Dear Honkeys

We blacks agree to go back to Africa, if all you white devils go back to Europe. Deal?

this means we need to keep moving in, hurry up guys

>green eyes

Sounds like a good deal to me, as long as all the Muslims and Jews leave Europe :^)

As soon as muslims are out of europe.

White's conquered America, it's theirs.

How about blacks agree to give up black culture which is ultimately actually MTV executive culture (and guess who they are!) and white people agree to stop calling you nigger and even stop treating you differently (because you won't be acting differently)?

Oh no, self responsibility. What if I'm a nigger because I bullied the smart blacks? What if I'm the problem? No, no, back to the honkeys, kill whitey, whitey be putting me down.

I'm 1/8th native American what now nigger?

>Muslims are conquering Europe, it's theirs
Fuck off kiwi

reminder to report all flag troll posts so we can go back to just the country flags

I would do that in a heartbeat if all the niggers left Europe


You inherit all of America

Whiteys need to fuck off back to the caucus mountains where you came from. America is our land now.

It will be theirs if the resident Europeans don't stop it.

nice bait

Which is why they need to be booted out. When your house if flooding you don't let in more water. You put up sandbags to keep the water from getting in. Only an idiot would think more water can solve the problem.

I agree, kick out the sandniggers. If abandoning the USA means whites survive then it will be abandoned.

Deal! Go back to Scotland and drive the muds out while the blacks go back to Africa and hunt lions?? This sounds great!! Where do I sign up?

I would do it. Europeans complain that immigrants are unassimilated.

Oh...I'll show them unassimilated. I'll show them unassimilated just right.


Fucking sweet.. it's time for me and my native brothers to practice shamanistic AnCap

We are going to do all the mescaline

But Europe is full allready. And Europe is full of muslims and blacks. What would be diferent for amerifags? I still think race war is only solution.
Blacks and muslim have diferent way of life.
Main problem is black and muslims can chimp out and police dont do nothing becose meh racism.
I hope more and more blacks and muslims get more and more aggresive, violent and racist.

Than maybe whites take their lands back and clear the streets from filth.

We are better than you subhumans.
But our education is brainwashing. People get soft, naive and stupid. Black and muslim lives have no value. 99% of them dont deserve mercy.
There are good one like Denzel Washington.
But honestly moust blacks are borderline idiots.

ok you first

Whites settled, built and defended the USA.

>We blacks agree to go back to Africa, if all you white devils go back to Europe. Deal?

Agreed, nonwhites would have to leave Europe as a whole though.

Im serious. GTF back to containment continent where you belong. I shudder thinking at the death toll that ensued once you cumskins started venturing out to "explore the world".

You dumb cavemen have the nerve to:
>steal/buy us from our homeland in large numbers
>keep us as slaves in a foreign land for a couple centuries
>further economically, physically and culturally discriminate against us for another 100 years
>then have the nerve to tell us to go back to africa, a place that we have been displaced from for a longer time than most of you whites have, who came here in the19th and 20th century immigration waves

What should poolacks do?

>There are some good ones like Denzel Washington

Kek why is he a good one

So, how you determine who's black or not? will you dig out an nazi memorabilia with a skin color guide to tell appart?

First it's spelled honky you dumbass

Secondly no fuck you

god bless ameriha

Forced 23andme registration

I know that's gonna upset the sneks but it's the only way

im tired of this shit. people have a right to travel, as a human right. no one can claim the land for "their" people. my wife wont even let refugees facing certain death into the US. she doesnt even believe they exist. if they are at risk, the authorities would kill them, so if they get here, they arent at risk. im telling you, racism is a viral disease, highly communicable. you are all literally sick in the head.

we still get a better continent , N'guya

Why would we leave? North America is ours, we made it ours.

You didn't make anything without us forcing you to, dindu.

Fuck off back to Africa. We're going to make you slaves there in the diamond mines. No need for you here in a civilized world now that it's built.

You're antiquated machinery that just breaks down and causes accidents. You're dangerous. Time to be retired.


So, where's the cutout exactly?

Have you seen where the water comes from? It's all turbulent. Also it's not the waters fault, you disrupted the river by building the dam. We need to let more water in to replace the water that was in the house.

What did he say that was wrong? It doesn't matter if it is through conquest or through the native population committing suicide, if nothing is done to drive them out then Europe would rightfully become a Muslim continent (just like America will become a Mexican country if the same thing isn't done).

jesus, what a misrepresentation of the average black female

here OP, for future use

Let's say 5%

Australia got the bantz

Okay, but you might end with some false positives here.

Best part is Europeans don't want Americans and Africans don't want American niggers

No deal. We came here and conquered this land and developed it, it's ours. Your just visitors here. My ancestors came here and settled the Appalachia valley in the 1600's and never owned slaves. So fuck off.
>muh cumskins aint tough lel
>built the most powerful nation on earth, in earths history
>muh coonin army
Come get some .308 you shit talking nigger faggot I cant wait to start hanging you loud mouth lip smakin bix nood jerrycurl cunts again.

We'll keep North America and Europe, and we're kicking you worthless subhuman niggers out.

Hail Victory.

>literally invented civilization as we know it, so much so that white culture is world culture
>invented the machine your ooga booga-ing on right now
>all blacks manage to do is shit themselves, kill each other, and steal shit
>at anytime could have went back to their own place of origin and made their own black-everything but waited for whitey to make it for them, then proceed to bitch when it isn't the way the wanted it

You are literally lower than the dirt, and you all deserve everything that happened to your kind. I'm not sorry in the fucking slightest my ancestors fucked you guys' shit up. Fuck yourself nigger.

My family owned slaves, cry about it.


Why don't Europeans want Americans? I mean, some of us are annoying as tourists, true, and we're overly patriotic at times, but are we really that bad that Euros cannot even tolerate being around some average white American?

That would be best case scenario. Everyone goes back to their home land

>>steal/buy us from our homeland in large numbers

Nobody "stole" you from your homeland you deluded negroid. Your OWN people made war against you, enslaved you, then sold you around the world. You just ended up in the best country on earth. You should be grateful!

>keep us as slaves in a foreign land for a couple centuries

Let's be honest, it was only like 1-2% of the population that engaged within slavery, and of that, you were only cotton pickers. Nothing more.

>further economically, physically and culturally discriminate against us for another 100 years

Again, your own people have embraced degrading cultures and take pride in acting like animals. Seriously, you make songs and music videos glorifying that sort of behavior like it's something to be "proud" of or something. Grow up already and start taking responsibility for your own actions. That's what your successful black people tell all you degenerates to do, yet you only ever scorn them and call them "uncle toms". It's time to grow up.

>then have the nerve to tell us to go back to africa, a place that we have been displaced from for a longer time than most of you whites have, who came here in the19th and 20th century immigration waves
> Implying all black living within America have been here since slavery

Top kek, you are delusional. Maybe you should've paid attention in class rather than smoking that joint during it.

>yfw you realize you'll never truly be a part of the pic attached

I'm going to speculate and say that it's because we have different virtues and ideas about how gubberment should be ran that conflicts heavily with what they believe. And that they believe the majority of us are stupid and fat and don't want that image of themselves. I'm sure one can actually tell you.

Oh, and one more thing. Jews go to Israel where they are walled off. Nobody is allowed to immigrate anywhere other than their own continent or country.

Only one of us was forced here against our will Blacky and it wasn't the whites

> Best part is Europeans don't want Americans

Best part is Europeans would rather have Africans and Arabs raping and blowing them selves up in mass rather than conservative law-abiding whites with a backbone thick enough to stand up to their own government.

So we'll live with the Slavs and give them weapons to take over Western Europe and make it uncucked again


How about you stop being retarded chimpanzees? Deal?

>in mass

No we don't want them.

I have a feeling they wouldn't like us either out of association with people like Soros. Regardless of if Europe likes it or not, they are going to be white again which is a transformation that must take place, and we're going to be the centre of that.

Let's accept a few things and let's all be fine with it, whether or not blacks have more testosterone is questionable but they certainly interact with it better. They tend to be more muscular and in men testosterone can actually make them friendly and relaxed, especially if that's the cool culture. But they're not as smart usually, sorry!

If you somehow truly westernized all the blacks, you'd have a nation of sales people, media people and artists. They'd be western, so entrepreneurial and so "white" they'd have this forced relaxed, calm demeanour, but not many of them are into the high technicalities so not really STEM. This would work. This is preferable to a nation of gangstas and dead beat dads. Beta white people, the same that really love cucking, don't want this because it's competition and they still care about money.

Uh and black women, I actually prefer ghetto black women to feminist black women. But I guess it's no great loss!

newcastle, last week
2 whites v 4 sudanese

made me kek Juan


Bro, whites don't fight each other, you'll fight a black because they actually do. If you try to start me I'll just feign confidence, back out and later tell anyone I wasn't scared just didn't want to fight. That's "white" because we expect aggressive people to be somewhat unlikable. And they are. Niggers. For us, nonviolence and even pacifism can be the cool culture.

Also, if that's self defence only that's applaudable. It's citizens justice, okay, they no longer have faith in the system to deal with Apex.

Sure, you make sure were all gathered at the same place where white civilization once started, we regroup and cultivate our sense of purpose and direction, get rid of the demoralized clout of hopelessness that surrounds us. What do you think will happen next?

That's right, we'll conquer the world again. Only this time we will be wary of repeating some past mistakes - if you "KNOWADDAMSAYIN"

Why are shows like allowed to exist? Can there be a show called "Dear Black People" with a "sassy" white being annoyed by nogs?

> If you try to start me I'll just feign confidence, back out and later tell anyone I wasn't scared just didn't want to fight.
It's 1am in Newcastle and ice exists, sometimes you have to fight

I know the guy without the shirt (ripped off him) they were walking home and the sudos staunched them and said 'a bit late for white boys to be out?'
>For us, nonviolence and even pacifism can be the cool culture.
nah mate, that's they want, can twist it any way you want, we look like pussies.

Time to fight, was in self defence but it doesn't matter, they were Sudanese immigrants taking advantage of our lax laws as they always have.

More of us fighting back less of them will, want to fight and will think twice before nigging.

I have another idea. How about we kill all you niggers? That would be a lot cheaper and quicker. Let's be honest, you beasts aren't human and don't deserve to live on this Earth.

Being this stupid...

Im pretty sure more whites will return to the USA than blacks because whites will be able to afford it.

K, but can you take the mexicans with you?
They actually work

Do eeet

If non whites left Europe I'd go back assuming I'm allowed in. What niggers in America would do at that point would be irrelevant to me. You could keep this shithole although you'd probably get wiped out by mestizos if you stayed. I'd advise you to try your luck in your homeland as bad as that would be.

It would just turn into Mexico part 2 and be just as much of a shit hole.

If the Middle Easterners leave Europe, then sure we have a deal

The African slave trade was bigger and more violent. Blacks have never been civilized and their violence was finally pushed back into africa and then they blamed everyone else for it. You are subhumans.

The problem isn't the Muslims invading, it's the whites actively helping them invade and preventing whites from stopping them.

Spencer is that you?

Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya.

we were here first


> we wuz quaaaainz n shiiiit

im fine going back to europe, but you realize we're going to crusade that mother fucker because it is currently occupied by cucks and muslims

pic is what we'll fight for

I'd sign that deal in a heartbeat, sorry Burgerbros

we have a deal. what do we pay you in? beads? ebt cards? rim caps?

blacks in the US don't even look like africans, they've been on a cold climate and racemixed for so long, they are their own ethnicity now

I wonder what they will look like a few centuries down the road

Sure bud you first

I'm 1/8th as well and i say whites can stay

sorry for what, giving up your home when we move in Euro user? better get /comfy/ a lot of us would probably take that deal and more if it meant gathering all the niggers into one nukeable shithole for the greater good of mankind

I would have to admit that millions of Boers and Americanised Dutchmen would certainly bring about some change here, for the better. Finally getting muh gunz

We keep America, nigger.

>We blacks agree to go back to Africa, if all you white devils go back to Europe. Deal?

So where does Shaun King go?

Is that how you got here? Bargaining?

lel sit down, nigger. You'll go where you're put, like always.

I don't give a fuck about blacks they can stay

¡Dios mio!

>whine about things within my control because I'm a lazy nigger
>sell slaves to whites for a couple centuries because your dumb niggers
>further economically, physically, and culturally crying about everything because your a whiny nigger
>then have the nerve to tell anyone anything? Work hard and stfu you whiny nigger

respect is earned niggerfaggots. what have you done to earn anyones respect? invented AIDs and raped a buncha single mothers of 17 kids, half of which you also raped?

The last time black lives mattered was right before the end of the civil war.


Sounds good, brotha Ja'kwan.

That gorilla is actually prettier than an average black woman

Black women are in the uncanny valley between human and beast making them hideous

That gorilla is a beautiful creature