This is a Christian board. Repent your sins. Accept The Lord Jesus Christ...

This is a Christian board. Repent your sins. Accept The Lord Jesus Christ. State your first name and so I may pray for you.

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not doxxing myself sorry my names too unique

Fuck off Jesus you beady eyed sand dweller

You have no need to state your sins here, just your name if you wish. Your salvation is important.

He looks like a Jew 100%


I understand. God Bless.



Pagans -> Traitors
White Mohamedans -> Traitors
Atheists -> Fools

That is John the Baptist. He was Jewish.

Hail Satan!

My name is Josh, I am trying to start praying every night my friend.


Devil worshipers should be shot - Satanism will not be tolerated.

you're a jew

Nice icon. I love Christianity, but have a hard time believing the cosmological part. And I'm a divinity school student.
PS. Modern seminary is just as full of Marxism as every other university discipline. They just call it "liberation theology "

Bless you Josh. I'm Carl. The Lord loves you.

hail satan

Amen. That video is great.

I have a masturbation problem and tomorrow I start the difficult process of fighting it.
Just call me user, God bless.

Pls post your certifications signed by the local bishop governing your parish, else, you can't do anything burger.


Can you prove the existence of God without "the bible says...."?

Especially Western churches. They have very little discipline. They have caved in order to be accepted.

What's God ever done for me?

Fuck off you barely useful hopelessly spooked retard.

I have none of those. Just my faith.

Every once of strength is your own, all generosity is that of your fellow man, and all of your mistakes are your own.

Don't let these reductionist sycophants take that away from you.

Boy can I relate. We are all sinners. Good luck and God Bless.

I have addictions that I've found pretty hard to get rid of completely.

Can you prove the opposite?

>worshipping a literal Jew

Hey, maybe see you in the sky on Sept. 23?

>worshiping the literal God

Pagan LARPers >>> Christniggers

>God is a kike

Died for your sins

Hear hear
What a load of crap.

>Can you prove the opposite?

Like clockwork.

Me too. They are very hard. The way of sin is easy. And He does not expect us to be perfect. You just have to accept that you sin and ask for forgiveness. We will never not sin. God bless.

If you dont want to believe thats fine. The offer still stands. Repent while you can

everyone knows Jesus was a black man

I believe that there was a creator of the universe, but I don't believe in any of the human made religions. Tell me why I should believe in christianity over islam or hinduism.

That is true actually, since Jews are 4% Negroid

Fuck off, seriously. I never asked for life and wish death upon myself every day.

Everyone Post their favorite Bible verses:

>Isaiah 41:9 - you, whom I have taken hold of from the extremities of the earth, and you, whom I have called even from the remote parts of it. And so I said to you, ‘You are my servant; I have chosen you, and I have not rejected you.

>Isaiah 41:10 - Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not gaze about, for I am your God. I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness.’

>(Proverbs 27:11) Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.


Your race is so much superior...

You realize you're just a piece of shit human too, right?

Paul checking in

Get off Sup Forums
Sort yourself out
Go lift
Get a Christ-chan
Find meaning
Carry the torch

Faith my friend. Sounds like a load of BS until it doesn't. I truly pray you accept salvation.

>Doesn't know he's a brain controlling a body
>Doesn't know the brain controls him
>Doesn't know the reason you automatically stop yourself from throwing yourself over a bridge is because your brain tells you not to, you don't tell your body not
>Because your brain thinks and you're just the machine who does as you're told
>Tries to claim he's redpilled

Checks out.

>t. 14

>Ecclesiastes 7:9 - Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended, for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.

>>(1 Peter 5:7) while YOU throw all YOUR anxiety upon him, because he cares for YOU.

>(Joshua 1:5) Nobody will take a firm stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I proved to be with Moses I shall prove to be with you. I shall neither desert you nor leave you entirely.

Whaats with the flags?

>Can you prove the existence of the Holocaust without "this eyewitness says..."?

Amen, brother. May the good Lord guide you and give you strength. Killing masturbation is not easy.

God abandoned me years ago so this "he's always there for you" is horseshit. I felt nothing when I prayed in the past. I wondered why I even bothered. Maybe there is no God?

Christ demonstrated that he truly does have power over the heavens while he was on the cross. He made the sun go dark as even Roman sources noticed

>accept some semite from the bronze age as your lord and savior
Thanks but no thanks. I'm gonna stick with my own gods, praise Perun!


pray for me

Would you be willing to reveal what you asked from God?

Asking too much turned me around.

For a sign, for guidance, for help getting rid of my anxiety and depression, for help getting rid of suicidal thoughts. When that didn't work, I started to pray for death. I want my life to end, I've had enough of living.

Punting a disabled niglet across my son's soccer game

>God abandoned me years ago

>Isaiah 41:9 - ... ‘You are my servant; I have chosen you, and I have not rejected you.

>Jeremiah 31:3 - ...“And with a love to time indefinite I have loved you. That is why I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

>I felt nothing when I prayed in the past. I wondered why I even bothered.

>(Psalm 145:18) Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, To all those who call upon him in trueness.

>(Psalm 34:18) Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; And those who are crushed in spirit he saves.

>(James 4:8) Draw close to God, and he will draw close to YOU. Cleanse YOUR hands, YOU sinners, and purify YOUR hearts, YOU indecisive ones.

God doesn't answer all prayers. God won't answer prayers of selfishness. He's not a Santa Claus that drops gifts on people. What do you pray for and how do you pray?

My name is Matthew. I have always believed and done my best to be a good person, but I haven't been to a church in 5+ years.

I want to start going again

My name is Owen. I accept Jesus into my heart and repent. Please pray for me!

You're praying to the wrong god my friend. In case you're English - read about the faith your true ancestors had, it is made for you at your place. Go out into nature and contemplate on that. You're gonna find meaning I'm sure

>this kike worshipping LARPer again
Everyone here is just pretending to be a christcuck
Turn the other cheek you weak beta

Sounds pretty similar. Only on the second occasion when I said I didn't care any more what happens I'm going to pull the trigger this time unless you keep me alive.

Bad idea. I don't want to be alive, but now I have to uphold my end of the bargain.


Weird... me too.

Why are you anxious? Why are you depressed? Why1 do you want to die?


I have said a prayer for you and hope you are a true brother.

The things God has made astound and mystify many people. I hope many will some day see past the creation.

Don't want to give away my first name because it is uncommon here but God bless you all.

I don't know what faith my ancestors had though. I have no meaning.
i wish i was dead everyday so i've begun hurting myself until i get my wish
because i have no self-esteem or confidence, I feel like the world is against me no matter how hard i try, im not as tall as i could be (barely 5ft 10) and i get mocked for being a "manlet" on here which leads to me spiralling even deeper into depression. never going to marry, have kids, watch them grow up. so ive just given up.

Quantum Physics, Laws of Physics, Abiogenesis, Mathematics, Consciousness, String Theory

You body telling you not to kill yourself would be a similar reaction your body has to riding roller coasters.
The feeling in the former would be much more extreme, though.

Total acceptance of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is a pretty big milestone in one's life.

I accept Yeshu ben Miriam as a historical human being

No one is abandoned.

>Matthew 18:12
[12]How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

Literally this, also the fact that firsthand experience of the presence of the Lord is possible in this life.

My name is Will, please pray for this lowly sinner

i feel nothing though, im just empty. i dont even feel anything other than the occasional sadness.

I have Paul. You must take the next steps. God Bless you.

not gonna say my name but pray for me OP

I fucked a jewish girl. Please forgive me.

You need to find something worth living for. For some its their job, their kids, a cause..
If you can't find one, pray for one and see what happens.
I was younger when I thoughts like that. Took some mushrooms and prayed while I waited for them to kick in. Was a pretty nice trip that kicked me out of thoughts like that.

Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et vobis fratres: quia peccavi nimis cogitatione cerbo, et opere: mea pulpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaerelum Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sonctos, et vos fratres, orare pro me ad Domimum Deum Nostrum.

Read about it. You are a phisical manifestation of your own gods you just need the will to make it come true. Getting rid of addictions and distractions is the first step. You are a solar hero on a journey, you are currently confronting a dragon but all heros eventually come out victorious. You will grow beyond you expectations when you get rid of the darkness you've fallen into!
I speak from my experience

I have Owen. Jesus loves you. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Amen.

That doesn't prove god.. it just points out how limited the materialist paradigm is. Shit's weird out therr

Catholics are stripped of their money like sheep are striped of their wool. I hope many will wake up and understand it is wrong to pray anyone or anything but God.

>i wish i was dead everyday so i've begun hurting myself until i get my wish
How are you hurting yourself user?

i'd rather just off myself, i have nothing to live for.
i have no willpower. I think the Gods abandoned me years ago. Im just on my own now, with nothing to live for. Just me, with nothing else but sadness. Darkness has consumed me, and im dead inside.

>because i have no self-esteem or confidence,

Besides your environment, upbringing, and possibly poor genetics this is primarily the result of sin. NO ONE ON EARTH truly has self-esteem or confidence. If they did their would be no cosmetic industries from fashion to make ups to plastic surgeries. There would be no materialism and no hedonism. All those things are done to over-compensate from what one doesn't have. The ONLY PEOPLE who do have confidence are mentally disillusioned people like sociopaths, narcissist, egocentric, self-serving people. Congratulations user, you are a normal person. The problem is that you think you're the only one.

>I feel like the world is against me no matter how hard i try,

There's a reason for that...

>1 John 5:19 - 19 We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one.

>John 14:29, 30 - 29 So now I have told YOU before it occurs, in order that, when it does occur, YOU may believe. 30 I shall not speak much with YOU anymore, for the ruler of the world is coming. And he has no hold on me,

>John 12:30, 31 - ” 30 In answer Jesus said: “This voice has occurred, not for my sake, but for YOUR sakes. 31 Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

According to the Bible, the true ruler, the true Illuminati is Satan and his horde of demonic fallen angels. The world IS designed to be against you. That's why you are suffering.

Here's my advice, quit focusing so much on your short comings. Instead focus on your strong suites. Focus on what you do have, focus on your blessings. Most of all!! CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!! That's right! You are privileged AND YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF IT!! Privileges are blessings! Blessings are privileges. No blessing and no privilege is insignificant! Are you blind, deaf, crippled, HIV +, crippling poverty, cancer patient, deformed? No? CONSIDER YOURSELF PRIVILEGED AND BLESSED!

Have you any ideas that might help getting of addiction?

reminder that you dont have to repent of your sins to get saved its a deception and you wont actually go to heaven because youre trusting in your own works and not having faith in him

its impossible to repent of ur sins

acts 16:30-31
And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.