Why Are Tall Men Not Valued by the Media Anymore?

We need more guys like this


The media today is pushing short guys since they want to ruin the genetic makeup of the average person. Basically like devolution. Look at Tom Cruz, that dude from Twlight, you got Zac Effron, you got Mark Walberg, and you got Al Pacino. All these short guys basically making being short look like it's awesome, well guess what it isn't.

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I'm 6'2 and I could literally care less about the existence of manlets .

Sorry i posted the wrong FUCKIGN video AGAIN

I meant to post this


What do you mean? You should care? They are a genetic dead end you should be mad they are short.

Don't reply to slide threads faggots


enjoy ban

>Look at Tom Cruz, that dude from Twlight, you got Zac Effron, you got Mark Walberg, and you got Al Pacino.

Except those manlets are always represented as being taller than they are

Short people tend to be "squarer" which are ideal proportions for men irrespective of height, in the movie they're still given stands to look taller than their female costars.

Don't give a fuck man.


Fuck off lanklet

You're just sad because you fucked over your life while being over 6'0

That means you must have been either very lazy or very stupid

Now fuck off

Tall women were made for manlet cock

>hurr media is pushing these manlets as fashionable even though they always try to show them as not being manlets
>durr what does that matter

Short people are more likely to have symmetric faces

Superior 6'4" race here. Daily reminder that if you are under 7'7" you should kys.

>Unable to spell Tom Cruise correctly

I'm not even 6 feet

That's a meme actually, symetrical faces don't equal attractiveness. Ryan Gossling for example has a very asymmetrical face.

I'm used to ratface

>The media today is pushing short guys
Not really

So tell us how short the guy was that beat your ass and made you look like a bitch user....5'4"? 5'3"?


Manlets are the real master race.

Can lanklets do anything right? Jeez

together the ants will conquer the elephant

6'5" here, end yourself manlet

No one is looking at short people's faces, just the top of their heads, so what does it matter?

6'6 is the manlet cutoff though

due to the increase of people in this planet
shorter people will be more comfortable as
they need less room.

>The media today is pushing short guys since they want to ruin the genetic makeup of the average person
I guess it's not working. The current generation is tall as fuck due to a combination of better diets and sexual selection by females where women are not seeking resources and power (because the state can provide that) but instead look for good genetics like height. They get knocked up by a tall Chad during a one night stand, get food stamps, and raise their tall children themselves.

I'm sick of these threads, 20 of them a day.
We need to settle this once and for all,
There is a hierarchy among men, short men (below 6"1) are inferior to taller men. The shorter they are the more inferior they become.
Then the catch small man syndrome and start over compensating and wearing high heels.

Manlet detected Bumpu

kek look at all these failed men larping as desirable organisms. God i'm so fucking glad i'm not a little manlet, sitting on Sup Forums angrily arguing with regular people about how "No actually we short people are the cool ones who get the girls I swear!!"
Serious question, why haven't you guys killed yourselves yet? You're all subhumans with weak genes that can't even sprout above 5'10, the average male height, what do you guys honestly have to live for?

I'm 5'5, was a 50.can gunner for the navy. Married a smoking hot women and make a shit ton of money. You are the sad one

I'm 6'3, own my own business and net over 300k a year. My wife is definitely hotter than yours. U mad manlet?

>tfw 6'30 manlette

Even girls are this tall

Post completely objective manlet classification standards

Ha I'm 6'6" pal. You're probably crying now fucking manlet

Cause non-Europeans are short af

The mongols were short af and they conquered the world. Romans were small too compared to Gauls and Britons and they still kicked their shit in. Being tall stopped having any kind of advantage once arrows were invented. Lanklets btfo.

>could care less
I'm glad you care for us people smaller than 6'0".

The people on the picture are some sort of Yugoslavs while the text is in English. Fake