Where were you when hitler came back Sup Forums ?
Dont fuck with my emotions user.
Could you imagine if it were true? Adolf Hitler not only survived WWII but went on to become the oldest man who ever lived. The jew tears would be delicious.
These men do not look remotely similar
>Idiots trying to insult our intelligence.
No way he is even 128.
cant wait for the book
I read this article. This man said his autobiography will be available is September.
SEPTEMBER...As in "see you in September" september.
As in, the GERMAN ELECTIONS September.
Nice marketing
>Sometimes, he would forget who I was and where he was. He looked like he was in trance, and he would start talking about Jews and demons. Then he’d come back to normal.”
this is going to be Sup Forums when you get old and senile
Argentina is white?
>“I’ve been depicted as a bad guy only because we lost the war. When people read my side of the story, it will change the way the perceive me.”
The absolutely madman
Are you saying Sup Forums is going to live to be 130 to tell the younger generations about the fucking kikes?
Aging man. Makes you look totally different past your 70s.
Looking forward to the book. It's coming out in Sept. Any place to pre order?
Stop reposting this thread.
Quite literally fake news
May as well post shit from the onion
Sage. Posting satire.
>"Grampa, what did you do in the meme war?" - "I showed that Aussie cunt exactly what a shitpost is!"
If you take aging into account, there are some very remarkable similarities. His teeth, the eyelits and sockets, the lips, overall ear shape.
Remember that gravity basically overexagurates facial features. If you look at old hitler pictures for example, his eyebrows are placed low on protruding brows; in old age they would look like that picture to the left... the brows would be lowered and the eye sockets would be deeper with the brows slighty curved inwards into the socket.
Its an extremely interesting picture.
Yeah but it's not the real Adolf.
Didn't Hitler have Parkinson's or some shit and his physician kept him alive on a million different meds in his last years? No way some witch doctor the Argentinean white man's diet kept him alive all this time
>tfw Hitler goes on to promote his new book on chat shows.
Needs a sick beat.
thats not parkinson's. Thats how people react when being very exited. Ever seen a sports game? Hitler was a HUGE fan of athletics.
We already had this thread. His wife said that ne is just retarded old fool
It's how people react to being on meth, which he was daily.
Daily reminder that these are literal shill threads designed to waste board space and nothing else. There is absolutely NO WAY these posts can be so consistent, that being 200+ single OP replies up until the bump limit, while being so blatantly false (128 years old, Hitler alive, worldnewsdailyreport)
Nazi technology bro.
If only
Well who the fuck wants HIM back? That goddamned niggerfaggot couldnt even get rid of the jews, let alone those goddamn french faggots with their goddamn bullshit. Fuck hitler.
No one has ever been able to get rid of the jews
They got to be cut off like an infected arm, and like any infected arm, they always crawl back.
He tried more than anyone else has
He didnt try hard enough. He had to fuckin start shit with the wrong people instead of doing what he was supposed to. Goddamn hitler aint no better than one of them stupid wopdagos moved on down here from jewyork
I would probably legit kek after You-tubing "Jew reactions" and seeing what Mrs. Merkel has to say about his Xenophobic reaction towards radical Islam.
He's not Hitler.
He's not even really 128.
Even the "Hitler escaped to Argentina" theorists generally claim that he was in poor health and died circa 1962.
Some have speculated that he had Parkinson's. Others have claimed that he had tertiary syphilis (though he reportedly tested negative).
His personal physician was a total quack who had him on so many drugs (including meth, cocaine, oxy, heroin, morphine, and barbital, among other shit like atropine and strychnine: by April of 1945, he was taking not less than 28 pills a day), that it's entirely possible that there was no underlying malady, and his health was failing due to the drugs themselves. It's actually a far more likely explanation for his erratic behavior than syphilis, IMO.
People cannot live past 120. Hrs probably 103 at most.
Top kek this is next level autism.
A show called Hunting Hitler said he took a U-boat to some islands occupied by Spain. There him and his nazis would refuel and rest. He was reported to have a stomach ailment but nothing too serious.
Scroll all the way down.
This saddens me deeply, why couldnt you let us dream? Man...
Different ear shape. Unless he got plastic surgery it's not him.
Left cheek mole is the same as Hitler's. I'm convinced that it's him.
Left cheek
Left cheek mole
Aged face shows dropping matches
Fucking Argies got me good.
Another one? It's like Semitic religions, no end to it.
I want to believe
Wow, they both have eyes, ears, and a mouth.
I think we have a match!!!!!
They are claiming to be fake news as a double negative. Since all "trusted news" is fake news it follows that all fake news is real news.
Shut up false flag. I know you're a secret leaf. Go shill your leftist word games in your own country.
Maury Povavich needs to do a who's the daddy DNA test with hitlers known children.
We need to meme this into reality.
Are you saying I don't do this now user?
jesus christ you fucking autist calm down
>Since all "trusted news" is fake news it follows that all fake news is real news.
No, it doesn't. It all could be fake news. The status of trusted news sources has nothing to do with the status of other sources.
There are free logic courses online if you're struggling with this basic concept.
What kind of jewish trickery is this?
Ears and noses grow your whole life, you're too young to know this.
Left cheek mole and age_progressed facial droopage confirm its actually Hitler
>128 years old and still shitposting
For a fake story they found a guy that could really be him.
Whoever did this did a fantastic job.
Oh stop it with this crap. It's bad enough that the last thread lasted as long as it did. We dont need a second one.
Take this tier back to, well you know...
(These captchas are getting fucking stupid. Why our jewish asian overlord cannot get an in-house captcha instead of having to rely on googles shit is beyond me)
As far as I know, Nazis have had no success hiding from facial recognition software no matter how old they get.
So has anyone tried that yet?
Hitler never had children and had no siblings.
>left cheek
So you're actually, literally, retarded. I'm so sorry, user. I don't know why nobody told you earlier. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Can confirm
I hope it really is Hitler, that way he can crucify him for his murder of the 6 million.
Yes. It was an 83.7% match
Fucking DANK, I'd kill just to toke with this guy
He will just call you degenerate. you worthless subhuman Nazi SCUM!
I provide photographic evidence and your argument is that I'm retarded? Sure thing shill
Would be sick if this was true and he releases groundbreaking info before the 100th anniversary of Red October.
Breh he was born on 420. That's why he lived such a dank life telling people how it is
Fucking Nazi rally, fuck this guy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>yfw the grand happening in september isnt that red sky dragon shit
>its the fucking return of adolf hitler
And what are you doing to stop them?
>Are you saying Sup Forums is going to live to be 130
See pic related
Truly the greatest man alive
although in the article they say it was not independently verified but since he was born in 1870, it would be true.
>SEPTEMBER...As in "see you in September" september.
Reminds me of the story of Billy the Kid's reappearance.
Retard, he might as well have claimed to be 450 years old since Indonesia is basically at congo level of public registries
What say you?