I wonder ((((who)))) could be behind this publication
I wonder ((((who)))) could be behind this publication
he a good boy
>kekistani flag
opinion discarded
Looks satanic to me.
kill yourself
Fuck this kike. I convinced my parents to drop Time. It's fucking liberal kike propaganda
>tfw Trump is satanist and nothing but a pawn for Jared
>yfw in 2020
also it appears the mods are deleting Sethicus Richicus threadums
Do you often feel (((they))) are everywhere?
In your (((closet)))?
In your (((fridge)))?
Times was renamed Time after this here red-pill
My (((fridge))) has a tv screen in it, so yes. Also, this is the most blatant kikery in a while. Not even trying to hide it, the guy had king kike sleep in his bed ffs.
Is Jared implicated in that somehow?
They do, and for quite a while. 4fuck em 4that
we know who you are
Bullshit, faggot.
That German WWII propaganda had nothing to do with Time Magazine and had everything to do with a newspaper named The Times.
implicated in what? deleting SR threads from Sup Forums? lol I hope he has bigger fish to fry being the antichrist and all..
Time magazine has been anti-right forever. They were among the first to elevate Mike Brown to sainthood before the tapes of him being a gas station came out.
Their parent company Time Warner is an unrepentant financial supporter of the trump assassination play.
No I meant to say was he implicated in killing Seth Rich?
This jew not only fucks his daughter but told her to keep DACA
You got me
Its a reference to this movie.
they are basically calling him a psycho path
no but I had just clicked on a fresh SR thread and it was 404'ed so I figured I'd mention it.... I uploaded that CADRE image a few weeks ago and within a few hours CADRE had changed their logo removing the A which was suggestive of the square and compass ..
No they aren't you moron.
read the article fuck wit
damn after seeing sarah silvermen naked they were spot on with this depiction
...which later got renamed, Time Magazine. Rabbi, please. All your Time shit is semitic.
probably a leaf
What took you so long?
Received 250 million from George Soros who also funded protestors to assault Trump supporters.
Is Jared Kushner the 'Court Jew' of Trump's Realm?
Kushner's Privileged Status stokes Resentment in White House
Jared Kushner, Trump's Son-in-Law, is Cleared to Serve as Adviser
Son-in-Law Jared Kushner poised to wield Clout in Trump Presidency
In Trump's Orbit, Jewish Son-in-Law expected to stay a Power Center
Jared Kushner may work around Nepotism Rules by giving Trump Free Advice
Kushner has a Singular and Almost Untouchable Role in Trump's White House
The Jewish In-Law in the Trump Inner Circle: Jared Kushner's Steadying Hand
During Trump Transition, Foreign Policy Matters relayed through Jared Kushner
Is Jared Kushner on the Verge of becoming Donald Trump's 'De Facto President'?
Jared Kushner's Rise to Power: How the Son of a Scandalous Billionaire became Trump's Man Behind the Curtain
Inside the Kushner Channel to China
I smell the kike
Are (((they))) openly admitting Kushner is a satanist?
>being THIS new
What's his childhood story? Mysterious death of nanny, ""mother"", and ""father""?
>Mark (Elijah Wood), a young boy who loses his mother, must stay with his extended family while his father is away on business. Mark becomes acquainted with his cousin Henry (Macaulay Culkin). However, the extent of Henry's depravity becomes clear when Mark sees him kill a neighbor's dog and intentionally create a traffic pileup on the highway. After a supposed mishap on an icy pond with Henry's sister Connie (Quinn Culkin), Mark tries to reveal Henry's crimes before it's too late.
>With Israels efforts to develop bioweapons to kill based on genetic sequences
no smile is ominous
with smile harry poterish
This movie is fucked, maybe it's what set the seed for my brother...
But he's supposed to be the antichrist, so...
And come on dude, what was that like 1000 nanoseconds in photoshop?
Bibi Netanyahu used to sleep over the Kushner's house when Jayrod was young
Jayrod's daddy paid a prostitute $10,000 to lure his father's whistle-blower brother-in-law to a motel room
A hidden camera recorded the activity, and Daddy Kushner sent the lurid tape to his sister, making sure the tape arrived on the day of a family party.
Jim McGreevey and His Main Man
Golan Cipel was only a plaything. It was developer Charles Kushner who speeded his passage through the swamps of New Jersey patronage politics—till Kushner was brought down in his own spectacular sex scandal.
By Craig Horowitz Published May 21, 2005
that's for starters
Your shoop is okay
it's the doll eye stare that's grabs in a not so good way
>Time praising member of Trump administration
welp that settles it, Kushner can't be trusted
Its not mine its just it was circulating on here a couple months ago only.
its not praising
reference to a movie in which home alone kid is psycho or something idk
not praising, which makes this thread fucking hilarious
The times is a british paper
I want this kike dead.
Did you actually read the article? I mean "the good son" is a pretty generic title. Also it talks about his "trials" like he's the underdog or something. I would think they'd instead call them "the scandals" or something if it was meant to be critical.
pic related, but...
I can't tell if Jews hate Jared or not.
>implying you can know what that is
Jared Kushner's East Village Tenants 'Horrified' Their Landlord Will Be Working in the White House
Thursday, January 12, 2017
For tenants in Jared Kushner’s buildings, seeing their landlord get a top position in the White House is as nightmarish as Donald Trump becoming president is for most New Yorkers.
"It’s disgusting. It’s insane. It’s ludicrous," Mary Ann Siwek, who’s lived at 170 East 2nd Street for more than thirty years, said after Trump, Kushner’s father-in-law, tapped him to be an official senior adviser. "I don’t know how to tell you how despicable this man is."
Kushner typically doesn’t use the building-wide eviction-demolition-renovation process he undertook in Siwek’s building, however. His business model might be called "apex scavenger": Over the last five years, he’s spent more than $400 million buying more than fifty buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Astoria, primarily in the East Village — at least forty of them from Ben Shaoul and Stone Street Properties, two landlords who specialized in "maximizing value" by clearing out rent-stabilized tenants through trumped-up eviction attempts, threats, and construction-as-harassment, and then flipping the buildings to new owners.
Their covers are very good though.
>Jim is a bigot
>the good son
Kike overlords literally mocking trumps biological children, trump won't care because he's a fucking cuck
>Their covers are very good though.
>using kekistani flag toshiton trump
Fuck off shill
It was just a prank bro
Kushners a fuckin beast dude. caviar, coke, and ten thousand dollar tits as a past time in your 20s is something to be admired
This fucking kike's eyes look soulless in every picture he's in.
>Kushners the fuckin beast dude
Yes we've established that
kushner is the antich-
Kike fucks
Yeah they are
It's an obvious reference
No, I think this guy got it right
It's not a generic title at all
Even if you think so take a look at the picture
Does it seem creepy and unsettling? If so that's because it is intentional and not meant to be flattering
The only thing Time does well is covers, it's articles are shit. Not even at a bias level, they just literally suck at understanding anything.
you're fuckin with my mind man it was obama all along
I don't get it
>Kushner actually had disclosed activities with Russians
Good boy and good goy, all at once.