Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't a communist
>muh starvation
it wasnt real communism but they deserved it for opposing the state anyways
>muh degeneracy
capitalism directly promotes degeneracy and consumerism while the USSR (the closest we got to communism but wasn't real communism) promoted family values and nationalism
>muh borders
all the different races were kept in their own communities while still contributing to the greater good of the state
>muh economics
the ussr was able to rise from a poor agrarian nation with no industry to a superpower only 2nd in power to the us in less than 50 years (the capitalist countries had centuries)
>muh jews
jews actually had it worse in the post ww2 ussr than in the west and that's why they conspired to destroy the ussr
If we were a communist society we would be in space already but since you fucks are too dumb to comprehend how this works we're going to die by wasting all our money to give (((soros))) a 5th luxury yatch.
Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't a communist
>someone was paid to make this post
Hey shillbro, where can I apply online to shareblue? I need some extra income to help me build a pc.
>checks post
>sees its by a raging retarded faggot
>checks flag
let me just save everyone's time
>OP: that wasn't real communist
>anons: we don't give a shit what it was, it sucked ass and we don't want it because it fucking sucked for everyone, including whatever fantasy Communist Party position you think you'd have if you were actually able to have this happen
youre all welcome
not argument try again
thank you comrade
>Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't a communist
Because I understand the basic laws of economics.
>he's serious
Jesus christ a leaf, new to shitposting? You're supposed to make only 1 post then scurry away like the rat you are
>says that every statist communist society wasn't real communism and sucks the state's cock in the same sentence
good one, day of the rake when?
I'm White. You're asking me to play the role of that Jewish Nazi group in Weimar Germany that thought things would end great for them if they were just forcibly assimilated into a supremacist German Culture.
>when your only argument is not an argument
>it wasnt real communism
Of course not. It never is and never will be.
I hate you. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Please just fucking die.
One of the funny ones in that cartoon is "free market".
It shows how uncritically propaganda in the West is swallowed. First of all, the word free shouts out the propaganda of it. What is the opposite of a free market, an unfree market?
Secondly - in the USSR, you work at an office, you are paid rubles, you go to the market, you buy radishes, you go home and eat the radishes.
In the USA, you work at an office, you are paid dollars, you go to the market, you buy radishes, you go home and eat the radishes.
How exactly are the markets different? The answer is inevitably that the markets are not different, something else is. So then why do the western propagandists talk about the market? And why do they add propaganda words like free to it?
I mean they have the bad cop Fox News and Republicans and conservatives foam at the mouth, then the supposed good cop of Hillary and Democrats and "reasonable" corporate media and NPR shovel the same bullshit to liberals.
I apologize for saying corporate media, the New York Times said phrases like that caused Scalise to be shot (not joking).
Only weak beta males are into socialism.
thats not how it works.
>in the USSR, you work at an office, you are paid rubles, you go to the market, you buy radishes, you go home and eat the radishes
>In the USA, you work at an office, you are paid dollars, you go to the market, you buy radishes, you go home and eat the radishes.
Feel free to add that in the USA (or Canada, UK, France, Faggotville etc.) you can purchase numerous other vegetables to consume along with other stuff etc.
In USSR you're stuck with radishes only
>all the different races were kept in their own communities while still contributing to the greater good of the state
>jews actually had it worse in the post ww2 ussr than in the west and that's why they conspired to destroy the ussr
If we were a communist society we would be in space already but since you fucks are too dumb to comprehend how this works we're going to die by wasting all our money to give (((soros))) a 5th luxury yatch.
Whites ruled the ussr
>hypocritical jew that was on welfare while advocating against it
Still haven't seen any real arguments I haven't adressed in the OP
I guess Sup Forums just can't argue with facts and would rather suck jewish capitalists dicks
>central bank
>thinking that an ad hom against ayn is a valid way to dismiss her
Saying that others aren't making arguments doesn't make it true.
>it wasnt real communism but they deserved it for opposing the state anyways
This is enough of a reason for me.
It doesn't work.
All species of collectivist are beta, user
because it's against human nature to be communist
you honestly think communism can work when humans don't want to redistribute their stuff. they want power, and communism (as it is on paper) doesn't conform to this.
>op espouses the virtues of "true" communism
>says "they" deserved it for opposing the state anyway
So...statism isn't communism..but you'd best not go against the allmighty state.
sounds statist to me
I want to own land
I grew up dirt poor in a tiny village in northern canada. my best friend was my next door neighbor, he wore the same sweat pants every day to school for 2 years. it was the only pair of pants he owned. this was not abnormal where i am from.
i am now an executive for one of canada's top 100 employers, spending my days making mountains out of mole hills to avoid a leadcon chaired by some bobblehead explaining that six sigma is a solid framework since common sense fits within it.
your egalitarian view is false. you could never do my job. you lack the ambition, acumen and intelligence.
i am more successful than you because I AM better than you.
Communists are the world's losers. Winners despise it. It's an attack on meritocracy.
Only bitter losers want to flip the chessboard.
not all people are equal
was just about to type this.
>not real Communism
>it wasnt real communism
Yes,it was. I'm so sick of niggers like you. Quit being a goddamn cuck!!! 50+ million WHITE CHRISTIANS were killed by these commie kikes!! JEws created communism!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
jews are obsessed with the most effective means of control, which in this current era is money. if they can replace money with something even MORE effective like food, housing, or anything else that is required to live, they will. money is just the most effective means in our current age.
why is molyneux standing with santa
The difference is fundamental.
Price is a signal. It pervades our economic system, and tells us where to direct resources to yield the greatest benefit.
The USSR killed this excellent communication system, instead setting prices centrally. Prices no longer conveyed any useful information about the system: what to produce and how much.
What is more, the USSR then required a special means to allocate limited goods. One thousand residents can all afford a motorcycle, but there are only ten available. The price is set, and a willingness to pay more will not get you a motorcycle. So they required an extra social or political system (i.e., someone dictating who gets what) just to make their economic system work.
Why would I want the same share as everyone else? I want more than them.
Because I don't want to be one.
>it wasnt real communism
Stopped reading there.
I only care about myself
its fucking gay, dude
this is bait its fucking stupid even and idiot with 5 minutes of reasearch can see the link between the jews and communism
yes user that's why the ussr was deeply antisemitic and the (((USA))) pressured them into giving them more rights
>excellent system
>made a great empire into a backwards agrarian nation
>impossible anti human nature system
>made a backwards agrarian nation into a great empire
Somehow your feels aren't support by facts sweetie
True communism needs someone to be a leader. Or a group of people. All that power would corrupt those people and then the people's would suffer. Plus once everywhere was communist, supposedly the government is supposed to just be phased out. Do you believe that people would be able to relinquish power if they controlled the world
Communism always fails due to theory failure, not implementation failure.
Communist basic understanding of human nature and economics is wrong.
>it wasnt real communism
I feel like I've heard this at least dozens of times before....
But hey, if you wanna make Canada be communist, go for it. Just leaf us Americans alone.
Robots are not advanced enough yet.
If I were a communist I'd kill myself. Thank god I'm not, instead I can invest in land, family, and memes.
I said that price is the signal basis for OUR [Western] system. Price is an excellent means of communication, and the USSR chose to halt that means. Nobody said the Soviet system was excellent.
>ussr was deeply antisemitic
Only during Stalin. Gotta give to him, he out Jewed the Jews and seized power from Trotsky.
I agree in socializing shared things (roads, healthcare). I think education should be free. But I also like owning my own stuff, and I'm not willing to let another human determine what I "need".
>it wasnt real communism but they deserved it for opposing the state anyways
>but they deserved it for opposing the state anyways
And this is the real problem with Communism. It strips people of their individuality and makes them mere cogs in a machine. It devalues human life to the point where it's perfectly acceptable in the mind of a Communist to simply eradicate millions of innocent men, women, and children because they didn't like how things were going.
It is an immoral ideology for immoral people.
>Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't a communist
I like owning things, like food.
1st world proletarians are the ones who should start the global revolution proces. but most of them are materialistic idiots, who are okay whit their shitty system because they can afford a big tv.
I remember my first beer.
I like how they change the comic from Molyneux saying "not an argument" because it doesn't refute what he's saying; to Lenin saying "undialectical" because he has no argument other than asserting that Marx is correct without evidence
Wow, thanks OP! I'd never thought of it that way!
democratic socialist, a la scandinavia. the only logical choice for a sane government. more expansive state control of certain resources, more expansive state benefits, but right to private property respected whenever possible, and fucking rule of fucking law, unlike in chinkfuckistan and alcoholorussavia.
actually lived during communism and it fucking sucked you dumb leaf
Communist regimes have killed over 100 million people throughout history, every major communist country has failed and will fail. "Real communism", or any other political idealism that requires extensive compensation is excessively prone to being manipulated by the governor or just falling entirely.
100s of millions died during the industrial revolution and colonialism as well to achieve the progress they did.
Communism did the same thing but faster and with less deaths.
>communists want to make America look bad so desperately that they now unironically believe neo-nazi propaganda about "German concentration camps"
holy fuck
>hundreds of millions died as a result of the industrial revolution
No, they didn't, a couple million at most, and it actually added up to something rather than having 100 million people starve for no reason and add up to faggots like you sippin your starbucks coffee and calling yourselves the proletariat.
Africans aren't people
This isn't because of capitalism, these are deaths that happened in or were caused by nations that happened to be capitalist.
>Truth about Socialism
Is it a list of people sent to Gulag, or the people who starved to death?
>Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't a communist
A classless state is an oxymoron, and true equality is impossible.
>Give me one (1) good reason why you aren't a communist
I don't give a fuck about anyone other than myself
> it wasnt real communism
Stopped reading here.
Now get in the chopper, you fucking leaf.
>wasn't real communism
>wasn't real communism
>wasn't real communism
Then the US isn't real capitalism
Argument completely dismantled when you pull bullshit like that.
uh but actually not-real-capitalism is real capitalism just read Das Kaptial sweetie honeybear cuddlemuffin
good god that meme didn't age well lul
>the ussr was able to rise from a poor agrarian nation with no industry to a superpower only 2nd in power to the us in less than 50 years (the capitalist countries had centuries)
And Nazi Germany went from being a poverty-ridden tributary state to the most powerful nation in 4 years.
>(the capitalist countries had centuries)
10/10 bait
I also didn't put a lot of effort into it, but yeah
the communist argument is that "not-real-capitalism" ie. imperialism or corporatism is supposed to happen, but not-real-communism ie. a degenerate worker's state isn't supposed to happen and is due to corruption by the bourgeoise
>He actually believes this
Those 100 million died of starvation, sickness, isolation, povety, and tyranny. Communists like yourself will attempt to justify the needless deaths of your people.
>marx knowing what the fuck he was talking about
his contemporaries considered him an idiot, which he was and anyone who takes his writing seriously is an idiot
>why you aren't a communist
Because i lived in country where the goverment was
and if you gave communists the same amount of time they'd kill way more people.
the ussr didn't even last a century and that was your "success" story
ok anyways any non communists go back to your retarded ancap containment thread
Communism doesn't work.
>it wasnt real communism but they deserved it for opposing the state anyways
that's why you're an inhumane piece of shit
>capitalism directly promotes degeneracy and consumerism while the USSR (the closest we got to communism but wasn't real communism) promoted family values and nationalism
thats why im fascist you stupid fuck
>OP gets communist wish
> winds up having to be a dishwasher for the rest of his life cause do your part faggot.
>it wasnt real communism but they deserved it for opposing the state anyways
What if the state likes starving commies to death?
>muh starvation
That's a great reason, in fact, it's why it nearly killed itself as an ideology.
>the ussr was able to rise from a poor agrarian nation with no industry to a superpower only 2nd in power to the us in less than 50 years (the capitalist countries had centuries)
It was only able to do that by murdering 60mil people which resulted in the starvation of agrarian community, which is an epic failure of suicidal proportions
>muh borders
Tell me how tolerant communists were to illegal immigrants, because it was still illegal in the Soviet Union.
kys, shill
It's a Jewish pyramid scheme.
I did sales, and we would use the same mind fuck techniques that you hear in college from professors pushing Marxism.
SAME EXACT tactics
>the ussr was able to rise from a poor agrarian nation with no industry to a superpower only 2nd in power to the us in less than 50 years (the capitalist countries had centuries)
>what is Russian Empire
a poor primarily agrarian nation decades behind in industry and literacy
Cause comloes here bully children into becoming homosexual
>it wasnt real communism but they deserved it for opposing the state anyways
This is why we hate commies.
Also, people bring shot for picking up small portions of grain that fell in the mud.
Lmao bro most european countries were primarily agrarian until the 50's
5th richest country in the world at the time
This is a bait thread don't waste your time.
Marx and Engels were bourgeoisie faggots trying to rule over the proletariat. Engels was a fox hunting elitist and Marx was the son of a lawyer and married the daughter of a politician.
They are the text book definition of frauds.