These white supremacists are looking pretty ethnic these days
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Please impregnate my daughter wearing your based NIGGERSCUM MAGA HAT Mr. JAMAL haha BASED
Kekistanis are civic nationalists.
Really shows how bad leftism has gotten doesn't it?
>neets with no job so they can do shit like this
Sums up Sup Forums 100%
>implying Sup Forums is any more white
>yfw the diversity crowd has become so authoritarian and miserable that minorities would rather side with literal nazis all because we enjoy a good joke
Well the left is an excruciating hell of worthless idpol dog shit these days, so yeah, many people are finding new ideologies to align with.
Some of us can't risk our jobs for pepe
Serious question: do the beaners in MAGA hats actually think any of the white Trump fans want them here? No matter which hat they have on?
The non-whites know that if whites get to make America white again, they'll be sent back to their race's countries to rule over those countries with the blessings of the white race, user. It's a good deal for them.
Maybe they're getting payed to ridicule the right
>do the beaners in MAGA hats actually think any of the white Trump fans want them here?
Yes, because most of them do want them there.
Institutionalized racism!
Your obsession with skin color is pathetic. Grow up.
The beaners are part of western civilization. They have common morals and values.
If you think the majority of Trump supporters are white nationalists you're living in a fantasy world, buddy. Based Black Men in MAGA Hats™ actually pulled in a lot of voters.
*squeak squeak*
heyyy it's me boyyyss
>alt right banner
>alt right
>not flag
Honestly this is breddy gud. Evergreen college has become the flagship example of extreme progressivism, and when spics go there in maga and kek shit, cringe as it may be, the left can't really bitch about it. They're spics, what are they going to claim white supremacy? This neutralizes the only argument they have had since Bush II- that everyone on the right is racist
Quads confirm
the kekistanis might be a bit cringe, but at least they are out there fighting for conservative values like free speech, gun rights, and also promoting unity of all peoples
at the end of the day, you aren't gonna have ethnic cleanses, so you have to work with what you've got, and try to pass laws in your favor.
for instance, if you want to whiten the country, focus on reforming immigration laws so europeans and other whites (boers, canadians, spaniards in latin america etc.) can get in. it starts with repealing hart-cellar and focusing on culturally compatible, skilled immigration.
as for who is the best to work with for now, i believe folks like hispanics can be worked with especially spanish and castizos. blacks are harder to work with because they are very democratic and crime prone. asians are a mixed bag, a lot of them go to college and end up liberal.
>commie flag
You're giving yourself away.
Better now?
America is already cucked demographically, if some shitskins accept that a place under the heel of white people is better than being fucked over by the low-IQ bourgeoisie of their "home" nations, why fight it? Just police them like the masses are responsible for the actions of the radicals, and they will police themselves like any other group.
The illegals still have to go back.
>the brown and black join us as a trickle now that will become a stream that will evolve into a raging torrent
the fire rises ;)
Immaturity has no racial boundaries
Good goy. Let them accept their place under you, just as you accept your place under Jewish rule.
i wouldn't say it is that bad. true we are down to 60%, but a lot of minorities are confined to the big cities and the big states like california, texas, and florida.
you still have lots of white land, particularly in the midwest, appalachia, new england, and even some rural areas in the pacific northwest. even new york is pretty white when you take NYC out of the picture.
reforming the immigration laws is going to be very important, as will be the deportation of illegal immigrants. we need to reduce immigration levels overall, but who we let in should be culturally compatible, like brits or canadians for instance. and i'm sure canadians moving down here to escape trudeau would likely swing conservative.
Still a socialist. What's the difference - gibmonkey like a gibmonkey.
lul well better them wave a kek flag than be a gangbanger
races are supposed to live apart, I think people are starting to realize that.
Sup Forums is a multicultural satire board where people of all races and sexual orientations and gender identities come to roleplay as Nazis and white nationalists. If you haven't figured this out yet, you are either retarded or just baiting
fuck you rape baby, national socialism is the best ideology
i believe of all the races, hispanics are probably going to be the easiest to work with, especially the white spaniard hispanics like marco rubio or ted cruz, or the castizos who are mostly white with a little native american.
it seems those who have been here a while tend to be the most conservative. i think blacks and asians are tougher to work with because asians tend to have high college attendance, which increases liberal behavior, and blacks generally support a massive welfare state
You're not getting a race war anytime soon bucko. Do you see any better alternatives?
This, don't let the shills divide and conquer us.
>kekistan alt-lite redditors
>literal nazis
really flogs my wogs
>the kekistanis might be a bit cringe, but at least they are out there fighting for conservative values
>conservative values
Found the Kekistani.
The Jews are alt-right, they want an ethno-state. The Poles and the Germans are an Ethno-state, they are alt right. The (((Tribe))) has an ethno-state, they are alt-right,
BLM wants black communities, stores an universities. They are alt-right as well.
Alt-right is the norm, but suffers from hypocritical PR.
Lol the white guy has a commie tshirt
several things we can do
1. deport illegals - this is popular right now, i feel we have the political clout to get this done
2. reform legal immigration to favor american workers - this would mean reducing the numbers to much lower levels, maybe 200,000 a year (this should be high skilled, culturally compatible immigration favoring europe and other white nations like canada or australia)
3. reform HUD and section 8 so that blacks cannot be forcefully moved into white neighborhoods
4. promote freedom of association - when you allow things to naturally flow, most people segregate and hang out with people like themselves. we have race maps of all the major cities and you can practically draw borders around each race.
5. fund birth control - this would be popular among liberals, we could work together to fund birth control, particularly in hispanic states to reduce their birth rates
other small suggestions would be to allow very little immigration from latin america going forward, and if allowed, only to spaniards.
shut up nigger, go back to licking your fat sister's smelly axe wound
also i would suggest greatly reducing asian immigration. i know we have a lot of weebs here but i feel the conformity present in eastern values is incompatible with western society.
and you see these values stick with asians who come here, that's why so many asians become SJWs at college.
this would be good for asia as well, as they would get to retain their nationalistic pride, i feel many of them feel lost in american society because they long for that strong nationalism they had in the mother country.
You really don't know kek.
>The form of primordial chaos has no affiliations
All decent options. I don't understand why people are saying we need a race war to fix America at this point; if anything tensions are much, much higher between the left and the right than between races. Granted an eventual civil war between the left and the right doesn't seem too far-fetched at this point.
kek has a grudge against kikes and niggers from the old times
I wish antifa faggots would TRY to pray to our god lol
>getting this fucking mad that there's no downvote button you can use
>plebbit faggot projecting
check the doppels boi, kek is laughing with me
what was that embeded video the day that trump won?
i don't see a race war happening because whites are not a very unified group, many whites would be liberal and go against conservatives.
as for left/right, it wouldn't be much of a war. only real men on the left would be blacks and some of the working class mestizos, that's about it. leftist men are feminine compared to the right.
the thing about a civil war is that we are not clearly divided by state lines anymore. you have some swing states and then you've got red states with blue cities and blue states with red rural areas. it isn't clear cut.
but i believe a lot of our issues can be solved politically, and the suggestions i made above can be framed as helping the american worker and preserving american culture.
plus the birth control issue is something we could even get the left to agree on. i definitely think a good way to whiten the country is to do it through peaceful means - immigration favoring europe, promote birth control for minorities, keep abortion legal, etc.
and i'll add that while i don't particularly care much for blacks or asians, i have little problem with mestizos who at least put in the effort to assimilate. generally they are compatible in the sense that they were present in the southwest from the beginning. but we definitely don't need any more of them.
and i'm sure we could get conservative latinos to agree on that, plenty of them probably know about race and enjoy the benefits of a white society - they don't want america becoming mexico or brazil. and sometimes that means keeping other members of your race out of here.
Nigger I am you god
Nigger you can't spell
>when kek gives antifa bois dopples but gives you doppels on doppels to mock them
you people are beyond parody, holy shit
I'm not antifa.
you're too homo for the pirate flag, beat it or my astral parrot will peck your bollocks and make you a tranny
>The New York Times
This is embarrassing.
same shit, I'll rape you when you're alive and dead
Since when non-WASPs(Scots-Irish, German, Dutch) are American? Pretty pathetic LARP
>implying I'm white
Fuck off schlomo
fuck off.
>muh spics
>muh niggers
>muh gooks
D'em all subhuman.
>soros realizes he can pay people to protest
>MSM copies tactic to ensure maximum conflict
>black people protest against themselves
best timeline confirmed
you're retarded. cryptoanarchy is the inevitable consequence of computers
Feels pretty good to be at UW Seattle right about now.
Yeah we'll see when I'm force fucking you because you violated NAP by being a communist faggot
Tell me you can sense my biceps across the internet gay boi
This. I actually am a Democrat cause I know their policies are designed to fuck up nigger and spic communities (welfare dependency instead of business development as to keep them in ghettos killing each other over KFC) and as a matter of fact, blue states are currently the most segregated in the country whereas the Republican South is the least segregated. The identify politics is literally playing niggers like a fiddle to keep them voting D even though it's actually against their own interests.
The KKK only pretends to support Republicans but they actually support Democrats like Hillary "Super Predators" Clinton.
The Democrats are the real states' rights party and are trying to keep illegal immigrants as subservient and promote environmental policies that hinder business development that would lead to greater opportunities for nigs.
Archive the clickbaiters
>washingtonpost com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/05/15/the-most-segregated-schools-may-not-be-in-the-states-youd-expect-2/?tid=HP_more
>fivethirtyeight com/features/the-most-diverse-cities-are-often-the-most-segregated
>nytimes com/2016/12/03/opinion/sunday/states-rights-for-the-left.html
We could stop fighting each other and form a True Nationalist movement (and work from there).
I think we all have the right to Exist.
>It should, however, not be confused with the use of the prefix "crypto-" to indicate an ideology or system with an intentionally concealed or obfuscated "true nature". For example, some would use the term "crypto-liberal" to describe an individual or organization that holds liberal views and subscribes to Jewish-Marxist doctrine but conceals their agenda so long as these doctrines remain socially unacceptable.
Learn how to read fuck boy. This is our world
i witness
>fuck boy
antifa / fat girl / tranny / beta cuck stop fighting and slurp me / erp me
>tfw Mexicans really do do the jobs Americans don't want to do, which apparently includes being a White Supremacist
Many hispanics believe they're white even if they're like 80% native by ancestry. It's something the Spanish drived into their culture. It's not so much a mexican thing but Peruvians pretty much argue about how white they are or marrying white people to increase their whiteness.
nice comeback bitch
Whiteness as a discrete entity is over, we're either of God or of the world.
>fuck boy
Sure you're not antifa? :)
Please let me know which one you are so I can start fapping
if you think reddit posts had anything to do with Trump winning you're living in a fantasy world buddy. Sup Forums CFG & spirit cooking memes actually pulled a lot of votes from Hillary.
It's a latin american thing. Spics are cucks.
>skin color
You mean race?
The funniest thing I remember seeing during the HWNDU feed was this.
Kek confirms that Kekistani faggots are heretics.
Let's hear a MAGA for those based black guys, my fellow kekistanis!