Why the FUCK is it going to take 2 months to get a sentence?
Why the FUCK is it going to take 2 months to get a sentence?
shes like a foreheady cara
Because first they have to sentence her forehead to becoming a airport tarmac for a 747.
She's not getting bail... She'll spend the same amount of time in prison regardless of how long it takes. Save your outrage for when she gets a lighter sentence than a man would.
>tfw too smart to not tell your bf to kill himself
Due process you fucking mongoloid
She got the guilty verdict?
I think she looks traptastic, or in other words she might be a wonderful trap. And that makes her kinda hot.
Do you agree?
>dead eyes
>potential serial killer
>psychopathic behaviour
Yeah, very sexy.
Calling it now, 12 hours of community service or we riot.
Are you blind? Have you seen her fucking forehead? You would have to cum like 5 times in a row to cover that up.
who does she remind me of
She cleaned out the gene pool and Sup Forums hates her.
Get your shit together, sort yourselves out.
Why is everyone insulting her looks
She's not ugly, she has aryan features, it looks like stress (which causes hair loss) and eating issues (probably related to her mental instability) make her look so strange.
Yeah her expression seems empty but this bitch was depressed BEFORE the trial, imagine how fucked in the head she is now. Must be a broken person.
She has a stupid little face that i hate
She has strong fetal alcohol features
Because the prosecution and the defence both get to make an argument as to what the sentence should be and then the judge has to consider these arguments and all of the evidence.
That takes time.
She used her degenerate roastie powers to kill an innocent white man with a beautiful loving soul.
She should be burnt at the stake fucking satan spawn.
She has the blood of barbarians and bandits, so what? She is a mishapped creature of ill spirit. Of course a nigger like you would she her as attractive.
Are there nudes>?
She could give Dillion Harper a run for her money
She looks like a transgender Daniel Radcliff what the fuck are you smoking?
>time served.
Goddamn she's cute.
More fat chicks need to go on trial for murder.
is this her father?