Is clean water a human right?
Is clean water a human right?
>Is clean water a human right?
Water is a natural resource, it belongs to the community so yes.
Access to clean water? How much are these humans asking for?
Water doesn't belong to anyone, you dumbshit work for Nestlé?
Is sunshine a human right too?
All water worldwide should be clean
If we could could bottle up sunlight and sell it, we would.
We bottle suntan lotion.
In the same way that high speed internet is a human right, in that rights don't exist. There are legal rights and nothing else.
Only for white men.
water is a commodity
having clean water is a privilege
Define human right.
Define human.
water should be relatively safe to drink. Im down with that. Regulations that hurt our economy and ultimately our standard of living, Im not down with. There has to be a balance on this
No. It is a resource that must find like any other.
Not my fault that it is extremely easy to get water in America, plus nobody's forcing me to drink it.
I enjoy offshore fishing though.
human rights don't exist i'll kill you if i want
>Individuals think "human rights" exist.
Yes. Only contrarians would think otherwise.
Yes. Everyone is upstream or downstream of someone else. OP is obviously a jew.
I was wondering how long it would take you faggots to show up.
Ancap thread?
Ancap thread.
Also, does anyone know what pic related is from?
There is no such thing as human rights
>but user! The Geneva convention clearly states..
Nope. That's not how the world works. Rights are determined by whoever has the power over a given group of people. The concept of human rights necessitates an organization ruling over all of mankind. Thankfully that doesn't exist
>The concept of human rights necessitates an organization ruling over all of mankind. Thankfully that doesn't exist
If it requires someone else's labor it is not a right.
Couldn't rights be thought of more as a moral contract, that when broken de-legitimize power? I realize this isn't 'raw in real life' power, but lets say that the government quarters troops in your home -- The contract is broken, and the government's power is de-legitimized, and violent revolution is then absolutely justified in the minds of those who were once citizens. 2A and all that.
No. Clean water is a necessity that you have to pay for. It's not a right. If you don't have clean water then you will have to drink beer, coffee, wine, or tea just like people have done for thousands of years. If you have the money and the knowledge to make water clean then you may have clean water.
According to our constitution, yes.
Fuck you Nestle!
Water belongs to noone
No goy, how fucking entitled can you possibly be?
If you want clean water then youre gonna haveta work for it!
it does take work to take the trash we put into the rivers out, I guess.
How far could water ownership go? Literally paying for rain water, owning every single stream?
Well, given that water is a finite resource, no.
It's certainly a legal right, in that a nation that intentionally fails to provide fresh water to citizens, either by hoarding it for an upper class or selling it for profit while leaving citizens starving, is committing genocide.
But what happens if there's a drought, or an earthquake breaks the dam holding the main reservoir? Who can be held accountable for the "human rights violation" that ensues, if having drinking water is a right and you can't get it?
Also, if water is a right, can governments begin limiting sex and reproduction so they can control the population and keep it at a sustainable level?
Yet again, "human rights" end up giving governments an excuse to control your life, "for your own good". Funny how that works.
No, just water is. Any man worth his weight in salt can turn pond water into drinking water.
Nothing is a right
Every right that you have comes with responsibilities that have to be kept to maintain said right.
In order to have this right one must be able to be responsible for maintaining the things that facilitate it.
Personally I beleive that everyone deserves clean drinking water and it should be a serious crime to deprive others of it.
>is X a human right
>t. someone enjoying a lot of these non-rights
It will take something big to unveil the sheeple herder
Water belongs to the people as much as a tree belongs to us.
It doesn't, the tree can not be owned. You can kill it, you can trim it, you can allow it to grow.
The tree will fight you every step of the way and do what it takes to survive.
Water can not be owned. You can only keep it temporarily until you piss it out of your body.
a fire and a pot?
if you live in a modern city your piss goes back to the city water plant where it is cleaned and taken back to your homes. so in a way we have control over this water if we keep it in an eternal loop. if any evaporates in the process we'll get it when it rains back down
It belongs to whomever is strongest to take it.
Human rights are a conceited ideology that were created by leftists; humans do not have rights only because they are human, so no, clean water is not a human right.
> also, this is obviously a slide thread
Sand, charcoal, fire and a pot.
Hes not wrong though.
Clean water means more human garbage in the third-world having (surviving) children. The implication here is that it is the responsibility of the developed world to provide the means to obtain clean water to third world peasants. Let their governments take care of them.
"No officer please you don't understand there are no such things as "laws" "justice" is a spook haha "morality" doesn't exist haha it's fine don't you get it?!"
The fact that white people enjoy living by white cultural standards does not imply we are obligated to devote any portion of our labor or resources to the well-being of foreigners or shitskins.
Define "human right".
Your nonsensical response doesn't touch on the point raised.
The concept of a "human right" is a modern invention with political connotations. It was an attempt at utilizing emotionally charged language to argue a weak point. It is pandering.
>Everyone should have a house with air conditioning.
>Its a human right!
>human right
A literal social construct.
it's the Star Wars prequels
>t. someone living in an air conditioned house
believe it or not you might live to see a time when even first worlders will struggle to get clean water. it's best to start thinking about theses things now
You're demonstrating that you fundamentally don't understand what a right is. You're arguing like a shitlib.
Damn it, I really should have guessed that, but The symbol completely threw me off.
>live in Oregon
>Collect rain water
>Go to jail
all living things deserve it
You go to jail for altering the watershed. A fucking barrel ain't gonna matter here, there anyware
Rights don't exist. But in referring to flint, those people pay taxes, which are suppose to twords things like that.
Which shows how shitty the American government is even at the state level. As for the rest of the world it goes on how they structure they're country.
I'm pretty sure people in the first world real life virtue signal and go to third world countries and try to teach them how get clean water.
Sorry my points go way over your head. Let me dumb it down for you.
It is easy for someone in a first world house with easy access to clean water to say that clean water is not a "right." They can say third world-ers don't deserve it because they shitskins who are not white and can not invent plumbing and water filtration systems. However if we were asked to give up our clean water we would ask why and fight it, and say we "deserve" it when all we did to "earn" it was to be born in a first world where the infrastructure was set up for us.
Let's forget about water for a second and talk about the "unaliable rights": Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let's say the last two are memes. The "right" to life seems pretty simple, and the average Sup Forumstard will claim they are fit to judge who has the right to live (white men) and who doesn't (dumb niggers and kikes). MY POINT is that if someone knocked on YOUR door and said "hey the high council has decided that YOU don't get the right to live" you'd freak out, throw a tantrum, say "wtf do you mean I don't have the right to live who are YOU to claim that?" Do you get it now?
Yes "human rights" have fallen to jewish tricks and can be manipulated to push for terrible things but the point is on a basic human level we can all agree on a few of them. Yes not everyone can be rich, not everyone can live in an air conditioned home, but it is the rich and air conditioned that aren't homeless and don't have to carry water for miles to their village who are more inclined to say those things are not rights and everyone can fuck off as long as we keep them.
No, you simple minded goon, you don't have the IQ to pass anything over anyone's head. You actually just don't know what a right is.
Your entire post is proving that you don't understand what a right is supposed to be.
I'm entirely convinced that you're a shitlib.
not an argument.
Is food a right? Get the fuck out of here
you are not entitled to another man's labor. anything that must be provided to you is not a right. A right simply means that someone does not have the legal authority to prevent you from doing something you can do yourself.
Also you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Your post quite literally is not an argument, its a nonsensical emotional tangent.
A right can only be positive. You cannot demand anything that relies on the exertions of others as a right, for you have no philosophical basis to assert the claim.
I can claim a right to privacy. My privacy does not require anyone else to work, no one maintains my privacy except for me. It transgresses against no one, requires nothing from the rest of society, and can exist universally.
You cannot claim that people have a right to air conditioning, free health care, purified water, McDonalds hamburgers, or anything else that requires input from other people.
Stop trying to argue when you don't even understand the base principles behind the concept, you raving liberal retard.
>clean water
>You cannot claim that people have a right to air conditioning, free health care, purified water, McDonalds hamburgers, or anything else that requires input from other people.
What "input from other people" does the water in the OP require? there's no "person" making sure the river water keeps flowing.
>you might live to see a time when even first worlders will struggle to get clean water. it's best to start thinking about theses things now
Yes, if and when that day comes, I intend for my people to have water and our enemies to be deprived of it. "Human rights" are a set of luxuries provided by white people and such generosity will be untenable should scarcity/racewar come upon us.
>MY POINT is that if someone knocked on YOUR door and said "hey the high council has decided that YOU don't get the right to live" you'd freak out, throw a tantrum, say "wtf do you mean I don't have the right to live who are YOU to claim that?"
No, I'd attempt to kill them.
>on a basic human level we can all agree on a few of them
wrong, but even if we could, rights do not exist.
/r/-ing the Starship Troopers quote
Your question - no
But its a human right, not to be poisoned by companies which dump their waste into clean water sources
You shitlibs are so delusional and detached from reality its as if you're a parody of a person.
Clean water doesn't come from a river. Rivers are full of shit, piss, fish cum, giardia, and hundreds of other potentially dangerous microbes. Even if an adult with a healthy immune system can drink water from a natural moving source that doesn't mean its "clean." Infants or anyone with a compromised immune system could fall ill and die.
Clean water is a man made product. It has to be purified through filtration or an industrial process like reverse osmosis.
Is it your first day on Sup Forums, redditfag?
allah ackbar
are humans a human right?
How many Section 8 monkeys do you think are fetching their water with buckets?
Water is spirit, water is life. Water is the fundamental element. Life cannot exist without water, it is the ultimate sacrament. The universal solvent, the tri-state compound, the purest form of existence. If you are not mindful of the water you drink, you do not deserve life.
Water is all and water is one.
No such thing as a "natural right"
You only have that which you fight for. With blood and steel and violence.
Any "rights" which exist can only exist in the safe protected confines of a society, with armed men protecting it. Your "rights" are a construct of the community you occupy.
Therefore the cogent question is: should we provide everyone clean water? And the answer is: yes. But this only goes as far as the border
Stalin did nothing wrong
No it isn't, it just be sources of natural clean water and still is, this it's a Texas blind salamander in it's natural habitat, see how fucking clean that water is.
clean water is not the same as water
humans are a violation of my human rights.
Rights don't exist in nature and you don't have rights out of the merit of simply existing.
The only rights you have are the rights you fight for.
Initial acess to clean water? Yes.
Having whiteys come and save you after you turned your clean water into a disease-infested sever? No.
>Is clean water a human right?
In what sense?
If you're saying that everyone has the right to access clean water then yes.
If you're saying everyone should be given clean water no matter the cost then no.
You earn your keep, or Saturn forces your sleep.
Clear doesn't mean clean, kid.
Clear water can, and frequently does, have giardia in it. If you drink it you'll wind up getting horrible diarrhea so bad you'll die from dehydration. Giardia infections can last over two weeks. Two weeks or more of painful constant shitting, being unable to keep any food or water in your system.
You think you can see microbes with your naked eye?
Take that snek flag off, cityfag shitlib.
Gotta pay for the infrastructure to get that clean water to you if you don't live somewhere you can drill your own source. Plus you'll still need to pay for the pump, power for the pump, heating for the pump in winter, and filters for the water from that pump.
So no, clean water isn't a right. It's a privilege you work or pay for. Access to water in nature is an individual right tough (not a corporate one, fuck you).
Access to it is a human right. If the public infrastructure exists which provides clean water no one can bar you from using it. A well or a pump or a water fountain would be such examples.
This does not mean you inherently have access to ALL water and ALL sources of it, like bottled water or some persons tap.
Just boil it then, what retard drinks direct water before boiling it, what you don't need it's someone to tell you that you can't drink it.
I'd agree if you were talking about sofas or something, but everyone should have clean water provided, regardless of their ability to pay
Providing water takes a lot of infrastructure: dams, filtration plants, pipes....etc. Entire regions usually all draw their water from a single source. And when it comes to things like rivers, the actions of those upstream heavily affect those downstream.
There is a lot of interconnectedness and planning needed to properly design all the infrastructure, safety procedures, and zoning. Governments are heavily involved with the entire process. In any case, if we can't even provide our people clean water, then what the hell are we doing here?
Think about it this way, it'll cut down on medical costs tremendously
Nothing is a human right, being born entitles you to nothing. The only rights you have are the ones you can enforce or get someone to enforce for you.
Yep, I am sure just boiling it will solve all problems.
You can when it's a lot cleaner.
That's how humanity survived this far.
>Clear doesn't mean clean
This is very true. When you're going to drink from a stream or somesuch, always think of the source. How far away is it? Does it pass through ANY size human settlement or path? If so, don't fucking touch it. Does it pass by ANY sort of agricultural area? If so, don't touch it. How much wildlife is there along the path? How fast is it running? Does it run in a level stream, or does it often have denivelations that have it go through rocks and sand?
All things important to know, that you'll rarely be able to answer when you're about to fill up a water bottle at a random stream. So don't fucking touch it.
There's a reason why beer and tea have always been drunk more than water. Because they gets boiled along the way, making them way safer.
Ceramic jar multi-stage filters followed by a boiling are the way to go most of the time.
>Is clean water a human right?
Do not, my friends, become addicted to water.
>Access to water
Yes, it is universal
>access to clean water
No it is not. If you live in third hole shit and cannot afford to buy clean water they are not obliged to give you free clean water
>if we can't even provide our people clean water, then what the hell are we doing here?
going to space
How many billion negroids do we need to do that? And what does your question have to do with "rights?"