Kenyans fail the mirror test at age 5 when other races pass it at like 1 year of age, or something like that. It was in a scientific paper before the equality hit hard.
>it's purely cultural goy
Idk, I just spam Jared Taylor, Jonathan Bowden, and gore.
I started hating Sup Forums in December
So if Women didn't work during WW2, what would happn?
...Fuck. I got nothing. That experiment is wild.
>implying one exception to the rule means it should be discarded entirely.
So you don't have an answer.
the good guys would have won
There are different levels of the redpill, and the fact is that on each level you can come to very good conclusions that would be beneficial and would partially fix society. Doing what you said would obviously help, but another you need to consider is that from the blacks perspective the current situation isn't ideal either. Malcolm X understood this in a way Martin Luther King couldn't.
The fact is that due to the differences in IQ if a black population lives among whites they will be a perpetual underclass who will constantly be exploited either by white liberals who need their votes, or by white and jewish business that want the governments money and the little money they can make forthemselves, but if they live among other blacks then they will be the most intelligent and capable people around.
And after youve gotten your fill of Taylor look up William Pierce, and watch The Greatest Story Never Told
>eating smelly feet cheese and spicy kielbasa
>see women with meat coming out that looks like the inside of my kielbasa
Yeah, gonna have to hide that post.
What do you call the classification of a species?
>comparing wartime to peacetime
you might just be a woman if your posting is this retarded
No, I do.
Women needed to work only because almost all of the men were off fighting the war. Once the men won the war and got back home, they could resume the duties of being a homemaker.
Ya know, the one occupation that women have always been happier with.
....Sup Forums isn't here to make you feel comfortable you faggot. You better unblock and shove your eyeballs up against your monitor, pretend you're eating braincheese, taste spic blood.
You're gonna be tasting it soon.
Its crazy isn't it? how the collapse of society as we know it began with giving women the right to vote, the destruction of the family, the destruction of femininity and the destruction of Man. Nobody nowadays even want a family, guys like me who wanted a family by the tender age of 22 are far and in between. It's crazy
>mfw being bean reading up on Jared Taylor for the first time
It hurt at first but once you get past that existentialist phase of despair, things get better. You come full circle when you're pass the "BASED SPIC/NIGGER/HAJI MAN" and realize that you shouldn't be congratulated for being a decent human being, you were supposed to be doing that since the start
Who's forcing them to work during that time then. If they truly loved staying at home, why even bothering working?
Im not reading all that..
any tldr's?
>Im not reading
are you a nigger?
If you want to consume information that has at best, not been made available to you and at worst, actively kept from you your entire life, stick around. Cant promise you'll enjoy the ride though :^)
dude just roleplay to get a gf its real easy. if you think your political views will stop you it wont and i have personal experience to back that up. you can be the most redpilled motherfucker but as long as your comfortable w/ yourself you'll be k. now if its you and not the grill then you may need to lighten up.
are you?
this is Sup Forums people arent here to read wall of texts unless its an absolute happening.
If it makes you feel any better, the collapse we are facing is by design.
I don't think what we do is enjoyable, I think it's those who join us on our journey that are enjoyable.
Learning about pic related isn't fun, but its other anons who make it enjoyable.
Shit, do you not understand logistics?
Hint, Americans produced 50 tanks for every German tank. When almost every able-bodied man is at war, who can produce the tanks and ammo?
Feminism is bad and has always been bad. Women should have never been given the right to vote and should have been kept out of the work place.
You should at least skim it though. It has a lot of great info and points to back up those statements.
>Of the 82 children tested, only two demonstrated any of the defined self-oriented behaviors when
facing their “marked” image in the mirror (one-tailed binomial test, p < .001, with a .60 probability
threshold). Of these two children, one removed the mark and one touched but did not remove the
mark (both were 48 months of age; one male and one female). Coding of freezing behavior
reveals that 80 of the 82 children (one-tailed binomial test, p < .001, with a .50 probability threshold)
displayed such behavior, staring at their image in the mirror, without any attempt at either
touching or removing the mark on their forehead. The two 48-month-olds that self-oriented did
not freeze.
Either the 48 month kids are IQ outliers, or Kenyans become self aware at 4 years.
Whats the normal age for white children to be self-aware?
Are Africans actually this bad off?
This really bugs me, I hate when people refer to things as "waves".
There's no such thing as "fourth wave feminism" or "fifth wave feminism", when people use the term "the third wave" they're not talking about a measure of time or how many iterations the ideology has undergone, they're talking about a very specific social experiment performed in California in 1967.
>The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones to explain how the German population could accept the actions of the Nazi regime during the Second World War. While he taught his students about Nazi Germany during his "Contemporary World History" class, Jones found it difficult to explain how the German people could accept the actions of the Nazis, and decided to create a social movement as a demonstration of the appeal of fascism. Over the course of five days, Jones conducted a series of exercises in his classroom emphasizing discipline and community, intended to model certain characteristics of the Nazi movement. As the movement grew outside his class and began to number in the hundreds, Jones began to feel that the movement had spiraled out of control.
When you describe a movement as "third wave", it means you're likening it to fascism and other extremist ideologies. "Third wave feminism" does not mean that it's the third revision of the ideology, it draws a parallel between the behavior of feminists or other extremist social movements, comparing their behavior and rhetoric to that of the Nazis or other fascist regimes.
PLEASE LEARN THIS and stop making fools out of yourselves.
Good luck, just remember (((whomst))) are behind it all.
>I am not at race realism levels, but my God, I probably will be soon.
Allow me to be your guide, fellow hwite man.
I told my lefty girlfriend that feminism was a mistake
We had sex twice this morning. Women dont give a shit about your opinions and the ones that do aren't worth having. All those liberal lefties sluts just want a man to tell them off and make them realize they're wrong. Give them the red pill and they'll take it and then some
i think your autism took a wrong turn m8
Oh shit, I didn't even see
I like you Francois
>tfw stuck here too and not even white
You can't escape it. Soon you'll connect the dots in everything and see things that others won't. You'll read people like a children's book and learn to despise them. You won't enjoy most things anymore because you'll be too busy questioning things. Enjoy your despair.
1 year or less.
This place isn't safe anymore user. Leave before (((they))) kill you.
18-24 months for white children to become self aware.
4-5 years for black children.
That's abysmal.
They are both still tigers when it's all said and done.
African culture and matriarchal. Men not sticking around is part of who they are.
that's depressing.
there really is no hope for them, is there?
like, why won't they go extinct?
would they on their own if (((they))) didn't "reward" us for sending aid over to Africa?
so why do (((they))) think it's a good idea to make us die off? (((they))) need us more than we need (((them)))
Kinda makes a lot more sense why Europe was able to completely overrun Africa.
I mean, shit, apparently they supposedly had "great empires" before, why couldn't anyone stand up to them now? Is it because these "empires" would've had their shit kicked in by the romans or franks, let alone franks with guns?
Time to put women back in veils where they belong.
I mean, the more this goes on the more I can't not feel whites are in fact superior. Guess I have to change my flag now.
My second cousin is a coal burner and has a halfling niglet daughter. Apparently the little ape is almost 5 and can't even talk yet.
It's because their "empires" (which were never larger than city-states with a few hundred km of influence) would have had their shit pushed in by anyone employing tactics better than unorganized mass rushing, and weapons more advanced than sticks.
I don't get why the Jews are so interested specifically in suffrage
That's normal now, it's caused by overstimulation, it was studied back in the heydays of psychology in kids that grew up in bilingual houses.
Outrageous exaggeration
Although bear in mind, I was speech delayed. Not because I couldn't talk, but because my mom and I had a weird silent language that we communicated with. I went to a class for 2 months and was immediately caught up to speed.
If that child does not have a similar case to mine, then... race realism is real man.
can you teach me your and your mom's secret silent language?
that sounds autistic as fuck.
Congrats on unlocking the Feminism red pill, OP, now you can move on to the JQ
This is a dumb post.
>when people use the term "the third wave" they're not talking about a measure of time or how many iterations the ideology has undergone
Yes they are, because that's what they mean. Ideological iteration is what everyone knows 'wave' to mean in relation to feminism. Even if your origin story were true, it's irrelevant. Language is descriptive, not prescriptive.
But your origin is bullshit too.
The Third Wave experiment took place in 1967. The terms first-wave' and 'second-wave' feminism were first coined in 1968 in a New York Times article. There's no association besides sharing the word 'wave'. According to the article you linked, the Third Wave experiment wasn't even publicized outside the school until years later. Coming to third-wave feminism, which was coined in 1992, it was only logical that if there had been a first and second wave (established decades prior) the next step was the third wave. Some obscure high school class experiment never had anything to do with it.
For a start, stop considering pairing with a woman as a relationship.
You were saying?
it's how they control the goys. fool them into voting towards their best self-interest, when in reality, it's the opposite
Women are easily led. Just throw in a few subtle comments and gauge her reaction. If she's not too far gone you'll know.
>user I think it's so shitty that women are expected to be a SLAVE to men in the kitchen
You know, when that's not what she wants to do she should be free to not marry a man who expects that of course, but all studies show that when men and women assume traditional gender roles the marriage is happier and more stable, which also brings up the children better. It's kind of presumptuous of us to think we can reinvent the wheel better than hundreds of thousands of years of human societies could do before.
>You know, user, I think it's great that women can pursue their CAREERS now and not be reliant on a man
Yeah, people should have freedom of choice, but I think lots of young women make a mistake in that. They go and get a useless degree like liberal arts, their only job they can find is waitressing anyway, and then most leave the job force anyway when they have a family because, surprise, women like being mothers.
>I think it'd be great to have both my husband and me working and then both tend to the kids and cooking equally!
I always thought that too but everyone I know that does that is miserable. Think about it, with both of you working your kids are being raised by daycare so you miss all the little moments like his first steps and first words until some random daycare worker sees them and you never really bond with your child. Then you both get home, the shopping, cooking, laundry, yard work all still has to get done. All you really do is work. The couples I know where one stays at home have all of this free time after work and on the weekends because the house stuff gets done in the day, and then the family can have real time at night together.
Haha unfortunately not, I have long since forgotten it.
Lemme add to the pic you attached: the right to vote derives the the idea that those who have a stake in the country are most willing to fight for it, and inversely those who fight for a country deserve to have a say in where it heads.
In the beginning of the United States, only landowning white men could vote because they had stock in the future of the nation. This was extended to all men over the course of the 19th century, as mass conscription became standard practice after industrialization. The Suffrage Movement totally divorced the relationship between political representation and civic responsibility.
Damn straight.
It's a lot easier to fool one person than an entire family.
Yes, you will be. But don't worry. You need not worry that feminism destroys your future relationships. You should just destroy women's opinion of feminism.
And most women (70%) didn't fucking want it. And yet the feminists shoved it through anyways.
Just like most women wanted to stay home, yet feminists forced them to work.
They really are pieces of shit.
It's in the nature of a parasite to loath it's host. Christ is Lord. They want to kill Christendom because it's the only thing that can stop their Antichrist messiah
And what was the first issue the women voted for after receiving suffrage? The Prohibition. Followed one of the worst cultural disintegrations in this country's history, the 1920s, until of course the Current Year.
Fantastic piece of information Frankie, please spread this
Lol when you desperately need a cult
Because women are the majority of voters and they are way more easily led than men. Get the cunts on the View talking about it, show some sad pictures of kiddie corpses and bam, we're in another shithole country duking it out again. FFS user, these bitches were going to vote in Hillary Clinton to be the most powerful person in the world. They were just going to give the keys to a perennial fuckup, completely corrupt lady who can't sit in mild weather without passing out, who is only in that position by holding onto the coattails of her husband and then using his power to get enough dirt to blackmail every power player into support her. Her only achievements as her highest office are such scandals that half the country can't fathom how she's not rotting in jail and wouldn't waste a bullet on her if she was on fire. And they were going to vote for her because it would give them some shallow victory of breaking some imaginary glass ceiling. Not because she's actually awesome, or smart, or competent. No, all it took was her having a vagina. That's it. That's all they cared about was girl power.
She stood up in debates and said she was actually going to implement policies in Syria that would start a war with the very guys who are trying to fight the guys we say we want to destroy in the first place. But she had a vagina.
We're talking about a gender that got the power in our colleges not by achievements by basically whinging that they didn't have enough power. Then they used that power to make up 65 genders, dress our little boys in dresses and makeup and give the state the power to take away our children if we don't go along with their delusions.
Fucking, really? Why do they want women's suffrage?
Because women will literally give our civilization away, just like they are doing. And they're giving it away to a civilization who are going to put them right back in the kitchen, except now it'll be legal to stone them to death for walking in public alone.
I also love it how feminists used the fact that western men live their women against them. Western men made sure they had a good life, while the women raised their kids and made a great nation.
Feminists just had to fuck it all up because they were ugly and/or bitchy women who couldn't get husbands.
Man, if you think thats bad. Check out this one. They dont even hide it anymore.
Which is why the democrats are virtue signaling harder. They want to guilt trip women into supporting their shit policies.
Why do we have Roe V Wade? Because Women wanted to "feel powerful".
How did we end up with Obergefell?
Because saying no to gays is "mean".
Good god, I'm a self respecting man so I wouldn't be able to do this but women had it made.
>Wake up, make breakfast for family, see kids off to school, pack husband lunch
>Clean up kitchen in 20 mins because dishwasher, made by men
>Laundry takes 15 mins because washer/dryer, made by men
>Set out meat for dinner to thaw, which I will cook in an electric oven, made by men
>Spend rest of day doing light reading, sunbathing, maybe order some stuff through Sears catalog since hubby's job can support a family of 4 + college + retirement
>Take nap in afternoon maybe
>Kids come home, feed snack, send outside to play with rest of neighborhood kids
>Cook dinner, set down for family meal, everyone compliments my efforts
>Pour husband a drink while I put the kids to bed
Now most women gotta work away those years in some slave wage office job, then go home and her and the husband have to make up for the cooking and cleaning she didn't get to do in the day, so everyone is so exhausted and crabby there's no real relaxing and everyone just goes to bed bone tired
Women, they're always fucking up a good thing.
do you have a source for that statistic?
Nice thumbnail you ant motherfucker
I don't really hate them for it, really. I despise being around them, sure, but it isn't something they really have control over. And they didn't start this process, anyway. It was our bought out Congress and judicial system. If suffrage, desegregation or the Immigration Act of 1965 (the bill responsible for changing our immigrant demographics from majority European to nonwhite) were put to vote, they would overwhelmingly be voted down, including the female vote. Unfortunately women tend to actually be more conservative than men, and really stick to the status quo, because on average they are more sensitive to negative emotion and thus less likely to take risks.
i found the same post here thepurityspiral.com
get off the phone, straya
Nothing can be done. Your beliefs are toxic to sustaining a relationship. Not even with a women, in general society but MORE SO with women.
Get a job where you make a lot of money and pay for/pull hoes.
That's literally all they have is virtue signalling. Their real, down-to-the-nitty-gritty policies, they never even talk about those. It's always, "We're gonna give you FREE CHILD CARE! And make EVERYONE EQUAL! Don't worry! Daddy Goverbucks and his unlimited money will take care of you! Not like those meany Republicans who want to NOT give you free stuff! Can you imagine that? We can just print money and they won't give you free stuff! What a bunch of meanies!"
God damn, no man with any amount of self respect would vote democrat. It's hilarious to me that the John Brown Gun Club advertised they were getting trained by former Green Berets and their trainers are complete stolen valor frauds. I wished I could just watch the coming civil war from like a 3rd person, noclip video game style camera with a bucket of popcorn and just fly over and watch these notest faggots get their shit stomped. It's be the nationwide equivalent of when a bully gets hit back and cries in front of everyone.
Male political issues:
1. Jobs
2. Taxes
3. Immigration
4. Infrastructure
Female political issues:
1. Gay rights
2. Abortion
3. Healthcare
4. Gender pay gap
They are more liberal than men now because of where they get their information from, though. TV, social media, movies, they all make it seem like the norm is the feminine penis and anyone who doesn't like is a knuckledragging racist misogynist shitlord, and it's social suicide for them to not go along with that. They are convinced the status quo is the left but it's all an illusion. The second they go into a restroom with their pre-teen daughter and they are followed by a hairy, 6'2" man in a dress who whips it out and pisses standing up in the next stall they'll see for themselves the faggotry they have wrought. And it will be too late.
This. Multiculturalism is immoral.
Which is why I think there's a lot of truth to the idea of modern politics falling along the r/K lines. I don't think any males on the left are worth saving. If you can't look at this country and see how close we are to some real famine and bloodshed and you think the most pressing issues are getting transsexuals into different bathrooms or attaining perfect gender disparity in all fields, except shitty blue collar jobs of course, there is no hope for you. You do not have what it takes to succeed in a world that does not hand everything to you.
You are simply repeating what I said. Women used to get their worldview from attending church and their husbands, now it's from social media and mainstream media. They don't value having correct opinions so much as displaying their status as members to the right group.
I didn't see you say anywhere where they actually got their worldview from. If you did, I missed it. It's no matter, we're in agreement.
They're overplaying their hand lately with a lot of this shit. I only hope it's not too late before the pendulum swings back to the right. Certain countries in Europe are completely fucked, and I really, really hope this shit pops off while Trump is still president and he puts our full backing behind the countries like Poland, Hungary, etc... that are resisting the scourge. If we don't side with them they are fucked, and so is the rest of Europe.