What's the worst European country?
What's the worst European country?
History started in 1776, everything before that was a mistake
Fuck them. Hope Merkel fucks them in the ass for leaving the EU
turkish one aint no true desu just checked, perhaps google censors them genitals?
still hilarious tho
It's a tie between Ukraine, Moldova and some Balkan countries.
All those are poorer than 50% of African countries. But definition of white niggers also fits Belarus, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria.
t. Russian
Sweden, then Jewmoney.
USA, for ruining europe and middle east.
Thanks for being self-absorbed dumb cunts controlled by jewish elite.
You're welcome sweetie
Thanks honey
Look at this shit
Worst European country? An easier question would be what country in Europe isn't shit?
>help my parents in their old age
TFW Poland will really be the savior of the West
Portugal really ramped things up to eleven. They are usually very quiet people.
How do I make a sandwich?lol
>no friends
Dutch by far.
Their faggotry spans even across the Atlantic.
>czech republic
>star in pornos
like pottery
Switzerland. Full of Albanians, concrete everywhere, graffiti on every surface, not in the EU but in all of its shit systems like Schengen, no borders, literally has a higher Muslim % than we do, pro EU government, women dress like it is 1985, banned motorsport, banned everything, crap food, ski resorts are toss compared to Austria, no one can drive properly, cultural void and generally the most overrated place on earth.
Liechtenstein or Vorarlberg if you want what people think Switzerland is. Of course it isn't as bad as places like Bosnia or Moldova but it's basically a mountainous London.
Either Greece or Portugal. They both suck.
Germany, the single reason we can't have nice things, not once, not twice and not even three times.
Germany off to a good start. Sweden neck and neck with the fatherland of socialism.
>worst country in Europe
American education strikes again.
sure we can trust your a (((Russian))) who just happened to come to the u.s
That's in Asia
Sweden, hands-down.
Germany's situation is at least SOMEWHAT not their own fault:
>occupied to this day
>essentially banned from loving their own country since '45
Sweden has literally NO excuse for their excessive levels of faggotry. It's honestly mind-boggling.
Now I realised I never knew how to stand on my head
uk biggest shithole i've seen
why the fuck in every wester country a fucking libyan is forceing me to buy his selfie stick,not even gypsies are so insistent
>tfw choking