Wtf Sup Forums? I thought Generation Z was supposed to be the savior generation? How do you white Americans even spin this?
Wtf Sup Forums? I thought Generation Z was supposed to be the savior generation? How do you white Americans even spin this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>oh no I see a black person! #triggered
why are you like this? even the sjws aren't this retarded at this point
>black person performs on a degenerate show
>oh look guys Generation Z is lost
You sound as dumb as a nigger. Saged.
Did you watch the video you dumb sperg?
no desu
Every Pigskin whore will be Blacked. That's the future of America and the Pigskin race worldwide.
shut your fucking nigger mouth.
They're dancing to a song about having sex.
everything about this is fucking disgusting. At this rate we may as well give up on our great country.
lol dumb niglet how are you going to afford a backyard shark habitat with only a million dollars?
Aquariums are multi million dollar investments.
I wish best korea was real so they really would nuke this hell hole called a country
>How do you white Americans
>you white Americans
Get out, subhuman.
Also, no matter the general trend of a generation, there are those that are exceptions, as you should know, as you are probably an exception to the general trend of your generation too. This is entertainment for the blue pilled, and is a reflection of such, not that of the future.
>I thought Generation Z was supposed to be the savior generation
why would you think this
they are beyond fucked
Gen Z is going to be moth far left and far right. Death to le too smart centrist man.
I am disgusting by coalburners period. What is wrong with this girls parents jesus christ
Gen Z is going to be incredibly poltically radicalized. When they are our age whites will be around 50% of the pop and they will experience the full front of multiculturalism.
It is either they will be radically Leftist or radically Right and young right wing white boys will be bullying these niggers and faggots and make them pussy bitches just like they do in prison.
Gen Z will be the prisoner generation.
I already firmly established to myself that the world is beyond fucked when I visited Wal-Mart at night one time. Saw nothing but drug addicts, niggers, spics, and blonde women walking around alone with 20 ugly and loud niglets following them around..
Because Sup Forums keeps spamming it
>young black boys will be bullying this small minority of white boys and make them pussy bitches just like they do in prison
>shopping at wal-mart and not your neighborhood fresh market
you deserved what you saw
"future couple right there"
Sup Forums thinks it will be whites, but the large majority of gen Z is right wing brown kids named Muhammad.
because Sup Forums is filled with 14 year old gen z retards
and your dark meat is going to turn very light :)))
That's what I figure sometimes
Berger and a nerger
Although he is a well dressed, happy young nerger.
Only the males of Gen Z have hope. The women are just as brainwashed into the false god of diversity and all the other multi-culti nonsense as millenials. If males in Gen Z aren't already full on 1488, they will be when this left wing bullshit progresses.
I usually do, but I was looking for a sale I saw online for a drink carbonator.
I hate the place. I visit Wal-Mart maybe once every few months but that's about it.
Heidi the Coalburner
"It reminded me of a Sunday morning with Seal"
absolutely disgusting.
Simon is /ourguy/
It's a shame everyone else shamed him into complimenting that garbage when he was clearly visibly disgusted and buzzed it for a reason.
>"It reminded me of a Sunday morning with Seal"
>absolutely disgusting.
The only two things the kid and Seal have in common is that they're niggers. Does it remind her of him for the sole reason its a white girl, black guy relationship? Liberal hypocrisy shows no bounds.
I hope not (((SodaStream)))?
He would be if he didn't pay the Jew toll
Clickbaiters into archive archive.is
pretty much this, how can we even compete?
wtf i love simon now
Yes, it was a SodaStream.
I know it's Israeli owned and I know they shit on Palestinians as well.
I don't care about Muslim's feelings about Jews taking a tiny sliver of land.
how does this kid even look like a coalburner already?
I used to be a degenerate and I knew several dudes who went to prison. The white supremacists in jail are ACTUALLY fueled by rage and hate unlike the white nationalists on the outside. These are the most dangerous motherfuckers on Earth, you have no idea. They make up about 2%-5% of prison populations.
Don't watch (((cops))), watch detective/prison shows and you'll see that niggers get arrested for being retarded as fuck while the whites who get arrested have been career criminals while getting away with crazy shit. Have you ever seen niggers do legit organized crime? (Nig gangs don't count)
Tf you expect???
I see them more being semi-centrist populists a la Trump. Most Gen Z kids I've met practically worship the guy; he's like a hero to their entire generation.
I knew it was going to be bad but it turned out to be much worse. I literally saw more coalburners in that Wal-Mart than in a typical Aussie BLACKED shitpost thread.
how is barbie girl about sex what
You understand the children of those coal burners will grow to either get with white men and de-nigger themselves or not have children at all due to the poltically radicalization of Gen Z.
Listen to the lyrics. The song is for adults but kids liked it because it's catchy and about Barbie girl. Very few, if any, kids understood what the song really meant.
You are fighting for money, idiot.Tthere is no conscription in North America.
You deserve this you jew slaves. And you know it.
half black girls with black daddies fuck black men mostly
First off I wanna say I don't have a problem with race mixing, I think it's gross but white men just need to man up and stop being pussies and stand out to get women. Now that that's out of the way I want to address a couple of things:
1. I like to call how the audience receives their performance 'Participation Culture'- where everyone gets a prize for trying. It was a shitty performance on what is supposed to be a serious talent show, but was accepted with open arms by the audience cause they are a cute couple and not cause of their performance. This culture instills the idea into these children's minds that you don't need skill or talent to be successful in life and can just float by being cute and appealing to an audience.
2. The way Simon is received by the audience is appalling. He thinks logically and as proved in the opening is willing to speak his mind no matter what the audience thinks about the performance. He's viewed as mean and rude for buzzing them after he politely said why he buzzed their performance.
Now these are small cases on a 5 minute video, however this style of critique and response to criticism is rampant in society. If this mentality continues, society will be run by what people feel about others and not by their results. This could affect businesses firing workers for wrongthink in the workplace, family members going against one another cause of differing opinions, as well as political views of intolerance to other opinions. All of these are extremely serious and need to be stopped in order for the next generations to be successful. Keep in mind, this applies to our side aswell. We need to acknowledge that we will never be able to get rid of all degenerate mindsets but if we start going back to critique based on skill rather than opinion there may be hope for the next generations. So Sup Forums, go out there, don't be a cuck and find a girlfriend to share your life with. This doesn't have to be our future. God Bless
you are such a sperg lord, its totally harmless. Go back to your basement you beta virgin faggot.
Gen z are literal children. Anyone saying that gen z is the savior of anything, or are muh conservatives are literally retarded.
No its not. A jew masturbated to this.