Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't an ancap
>muh poor
if you're poor you deserve to die, ever heard of natural selection?
>muh roads
implying we didn't have railroads or roads in america when the govt. didn't pay for it
>muh police
private police forces would be much more efficient and actually protect your interests because you pay them
>b-but what if I can't pay
refer to point 1
>muh millitary
same thing as with the police and since it would be private it will be much more efficient and as such there would be less waste (think of the 600 billion USD wasted)
If we were an ancap society we would be in space already but since you fucks are too dumb to comprehend how this works we're going to die by wasting all our food feeding the niggers in africa.
Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't an ancap
even better; employ the poor people as police/military and provide them with a scapegoat for their suffering: the J
Nah, I like NatSoc better. I'd rather live in a NatSoc white society than an AnCap mixed soceity.
i agree with all this but i don't think i am AC.
Society naturally segregates.
So you want to be a Ferengi?
Because I don't support men fucking each other in the ass and open borders.
youre basically shitting on your own country, europeans used to find other countries to colonize if they wanted to live in an ancap paradise, that way they always had a good backup plan if things when south and a strong starting base to build from. Now people want to turn their own country 3rd world just to fulfill their own selfish desires.
Please don't make poor quality threads with poor arguments for a political philosophy I'm amicable to.
You're the reason people have a mental wall when it comes to anarchism.
poor people of my race > rich international jewish bankers
Because capitalism and communism are both cancer.
countries and governments are only there to steal your money and resources, why do you defend them?
if your people are poor then they should die so your race becomes stronger
Ancap is a meme position, nothing different from an ordinary anarchist outside of feeling the need to be a special snowflake.
I'm an AnCap because I will violate the fuck out of rich people's NAP, destroy them and their families, and take their shit.
Because there is no such thing as anarchy therefore anyone claiming to be an anarchist is obviously an idiot.
>private police forces would be much more efficient and actually protect your interests because you pay them
Good thing it's in my interest to have you disappear eh?
I'm pretty much totally deaf in both ears. They were blocked off at birth. But thanks to government welfare, I have a hearing aid (which would cost roughly ten grand otherwise) which allows me to hear almost perfectly, and given me the ability to speak completely coherently. This has enabled me to work, and be well-educated. I'm about halfway through an economics degree and am certain I will contribute to the economy when I start a proper career.
So in an ancap society, would I be essentially a bumbling moron who can't speak coherently, since my parents probably couldn't afford the repairs and maintenance for the hearing aids? I was given one at birth because it was free. If I was only given one when my parents could afford it, I'd probably have been about 15 and my speech and capability would probably still be extremely limited, and my level of education would be extremely low. I'd probably be more of a burden than the boon I could otherwise be.
I agree with ancap principles most of the time but the suggestions for disability welfare seem pretty weak to me, at least in practice.
Because OP is a faggot
If you cost more to society than you produce you don't deserve to live in that society.
I'm sorry for your disability but I shouldn't have to pay for your problems.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
But like I said, I probably will give back more to society than what it costs to support me. You're comparing maybe 20 or 30 grand in total to 15 years of successful education and likely 40 years of labour. Anyone can see the value of that investment, even if my labour consisted of being a fucking janitor or something.
Well said.
>implying an Ancap society couldn't exclude people solely based on race
ever heard of a down payment or a contract
Since when do normal anarchists believe in private property rights?
Then you can just get a loan and pay it back when you work.
It would still be easier because you wouldn't get 50% of your paycheck stolen by the government.
Think of it this why, ancap removes the natsoc problem of deciding what's degeneracy. If you're degenerate, you starve.
Property rights are a market good.
If you justify not caring about the poor because of natural selection, don't complain when an angry mob selects you out of the gene pool.
I'm sure you'll totally be saying the exact same thing when you're old and developing arthritis and back pain.
a group of people with pitchforks doesn't do much against an army
>what is investing and planning for retirement
they are free to try to go against my private police force when they violate the NAP
Except when they realize that they as a group are stronger than an individual.
See: French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Haitian Revolution, Cuban Revolution, and countless others
>poor people of my race die
>get replaced by immigrants
Only the skilled immigrants will have enough money to come and if you don't like immigration you can always live in a private community that only accepts your own race.
It's the ultimate freedom.
>implying the NAP would protect your property.
In those cases the army was not loyal because they fought for the country, not for their employers.
If those were ancap societies then the army would have shot the NAP violators as their job would have relied on it.
No, but my private army and police forces will.
yeah but here's the thing
there are no immigrants
borders are too important for the existence of distinct cultures, ethnicities, races, and nationalities to dispense
moreover, in a stateless, capitalist society, the one with the capital is the one who rules over you
Soros tier people would only have their power amplified
the closest thing to a soros of the right wing is peter thiel who allegedly donated to trump
he's a conservative at best, while the enemy has genuine communists holding multi billion dollar sums
I want to live in a theocracy state surrounded on all sides by ancaps
then why aren't you ancap
I am
The poor get help from charity. People jumped up and down to donate to Planned Parenthood (of all things) when federal funds were being threatened. If the need is there, people will donate.
>private police forces would be much more efficient and actually protect your interests because you pay them
what the fuck am i reading
you dont honestly believe that, right? you do realize that its the profit maximization that has done much of the problems in the west today, ie consumer culture replacing native culture, immigration to reduce labour costs and increase the consumer supply, give welfare to every idiot who asks for it to keep the consumer-producer machine running, diminish the wages of your workers to maximize profits, promote war to increase production and consumption, and the list goes on.
either you dont understand this (which means ur an idiot) or you understand it but you actively work towards the downfall of the west
regardless, this is probably bait
In AnCapism, property rights replace borders so white people can have White Supremistan and blacks can have Black Supremistan. You can physically remove degenerates from your property as well. Also,
>still falling for (((socialism)))
Even if you could sell everyone on this, you have no way of establishing an anarchocapitalist society.
Just because I want to be ruled by god doesn't mean I demand everyone do the same, and I'd rather everyone who doesn't share my values be like ancaps.
>if you're poor you deserve to die
that's a pretty good
reason to not be ancap
Because an individual game strategy always loses out to team game strategy.
As long as communists exist, there needs to be a team strategy to defeat them utterly, a la National Socialism, or Fascism dependent on your tastes.
this is the governments fault if it did not exist there would be no welfare, wages would be fair because of the free market and war wouldn't exist because it is not profitable
people are free to team up if it is in their common interest
that's how corporations work
Then a massive scale corporation that owns al aspects within a geographical area should be no issue. Once again Fascism or National Socialism.
Ancap > Cartels > Feudalism
Ancap is logically impossible. Your ideals do not conform to the inevitable dynamics of human nature.
*All aspects*
My bad it's late.
If you leave people alone they tend to not bother you.
>people are free to team up if it is in their common interest
Right, and those teams will trample your "non-aggression principle" individual rights as soon as it benefits their team.
Oh you and your friends will ally, and pool resources to protect your rights? Some private security company will secure your rights for a fee? Guess what, you just formed Cartels, and the rudiments of Government.
This is 100% false. It is profitable to capture you, and torture you until you work in the salt mines.
>wages would be fair because of the free market
whta the fuck, how does this even make sense. explain how you came to that conclusion. Explain why employers would not just band together to lower wages?
>war is not profitable
what the fuck, of course war is profitable, the consumption of arms, fuel, metals, vehicles, etc would go through the roof.
No, communists organize and revolt as is their ideological doctrine. This causes strife for individuals who would seek to be left alone, thus leaving them no choice but to organize and react or be swallowed whole.
REEEEAAALLY works out for people trying to freely operate their business where gangsters are running a protection racket.
military would not be as efficient no company can afford to maintain a carrier task force or 1000 modern MBTs or nuclear weapons ok no matter what demand might be
also you already pay police also the deserve to die this is why your society would die off no concern for your people even Jews care for eachother and work as a team
> what the fuck, of course war is profitable, the consumption of arms, fuel, metals, vehicles, etc would go through the roof.
Without a government securing payment through taxation, how is any of that profitable. In the absence of government, what you are describing are called costs, not profits.
I'm not an ancap, so I will provide the proper rebuttal. War is profitable because it allows you to steal goods, take slaves, and secure access to resources by force.
Retarded. Ancapistan would get invaded by a single tank from guatemala if it existed. Unless you got people to pay a sort of mandatory part of their income to provide for standing army. Unless you did that you would get blietzkrieged by any country. You need taxes for a standing army, private or not, somebody needs to pay, end of discussion.
>any of that profitable?*
They don't really bother people who leave them be. If you'll notice, commie violence tends to always come about en lieu of government decisions and actions. Really makes you think, huh?
>where gangsters are running a protection racket
You mean like the biggest extortion racket that's ever existed; the American government?
>still falling for (((socialism)))
Yeah because the jews are really pusing NatSoc. How new are you by the way?
All it makes me think about is that we'll need to plant more trees.
We need to since we'll run out of branches to hang your lying sniveling ilk on.
idiots do not realise that socialism is older than marx and natsoc is very different not a natsoc but come the fuck on this is getting old
>what you are describing are called costs
they are costs to one man, sales to another
>In the absence of government
in the absence of government war would still be profitable to those who were supplying the means to continue the war, the difference would be that theres no government to buy them, its put to the people
>I'm not an ancap
what are you
Alright, I'm done with all you dumbfuck ancaps. It's time to disprove your retarded ideology once and for all
>how does the police work in an ancap society
If I kill someone, and then retreat back into my house, the police is not 100% sure that I killed the person since they obviously did not see me commit the act, and therefore cannot enter my property to arrest me. So basically, the police has no real authority, as they cannot perform raids, and cannot arrest people without being 100% sure that they committed a crime. Also if someone who is single, has no family gets killed, there is no incentive at all for anyone to ever investigate the crime or arrest the person who committed it.
Ancaps always say that people immigrate to western countries because of welfare, social programs and other benefits, but if some theoretical successful ancap society existed, africans and others would still come because it would still be infinitely better than their shitty continent, even if there was no welfare. Ancaps should stop pretending people won't come to their society because there's no welfare when people would just come for the fact that there would be less violence.
> You mean like the biggest extortion racket that's ever existed; the American government?
Fair enough.
What makes you think that if the American Government were abolished, some other organization of manpower wouldn't take it's place? What makes you think the organization that fills the new power vacuum would be preferable?
It is physically, and tactically possible, and profitable, to organize force to the end of extortion. What, in the AnCap POV, precludes this inevitability?
It's Summer Sup Forums, do you really expect there to be people who think posting here?
thats literally not what ancapism means.
what you are describing is just a decentralized government form, not ancapism
true ancapism is downright autistic, decentralized government is what all the (relatively) intelligent ancaps really mean when they say ancap.
Fascism is more effective at countering communism than libertarianism
Prove me wrong faggots
Keep sucking jewish cock, Ancucks.
Newsflash, we currently live in AnCap, what do you think bribes are?
I don't pretend to know or ultimately really care what comes after; it's a moral imperative to recognize and denounce evil.
Aggressive violent extortion and subjugation of others to one's arbitrary whims is evil. I don't care who does it - whoever does it is doing evil.
>b..but muh corrupt CIA-planted dictator who expanded the state wuz a libertarian!
nazbol retard confirmed
>Prove me wrong faggots
I want to exterminate non-Europeans and establish global eugenics. AnCap doesn't suit it well
How many rules and regulations will it take for Anarcho-Capitalism to be implemented?
I don't believe that any political organization is capable, on it's own, is capable of producing harmony, prosperity, social cohesion, and sustainable cultural institutions or quality of life. What is necessary is a common identity, moral code, and sense of shared purpose.
I am not a Nazi (In the German Fuhrer sense), because all false sources of the cultural focal point lead either to blood lust on the one hand, or debauchery on the other. What is necessary is that the common code be founded in the rectification to God, by submission to His Laws, and the acceptance of His Message and Redemption.
I am a Nationalist. All Nationalist forms of Government are effective at producing the good things we want in a society, such as liberty, prosperity, and security (even something akin to National Socialism), as long as the majority of society's members and leaders are good, faithful Christians.
You say this until youre cornered in your child sex dungeon, fighting hordes of roving cheese eaters for cigarettes. THEN youll be singin a different tune.
You mean, like how the fascists overwhelmingly defeated the communists in the elections, getting all the working class support?
How they completely assraped the communists militarily, forcing them to adopt extreme nationalism? And then could only win after massive economic and military aid from other western powers?
Because the NAP is for pussies.
Serious question, the way I see it, we currently live in a state of anarchy (no prior restraint).
So, seriously, what legislative path do you foresee allowing your pipe dream to come true?
>Muh jews
Always do opposite of what jews tell you.
And there are a lot of jews in libertarianism.
Ancap intellectuals
Due process, fair trial, protection from unlawful searches, protection from self incrimination, protection from cruel and unusual punishment, and protection from police brutality.
With out a government and a set of laws that everyone is forced to abide by, justice would be dished out by overwhelmingly leftist/ Islamic lynch mobs. They wouln't care if you might be innocent, or if what you are accused of is even a crime.
>common identity
>shared purpose
I don't have to believe the same things as my neighbor about what my purpose in life is to get along with him.
I certainly don't have to need anything really in common with him except that he doesn't go out of his way to hurt people.
you cant since they were the only ones to counter commies with some sucess liberal democracy would always get subverted in the end the hyper individualistic nature of ancaps would mean the downfall quite quick not collectivist but come on at some point you have to put the good and future of the family above your own
Calm down, that was obviously a joke.
How many "rights" will be trampled in the name of implimenting the AnCap utopia?
throwing milions of russians that were eating american spam firing american bullets driving trucks and tanks from america at the same time with limited resources and constant bombing of industrial centers so how did i do?
Society naturally elects a state.
>>muh poor
>if you're poor you deserve to die, ever heard of natural selection?
This is a redpill Sup Forums refuses to swallow for some reason.
>I don't pretend to know or care what comes after
So you are just another proud, naive, idealistic revolutionary who will destroy the institutions of society, leading to the death of millions in order to impose your personal vision for the world on others.
>it's a moral imperative to recognize and denounce evil.
Organization of man power is natural, inevitable, and usually good. Organization of man power can be used for crime. Unless men choose to organize in order to check the greed, pride and wickedness of other men, those wicked men will run rampant. This organization for the common good is what we call Government. Government is, properly understood, a good, not an evil.
Of course, unless men are properly instructed on what is and is not good, and given the means to conform to the good, good government is impossible.
human being fall in a hierarchy of superiors and inferiors the former leads and the other follows all naturally
>muh morally superior system
>that never works out in reality for some reason..
what is communism?
>Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't an ancap
it doesn't work as well as the state, pretty much any kind of state, that is why states inevitably replace it they out compete it.