Cry me a river

You people complain about muslims coming to the west and not integrating yet you dont realize that you're the ones who started it by trying to westernize non western nations, specifically in the middle east and north africa, so as long as you meddle in our culture, society and start wars to control our resources and what currency we want to trade in, then dont get butthurt that we come to the west and dont assimilate, dont show any loyalty to your nations and screw your woman whatever chance we get just to get back at you, as it's only fair. Same goes for the hispanics in the u.s who dont assimilate and are conquering large chunks of america through demographics and forever changing the culture and language there.

Man up and admit to your faults, if not then dont expect us to show you any sympathy in regards to your race being wiped out via immigration and demographic changes.

It's all the same people who are at fault for both meddling in foreign countries and the attack against the West.

If you can't see that obvious truth, then you're a subhuman retard.

And who elects these policitians? If you cant see that a huge percentage of Americans for example support their warmongering government then youre the subhuman retard.

Do you think it would have been any different if H.W. Bush won instead of Clinton, or if Gore won instead of W. Bush, or McCain/Romney instead of Obama?

You're fucking delusional if you think that makes any difference. So instead of performing mental gymnastics in order to justify your envy and hatred of white people, why don't you recognize who the real culprits are?

i do have to agree that whites have made their own bed with all this. we have made terrible choices along the way that have set it up to where we can be manipulated. the others have also seen this and are using it as the wedge to conquer us. this fight isnt just to reclaim america or and europe for whites it is also a fight to face our own weaknesses. as much as we like to thing ourselves in a superior position we still have room to grow

Like we need your sympathy. Go fuck a goat, we need to glass your side of the planet.

We haven't made choices. The elites who buy and pay for our politicians made the choices. We vote for a rigged system. They all lie and do thing behind our backs while the NEws hush any news about it form us.
Fuck you fags. It's the Jews and rich fucks with money and organizations playing us lie fiddles with MSM.

No one pushed western civilization on anyone. You fuckers beg for it and call us racist if we share and racist if we don't.

Go fuck a goat shitskin.


take a chill pill geez. yes the elections are rigged but there are still a many who by into the agenda. if that isnt a weakness then what is? why are there white people thinking that filling their nation with a bunch of others is a good idea? why is it possible for them to be deceived or for others to take over our system if you cannot see this as a weakness then you are no better than the shitskins that cant see their own problems and why they dont advance.

i lol'd

>the west is responsible for them appropriating our culture

>you're the ones who started it


>an arab is larping as a natsoc

well there's a surprise!

pavlonian brainwashing through jewish and leftist media

Less compassion, more holocaust, got it

the rest of the world has long been conquered, and logically they are now turning their sights on the biggest threat, the people of their host countries

nobody's perfect, but if the measure is based on how easy it is to brainwash people, then you there's dozens of peoples/countries ahead of the West on that list and your false equivalence betrays your ignorance

right so... we'll keep banning your people and bombing your countries
got it.

So....more deportation, check

Western civilization is superior to anything that the African or Asian continent managed to produce. Prove me wrong.
> protip: you can't

Chinese kingdom both preceded and outlasted the Roman Empire by many centuries

True, and what are they doing now? The Great Leap Forward massacred millions upon millions of people, in the name of communism. Now,a s we speak, Chinese are regarded everywhere on the world as cruel, selfish, irresponsible business men that care only for the bottom line and who would gladly kill off all their workers if it means that the cheap electronics they produce will reach Western markets.
If we're talking ancient civilizations, think of the Arabs and the legacy they left in astronomy and math: what is left of Arabia now? Desert, goatfuckers and mountains of beheaded corpses.
Western civilization is the ONLY civilization on Earth, right now: whatever Asian/African country you might name as developed is, de facto, ruled by Western principles and economic forces.

>Cry me a river

Shill confirmed.

>what are they doing now?
try strongest economy in the world

>hated throughout the world
Sup Forums isn't the world

China will most likely be the dominant culture and language 100 years from now just because sheer economic power and population

Strongest economy based on factors counting empty concrete buildings and skyscrapers as as sign of growth.
Strongest economy based on crippling the health of its citizens and wrecking the environment.
Strongest economy based on a doctrine that dictates the individual is worthless.
It's not just pol, just look at all the videos of children being run over by cars and no chink batting an eyelid at their death.
They have no culture that anyone would like, need or want. They have no values and no moral system to ever compete with the West: the Western civilization is the best. Period.

your letting your feelings and opinions blind you from reality
the reality is that China is growing at a break neck pace

China is now the greatest importer of expensive wine because they're getting filthy rich
look at pictures of cities in china only 20 years ago
research how many rich people live in china now

yeah their regard for human life is low but like I said this is something only Sup Forumslacks talk about
it isn't some widely known stereotype

and whether we like it or not China is on the verge of replacing the US in terms of cultural and economic dominance

in 10 years chinese cars will be the norm in Europe and most likely the US

>Cry me a river
>nazi flag

spoiler: its the jews

For the most part it works. But doing it too much at once is a mess.What do I care? A Ariana Grande concert attack? Oh no, what will I ever do.

Chinese cars ? Are ypu retarded? Chinese cars are shot and have no brand power. Even high quality japanese/korean cars are a rarity on the streets despite them being the cheaper why would china become big in the car Industry. Their wages are rising and their cars are extremly dangerous dog shit

I still don't see any argument from your side about the values of Chinese culture that would make it superior to the Western civilization. That was the main point of my previous post: they have nothing to offer in terms of culture. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch.
In terms of development, there is no turning back now: the lynch-pin of growth will be energy and as the oil and coal reserves will be consumed into nothingness, the solar/wind/nuclear capabilities of the planet as of now are unable to match the demand.
China will not be culturally dominant, nor will it be an economic force if it cannot solve its energy dependance on fossil fuels. No Western country will last much longer, either, but until the inevitable collapse of human civilization, China will forever be the nation that butchered its past for the sake of 2 trillion cheap iPhones.

I'm not the one making the claim a lot of experts on the subject have made this prediction

as to why im guessing because dirt cheap new cars will be the big draw

hey mohammad whatcha doin

I guess if that's your question then I don't really have an answer
I can't really say that chinese culture is better in any way except they're very forward thinking

their culture was pretty good until they got colonized and they started getting cucked all over the place
less about money and more about nationalism and honoring tradition

but I'm just pointing out that there's a very high chance that a few hundred years into the future china will be the dominant culture

would be pretty shit to see the dystopian future US with a bunch of Chinese signs everywhere
but I can't choose what the future holds

1. Delete this fucking flag you disgrace to national socialism, Even the nazi LARPers hate you.
2. The US are hardcore capitalist, they westernise only to suck more money and resources. Nobody did it because MUH HUMANITY

Fair enough, user, fair enough.
If I were to say anything positive about the Chinese, is that they would be the only country able to pull off something similar to the scenario in the 2012 movie.
If they are as driven to actually follow through with their claim to become the top country in the fight against climate change, they could improve the lives of their citizens and impact the planet on a global scale, thus tipping the balance in their favor.