>multi-billion dollar state-of-the-art warship
>can't even avoid hitting a merchant vessel the size of a small island
>at least 7 hands lost with multiple casualties
Get your shit together, Amerikeks.
>multi-billion dollar state-of-the-art warship
>can't even avoid hitting a merchant vessel the size of a small island
>at least 7 hands lost with multiple casualties
Get your shit together, Amerikeks.
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captain was an obama era promotion i bet
oh no my lovers may be hurt
lmao arent they supposed to be like indestructible or someshit? if half the ship is a wreck from a slow as collision from a merchant ship then imagine what a missile could do to it
america is a paper tiger lel
US navy has a history of this. There was a similar incident off the Irish coast a few years back.
Here is the recording of the radio communication
Think about how easy it would be to essentially cripple the US Navy. These ships are almost too expensive to risk losing, and it won't be state of the art, sophisticated, weapons systems from hostile threats that will be the greatest threat to them, it will be stupid things like a zerg rush of suicide boats, mines/IEDs.
It's almost like the pre-WW1 buildup of Dreadnaughts, when England and Germany essentially bankrupted themselves building the things before realizing, after war was declared, that they couldn't afford to replace them, and so they ended up more or less being irrelevant to the outcome of the war.
The North Koreans and the Chinese know this too. That is why they have invested in lots of smaller craft specifically to take on the American navy. Like a swarm of bees attack. It just takes one small boat/submarine to take out an aircraft carrier.
>Merchant vessel
>Merchant vessel
>Merchant navy
>Merchant semen
we wuz s-superpower and shiet, amirite?
I thought it was a Jap fishing boat?
>Damage is to side of ship
How does this actually happen? Is americas navy so poorly trained that ship captains cant prevent or avoid collisions at slow speed?
>It just takes one small boat/submarine to take out an aircraft carrier.
have fun watching the US go beast mode on your ass after you do that.
Dude, I can confirm it was Godzilla.
A ships flag is fucking useless to determine who owns it
Looks like they made a T from the merchant damage
At least we now know that the Americans can actually hit something..........
Because 100 million pounds moving even just 15mph is still alot of energy
Another chink country thought they could cripple us by destroying our Navy.
I was thinking more about the scale difference. Hitting a fishing vessel is one thing but a fucking merchant vessel is huge
That's why we need STRONG BORDERS around our navy. Lel.
It's no emu but it works.
Besides proves they hit us, don't know why that's lost on you people.
Oh right sorry. No they hit a cargo ship that had 5x the displacement
Naval Vessels are crewed by some of the most incompetent and overconfident navigators I've seen. Constrained by stiff operating procedures, generally these accidents are caused by too many heads in the wheelhouse trying to pass the buck so they're not held responsible instead of making a decision.
When dealing meeting, crossing, or overtaking naval vessels, there's a mantra that will keep you safe: "If it's gray, stay away'
>t. Merchant Sailor
The NK and Chinese have already tried this tactic out with success. Using small subs to get into the middle of American carrier groups. Even the US navy were surprised how successful they were at it. Not saying they would do it first but it definitely acts as a detterent.
They probably have all the active senor off as they are not in combat situation hence have to relied on eyes in deck
Hope those lads remembered their swim lessons.
We wuz navy kangz too...
hol' up
>The active senor
Figures it was a lazy spic asleep at the wheel
it doesn't matter if they've tried it out "with success" (hint: the US isn't going to just start dropping charges to bring the subs to the surface, they're going to collect information off the subs), if anyone ever even attempts to sink a US aircraft carrier there is going to be a cuban missile crisis level shitstorm.
if anyone succeeds in sinking an aircraft carrier, there are going to be invasions. plural.
The shipping vessel literally suffered less damage than the warship lol
looks like they got t-boned by the cargo ship
Poorly qualified personnel, negligence, carelessness, the list goes on. Mostly the first one. A lot of people just don't give a shit right now and/or just want to make their division or command look good by having a bunch of "qualified" dudes
t. USN submariner in navigation Dept.
You do realize ramming the enemy is a legitimate strategy employed for as long as there have been ships, right? Brush up on your physics for why this is possible.
It was more than 6 hours ago and there is no sea search underway, the 'missing' are likely in the flooded compartments
They can't sail for shit
They expect computers to do everything for them
Where's the look out? Where's the sailor who's supposed to be perched on the mast?
Low skill fat fucks with no common sense
Holy shit you guys, we need to give the Navy some more money to get some new radars and captains. This can't be going on.
>both ships not instantly exploding upon contact
wows lied to me
The anchor raking the ship didn't help.
CBU-107 passive attack weapon hit ?
Anchor was probably the least of their underwater worries looking at the ship
I think 100 trillion dollars for a new high speed doo-hicky ultra gimmick system is needed so they can avoid running into another giant ship in the vast nothingness of the ocean
It looks like it crumpled like a modern car in a crash. Why is this thing built so poorly?
That is the point. The tactic wouldn't be used in anger unless an invasion was imminent or already taking place. Then it would be all hands on deck so to speak. The successful sinking of an aircraft carrier would slow down the said invasion and be an enormous boost to moral to the people being invaded.
Aircraft carriers are nigh indestructable, and would rip a merchant ship to shreds.
A destroyer, on the other hand...
>A destroyer, on the other hand...
is built to be destroyed?
Armoring and double-hulling was done with after WWII for speed and armaments, that was the lesson from the battleship
>Ameriturd technology
Pick one
US is a nonwhite nation
I say my dear friend, that sounds like a fine idea. Perhaps our God Emperor would help us in that endeavor of properly routed taxpayer dollars.
Built for speed and maneuverability, like a sports car instead of a tank. It doesn't need to survive a broadside from a battleship, it needs to survive missile attacks. Plating won't help that survive a missile, but the defensive systems on board will.
>I thought it was a Jap fishing boat?
Sailing off the coast of Japan but based in the Philippines.
First time Ive seen the irish one. The version Ive always seen they say it was a canadian lighthouse
Even for an American like me, this whole collision is full on autism.
Wtf does it matter? It doesn't
It could have been sunk and laying at the bottom of the sea right now, with all it's fancy equipment
They should have:
Beat to quarters
Instead of taking a broadside by a filipino fishing junk. Just imagine if it was a chinese, russian or korean war ship, your stupid sports car missile cruiser would be nothing more than a tin can with holes in it. Burgers are so incompetent, can't win a fucking war and this is why. Wearing the uniform made me sick toward the end, it was like wearing a costume for Losers
BREAKING : China placed a tender for 500 Philipino fishing vessels.
So... they hit a (((merchant))) vessel you say ?
Physics dude.
Nigga, that ain't even incapacitating damage
More like
>You is faggot and shit and need to die.
must have been one of those 'stealth' merchant vessels
They wouldn't have to destroy much to make a major impact is all I'm saying. In terms of cost to replace, in terms of explaining the failure to the public, political fallout, this is a completely different time than the 1940s with our country in a much, much, more prominent global position.
>US Destroyer smashed on the side
>Flip ship dinged on the front
Hmmm... Yes, the Destroyer clearly ran into the Cargo ship.
Obviously the American captain fucked up. It sucks. Let this be a lesson to you navigators out there.
If our stuff is so bad then why does Mexico buy our WW2 ships for their navy today?
>sailor who's supposed to be perched on the mast
You never sailed have you? The mast has all the radar and comm equipment. You would get radiated and die from exposure being next to all that electronic gear.
>Be Burger captain
>Ignore international right-of-way rules and instead scream on the radios for everyone to make way for murica
>Get rekt by a ship over 10 times your tonnage because you're a dumbass
>Get almost a dozen other burgers killed
Because if they try to build an actual military we would have to liberate them.
What happened? Looks like Adm Harry Harris was trying to send a message to the Philippinos by doing a starboard pass and forcing them to stop. The Philippines has earned the ire of Pro Council Harris by acting like they are a sovereign nation or something.
Feel sorry for the dead kids. They deserve better than this.
I also wondered about this. How is it possible to have a collision with a huge merchant vessel?
The entire bridge asleep not paying attention? Is it a form of playing chicken at sea?
>He'll give us the right of way!
>Do not alter course he will move!!
What the fuck are you autists basing this off? Movies? You have zero evidence whatsoever to prove that small craft like a rhib can take out an aircraft carrier
Pretty sure the merchant vessel hit them
the shipping vessel is 3 times larger you idiot
This is a fucking dumb joke.
A navy quartermaster would have planned out such an event and if he fucked up the ship wouldn't have that crap just magically appear on radar. On top of that its a fucking LIGHTHOUSE and of all things a vessel would have spotted it unless the lighthouse wasn't doing what it was supposed to be doing.
>t Ex Navy fag.
Everyone in this thread doesn't know what they are talking about. Merchant ships are fucking huge two or three times as big as a destroyer, and when you have two ships that weigh tons of tons that collide it would cause a lot of damage between both of the ships. If it were any other country's dinky ass ship it would have got torn in half. The fact that only the starboard brake got structural damage is really quite impressive.
Source: Navy fag
How do you thing boats are built faggot? You can't just slap shit on like a tank it has to maintain buoyancy as the number one factor.
ayyylmao another proof that americans can't into radar
Ships are ordered to maintained thier position regardless how other ships get close to them. I agree that the bridge Co should have given the order to move but their could be many reasons why they couldn't. One very real possibility is that engineers were doing maintenance on the GTMs and the ship couldn't get enough speed to move out of the way. When you sail the seas many merchant ships have never seen a destroyer so they were just probably getting a closers look. And foolishly crashed into the much smaller naval ship
I heard same one with a Spanish light house
>A chink
>talking shit
Be careful we don't sink your entire navy faggot
I'm glad we're paying for a faggot ass ship full of losers to float around on the other side of the world while our roads fall apart.
I would put every single employee in the pentagon in prison for LIFE. And their spouses.
>While our roads fall apart
hahahahhahaha holy shit, of all the things to complain about
>7 crew members missing
Have they tried looking between the armox smoosmed like a stack of cards?
Smooshed* swear my fucking keyboard is on the fritz.
The whole crew was probably nose deep on their cellphones, people don't live in the real world anymore
I am willing to let them take more money out of my pay check for this just as long as our navy won't get embarrassed like this on an underwater basket weaving board ever again
yikes. IT
you ain't sinking shit honey, you're a LARPing faggot posting on a taiwanese gay porn tutorial site, go jerk off elsewhere
Those safety crumple zones worked kek
I know life is suffering when you work in the pits
Dude you sound butt hurt and scared as fuck, did you just realized the US Army is the greatest when fighting unarmed dune Niggers in the middle of no where fuckistan but could actually suffer major lost if fighting a real power, what the fuck you think the chinks are going to do if the shit hits the fan? Bend over and apologized? Your Fucking delusional if you don't believe China is as capable if not more capable of winning an all out war against the US muh paper tiger
>still talking shit
Don't you have a child to run over and leave in the street?
They are going to get their single aircraft carrier sunk is what they'll get hahahahhahahahaha chink navy
It's almost like if you have the most ships in the water, it's bound to happen.
talking bout run over and leave, don't you have seven hands to find?
Well wise guy how the he'll would China feed, cloth, train and hundred of millions of 'soldiers'? It would be a logistical nightmare. They would be on the defensive the entire time and eventually loose to the west yet again.