That's a cool navy you've got there, America.
It'd be a shame if it was crewed by buffoons who can't steer out of the way of a great big fuck off cargo ship.
That's a cool navy you've got there, America.
It'd be a shame if it was crewed by buffoons who can't steer out of the way of a great big fuck off cargo ship.
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chinks are notoriously bad drivers
You can't blame this on the Japs. A naval destroyer is far easier to manoeuvre than a cargo ship.
>damage 20 feet above the waterline.
>no damage to the hull itself.
>damage over 30 feet horizontallytoward the center of the ship.
>obvious crumple zones showing high pressure pushing DOWN on the ship.
>totaly hit by a merchant ship, not an airburst from a missile.
How many wars did the British Navy win against the US Navy again?
Oh yea, 0.
As if your navy is still deployed wordwide, its not the 1700's anymore limey bastard
>accidentally read 'merchant' in URL as 'migrant'
>excited and giddy for just a split second at the thought of a thousand refugees getting keel hauled and smashed against the rudders
Oh well. Next time.
They were flips
American military is no longer the proletariat, headed for it''s demise
This is more embarrassing than that time Obama had to buy our sailors back with $1 billion in random currencies
It was the flips. I've seen what they refer to as sailors, and they're a fucking joke... A ship crewed entirely by them is literally more dangerous than pirates.
really, i thought they were rulers of le seas
That ships had it, completely buckled.
are you fucking retarded?
Pirates and an occasional warship.
He wants a larpening, so, yes.
How many battles have the US navy won against the Royal Navy without superior numbers or other such advantages;
Oh yeah, practically none.
No one fucking cares limey. Results are results.
We are US Navy, we steer out of the way for nobody
>Merchant vessel
The jews strike again!
My god, thanks for the autism
The ocean is American land
Fuck off jap commies
fuck you, YOU MOVE
*teleports into a eagle*
And I'm showing the results and they favour the royal navy.
You're fucking dense "mate"
>Trump is president
>America literally falling apart
>93 million Americans a day
found the newfag
Explain why.
>crashing a slow ass ship into another ship
how, there's so much sea, so much space, just fucking how
So this... is the power of the American navy
Didn't this happen months ago?
Or is this twice now?
This matey knows whats up
It doesn't matter that this ship got smashed up. It wouldn't matter if 10 more destroyers randomly had collisions tomorrow.
The United States Navy is still the most powerful Navy in the entire world because we spend so much goddamn money on our military.
It's nice you have pride in your country's Navy but at the end of the day it doesn't mean jack shit compared to the amount of ships we could theoretically throw at any adversary and the war fighting capabilities our ships have.
Sit down, consumer.
It only takes one to three good missiles to take out each boat in your very expensive fleet.
Also go back to lebbit.
>doesn't know who Obama Leaf is
found the newtard
Fighting sea battles you cant win is a failing tactic in itself
You lack reading comprehension "mate", I never said the Royal Navy is better than the American navy presently, that would be delusional. Read the comment I was originally replying to.
>Not showing US victories from the war of 1812
You fucking britbongs cant even remember which wars you've fought
>japan again
pearl harbor 2
prepare the nukes!
Airburst missiles aren't designed to take out ships you fucking retard.
Anti ship weapons are designed to poke holes in the hull so it sinks or becomes water logged so it can't move quickly, if at all.
Leaked internal memo from the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy high command.
What does it mean?
A few victories against an overstretched task force, not that impressive.
Guarantee you cant name one anti-missile weapons system on a US naval vessel
I lold.
8/10 made me chuckle
It was a Filipino ship but ok
I can't bare to look at that, it's like money gore.
I'm not familiar with military ships but are they modular enough for that damage to be recoverable ?
You mean, like the Aegis?
I can, however, name the USS Donald Duck, er, USS Donald Cook, that had its lights turned out.
>moving the goalposts
You lost, time and time again. Literally no one but you gives a flying fuck about what may have happened in your little fanasty world where things went differently. The conditions were what they were. You lost. Whining how it "wasnt fair" doesnt mean it didnt happen. Ok, sure, maybe you would have won if things went your way. Cool. But they didnt. You lost. Thats history - youre alternate opinions mean fuck all.
You don't even know what a weapons system is.
I'm just a lowly E-5 so don't take my word as gold but I'd say she has at least a year of being in the yards till she's seaworthy again.
We've got an even better army
I'm not moving the goalposts, just telling you that those victories weren't valuable or prestigious. And what did we lose?
Except the US navy in1776 was French and Spanish except for a few small coastal ships most were foreign.
You asked for when did the US score a 1v1 victory. There were several in the War of 1812.
It's ok, second classes run the navy
>one humvee
no one cares lol
Google John Paul Jones or our victories in the Great Lakes
I did also write: "Oh yeah, practically none." There were obviously some victories for the Americans in fair battles. You understand I was replying to an inflammatory post and I was making a snarky response?
The file would've been too big if I included all of them. It'd be even better if the sound could be included. The soldiers recording it seemed pretty psyched about it.
If you're referring to the battle of lake erie the American force outnumbered the British by quite a few ships, can't remember the number.
Never lost a naval engagement, never lost a war.
eternal anglocucks btfo
What's the matter Americans, did you navy ship's Windows go into sleeping move to conserve energy? The debt is hitting you hard.
>what did we lose?
North America
Cool navy you got there, Pajeet.
It would be a shame of it was crewed by bafoons who could tell a whale apart from a enemy submarine.
>that happened on German soil
lol yurop eternal cucks that we use as practice grounds
We were better off without those treacherous colonists, all the good ones went to Canada anyway.
Oh, so that's where Trudeau got the "if you fight the enemy, they win" shit. The eternal anglo is always lurking.
Why are the Brits so salty against the Burger Navy. Stop it Dad!
They never change
Ar you going to take the extra time to make sure it's not a whale or are you going to eliminate a potential threat immediately?
Ex-Sailor here, nothing shocks me about this photo.
Starboard side impact...
flip diasporas are the worst
They took the extra time. Two they torpedoed, one was gunned down by a helicopter.
>gunning suspected submarines down from a helicopter.
You can't make shit up, that's this good
It is Trump's fault, probably Russian hackers are also involved.
ITT: we dindu nuffin, is whitey fault
shit weather going through that area
This. All the baggage of being a Flip without the good things of being American.
exactly. we have to shoot these traitors if they come back
It's a leaf, the worst kind
I have a cousin that literally brandishes his accent and talks about how better canacuck is like i'm some idiot. It's fucking awful
Checked and wrecked
Show me one ASM with an airburst fuse... delayed detonation is the opposite of airburst and what everyone uses you fucking spastic
>talks about how better canacuck is like i'm some idiot
YOU are part of the problem. When will majority of flips change that kind of mentality??
My grammar is shit man
I'm talking about how he tells good things about canada even though there's the internet to search it up and there's forums with other canadians we can ask directly over the internet
You get the idea
The Royal Navy won the war of 1812. USS Cheapeake.
Why would anyone blame Japanese?
the cargo ship crew is just looking for that white dick we always want
Proxies don't get to choose their owners.
are you a young clean shaven boi?
and if so, have you thought of moving to another country?
>merchant vessel
what did they mean by this?
Look it's a shiny poo flag.
I wanted to go to Sweden