PAGAN thread

Brothers and sisters, the spirit of Europe is PAGAN

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Yes it is.


Op. You have any idea how old that symbol is on his shoulder?
Hint: Before humans even stepped on Evropa

It is one of the representations of the eternal wheel and perplexity. Yes, what it represents is timeless but the sign itself is as old as Germanic people are

>christian has brown skin
>pagan has white skin
wtf i hate the past 2000 years of european history now

hail perun


Christians have nothing against racemixing as long as everybody is christian.
Such thought is repulsive for a pagan. It will take less than 100y for you christcucks to ruin Europe


Slava Perunu!

Did you actually think about what you just typed? You do realise that Europeans were Christian for 1,600 years before secularism took hold, right? And it MUST be obvious to you that the decline of Christianity correlated with the rise of multiculturalism. Please think.

Find me the place in bible where racemixing is forbidden. Where exactly does Jesus consider "kin" as something of value?? Exactly, nowhere. And that's why you christcucks fall for the racemixing meme.

If I could ask the same fo your religion, do pagan gods forbid you from racemixing?

Lol u guys probably accept poo in loos lmao


autistic larpers are just as bad as kekistani retarda

Stop LARPing you utter faggot

There is a clear concept of kin in IE religions. It is us Arya "the free people", those who possess land and most importantly those who descend from gods vs those who don't - are not of our kin. It was this premise on which the Aryan Indians justified their conquest of dark Dravidians.
In my particular religion it is the god Rod literally meaning kin from whom all Slavs emanate, we even have a word biti v sorodu "to be related by blood".
People on your pic appropriate Norse gods and go clearly against this principle. No one is to stop them, the gods will judge them.

/80iq/ general

Do you even know what LARPing means?

How are pagan fags larping any harder than christcucks. I've known like one person in my life that unironically attended church regularly.

Live action role playing as
muh pagan white man
muh noble pagan
muh gods will judge them

autism speaks

I have 180 iQ and I am the son of Thor. I am merely honering my ancestors, whilst you peasents worship a dead Jew. You cannot match my intelligence.

>muh being white
>muh heritage
>muh tradition
yes goyim, these are very bad

The word is getting overused and lost its meaning. According to that everybody's larping as something he considers himself to be.
I am sure no one here dresses in ancient robes and pretends he lives in the time of his ancestors.
I take spirituality seriousy

>we even have a word biti v sorodu "to be related by blood"

everyone has that word you retard

Kek you've missed the point genius

No it's the shitty pointless thread again...the daily bot

"Odin is known as Hermes in the Greek tradition, Mercury in the Roman tradition, andRudra/Shiva in the Vedic tradition"

Stop worshiping poo in loo

where exactly in the pagan theology are you not allowed to mix races? i've never really heard of it. i think a lot of people apply national socialism to paganism but it sounds to be like the early pagans weren't opposed to dating outside the tribes. the vikings and romans certainly did plenty of that.

Faulty generalization. At best, Christians are okay with other races, just out of my personal experience, it seems like whites and hisonics in my area whom are Christian dislike race mixing. The only ones I've ever seen race mixing are Latinas with black men, or a white ghetto chick with a black man.

i guess the debate over this point is, if the gods don't exist, then wouldn't it just be might makes right? i think that is much simpler than delving into these theological justifications for conquest.

furthermore, i'd argue why only go back one layer? didn't the earliest europeans worship the sun, moon, and animals? what about that worship? and then what of our hominid ancestors prior to that?

Didn't you read the other guy's comment. It's so obvious that paganism rejects race mixing, everyone knows that derp.

Who the fuck asked you for opinion you fucking chink? Gtfo

does it though? it seems to me one could honor thor for instance, and not necessarily have to only date within their ethnic group.

there are pagans out there who take a liberal approach to theology, see for instance the Ásatrúarfélagið in Iceland, the largest pagan organization in Iceland, and quickly growing, their statement on race is this:

"We strongly oppose any attempt by individuals to use their association with the Ásatrúarfélagið of Iceland to promote attitudes, ideologies and practices rejected by the leadership of the Ásatrúarfélagið. We particularly reject the use of Ásatrú as a justification for supremacy ideology, militarism and animal sacrifice."

so it seems to me that organized paganism would have the same issue as christianity. i feel many national socialists on this board apply their politics to paganism rather than taking it for what it is. just as liberals have done to christianity or buddhism.


>blue pill: Romans 15:27

>redpill: Havamal 84, and the fact Grey Goose laws had to stop women from fighting because they were too badass.

I'm not claiming chr is encouraging racemixing, it's just not opposing it. And that's not enough for me

Must be nice worshiping



tell me, how did viking DNA spread all over europe and into the north american genome if odin forbid race mixing? the problem is you cannot point to the source outside of Alfred Rosenberg that the old religions forbade it.

you are applying your ideology to the religion rather than taking it for what it is. furthermore, if you had your own DNA tested, you'd probably see you are composed of many peoples. the DNA of europeans has not remained static over the past 2,000 years. conquests have continually changed it, and as movement of people goes freer, it will continue.

>A single god with multiple aspects that exist separately yet simultaneously as one.

Pagans are bro tier, they just miss the forest for the trees.

>implying ancient societies weren't the most racist
>implying Paganism isn't the most kin-friendly theology
>implying just because we had ancestors thousands of years ago that MAY have mixed with outsiders, we should be doing it constantly

>We particularly reject the use of Ásatrú as a justification for supremacy ideology, militarism and animal sacrifice."
That's disgusting. Apparently they're having this scandi complex where everything even remotely nationalist is considered evil.
The founder of Ásatru was clear on the topic of race: it does matter. We are a continuum of the spirit of specific people and place Europe. We look alike, we think alike, we trust eachother more than others

>Pagans are bro tier, they just miss the forest for the trees.
Kek you might be right bro

To answer the second part, European pagan heritage has many layers. It is obvuous some stories and perceptions are older than others. In ancient times concepts were incorporated into the dominant traditions and the older died off because they were not relevant anymore.
For instance we in Slovenia have an ancient tradition of snake cult, it is way older than the Slavic tradition. Yet the cult of the white snake has some Slavic elements.
It was the religions, monotheism that is preoccupied with theological purity of a thought

Well put.
Of course most of them did. Rome suffered economic issues because of deflation due to the silk trade with China. Migrations were constant, especially from east to west.

And leftists are already trying to hijack it. It's mostly just wiccan off shoots though, the kind who pretend they "work" with the Gods. And when they say Gods, they do mean ALL Gods, so they aren't Pagans traditionally and they definitely aren't Heathens-although they'll be more than happy to tell others how to think and worship.

Englishmen are the absolute worst example. The original tribes that came to England came across Doggerland, when Britain used to be a peninsula. They remained isolated until boats meant that the Germanic peoples could regularly migrate, trade, raid, etc. The Romans would eventually seize the southern half, before then the peoples of the isles were entirely Celt-Germanic. They were one of two haplogroups, and genetically closer to Germanics.

When we're talking about race, we are talking about very specific gene groups. Haplogroups is the most common reference, but some do get more specific than that-not there's much reason to for health or anything else. The problem now is that ALL of the European haplogroups are in danger of disappearing over the next to centuries, barring war. Including any catastrophes like war, further migration, and economic collapse-well, it's hard to say how long we have left.

All gods, even your christ god, bow to Ananke.

I don't think they were essentially racist, their kin was sacred like I said before.
I can't answer you why Vikings disregarded this, maybe some Germanic user could enlighten us.
I am sure they went against their tradition here, the question is how did they justify it.

Not a single one of those "people" has put some serious effort in those pictures.

What are you trying to prove here?

I think you grossly misunderstand the whole idea.

Praise ananke then, or kek, or whatever the fuck then lol. Belief in anything requires more intellectual honestly than the mental gymnastics of a fedora tipper's belief in a non-existing existence and "heat death" of inanimate matter.

to be honest I am about 130-140
you god forsaken idiot.

there is no IQ so high

>pagans are brotier
lol no, as long as a person believes that the state of being alive gives you any rights. There is no way you are allright.

>literally all modern european cultures are 100% based on Christianity plus pre-existing cultural practices

I prefer the creativity movement

>burger education
I am not surprised

No one can take you seriously now.

>lol no, as long as a person believes that the state of being alive gives you any rights. There is no way you are allright.

I've read this about 10 times and I don't understand what you meant by this germanbro.

This is the first problem

A belief system is way too loose to be called religion.

LMAO what a bunch of

we wuz wotan and shiz

Now that's what I call LARPing

The following statement is wrong

"If something lives, it deserves well treatment unless it does X"



fixed for you nigger from a 3rd world irrelevant shithole


Christianity is dying and you only have yourself to blame.
The question is what will replace it? Fedoras and Islam are on the rise in whitelands. I choose the only true white heritage.

>35 said atheist
gimme their IPs

"Muh den of vipers"
"Muh pharisees"

>mfw I'm a catholic

Semite religions fear pagans more than cuckservatives

Well done christcucks, I am surprised paganism did that well tho


No, it's not.
Pagans died out a long time ago as they lost everywhere to glorious Christians.
Modern day pagans are just LARPing about something they don't even understand. Fucking autists.

also rapes


only you shitskin


We all are, don't fool yourself.


Ahmed died and went to heaven and was greeted by Saint Peter.
"Come in, my son", Peter said.
"No!", replied Ahmed, "I must first meet Allah!"
"Ohh, Allah! He's upstairs."
Ahmed smiles and goes upstairs where he meets Jesus.
"Come in, my son", Jesus said.
"No!", replied Ahmed, "I can't come into heaven without meeting Allah first".
"Very well. Allah is at the highest floor."
"Of course he is!" Ahmed smiles again and goes upstairs, to the highest floor.
There he meets God himself! And asks
"Where is Allah? I must meet him!"
God replies, "He's currently busy. Why don't you rest here with me and drink some tea?"
"Oh. Well, why not", said Ahmed.
"Excellent!", said God and clapped his hands, then shouted loudly. "ALLAH! Bring two cups of tea here!"

how retarded u need to be to prefer some piece of shit desert jewish religon over european paganism

LARP the thread

Because muh 2000y of tradition


So what do you guys think of the new God of War game coming out where Kratos goes Norse?





Helios, Sun of suns that shines high above me,
hear my prayer.
Great and powerful God,
I honor you this day and thank you for your gifts.
Sowilo, Helios, Sol Invictus, Suil, Svarog,
you who are known by many names.
You are the light over the crops,
the heat that warms the earth,
the hope that burns within me,
and the eternal bringer of life.
I welcome you and I honor you this day,
forever celebrating your light.
Give me the power to shine
amongst the darkest of hours,
Ignite your inferno of bravery
within my soul and may it never be quenched.
Teach me to be strong,
focused, and dedicated as you are.
Helios, Sun of suns, bringer of life, here my prayer.
Help me to better reflect your glorious light.
As I will it, so may it be.

>Start thinking about Tyr, it's been a while since I last prayed/made an offering
>Yesterday I decide that I'll start making offerings again
>Every I went yesterday, people needed my help
>A little girl couldn't reach the tomato sauce lever in McDonald's, so I help her pour some into one of those little paper cups
>Polish lady asks for my help depositing cash in the bank for her son's guitar lessons, gave me her card, the money and a the letter from the music school saying that I looked like someone she could trust, even though I said I didn't work there
>Elderly lady in the queue didn't a deal, so I explained it to her and told her which item to swap for financial gains

Tyr is real, dawg.
Praise the Aesir and the Vanir.
Praise the ancestors.

Slava Svarogu!

Is this from Rig Veda?

True and those revolting Abrahamic wretches are still afraid of it, branding its symbols as "racist" whenever they pop up. Our ancestors weep at this subversion as we ignore all that that they've done for us. All the blood they spilt, all the tears they cried all the work they've done. We all take it for granted and we will pay dearly for dishonouring them.

"{p. 261} These opponents of the Aryan onslaught, the despicable enemy who dares deny Perkwunos's supremacy in heaven and on earth, are referred to as the dasyus or dasas. They have black complexions, no noses to speak of (anasa), they are 'of unintelligible speech' and above all they are infidels. They have no 'rites', they are 'indifferent to the gods', they 'follow strange ordinances', they do not perform the Aryan sacrifices, and they probably worship the phallus. But they are wealthy, with great stores of gold, they are formed into groups or states, and they live in fortified strongholds."

>f-fucking pagans s-stop larping!
>proceeds to post endless deus vult threads

New crusade any day now, christcuck

>dude if only society was pagan everything would be perfect

lol fags

Wolves of Vinland are pretty cool.