So as far as i know, He is the most respected president in US history. Why so much respect in him? Because of war victory or Emancipation Proclamation,?
Why is he so praised?
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Normies love him because he freed the blacks. His decisions are also what led directly to the bloated federal government people love so much.
this man did more to destroy freedom than any other president I. History (for is a close second) so of course normies worship him like jesus
He killed 94k rednecks.
Because people don't know their history. They just 'virtue signal' about "freeing slaves" when that wasn't even what the war was about.
>this man did more to destroy freedom than any other president
I think you're short changing Jefferson there.
I mean he basically cemented judicial review as acceptable practice in the USA, forever enabling the greatest expander of government from then on, activist judges.
He's part of the liberal trinity:
Lincoln, Wilson, FDR.
He freed the slaves and kicked off the establishment's "America is the history of ever-expanding freedom" narrative.
So, yeah. He beat duh racists and freed the niggers and was very eloquent about it. Lincoln is a shitlib's wet dream.
To save niggers, a Liberal wet dream.
FDR wasn't liberal. You're thinking of Teddy.
Nigger lover that wanted a police state. And boom 150yrs later we got it.
Because he saved the union of states. Many in his own administration wanted to allow the south to secede. It was his leadership that held the country together. Without him the US would have "balkanized" and wouldn't exist as we know it today.
The primary aim of his administration was to end the war which was viewed as an effort to suppress an illegal rebellion (illegal in his mind) and NOT to wage a grand moral crusade to end slavery because he was so...nice. He prosecuted the Northern war effort to suppress a rebellion and bring those southern territories in rebellion back into the fold. It was the nations defining existential crisis of which there's never been a comparative threat.
>Why is he so praised?
he named the jew
>FDR wasn't liberal
>Teddy was
lel wut
teddy is my favorite president but i respect georgie the most desu
Lincoln was red-pilled?
because he was pretty vocal about shipping the niggers back to africa
>So as far as i know, He is the most respected president in US history.
To be fair, the founders went full retard when they designed the judiciary.
The constitution is pretty solid but they jumped the shark on that one
One of those men is known for founding the progressive party and preserving the environment.
The other was FDR.
Biggest virtue signaling in history. Lincoln "freed" the slaves so if we all praise him and say he was the best then it shows we really care about blacks .
Nigger, read a Fucking book. The New Deal was essentially a communist five year plan
Seriously, nigger?
this is what they what you to think
these anons know
>slave states in the union
>locked up journalists
Sic Semper Tyrannis/10
In my cunt education he is better than George Wasghington. Many books express him as the best president in American history.
>Dat bush surplus
As much as I want to believe I have to call bullshit
Saved the union, gave top tier speeches
Exactly this. But Lincoln was based. There's a reason why they assassinated him. He saved the republic.
You don't name the Jew about naming the "banks." In that case, the (((left)) is naming the Jew on an hourly basis.
Lincoln could've prevented Civil War instead he found it more fitting to kill 1/5 of the best Southern White males and freed millions of niggers to drain our treasury and rape our daughters with impunity.
Great legacy. Did you enjoy that dildo stuck up your ass?
I guess that just means you government is run by jews.
Prepare to embrace diversity, just imagine all the economic "migrants" you will have when relations with the norks are finally normalized
Korea is utterly safe zone about jew. I think leftist instigate this.
Is this Lauren or Gavin?
Go be a nigger-loving handmaiden of the kikes somewhere else, leaf.
(((They))) might forget, but they'll never ever forgive and that's why (((they))) can never be trusted. We got rid of them in 1290 under Edward I. It wasn't until 1655 when (((Cromwell))) brought them back and they've been carefully cucking us ever since. Germany took their power under Hitler and they've been cucked ever since (earlier than that too, but it was National Socialism that really ramped it up) and they've done the same in America purely because the founding fathers wouldn't hand over their control to (((them))) (until 1913 anyway which is when they started to cuck America properly).
Abe meddled in (((their))) affairs and only got through step 1 of the plan (emancipation proclamation) the 2nd step (actually deporting them to Liberia) never went through because he was (((assassinated))) beforehand. He got involved in (((matters))) he shouldn't and they made America pay the price.
The worst part is (((they))) are impossible to please because you can't negotiate with them. If you appease them they demand twice as much next time (like they did with the Swiss banks only a few years ago) or if you tell them to get fucked they'll try to destroy your entire country.
The facts are as simple now as they were then. Never ever under any circumstances trust or do any kind of business with a Jew. The right hand will pat you on the back, but only so you don't notice the left hand putting the dagger in.
I know you're fully bought into the bluepilled narrative, but the war was not at all about the slavery see . It was about foreign powers instigating the war in order to destroy the republic, and he stopped it, but paid for it with his life.
>Many books
Your "many books" are going to be written to glorify our (((establishment's))) noble experiment of multicultural utopia and ever-expanding enrichment our Honest Abe inaugurated, my Korean friend.
You don't this replicated on your shores. Trust me on that.
How many stories about non-White U.S. soldiers raping Japanese girls do you want me to publish exactly? Yeah, that's what I thought...
I don't argue with leaves. There's a reason no one has ever taken you seriously. You aren't serious.
>this man did more to destroy freedom than any other president
I'm of the opinion that FDR did more to destroy freedom than Lincoln did. FDR's programs are directly responsible for a lot of the problems with our nation today.
As for Lincoln, I admire him for his skill as an orator, but he was a ruthless man who prioritized winning the war over duty to the constitution.
It should be Andrew Jackson. Everyone sucks. Fuck Harriet Tubman.
Wasn't he who Hillary was quoting when she said you need a public and a private position?
Best summary I've seen in a while. Here's a (You)
>prioritized winning the war over duty to the constitution.
He prioritized ideas, ideals, and will-o-the-wisp nonsense over the White race. Lincoln was a brilliant fool.
The United States has never recovered from the Civil War in more ways than one.
The catastrophic moralistic interventionism and racial egalitarianism that has come to characterize the American empire up the present day finds its inception in the Civil War.
you're a brainwashed fool who can't get over the fact that you were lied to in school about a war that was in fact not about slavery
tell me, why do you think the US cut all diplomatic ties with the Vatican after Lincoln's assassination?
He was a tyrant.
What's funny is that the modern left hates him because it gives modern republicans an excuse to say "we freed the blacks, democrats enslaved them, dems the real racists" so then they have to say how Lincoln was really a racist who didn't actually care that much about freeing them but was doing it to maintain control of the union. They don't actually go as far to say that this was a bad thing for him to do but it does inadvertently put them closer to the neo-confederates than they're probably comfortable with.
I think the left inadvertently did something good by removing jackson from the 20. That was disrespectful to begin with.
He freed the black people
The South was ruled by the democrats during the jim crow days.
Not much has changed, the democrats are just a lot more subtle with the chains these days. They still have the black population under their thumbs.
>tell me, why do you think the US cut all diplomatic ties with the Vatican after Lincoln's assassination?
He founded America 2.0
Confederates were run by the Jews. Jews ran the slave trade. They wanted to keep their slaver economy. The North couldn't compete with nigger slaves and wanted to intergrate into the Industrial Age.
1. Lincoln was going to deport the niggers until a spy/actor shot him and a Southerner Vice President took over, and kept them here.
2. Lincoln wanted to end Jew money by establishing a Greenback. He had to die.
3. Rednecks worship a dead magic Jew and are nostalgic about a Jew slave economy. The Deep South has a lot of good people, but the SouthWest rednecks (like Texas) are trash just a few notches above a Mexican.
>this man did more to destroy freedom than any other president
You're a retard who's never heard of the FED
Normies are only thought two things in america:
Lincon freed the slaves
Hitler killed the jews.
both of these are false.
This, Jackson Fucking hated banks, putting his face on the $20 bill was just the jews way of pussies on his grave anyway
see Jews ran the slave trade and Lincoln wanted out of their banker-slave economy. Southern men are fucking morons.
Sup Forums loves to suck rebel cock, but seem to forget that they're the faggots who imported niggers by the millions for their own personal gain, and therefore ruined the country
The South had been a thorn in the side of the USA ever since its independence, extremely obstructionist and sleazy. Oh yeah sure, we'll count niggers as 3/5ths of a person even though they can't vote just so you greedy faggots can have more seats in the house.
Good riddance.
Fuck my jewish made Google phone and its god damn auto correct
The "real" reason that even Liberal historians accepted before the 60's was that:
>He reunified the country
>He forced a recalcitrant South into industrialization
>He spurred Westward expansion and colonization
>He ensured the United States become a manufacturing powerhouse and used that against European competitors
Even Lincoln himself admitted 'muh slavery' was secondary. Whether or not you agree with the above aims and the means by which they were achieved, they are the true legacy of Lincoln that persists to this day.
>His decisions are also what led directly to the bloated federal government people love so much.
Not really.
This nigga knows what's up
>Sup Forums loves to suck rebel cock, but seem to forget that they're the faggots who imported niggers by the millions for their own personal gain, and therefore ruined the country
Don't post unless you're going to read the thread moron
Lincoln understood the war, an what was happning to the nation. It was his steering of the union and handling of the confederates that ensured there was a united states in 65. The slaves thing was just a part of this, but is certainly a great achievement on its own. We can only guess as to how hard he could have fallen or high he could have risen had he not been shot, but that he was and the time he was assassinated immortalised him righ after his great victory.
>saved the Union
balkanization would have been so much better
You do realize that huge parts of the south would legitimately be second world in standards of living, right?
War Criminal.
Washington was actually a piece of shit that made enemies with half of the country's elite and many servicemen. His presidency was successful, but he wasn't truly 'respected'.
Would you rather the Constitution be interpreted by Orrin Hatch and Dianne Feinstein?
Oh yeah, I don't deny that Lincoln was a tyrant, but there are fags that one one hand, have Revanchist Imperialist desires to take back christian lands from Central Asia to North Africa, with Constantinople and Jerusalem in tow, and on the other, hate Lincoln's guts for applying less force and spilling less blood reunifying a young nation than it took for Bismark to unify Germany.
>Washington was actually a piece of shit that made enemies with half of the country's elite and many servicemen. His presidency was successful, but he wasn't truly 'respected'.
Never heard that before. Why did he get re-elected?
we would have eventually sent the niggers back, instead leftists let them stay here and forced America in the multicultural direction
we're a mere few decades away from complete disaster, maybe less
Masonic tricks.
If by leftists you mean wealthy southerners then yes.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Because this user is full of shit and Washington was very much respected and beloved
If I remember rightly Jackson was the only president to pay off the national debt. He fucking hated the banks
he was actually a really wise guy. how many presidents have studied euclid's elements?
What about Clinton?
>wealthy Southerners passed the 14th Amendment
okay, wait no it was unequivocally the Abolitionists
He had a surplus in budget meaning we didn't acquire new debt for that year
poast moar
about anything
The South turned to shit in the first place because of the war and freed slaves you dumb nigger.
He won the war of southern aggression.
>seceding is aggression
Fort Sumter was rightful Southern clay.
>>Washington was actually a piece of shit that made enemies with half of the country's elite and many servicemen. His presidency was successful, but he wasn't truly 'respected'.
This is complete bullshit. Washington is the only president in history to be unanimously elected. Also his presidency was largely ineffectual. He didn't really try to do much because he never really wanted the office in the first place, they had to fucking ASK him to be president (after they offered to make him king, which he refused). Mind you there were no term limits in his day, he fucking chose to stop running for president after 2 terms, a precedent that LITERALLY EVERY PRESIDENT (except FDR) copied in good faith to follow the example he set.
"not respected" my fucking ass.
South turned shit because it was an agrarian society in an industrializing world.
If JWB didn't assassinate him Lincoln would've sent all the blacks to Liberia.
The South got fucked up by tariffs and clunged hard to an outdated agriculture economy.
this guy has it
Not only did he lock up journos,he sent troops to MD to stop them from joining the CSA,or even sending troops,and closely "monitored" elections across the country to prevent the "wrong folks" from getting into power.
JWB killed the South by leaving them with Johnson
If JWB didn't execute Lincoln,niggers would likely have been sent elsewhere or eugenicized out of existence.Also, do you think unified Atlantic and Gulf access and a common market wasn't worth it? Also that we as a country got to unilaterally expand out to the Pacific?That land and water rights from the Arctic to the Caribbean would be under US control?
This.At the time, the South was not only run by Jews (as were DC and NY at the time, as now),but beholden to Euro powers that wanted to split the US,and keep the South as an agrarian,pastoral state,to buy crops, tobacco, and cotton from(then sell back the manufactured goods).The South were useful idiots to accept such a proposal,but thinking in the short-term they saw tariffs as the worse option.
Thanks senpai
No.The South would think it would be independent, but Euro powers were already there to buy up all Dixie had from under them,turn them into tenants,then tie them up in war treaties.The Spanish Empire would have used Mexico as a launching platform to invade, and there would be no industrial support from the North to counter this.Britain would have done to you what they did to all their other colonies:purchase raw materials for cheap,manufacture them,sell the finished goods back to you at upmark,then use IP claims to prevent you from manufacturing.They were also ending slavery in their colonies while buying slave cotton from Dixie.If their demand was increasing,and supply of labor in their colonies decreasing,they likely would have pushed the South to breed more slaves/low wages (see name).
Actually, all of the south was owned by the federal government as well as the states. If the south seceded and then moved to Guatamala nobody would have cared.
Even from the colonial era, most the South was agrarian compared to the North.
Just to clarify: Washington received 26,088 popular voted for electors, from wealthy landowning male heads of household, from 2 states+132 electors from the other 13 states. Yes, he won by a landslide, but considering the circumstances, it was easier to achieve.
>Britain would have done to you what they did to all their other colonies:purchase raw materials for cheap,manufacture them,sell the finished goods back to you at upmark,then use IP claims to prevent you from manufacturing.
But the South would never have been a British colony. They wouldn't recognize those "IP claims", and the South would have protected its own trading interests. Maybe it is true they wouldn't have been able to protect themselves from subversion, but I imagine if they weren't dealing with the North they could repel any attempts the Spaniards made.
More importantly, leftists still ultimately doomed us to turning into a third world hellhole, it just will take around two centuries.
It was agrarian but still a vast amount of land rich with natural resources. They would have been fine developing other economic sectors.
>he wasn't respected
he disarmed a planned military coup by admitting his eyesight was going
Lincoln was far more detrimental because he ended sectionalism.
red pilled means you are anti-state. The alt right has stolen the term. Lincoln was not red pilled but he was a racist.
all of you are dumb af
So was Lincoln a homosexual or is that just a (((rumour)))
Everybody is homosexual to some degree
Speak for yourself faggot.
ended nullification and secession permanently .. killed the 10th amendment .. without threat of secession the 10th amendment is unenforceable .. up until lincoln there was always the fear that the union would dissolve (think brexit, etc.) .. lincoln demonstrated that anyone that tries to exit will be forced to remain .. establishment washington types (democrat and republican) love him for it ..
This. He was a fucking tyrant.