Hey guys, what hitler thought about slavs ?
Hilters opinion on slavs
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He wanted to exterminate them. They are nothing more than masters of mindless chaotic evil. A race of Squatting gopnik neets who lack intellectualtualism or anything of relevance to western culture.
>inb4 tesla did such and such
Who gives a shit? He is one guy...think of all the millions of mindless sub par iq monkeys that got slaughtered by the Ussr.
I'm definitely drunk as fuck right now
But h8tler waz ug bitch
as a typical far rightist, he was definitely anti Russian and hated commies.
btw before outbreak of WW2, he quoted that US and UK should recognize German interests in return for Germany recognizing theirs
,not mentioning Russia.
>They are nothing more than masters of mindless chaotic evil.
As opposed to Germans who started two world wars and hijacked the EU to invite in hordes of migrants?
tell the Romanians ans Hungarians an d Latvians Estonians that they may have fought less.
> video related
Only slavs he hated were Poles and Russians.
Everyone else was ok.
Considering he formed Croatia during WW2. Pretty sure he didn't have any problem with slavs. He referred to Russians as a "great people" that were enslaved by communist Jews.
Untermensch, obviously.
What are you getting at?
>He wanted to exterminate them. They are nothing more than masters of mindless chaotic evil. A race of Squatting gopnik neets who lack intellectualtualism or anything of relevance to western culture.
hitler had a personal vendetta against slavs. genetically speaking they're white
Depends which Slavs you're talking about. He was pretty cool with Croats and even Ukrainians. Serbs, not so much
>started two world wars
Nigger what? Have you ever read a book in your life?
The first world war began with the assasination of thr archduke of Austria by a PAN SLAVIST. Austria decided to annex parts of the balkans and Russia rushed to save their balkan slavic counterparts. Through alliances germany was called into the war,but they sure as hell didn't start it. That isn't even a debatable statement,that is a fact.
The second began after germany was wronged after the first world war. They lost a lot of land that belonged to Prussian,dating back to the teutonic order. Most namely Danzig. Poland was recreated after the war and given native German land. The in turn began to massacre innocent germans in the massacre of Danzig. Hitler tried to save his brothers in race by invading Poland--just like russia in ww1. He jointly invaded with the USSR and GB/France only declared war on Germany. Germany declared war on Poland,not France or The UK.
Do you know only him? Lol what? Typical stupid burger.Slavs have a lot a genius scientists, writers, musicians etc, all normal people know them and there is no need to mention them. burgers have nothing, even Elon Mask and Steve jobs are immigrants
Russian culture is a joke.
Even Tolstoy admitted it in war and peace.
You own nobility spoke French behind their close doors. You had such a long line of rulers that were either vastly incompetent or craved :"Westernization", because they knew you were so backwards and savage.
Seriously, I Worked in professional music for 6 years and you think I would catch a name other than Prokofiev and Tchaikovsky.
Your engineering is limited only to the amount of captive German scientists you could steal at the end of the war.
But i'm sorry you think thing like airplanes,,the internet, the assembly line, an assortment of god-tier authors and musicians/luthiers are nothing.
I understand you gopniks are mostly illiterate but can't you at least afford a television to watch a documentary on? Or are you not allowed to have one because it is an american invention?
Buddy, you just invited a storm into the thread. They'll tear you to pieces for being a burgie.
i'd rage too if my gdp was that low...
what so Slovenia contribute to the world again?
>muh size
you want to talk about size?
You guys really need all that land to compensate for something, don't you?
You think with all of it you might a top 10 economy.
In Mein Kampf he says that the slavic peoples must be ruled by the german Herrenrasse.
Makes sense, I am 50% slavic btw.
What now? Hitler isnt God.
It changed from
>hurr durr slavs are untermenschen
>slavs have raped us, and therefore must be part of the aryan race
in 1945
wrong flag, lulz
This is why I like you ameribros.
Russians are cancer
go back to taiga mongol
estonians are mongols
just like finns and sami
get out of europe
not much fun in Stalingrad
You Lithuanians one of the most irrelevant nation like Moldova. Seriously, did you ever do something that can be appreciated by people?
He also says that Slavs are a mixture of eastern and western influence(yes,including Jewish influence). He says that the civilizing aspect of Russian culture has always come from the Nordic/Germanic migrants, like the Varangians. Looking at the Russian nobility and military leadership up to the communist era- he was right.
The question being brought up every other day here: Would Hitler like Russians now?
Yes, of course. Back during the late Imperial-Communist era, there were 6 million jews he would have accredited the degeneration of their socio-economic situation to. Now, not so many. The eastern influence is obviously minimal, but thanks to the dissipation of eastern nobility, Russia is now under more of it's western influence than ever. Other than being a republic, he'd love Russian's today and I suspect harbor an empathy with them which was hard considering the "Russians" of his time.
Should've added: He considered some of the eastern influences to be represented by groups like the Magyars, but respected their architecture.
Don't fall for the muh nazis wanted to kill all Slavs meme.
Check out Ribbentrop's proposal for European Confederation instead:
The Governments of the German Reich, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Croatia and Spain have resolved to form a European Confederation.
The instrument establishing the European Confederation, which was signed by the plenipotentiaries of the above-mentioned European Governments, includes the following provisions.
1. In order to give tangible expression to the common destiny of European peoples and to ensure that wars never again break out among them, the States here represented have for all time established a European Confederation.
2. The members of the Confederation are sovereign states and guarantee one another’s freedom and political independence. The organization of their internal affairs is a matter for the sovereign decision of each of them.
3. The member nations of the Confederation will jointly defend the interests of Europe in every direction and protect the European continent against external enemies.
4. The States of the Confederation will conclude an alliance for the defense of Europe, the plans for which will be drawn up in due course.
5. The European economy will be organized by the member States on the basis of a uniform plan arrived at by mutual agreement. Customs barriers among them will be progressively abolished.
6. While preserving their national character, the States united in the Confederation will conduct intensive cultural exchanges with one another.
7. The European States which are not founder members of the Confederation are solemnly invited to join it.
8. All details of the organization of the European Confederation shall be laid down in a Confederal Act, which will form the subject of consultation after the war by all the Governments concerned.
What the fuck am I reading, nigger you are polish, you don't have any say in anything you fucking human garbage lol. You probably aren't a real pole even, probably an immigrated fucking russian.
>Can't read flags
Sounds about right, you fucking troglodytes, holy shit. Please don't spread your vile cancer anywhere outside your sweet motherland.
He would say that, wouldn't he? In fact, Russia got its civilization by way of the Byzantine empire.
Half Pole, half White-Russian here. Thousand times whiter and more European than eestimongols.
I am glad that you know all these names.
It is proof that I'm right.
Engineering it is not only BMW-making, how can you say something like it while a half weapons, war planes, next generation tanks etc invented by Russians?
I see what you mean, intresting post.
But how is Hitlers opinion relevant is such a context?
Unless you try to follow him after his death, witch seems quite insane, doesnt it?
Our own perspective is the only intresting perspective currently.
Half Pole - half a brain. I'm sure they love your kind in Poland.
I hope they go around fucking you cucks up on the streets like we do here.
Except that standard of living in Slovenia is quite high. We ranked 2nd in Europe on PISA and are considered top 10 safest country in the world.
I don't care what you niggers say about us but there isn't many countries I would rather live in.
who cares, he's dead
oh sorry Latvian, my bad
B/c the Russians relied on outside help, like with Walter Christie building sloped armor and suspension for Russian tanks. Russians, on a technical level, have been incapable up until the past two decades.
In terms of aeronautics-they've been decades behind the Germans, who developed helicopters, rocket engines, space flight(which is where both Americans and Russians took their idea's from) and every modern form for aircraft today.
You will say something difrent when Russia will re-annex you.
Read the book instead of puffing meth all day Slovakia
I doubt it. What's it to you, you fled your shitty homeland anyway?
Posterity will care. And just because it isn't defining for people in nationalist or identitarian movements, it doesn't mean the leftists won't try to manipulate and push what his beliefs were into context.
For example, look at the Hitler race meme. Black people think this man was trying to genocide them. Germans did caricature the French reliance on black soldiers- but never had any intent against them.
I fled from Litva (or White Russia), and your ancestors fled from Mongolia. Still I think I have a bigger right to live in Europe than you.
Just read it en.m.wikipedia.org
And fuck off
This man did more than all your meme German scientists
Do you know how small Slovenia is? GDPPP wise we are in top 3% in the world.
>le D&C fracture point
Let's play a game:
>Whose designs get's to space first, Werner von Braun or Tsiolkovsky's?
Hitler did not want to exterminate slavs. End this jewish meme now please
It ends when you start paying your white tax! And remember, Jews aren't really white, they're just the most qualified to talk about how it feels to be a white oppressor.
>deports people
>settles germans
whitepower amirite
Slavs are niggers
I am pure Bulgarian as far back as I can trace my lineage but it is a fact that the majority of slavs are lazy white niggers
The plan was rejected by Hitler. Wanna try again?
>slavs are lazy
>checks unemployment rate
bulgayrians have turko-mongolian blood anyway, maybe that's why you look so subhuman in comparison to the real Slavs like Russians
Yeah, deff were no mongols or anything in Russia.
this discussion belongs on Sup Forums
wait, what id cool about estonia theres nothing there
he didnt think that well of baltics either
he didnt think well of anyone except germans and thats the point
The oldest wheel in the world was found in Slovenia. Now kindly fuck off and kys
How about the "poles are toilet cleaners" meme? Where the fuck did you get the "slavs are lazy" from you fucking t*rk? Below average intelligence - sure. Lazy - never.
so basically your people haven't advanced science since the stone age?
He thought they were superior to the germans after they waltzed into berlin
''Die Slawen haben uns besiegt. Sie haben unser Land, unsere Nation, unsere Ideologie zerschlagen...
Das bedeutet sie sind eine arische Rasse und sie werden diese Welt in die Knie zwingen... "
''The Slavs have defeated us. They have smashed our land, our nation, our ideology...
This signifies them are an aryan race and they will force this world in the knees...''
Technically it was the bronze age iirc.
If slavs were not lazy they would have better jobs
Better education -> better jobs
Hitler had a crush on Poles, because we chose France and GB instead of Germany. Bad move on our part.
I precisely remember when reading Mein Kampf when he was writing about his thought on USSR.
He expressed how horrible shit was done by bolsheviks to russians.
Hitler did have some hatred to slavs because he lived in Austro Hungary and it was becoming heavily slavofide.
He also was a giant Pilsudksi fanboy and wanted for some time untill 1938 to make an allience with Poles.
I don't think he wanted to exterminate slavs but rather Germanize them like Germans in past did in Poland, Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania, Sorbs etc.
It was a somewhat a german tradition to germanized slavs since very medieval times like most of eastern Germany was inhabited by Wends who were slavs.
I believe he wanted to destroy slavic culture and language so that the eastern regions could be 'germanized' so to speak and controlled, this would have been done by killing most of them and destroying slavic cultural heritage like chopin and stuff, the most 'aryan' slavs would gain preference
Hitler's opinions of slavs was shaped by his experiences in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. You can't blame him for hating them because they were exercising political power at the expense of the ethinic germans.
Slavs are white though so in modern times we shouldn't give a shit about the ethnic differences. If someone is European, even as far afield as Bulgaria, we should accept them as our own.
Pan Europeanism should be tempered by Nationalist of course, but mixing between European peoples should not be frowned upon.
An Anglo fucking an Italian for example should NOT be frowned upon. Italians are a noble race that invented Fascism in the first place.
The negro is a lower species though.
It obviously doesnt mean, that they should be genocided. We would end up killing every living being then...
>Germanize them
Is this in the Civil Nationalist sense or were there a shitload of ethnic "germans" who thought they were Poles?
I don't know because I'm a simple Australian who can't tell the difference between Polish and German.
An inferior slave race to be ruled over by the Herrenvolk.
Race doesn't exist in this sense
now don't ree yet, it is true that there are populations with lower intelligence because they don't have the beneficiam genes, and many such populations are subsaharan african because africa was so isolated. There are black populations that are dumb and others that are intelligent, but you can't categorize them by race.
Abos though
the oldest picture of a wheel and a cart with wheels was found in poland
this "herrenvolk" is probably jews, because goymanics are slaves of jews nowadays
Really now. Who is Herman Potočnik you uneducated piece of human garbage.
>An Anglo fucking an Italian for example should NOT be frowned upon. Italians are a noble race that invented Fascism in the first place.
I agreed with everything up until this point
Europe should not become what America tried to do and mix all of Europe of. I want hot Nordic women to exist in the future and hot med babes none of this united states of Europe crap. A German should never fuck an Italian and a Italian should never fuck a Swede or something
I've noticed that actual Balts and Eastern Euros all hate the Russian menace, whilst Western Euros and many Americans all suck Putin's dick and hate their own countries out of a fetish for Russia.
When will Sup Forums mutually accept that Russians are a plague into Europe and the World?
All the Germanics that were worth a shit were destroyed during WW2 though.
You can't blame them for submitting to the bullshit propaganda since WW2.
I'm proud of Poles that have rejected the PC bullshit since 1989 though. You are truly are a master race of working men. I may be ethnically Western but I'd sooner visit Eastern Europe than Britain.
America has been the most successful experiment in history. Our only mistake being slavery and liberalism.
Gene shit will become so irrelevant once gene editing with CRISPR becomes a thing
what will Sup Forums do then?
t. slav in denial
Why should I denie reality?
What negative consequences do I have from generalizing all negros? I know that there are some smart niggers, but why should I care?
White is white, even with the Southern/Northern European divide.
The Jews can fuck off but everyone within Europe should live in a harmonious fashion. The wogs seem to have more of a fighting spirit than Britain nowdays, so I commend them for that. If a wog woman wanted to fuck me, who am I to say no on racial grounds? Fill her Med pussy with Anglo seed and be done with it.
We're in Australia, the colonial "white" term should extend to all nationalities of Europe.
Tak blyat
Hitler considered them subhumans that should be exterminated or turned into slaves for "true" people. Only Poles were the good ones and worthy to make bond with. He even ordered Goebbels to change some propaganda stuff about Slavs to favour Poles as aryans.
It a changed after our stupid foreign policy minister refused to make alliance with Third Reich in 1939.
Damn we should have join Hitler and together strike the red filth.
This. GDP doesn't matter if Jews control all of it, what matters is standard of living.
Its such a fucking pity that you let Jews reside within your country. They destroyed you.
As much as I love the United States, your country was founded upon a lie. All men aren't created Equal. Perhaps European men, but when you start including niggers and kikes into the mix, your country self implodes.
New York for instance is full of kikes. I walked into a supermarket and finding a non-kosher food product was basically impossible.
They will destroy you and your political representatives can't even distinguish them.
I wish you good luck because you're going to need it against China. Save us.
because it makes your previous comment worth nothing
Don't take it the wrong way but Poland was reinvented in 1919 as a means of punishing Germany. Your state existed as a ballwalk against both Russian AND German aggression.
You put up a longer fight against Germany than France though, so props to you. Come to Australia and clean my toilets anytime.
To eradicate them...
And i still think we should continiue with that.
Pffft, race doesn't matter even in your worldview as the innovators come from such a select group. Also china will not surpass the US as the US's powerbase is its coalition. And it can hold onto a coalition much more easily as countries like a distant hegemon more than a close one. Adding to that there is a huge technological gap.
Unless Trump or a successor throws that coalition away the US can't really fail